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Apple      Bloom

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Nah, it's just that I neglect cleaning it. I got like a forest's worth of spider cobweb there
Pull out your broom and hit it against the ceiling. Be sure to wear a mask. 
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Holy fuck.

How do you test for that...?




Think about it; Something like that would need a supercomputer far beyond what we have, and the entities in the simulation becoming self-aware would take a lot of stuff...


(Now who's to say the simulators aren't in their own simulation...?)

Edited by Ganaram_Bloodrune
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Pull out your broom and hit it against the ceiling. Be sure to wear a mask.


The last time I did that, something HUGE fell off to me. I scared shitless, and I'm still scared :c

Maybe tomorrow or next month I'll do it. It's not like they ever came down or anything.


Going to an all-nighter at my school, I probably won't be on the forums until tomorrow.


Hard mode: do it with the lights' off :V


Holy fuck.


More like freakin' bullshit to me :x


To translate, if energy signatures in our simulations match those in the universe at large, there's a good chance we, too, exist within a simulation.


Dude what



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How do you test for that...?




Think about it; Something like that would need a supercomputer far beyond what we have, and the entities in the simulation becoming self-aware would take a lot of stuff...


(Now who's to say the simulators aren't in their own simulation...?)


I dunno, but apparently they're gonna do it.


Wonder if the results will come in on the 21st.


More like freakin' bullshit to me :x


They say they have sufficient grounds to believe and test this, so...


i've got you covered.





Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 2
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i've got you covered.

I see... (Ganaram looks at bum)


I dunno, but apparently they're gonna do it.


Wonder if the results will come in on the 21st.

Or they shut down the simulation on the 21st... Or the power goes out on their computers... And we die along with it... (Not pleasant...)

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They say they have sufficient grounds to believe and test this, so...


They say :V


Still reading the linked pages from that article. Most of the time their arguments are nothing but a bunch of "what if"s

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you know me all too well~


I don't think there's anyone here that doesn't know you well.


Ow, I bite the inside of my mouth while eating a sandwich. And I'm going to a party later...


Ouch. I was just eating a sandwich...


What kind of party?


Or they shut down the simulation on the 21st... Or the power goes out on their computers... And we die along with it... (Not pleasant...)




Most of the time their arguments are nothing but a bunch of "what if"s


Just like everyone else's arguments.

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Ow, I bite the inside of my mouth while eating a sandwich. And I'm going to a party later...


Is it bleeding? o_o


As long as it's not swollen or bleeding, you should be fine


Just like everyone else's arguments.


The articles was even worse than that. They don't really have the necessary hardware to really do the simulation, but the predicted that at least the result would be 'equal' to our world, which of course means that we are inside a simulation. Either the articles aren't really complete or IU'm missing something in here


Two, I need yall to tell me if the image in spoilers is animated or not.


Works fine!


How do you do that? o_o

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