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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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I mean, despite it being an assortment of random numbers and letters, you can tell at a glance if someone is impersonating someone else.


And there are programs that allow you to make tripcodes that are easier to "read." You can make them spell out words and such if you want to.



What do you mean by "highly questionable"?


2008 was the last decent year, I think. Now it's all porn.



4chan's random board. Don't go there.

Sounds delightful.

  • Brohoof 2
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I know about 4chan from others mentioning it but to be honest never spent little to no time on that site >.>. 
Smart boy.

Warning: as im sure you will visit /mlp/ being a brony and all, you will see shit you probably wont like. Its generally safe during the day (as far as I've seen) and gets a bit more risque at night. Not always though.

This is the Internet. There is no day or night.
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Is it bad that I actually like this kind of stuff?



What do you mean by "highly questionable"?

Banning everyone in a random thread for like ten second or so, and permaban anyone who said "baned by mods, back in ten second flat"


it's kinda random though. i didn't see anything special yesterday :c

  • Brohoof 3
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Smart boy.

This is the Internet. There is no day or night.

Doesn't mean there isn't one for those outside of it.


Especially when what usually happens there revolves around the outside worlds time.


Is it bad that I actually like this kind of stuff?aA30I.gifBanning everyone in a random thread for like ten second or so, and permaban anyone who said "baned by mods, back in ten second flat"it's kinda random though. i didn't see anything special yesterday :c

Depends on what you mean by 'like'.


But she is really cute/adorable/pretty/whatever you wanna call her in that specific pic and get-up.

Edited by TGAP Haven
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Is it bad that I actually like this kind of stuff?



Banning everyone in a random thread for like ten second or so, and permaban anyone who said "baned by mods, back in ten second flat"


it's kinda random though. i didn't see anything special yesterday :c

Ahhh Cadence looks so cute here :3 Anything blushing is a sight for sore eyes too me  :wub:


@, This is the cute vid I found. Fennecs are so CUTE!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN4t9O3sGP0

Those look like rats mixed with chihuahua's o.O! 


They are cute in their own way though.

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Ahhh Cadence looks so cute here :3 Anything blushing is a sight for sore eyes too me  :wub:

You should totes snip big pictures/gifs when quoting them. Less scrolling and it can be life or death for those on mobile/shitty internet.

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Smart boy.


Quit that, you.


Is it bad that I actually like this kind of stuff?


Banning everyone in a random thread for like ten second or so, and permaban anyone who said "baned by mods, back in ten second flat"


it's kinda random though. i didn't see anything special yesterday :c


No, it's fucking cute.


Mods never do that kind of shit anymore.

  • Brohoof 1
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See what I mean  :wub:


Goatee's FTW! 


Lookin fresh dere, guy.


I actually shaved my stache off as well. Though, it was due to a small accident of taking a tiny lil chunk out of it. <_<



Lookin fresh dere, guy.


I actually shaved my stache off as well. Though, it was due to a small accident of taking a tiny lil chunk out of it. <_<

thank yew, thank yew. i just wanted it gone, it was bugging my nose and mouth

  • Brohoof 1
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Hello everyone! Happy new year! I hope you all are having a wonderful time.


I'm not. Only because I updated my Itunes. And now I can't import entire folders of music into my library. Does anyone know if there is something I can do to make it so, or go back to an older version? Your help would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Brohoof 1
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Mods never do that kind of shit anymore.


I just spontaneously read your post and the post you quoted. And I agree, our mods aren't complete Nazis.

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