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Apple      Bloom

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yeah, I typo'd, and I lost a small part of my already low sanity JUDV1.png




Just turn of the safe search VnCRQ.png


Prepare thy brainbleach™

Interesting. For once I let my curiosity win this time and did exactly what you said. No disturbances in the force over here.

  • Brohoof 1
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Was it Discord?
No disturbances in the force over here.


Huh... Seems like you guys got a different search results than me ExokU.png


The one I got was a gore fanart A6r08.png


What happened, and should I even care?


If you don't care, why should we bother to tell you?

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~All work and no play makes me a dull boy!~


jealous at what you possess. :c

Bleh, don't be. It's nothing but a simple beginner kit. :/

FUCK! (you know I'm mad when I say prophanities). Now I had the trouble with the emotes! Sorry Kyro! The original post was: "I know. I have seen that little part in your signature enough times already. XD (Laughing emote). But I was wondering why haven't you finished Twilight's? Is it because you were waiting until Season 3 was over? ("Huh?" emote)" Stupid bug whatever...

And now you feel our pain!

@, What do you think of this version? 

Listening now.

>googled "where is your good now mlp">a very very disturbing image appears [img=http://denver.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw5744-fluttershywhatisthisidonteven.jpg] Never again...The chicken had betrayed His Highness, the end is neigh

I didn't find anything but a cute Derpy pic.
  • Brohoof 1
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The one I got was a gore fanart

Well, the gory ones that I saw were the one with Derpy and those really creepy eyes, and then one of Twilight getting dissected, complete with lines of cutting at all. *shudders*

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The one I got was a gore fanart A6r08.png

Does it say Dishonesty on it?


Well, the gory ones that I saw were the one with Derpy and those really creepy eyes, and then one of Twilight getting dissected, complete with lines of cutting at all. *shudders*

I got those too. But did you turn of the Safety?

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It's not too bad, . Not my style but doesnt bother me at all like most new songs outside of my normal genres do.

Very peaceful, which I like.


I have the very odd urge to remix this dubstep style if I had the correct know-how.

  • Brohoof 1
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I got those too. But did you turn of the Safety?

I did...huh...maybe Star's computer is possessed and wanted him to see something really, really creep. Oh well. I'm not searching any more. ^_^

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I'm not remembering anything I want to forget~~♪

Pinkie looking super happy.

Rarity looking super cute.

Spike looking super classy.

All in the Gangnam style pose.

Vinyl looking all "LET'S ROCK THIS JOINT!"

Fluttershy getting blown off by the sheer power of the subwoofers.






  • Brohoof 1
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It's not too bad, . Not my style but doesnt bother me at all like most new songs outside of my normal genres do.

Very peaceful, which I like.


I have the very odd urge to remix this dubstep style if I had the correct know-how.

Curious. I didn't get the mention for this. And me, I thought it was supposed to be a little sad. It takes away the pop-like tune, slows it down, and allows a different interpretation to come about.


And I'd want to hear that. But it would kinda make it so different.


Oh well. I'm not searching any more.

I as well. 

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I as well. 

Why search for that which would corrupt us when we can't even find it, right?


Also, I just realized I became a Bird probably today...YAHOO! :D

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Well, the gory ones that I saw were the one with Derpy and those really creepy eyes, and then one of Twilight getting dissected, complete with lines of cutting at all. *shudders*

Oh, God. I got that derpy one as well, and those weren't eyes. They were holes with spider like creatures in them.


Fuck that is disgusting...


How many pieces is it?

5 with hihat and cymbal, which, I'm guessing is either splash or crash as its unlabeled.
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Operation MindBleach™, go!













How is sadness mind bleach?

Also, I just realized I became a Bird probably today...YAHOO! :D

I may remain a Bunny forever. Or somehow all the art requests and Advanced RP posts will stack up and then I'll evolve!

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Curious. I didn't get the mention for this. And me, I thought it was supposed to be a little sad. It takes away the pop-like tune, slows it down, and allows a different interpretation to come about.


And I'd want to hear that. But it would kinda make it so different.



I as well.

Hmm, I didnt feel much sad from it. But I can definitely see where you can pick up on that from.


And I'm not skilled enough to properly do so, but I can dream.

And a chillwave/step would be able to keep the slow peacefullness without making it too different.

All this talk about having a drum kit makes me so damn jelly... :(

Me Sowwy. :( :/

Operation MindBleach™, go!




Dammit! Mindbleach doesnt have to be sad! I hate that flavor!

Especially that Trixie. :(

Edited by TGAP DJ HVen MM the Mighty
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5 with hihat and cymbal, which, I'm guessing is either splash or crash as its unlabeled.


Is it really tiny? Then it's a splash. I would imagine it's just a normal crash though, since it's your only other cymbal.


What brand is it?

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