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Apple      Bloom

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It depends really, mental stuff is what would usually keep me awake. But I do take Adderall every morning and that wakes me up and helps me be awake even when sleep deprived and stuff. But I have had trouble sleeping in the past and stuff, it's not fun.


And yeah, I love where I work, but right now I'm only a temporary or seasonal position and they don't have anywhere to put me in the store, even though I am looking and it seems they have enough job openings, I'm going to try to apply for one or two of them to try and stay.


I work for Home Depot currently. Since my interests it's a great place to be working. For me at least.


One of my coworkers takes Adderall as well. He's suggested it to me, but I won't be taking that. I'll just tough it out. I might take melatonin supplements though since it's a little more natural, though I've been warned by a coworker not to go overboard on that as it might make me just more tired in general.


Good luck, man. I hope you can get another position there, especially since you like it. It's always a blessings to have a job you like.

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One of my coworkers takes Adderall as well. He's suggested it to me, but I won't be taking that. I'll just tough it out. I might take melatonin supplements though since it's a little more natural, though I've been warned by a coworker not to go overboard on that as it might make me just more tired in general.


Good luck, man. I hope you can get another position there, especially since you like it. It's always a blessings to have a job you like.


I take Adderall because of my Autism, well I have a high functioning version, and it can be a pain to deal with sometimes. And since symptoms of that can be very similar to ADHD and stuff, I do think it does help to keep me focused, but it's a huge expense, and stuff. The only problems is the times I have not taken it because I have ran out or forgot it somewhere, I just can't function, my body longs for a bed all day and it's very annoying.


And I hope so too, but it's not very likely. I need to find a career or something like that, but I am still not quite sure what exactly I want to do, something to do with plumbing or electrical work, since those are where my interests lie, though I would say my dream job would be a lineman, like working on streetlights or power lines, I would love to work on those huge transmission lines, but the thing is I dunno how easy it would be to get that type of job, and plumbing or electrician jobs will be much easier to find because they are needed and no one really wants to be that anymore.

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I take Adderall because of my Autism, well I have a high functioning version, and it can be a pain to deal with sometimes. And since symptoms of that can be very similar to ADHD and stuff, I do think it does help to keep me focused, but it's a huge expense, and stuff. The only problems is the times I have not taken it because I have ran out or forgot it somewhere, I just can't function, my body longs for a bed all day and it's very annoying.


And I hope so too, but it's not very likely. I need to find a career or something like that, but I am still not quite sure what exactly I want to do, something to do with plumbing or electrical work, since those are where my interests lie, though I would say my dream job would be a lineman, like working on streetlights or power lines, I would love to work on those huge transmission lines, but the thing is I dunno how easy it would be to get that type of job, and plumbing or electrician jobs will be much easier to find because they are needed and no one really wants to be that anymore.


Yeah my coworker has ADHD, but he said I could try getting it if I was desperate enough. I'm not. If it's right for you that's good, though as you said I'm sure it sucks money-wise and if you forget to take it.


My father is in a similar line of work, and he got into it through a trade school. You could look into trade schools if that's really what you're interested in. I think it would be pretty easy to get into, at least from what I've seen.

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Yeah my coworker has ADHD, but he said I could try getting it if I was desperate enough. I'm not. If it's right for you that's good, though as you said I'm sure it sucks money-wise and if you forget to take it.


My father is in a similar line of work, and he got into it through a trade school. You could look into trade schools if that's really what you're interested in. I think it would be pretty easy to get into, at least from what I've seen.


Ah I see. It really does help me focus and stuff. And apparently my psychiatrist that prescribes me medicine is the son of a world famous one, though I have never heard of him and no one else has either. xD -shrug-


And ah I see, what does he do exactly? I did do college classes this year and the year before, but I don't do traditional type of schooling, I ended up skipping too much because I don't do well in that type of class. I want to learn on the job, that's how I learn best, and I want to look for an apprentice job or something.


I'm not going to waste more of my parents money going to classes just to flake them off. xD

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And ah I see, what does he do exactly? I did do college classes this year and the year before, but I don't do traditional type of schooling, I ended up skipping too much because I don't do well in that type of class. I want to learn on the job, that's how I learn best, and I want to look for an apprentice job or something.


I'm not going to waste more of my parents money going to classes just to flake them off. xD


He's a foreman with a company that works with laying down pipe and electrical lines.


An apprentice job can be rewarding because it's far more hands on. Not sure how to go about getting an apprentice job, though, as my dad didn't got that route.


Good choice. I was never a slacker in college because it was my own money being used, but I think just about everyone else was flaky, so don't feel alone in doing that.

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He's a foreman with a company that works with laying down pipe and electrical lines.


An apprentice job can be rewarding because it's far more hands on. Not sure how to go about getting an apprentice job, though, as my dad didn't got that route.


Good choice. I was never a slacker in college because it was my own money being used, but I think just about everyone else was flaky, so don't feel alone in doing that.


So he would be a lineman? Does he work on power lines like overhead? I've been interested in those since I was a small pony, I blame the power lines that went behind my old house in Aurora, CO a long time ago, they looked interesting and I think that's why I am interested in them. (Thus why that is my cutie mark. xD)


And yeah, I do agree, and I do learn better that way.


And yeah, I should of not done that, I mean the classes were interesting, but it was the traditional way of learning, yeah they did some hands on stuff but it's not the same though. Plus my priorties always get screwed up. The last time I ended up stopping because I kept on getting distracted and stuff and stopped paying attention during the classroom stuff, and that is just how I am, I get distracted way too easily. But meh. I feel stupid for what I did.

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So he would be a lineman? Does he work on power lines like overhead? I've been interested in those since I was a small pony, I blame the power lines that went behind my old house in Aurora, CO a long time ago, they looked interesting and I think that's why I am interested in them. (Thus why that is my cutie mark. xD)


And yeah, I do agree, and I do learn better that way.


And yeah, I should of not done that, I mean the classes were interesting, but it was the traditional way of learning, yeah they did some hands on stuff but it's not the same though. Plus my priorties always get screwed up. The last time I ended up stopping because I kept on getting distracted and stuff and stopped paying attention during the classroom stuff, and that is just how I am, I get distracted way too easily. But meh. I feel stupid for what I did.


Hmm... I've never asked him specifically about power lines, but he does work with underground lines, so I'm sure he ends up having to work on them occasionally. I guess that would be a part of his duties. I personally think it would be an interesting line of work to get into, my dad seems to enjoy it well enough.


That's why I went to the college that I did. They were hands on, unlike the traditional colleges around where I live.


Hey, you're a young guy like me, you get distracted and your priorities get messed up. I think that's all young adults man. At least I'm assuming you're a young guy. As for feeling stupid, that's natural. I feel stupid all the time but after a while I just suck it up and learn my lesson, knowing that I'll do something to feel stupid about again soon enough.

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Hmm... I've never asked him specifically about power lines, but he does work with underground lines, so I'm sure he ends up having to work on them occasionally. I guess that would be a part of his duties. I personally think it would be an interesting line of work to get into, my dad seems to enjoy it well enough.


That's why I went to the college that I did. They were hands on, unlike the traditional colleges around where I live.


Hey, you're a young guy like me, you get distracted and your priorities get messed up. I think that's all young adults man. At least I'm assuming you're a young guy. As for feeling stupid, that's natural. I feel stupid all the time but after a while I just suck it up and learn my lesson, knowing that I'll do something to feel stupid about again soon enough.


Ehh, Underground lines aren't interesting to me because you can't see them, I like the big pylon structures with the insulators. I prefer transmission lines because they are bigger, especially the lattice towers. But some primary lines can be interesting too, and subtransmission are also interesting to me.


And yeah I am young, 21 years old. High School is ancient history at this point, and it's nice that I graduated. I wasn't the best at high school, but I definitely wasn't the worst.

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Ehh, Underground lines aren't interesting to me because you can't see them, I like the big pylon structures with the insulators. I prefer transmission lines because they are bigger, especially the lattice towers. But some primary lines can be interesting too, and subtransmission are also interesting to me.


And yeah I am young, 21 years old. High School is ancient history at this point, and it's nice that I graduated. I wasn't the best at high school, but I definitely wasn't the worst.


I'm sure that getting into transmission line work isn't too hard either way. My dad got into it through trade school, and I'm pretty sure he's told me before he can work on any kind of line, whether it's primary or transmission.


Ha ha, High School may seem like ancient history, but I haven't been in High School for three years myself yet it feels like yesterday, and this is coming from a guy who attended college as well. Heck, it feels like I was in High School not too long ago compared to college.


Really, how you did in High School won't matter as far as I can tell. I slacked off hardcore and did good at college and got a good job, so from my experience it shouldn't hold you back too much.

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I'm sure that getting into transmission line work isn't too hard either way. My dad got into it through trade school, and I'm pretty sure he's told me before he can work on any kind of line, whether it's primary or transmission.


Ha ha, High School may seem like ancient history, but I haven't been in High School for three years myself yet it feels like yesterday, and this is coming from a guy who attended college as well. Heck, it feels like I was in High School not too long ago compared to college.


Really, how you did in High School won't matter as far as I can tell. I slacked off hardcore and did good at college and got a good job, so from my experience it shouldn't hold you back too much.


Well it seems like you know quite a bit about them. Maybe you and me should talk more often. xD


I graduated in 2011. So it has been 3 years, is that when you graduated too? In 2011? Though I may ask, what classes are you taking in college? And what would you be wanting to do in your future! I think you are kind of lucky, your father is in the job area I would like to be, and my father isn't. So it would be harder for me to get in that job area then it would be for you, though you want to be in a different area then your dad, so it's not exactly lucky. xD


Yeah I guess, but having a High School Diploma is always a good thing no matter what. I have known others who have dropped out and are struggling to get a GED or something like that. But that is only a few.

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So you press the wrong button[citation needed] and now you have to retype your entire post because the forums system has not autosaved your post right...

I might need a little more time. Just ran out to do a few errands, still feeling a little crappy.
Might have to go for a morning jog or something to get it completely out of my system. Glad that someone around here was able to rid their body of the sleep bug, though.

It's called just staying awake and letting my body get out of sleep mode, it doesn't always last too long, but the duration it lasts is annoying.
But I'm getting more awake now.

I just woke up and you wot m9?

I think I'm exhibiting what linguists would call the what-wot-wut merger; I pronounce all three whats the same way, basically. It's right on par with the cot-caught merger, but notice it's not the what-wot-wut-wat merger; I pronounce wat as vawt because I see it as Dutch.

I take Adderall because of my Autism

Waitaminute, what?!!</obligatory odd reaction>

This is how I react when I learn that someone's autistic; I'm a bit surprised[citation needed].

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Well it seems like you know quite a bit about them. Maybe you and me should talk more often. xD


I graduated in 2011. So it has been 3 years, is that when you graduated too? In 2011? Though I may ask, what classes are you taking in college? And what would you be wanting to do in your future! I think you are kind of lucky, your father is in the job area I would like to be, and my father isn't. So it would be harder for me to get in that job area then it would be for you, though you want to be in a different area then your dad, so it's not exactly lucky. xD


Yeah I guess, but having a High School Diploma is always a good thing no matter what. I have known others who have dropped out and are struggling to get a GED or something like that. But that is only a few.


It may seem that way, but my knowledge really is limited. Not my line of work, so I try not to focus too much on it. I could always ask my dad about it though if I wanted to learn more. He used to pull out diagrams of his work sites and stuff and show me what he was working on.


Yes, I graduated in 2011 as well. Here's the interesting thing about that... I went to a college that had accelerated courses that cut out the fat and so I actually graduated from college in 2013 and I already have a Bachelors Degree in Network Security. I'm already working in my field as well. It is a bit lucky though as my dad does have a bit of pull at work and has told my brothers and I that he could get us jobs working with him if we wanted to.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong I'm not discounting the high school diploma itself, I just think you don't have to work as hard in High School. The hard work needs to be done in college and on the job. High School you really do have room to play around with.

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It may seem that way, but my knowledge really is limited. Not my line of work, so I try not to focus too much on it. I could always ask my dad about it though if I wanted to learn more. He used to pull out diagrams of his work sites and stuff and show me what he was working on.


Yes, I graduated in 2011 as well. Here's the interesting thing about that... I went to a college that had accelerated courses that cut out the fat and so I actually graduated from college in 2013 and I already have a Bachelors Degree in Network Security. I'm already working in my field as well. It is a bit lucky though as my dad does have a bit of pull at work and has told my brothers and I that he could get us jobs working with him if we wanted to.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong I'm not discounting the high school diploma itself, I just think you don't have to work as hard in High School. The hard work needs to be done in college and on the job. High School you really do have room to play around with.


Still. xD


But that's cool. At least you have the area you want to work in. But yeah. I want to do that stuff though.


Oh, but look what I just made:



(Click for large image)


I just vectored that. The vector of me though was made long ago, but I did the background and all that. Just thought I needed an environment for that picture of me. xD


What do you guys think? :3

Edited by Lil'Cinnamon
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Still. xD


But that's cool. At least you have the area you want to work in. But yeah. I want to do that stuff though.


Oh, but look what I just made:



(Click for large image)


I just vectored that. The vector of me though was made long ago, but I did the background and all that. Just thought I needed an environment for that picture of me. xD


What do you guys think? :3

It looks pretty good like it fell right out of the show.

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So, two things:


1. I can finally use my second monitor again.


2. I bought some replacement fans for my computer, but ran into the same problem that everyone else did: the problem about the rubber screwholes. I actually ended up breaking one of the screwholes, but then I switched it from being an intake fan to an outtake fan. After that, I decided to drill the holes to be a bit bigger. Now it feels like my computer can move a lot more air than before. I guess I'm a lot more patient than most people. All that's left is the Minecraft test.


Now I have two spare fans. Well, actually three. Any thoughts?


Oh, but look what I just made:

I thought that that was a picket fence for a second..

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Finally, some calm time in my day to actually get on here. How's everyone doin in here? And I still haven't found the BAD WOLF culprit yet. AND NO GANNY I AM NOT THE BIG BAD WOLF. XD I wish I was him he looks epic but I'm not him.

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Finally, some calm time in my day to actually get on here. How's everyone doin in here? And I still haven't found the BAD WOLF culprit yet. AND NO GANNY I AM NOT THE BIG BAD WOLF. XD I wish I was him he looks epic but I'm not him.


I'm still a bit annoyed about my monitors. Maybe I should just physically switch the monitors back to how I had it the last time.


But did you get what game I was referencing at least?

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I'm still a bit annoyed about my monitors. Maybe I should just physically switch the monitors back to how I had it the last time.


But did you get what game I was referencing at least?

Mehbeh u shud



And yes, I did get le reference.

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Ouch, my teeth still hurt, I got my 5 cavities filled last Friday, and my gums still hurt for some reason. Oh well, they will heal.


But I'm tired, I hate being tired, being tired is very mehmeh. D:

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