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Apple      Bloom

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iz not! (okay, probably is too, but not what I meant :´c)

have you even met Scri?

but yes, i know where that comes from. it was a Pound Puppies ad that aired around the first season of MLP. he was supposed to say "secret, but fun!" but everyone else took it as if he said "secret butt fun!". that ad even got removed due to that.

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have you even met Scri?

but yes, i know where that comes from. it was a Pound Puppies ad that aired around the first season of MLP. he was supposed to say "secret, but fun!" but everyone else took it as if he said "secret butt fun!". that ad even got removed due to that.


oh, I loved that ad... the "secret, but fun" was always the last thing I heard at the end of watching an episode because it didn´t get cut off as it was recorded xD.

and... I haven´t met Scri... do I wanna?

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so i guess that means my butt is best butt, right?


if it both makes her butt chubby, AND it has to go out, it's a match made in heaven to me.

Quite possibly. :3


Same for me, Viscra. Same for me.


how did that escalate so fast... from banjos to pony butt in a few hours WAT R U DOIN????

because poni butt.


I would say Dashie and AJ has the best butts, I mean its all the physical activity right? 


Well... never expected to be saying that. EVER.

No. Due to the physical activity they'd have the worst out of everyone. If we were making it as close to real life that is. Physical acivity would diminish from the size, bubbliness, and all around juicyness.


In other words, they would suck horribly.


Celestia butt is superior butt








This is hilarious right now img-1416340-1-laugh.png


We are so close to being a clop thread... 

Actually, we're really far away from being a clop thread. Just talking about butts and posting a few pictures that arent even saucy does not make one a clop thread.

i approve of spamming butts, even though it'll probably get all of us banned.

A worthy cause, my friend.



Just keep it at a slightly saucy level and you're fine. ;3


Sadly, I have none to post that fits that requirement. :3

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there is pony butt hidden in that .gif!


You know, I was thinking about that as I was posting it.

Fuck it, I'm going to hell anyways.






Edited by IronPuddinG
  • Brohoof 4
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You know, I was thinking about that as I was posting it.

Fuck it, I'm going to hell anyways.






>Implying you go to hell for posting sweet pony ass



And dayum. :wacko:


i didn't know you liked that. o:

I like a lot of butts, mah dear~ ;)

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