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private Mercs of Equestria Rp


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Dimitri was unhappy about the aid. He felt like he deserved the pain he was in, but all at the same time he was rather happy he was being talked to. "I will....use this later." He lied as he put the vial into his knapsack. "Is a pretty nice place. Boat ride was okay. It almost reminds me of when I was sailing for months by myself just to get to this country. I am still not used to boats, let alone this country." Dimitri smirked and shook his head. "This place is so strange compared to my homeland. Ponies here are much nicer to me here though, even when they get scared of my accent and size." 

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia hoped Dimitri would take the gel right away, but didnt want to force it upon him

"You were a sailor? Thats interesting to know, and i can sympathize. As you know i come from an entirely different culture as well." She said as she sat down. The constant walking was starting to take its toll on Delia's hooves.

"So, can you tell me more about your homeland?" 

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"Barely a sailor!" Dimitri chuckled. "I just bought a boat when I had the coin, and started to sail west until I hopefully hit land. Until that point I never even been on a boat." Dimitri sat alongside her. "My homeland? Well there is lot to say. Barely any know of it's existence besides me and the ponies I have told now. It is very far to the northeast, and always snows. I never saw grass until I came to Equestria actually. Never felt natural warm air or even heard of rain until I got here too."


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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia listened attentively at Dimitri's words.

"Sounds like a cross between a nomad and a sailor. From what i read, sailors do the same thing. Of course, when i say i read I mean I heard from an old pony." She said smiling a little."

Your Homeland seems the opposite of mine, weather wise. I want to visit it sometime...if that's ok with you." 

Delia felt a little more at ease seeing this side of Dimitri. She then thought of what he did for her back at the tribe's place and smiled with a small tear appearing in the corner of her eye.

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Dimitri sighed deeply. "I wish the same thing too, but I can not go back there. It would not be wise for you to go there too, with or without me. The only reason I am living in Equestria is because I am a fugitive. When I was very young my parents were murdered and a rebellion overthrew the Government. Sovestria always had hatred for Unicorns but for several years it was a lot better. We used to have laws saying that Unicorns were to be imprisoned if they used magic. Sometimes even when they did nothing."


"You see, Sovestria is centuries old and was founded with Anti-Unicorn and Anti-Magic ideals. It was like that until a unicorn was finally elected Chairman. He brought wonderful things to the country, and got rid of the discriminating laws. He was my mentor, and was overthrown when I was a child. The new ruler murdered my parents, and tortured me for weeks. When I finally escaped he blamed me for my parent's murder. The country is under a dictatorship now, and the laws are even more violent. Ponies kill unicorns in the streets, and it is illegal to leave or enter the country. " He hoped someday things would resolve themselves.

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia wiped the tear away from before and got disgusted at the story. 

"I'm sorry, but that is unacceptable. I had a little of that in my tribe but not as much as you. You know what, If you ever want to take back your Homeland, us Zebra will help you." Delia said with confidence.

She and Dimitri might not have much interaction with each other, but she felt no pony should be driven from their homeland. She also figured that Dimitri would want revenge on those who wronged him.

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"I appreciate it." Dimitri said and smiled as he coughed into his arm. "I would rather stay out of politics though. The Sovestrian army is massive, and most have been corrupted already. It would prove useless to try anything. I left for a reason, and I would rather not go back. I did some really bad things there, and I have awful memories. Maybe when it settles itself out I will eventually go back. I have something in Equestria that I would have never found in my homeland though."

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Acheron was very surprised by Zefira's gesture. Only twice had such a display but been shown to him, but this time it was more personal because it was a moment shared just between him and Zefira. Acheron couldn't help but blush slightly, and gratefully returned the hug.

"Thank you Zefira. If you ever need anything, I suppose I'm willing to listen," he added rather awkwardly. He continued to walk along, admiring the structures of the city.

"So tell me Zefira... where do you come from?"

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? May I ask what that is?" Delia said.

She felt like she already knew the answer but she didnt know Dimitri well enough so she figured his answer would be different.



Zefira giggled a little.

"Aww how adorable. Seeing a pretty boy like you blush." She said as she giggled some more.

"I come from Phillydelphia. I know, you wouldn't expect someone such as I to be from a pampered city like that." 

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"The only thing that matters of course..." Dimitri said as he took a necklace from his pack. "My wife. Even though I have gone through so much torment, I did meet her through all of this. It is almost like a sign. Out of all the hell I went through I got to meet an angel. Being with her is the closest I will ever be to heaven, for she is heaven." He looked at the necklace and placed it to his chest. "That is why I am acting like I am. It hurts to not know where she is or how she is being treated. I would gladly take her place, or even die for her."

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia's eyes sharpened as she heard what Dimitri said.

"Your actions are justified." She said as she got up.

"I know what it's like to lose a significant other, and it is not something i would wish upon my worst of enemies. Dimitri, if I can not help your homeland then allow me to make a promise. A promise that I will get you your wife back. You stuck up to my father when my own tribe wouldnt. It is the only thing i can think of right now that would be fitting for the gesture." Delia said.

Having seen her husband die in front of her, she didn't want th same to happen to some pony else. Even if they have wronged her in the past, and even if they didnt like her. 

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Dimitri nodded at Delia as he put the necklace on. "You are very kind to say that. I have lost so much already, I can not lose her. I vowed that I would keep her safe from all harm even before I married her. If anything happened to her, I would lose myself entirely. I would have no reason to live if it was not for her...I have to save her. I have to." He rubbed his eyes. He did not expect to have gotten into such a deep conversation, or at least he did not expect to be crying already.

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@@Dimitri Hammer

Delia passed Dimitri a hoofkerchief(?) she took from Draco's lounge a while back. She hadn't used it at all and just had it there for a memento.

"Dry your tears Dimitri. We will find her and we will save her. No pony should be kept from the pony the love." She said softly.

Delia was somewhat glad she got to see this side of Dimitri. She had thought he was just mean and selfish, but now knew he had a reason and the right to act so.

Edited by Auron
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"SHIIITE!" Draco yelled as he tripped over something. "Damn what the hell did I trip over," he said as he rubbed his knee. He looked at what looked like a box "Hmm this is interesting," Draco said. "Hey guys I think I found something. No it isn't the artifacts. But maybe with My grandfather's notes we can find them here," he said.

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"Aw, I was hoping you wouldn't catch that," Acheron said as he tilted his head to the side in his awkwardness. He listened to Zefira speak about her origins.

"You're right when you say I wouldn't expect it. Interesting, how did you even get trained as an assassin? Was your family part of that lifestyle also?"

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Dimitri appreciated the gesture and wiped his eyes. "Thank you very much Delia. I just can not picture her suffering at all. I sometimes feel like I am not good enough to be with her too. She is too perfect for a screw-up like myself." He stifled his cries and shook his head. He looked at Delia apologetically, almost as if he felt like he did something wrong.  He began to cough more and spit some blood out as he coughed.

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"Buck no, they were to busy trying to make me a more 'feminine mare'...bunch of malarkey. I ran away at the age of eight...that's when i joined up with the assassins." Zefira said.

She resented her parents and their rich lifestyle. They always hung around the worst types of ponies;arrogant and egotistical.

Zefira dared not to mention anymore to Acheron about her past. She didnt want to scare him off.


@@Dimitri Hammer,

"First off, don't think like that. Secondly, please take that gel i gave you, I'd hate to see you get more injured anymore than you already have."

She said.

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"Okay." Dimitri lied to Delia. It would be better if he kept the self-negativity to himself. "I will be fine. I can tough it out, and if I can not then I will take the medicine." Dimitri wrapped the bandage that was around his leg tighter and smiled to Delia to try and show that he was seemingly okay. He liked how she cared so much, but his self-loathing was too much to handle.

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia nodded and smiled.

"If you are interested, i can teach you some meditation techniques that will help clear your mind of whatever is distracting it." She said.

Doesnt work so well with me inside though.

Need something Pride?

I was getting lonely...you hadn't talked to me in a while.

I wish it would have stayed that way.

Why you being nice to him? Did you forget his previous actions?

They were justified...his wife is being held captive.

yeah but your husband was killed and you didnt put on this much of a show.

Pride...buck off please.

Delia shook her head and looked over to Dimitri.

"So, should we join up with the rest of them or give them more time?" 

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"Meditation?" Dimitri pondered as he saw Delia have a moment of thinking. He ignored it as something trivial, and waited for her to respond. "I think we should join them. I know I mess things up, but I not think I can trust any of them when they are off by themselves." Dimitri gave a laugh and concealed a cough during so."I apologize for being so mean too. I just get into a bad place when my wife is involved. Without her I have no life, so I tend to get really defensive and cruel. If it happens again just know that deep down I not want to be doing so..."

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@@Dimitri Hammer,

Delia smiled as she started to trot in a direction she heard a voice from.

"Don't worry, Dimitri. It's understandable. I'm sure if any pony else were in the same situation they wouldn't be able to handle it as well as you are.Now follow me, i hear Draco nearby. Sounds like he found something."She said.

Delia had enough alone time so seeing Draco wouldn't bother her as much as it would have. 

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"That young huh? I can see why you have become so skilled in your art then. That many years of training can certainly build techniques."

Acheron saw some of the other ponies of the group up ahead searching around several things. He figured they might find something else of interest, so he let them look as they pleased.

"Like most unicorns, I started young with my magic, perhaps a bit younger. However, I assume you already knows what seperates me from them, and even Twilight Sparkle herself..."

Acheron stopped with his boasting. Though he did know that his magic had surpassed her's, he still did respect her for being extremely dedicated in her studies, as well because she was the bearer of the most powerful of the Elements of Harmony.

"What type of targets did you hunt down? Did you just kill whoever was assigned, or were there specific targets meant to achieve something larger?"

Acheron began to feel like he should call the others and lead them to where he found was the best place to begin their search.

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Diamond ran over to Draco to give him some support after he fell. "You okay?" She asked, looking at the thing he had just fallen over.

She eyed it for a moment before looking at Draco, waiting for an explanation...hoping he would know. "Is it...important?" She asked, still staring suspiciously at the box.

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"I could be better. Look I know I was being mopy a little earlier but I'm better now. I just needed a good cry you know," He said as he looked to Diamond with a smile. "I was trying to be something I'm not. Anyhow I think this box here might be what I'm looking for. I mean my whole family kept looking for Avalon and they wanted to reclaim their nobility. Anyhow I really don't care for that but the prospect of being able to bring something back to a museum in Canterlot from here. Now that would be nice," Draco said with a blush. "And I'm rambling again sorry. To me this is important because then I can well put to rest my families obsession over this place. But not in the way they want. Anyhow my grandfather's notes are really helping me figure out what happened. Then he goes onto a... Oh my right well he goes onto saying how he fell for a pretty purple pegasus," he said.


Draco then said "Guess I am following in his hoof steps. I fell for a pretty purple alicorn mare. So yes I might bring this box with us so that I can show it to a museum. Or I could just leave it here. What do you think mia amore?," Draco said with a laugh. He began to hum merrily.

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Zefira chuckled a little. She was debating on whether or not she should tell Acheron her targets.

"Funny you should mention Twilight. I was once ordered to take the life of Rarity. Apparently she hurt the feelings of a certain spoiled prince. Hate nobles...well not all nobles." She said as she took a deep breath and exhaled.

"I also had political targets, like this Earth Pony who was looking to encroach in the Griffons territory. I was paid handsomely for that one. I could tell you more but i don't think your heart can take it." She said teasingly as she poked Acherons chest.

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