Akaraah 77 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 (edited) Hey everyone! Akaraah here... I was thinking we could have an official thread either lamenting, reminiscing, and essentially just telling about whatever crazy situations we have or had become involved in in the past. Or, if not crazy, it can be a true tale in your life or situations with a lot of discomforting, even trippy moments for you, or your friends. I'll start... When I was in middle school quite a few years ago me and my brother got lost at Carowinds (a popular amusement park in South Carolina) during a field-trip. What made the situation worse was that it started to pour down raining, so you can imagine how much other students hated me afterward for the delay(and they did not hesitate to confront a 14-year old me during those times, I already felt guilty). Another one would be my time visiting my dad during 2007 in Southgate, Michigan, where during a walk, me and my brothers were being followed by some racist guy with a crow bar (he eventually vanished , thankfully because a friend of his stood in the way). It does not have to be lengthy, or comical, any story you feel is appropriate to share and maybe even how it was resolved. Use an alias if you think it is necessary for whatever story you choose to share! No extremely-explicit details please! So long as you're comfortable, then everything should be good. P.S. Maybe like in MLP: FiM, you can even tell a lesson you have learned. Edited October 18, 2011 by Akaraah WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that, I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps Like the page on facebook here to receive information such as status updates, artwork, and etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoop 8,384 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 Strange predicaments... Once, riding my bike down a long, steep, grassy hill as a kid, something happened (don't actually recall what it was) that caused me to get flung violently over the handlebars of the bike, after which I hit the ground, rolled a couple times, and somehow ended up back on my feet jogging down the hill in one smooth motion. Nothing too special, but the feeling of "wait, what the hell just happened?" was pretty mind boggling. I nearly wrecked a forklift once... not really my fault though, since I had warned my boss beforehand that I was on some pretty hefty pain medication (had some oral surgery the day before), and as such was pretty loopy. Thankfully there was no damage (collateral or otherwise). ... I also got to experience the joys of rodent extermination via low yield explosives once at work alongside the aforementioned boss, outside the parking garage at work. Long story short, we had smoke rising from new cracks in the ground, and our electrician running out of the garage in a panic thinking that we were under attack. Solved the problem, though. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akaraah 77 October 18, 2011 Author Share October 18, 2011 Strange predicaments... Once, riding my bike down a long, steep, grassy hill as a kid, something happened (don't actually recall what it was) that caused me to get flung violently over the handlebars of the bike, after which I hit the ground, rolled a couple times, and somehow ended up back on my feet jogging down the hill in one smooth motion. Nothing too special, but the feeling of "wait, what the hell just happened?" was pretty mind boggling. I nearly wrecked a forklift once... not really my fault though, since I had warned my boss beforehand that I was on some pretty hefty pain medication (had some oral surgery the day before), and as such was pretty loopy. Thankfully there was no damage (collateral or otherwise). ... I also got to experience the joys of rodent extermination via low yield explosives once at work alongside the aforementioned boss, outside the parking garage at work. Long story short, we had smoke rising from new cracks in the ground, and our electrician running out of the garage in a panic thinking that we were under attack. Solved the problem, though. Ah, those were enjoyable! lol The bike one reminds me of when I first learned to ride a bike (late I might add, I was 12), I wasn't paying attention and smashed my face against a mailbox. Glad no one saw me or they would have laughed. You and your boss must have had some pretty uncanny experiences you both can share. WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that, I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps Like the page on facebook here to receive information such as status updates, artwork, and etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoop 8,384 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 Mailbox. D: You and your boss must have had some pretty uncanny experiences you both can share. Sadly (and I mean that) I don't work under the guy anymore; I've since moved on to bigger and better things. Still work in the same place, though. And you have no idea. The guy is a walking maelstrom of chaos; the kindest, funniest, coolest, most well-meaning maelstrom of chaos, but a maelstrom of chaos all the same. He taught me the joys of disassembling large unwanted objects via R-R-R-RAMMING SPEED in a forklift. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doctor XFizzle 8,669 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 (edited) It was a snowy Saturday in January, sophomore year of college. My friends and I wanted to go to the movies and since none of us had a car on campus, we took public transportation out to the theater which was probably 15-20 mins away. So we go see the movie (Think it was Quantum of Solace) and stand at the bus stop to go back. Bad thing is, no one realized that the buses stopped early on the weekends. So we were stranded at the movie theater (9 of us). And it was blistering cold and snowy. We walk over to a pizza place to warm up and think of a way to get back. We told our situation to the store owner who suggested calling a cab. Well a very nice couple overheard our plight and offered to drive us back since they were going back to campus anyways (the husband was a fire marshal for the University (of Michigan)) So all 9 of us cram into the backseat and trunk of this couple's Ford Explorer. The way it was situated, I got stuck in the trunk with my butt pressed up against the back window. It was hilarious and a crazy adventure. On the drive back, we offered to pay the couple for their help but the husband said to repay him by always obeying the fire alarms because you never know when it could be serious. We happily complied. Well, come to find out, later that night (around 1 AM) was the usual South Quad-West Quad snowball fight where they ring the fire alarms to send everyone outside to start snowball fighting. He knew something was going down. That topped off the crazy day. Edited October 18, 2011 by XFizzle 2 MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SugarSlatheredCandyApple 20 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 Two years ago I was watching my neighbors old dog for a week, and I was taking him out on a walk in the hills near my house. Now, there's a lot of established trails, and he wanted to wander down what looked like an untraveled trail, and I went, sure, we can give it a try. 5 minutes later i'm holding onto his leash with a lead grip, and we're half way down a gorge. The trail suddenly went straight down, and he was gung ho until I stopped him. I ended up propping myself down, getting under him, pushing him up till he could get back on the level part, and then pulling myself up. Lesson I learned? While wandering off the beaten path can be a good thing sometimes, always look where you're going, or you could be in a messy situation. And after I told him we were never doing that again,and figured out how to establish myself as the one in charge, we kept walking. For the rest of the year, until he passed in january. I miss that dog. He got me out of the house, into fresh air, and looking up instead of looking down. Except when he was pooping... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katrilli 210 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 (edited) One time, when I was about 9, my little brother (who would've been about 7) and I decided to go exploring in the woods. Even though they weren't very big woods, we got lost, and my mom ended up calling the police to go look for us. The same brother and I decided one day when I was about 18 and he was 16 that we would use my grandmother's bb guns and have target practice. We filled up water balloons and hung them along the fence to shoot at from varying distances. We got bored with the balloons and started looking for other targets when I noticed a cardinal perched in a tree way off in the distance. Thinking there was no way I could possibly hit it, I aimed and fired, and of course hit it. Now, cardinals are my grandmother's very favorite birds, and I don't know why we thought she would somehow know, but we decided to go into the woods to see if we could find it and whether or not it was still alive so that we could at least feel better knowing. We never did find it, but we did discover that that part of the woods is actually a swamp. We came home soaked and covered in mud, carrying the bb guns, and we got in huge trouble, although she never did find out about the cardinal, thank god. Basically all the dumb things I've done as a stupid kid have involved my brother and the woods, now that I think about it. I still feel bad for that poor bird. Edited October 18, 2011 by Katrilli Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lupus 127 October 18, 2011 Share October 18, 2011 (edited) Walking along a woodland road, saw a car coming and stepped to the side - turned out to be no edge and I went head over heels down a muddy embankment into a thorny bush at the bottom, with the car above me just roaring on by without ever having seen me Was house sitting my uncle's giant dog and had been told never to let if off the lead as I wouldn't be able to get it back. Took it for a walk in a field, and it saw a rabbit and raced off after it, literally dragging me along behind it. I tripped over a tree root and fell to the ground and it still managed to drag me several feet before inertia finally brought it up short. Edited October 18, 2011 by Lupus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PhunkThisNoise 121 October 19, 2011 Share October 19, 2011 One day I threw an apple in the road. And then that night I dreamed that I moved the apple farther down the road. And when I woke up the apple was moved to where it had been in my dream. True story. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akaraah 77 October 19, 2011 Author Share October 19, 2011 One day I threw an apple in the road. And then that night I dreamed that I moved the apple farther down the road. And when I woke up the apple was moved to where it had been in my dream. True story. Are you some kind of psychonaut? WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that, I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps Like the page on facebook here to receive information such as status updates, artwork, and etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 October 19, 2011 Share October 19, 2011 Well when I was 10 I had the scariest nightmare of my life about a western ghostown that was like a playand I remember it completly. Well last week I dreamed I walked up to where it was in the sunlight, the exact set and everything, and saw al the people run their lines and do the play again, and the dream endedlike the first one where a cannon went off and destroyed a building. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akaraah 77 October 19, 2011 Author Share October 19, 2011 (edited) Well when I was 10 I had the scariest nightmare of my life about a western ghostown that was like a playand I remember it completly. Well last week I dreamed I walked up to where it was in the sunlight, the exact set and everything, and saw al the people run their lines and do the play again, and the dream endedlike the first one where a cannon went off and destroyed a building. Crazy dreams! I remember 'The Craver' (that weird furry-head thing) from Honeycomb commercials in the 90's from when I was a kid. About a week ago we (me and my brother) looked some of them up and laughed our asses off! XD ) I bring that up because I actually had a dream when I was a kid and was being chased up an endless tower by the craver! Also a dream about being kicked out of a helicopter by bipedal/anthromorphic, SECRET AGENT puppies and goring myself on the top of a mountain (some scary dreams I had when I was a kid!) I guess we could consider those predicaments, huh? O.O (mental disarray? Mental chaos?) Edited October 19, 2011 by Akaraah WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that, I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps Like the page on facebook here to receive information such as status updates, artwork, and etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HomuraBL 851 October 19, 2011 Share October 19, 2011 Well, I don't know if I should call this strange...but it was scary. I don't remember how old I was when it happened but I remember. One day when I was in the kitchen. I was playing with a bouncy ball. Suddenly the bouncy ball hit the fan. A spider then came down and was right in front of my face. Now, it wasn't the fact that there was a spider in front of my face. It was the fact that a certain spider in front of my face. Now, I live in Texas. There is this one spider that is most commonly known for being extremely poisonous and having a special symbol on its back that looks like an hourglass. It is known as the black widow. Now, naturally when I saw the hourglass mark about a couple of inches in front of my face, I panicked. Of course, the spider never did get on me or bit me, (I wouldn't even be here.) But because of that event, I am now horrified of insects and spiders. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Akaraah 77 October 19, 2011 Author Share October 19, 2011 Well, I don't know if I should call this strange...but it was scary. I don't remember how old I was when it happened but I remember. One day when I was in the kitchen. I was playing with a bouncy ball. Suddenly the bouncy ball hit the fan. A spider then came down and was right in front of my face. Now, it wasn't the fact that there was a spider in front of my face. It was the fact that a certain spider in front of my face. Now, I live in Texas. There is this one spider that is most commonly known for being extremely poisonous and having a special symbol on its back that looks like an hourglass. It is known as the black widow. Now, naturally when I saw the hourglass mark about a couple of inches in front of my face, I panicked. Of course, the spider never did get on me or bit me, (I wouldn't even be here.) But because of that event, I am now horrified of insects and spiders. Sorry for the spider giving you paranoia of them (and insects). :/ Where I live when I see a spider I usually let it go on by because they help deal with the roaches that appear on the occasion. But I see where your caution lies since black widows are one of the few spiders whose venom is potent to humans. WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that, I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps Like the page on facebook here to receive information such as status updates, artwork, and etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Finesthour 7,287 October 19, 2011 Share October 19, 2011 Well, I don't know if I should call this strange...but it was scary. I don't remember how old I was when it happened but I remember. One day when I was in the kitchen. I was playing with a bouncy ball. Suddenly the bouncy ball hit the fan. A spider then came down and was right in front of my face. Now, it wasn't the fact that there was a spider in front of my face. It was the fact that a certain spider in front of my face. Now, I live in Texas. There is this one spider that is most commonly known for being extremely poisonous and having a special symbol on its back that looks like an hourglass. It is known as the black widow. Now, naturally when I saw the hourglass mark about a couple of inches in front of my face, I panicked. Of course, the spider never did get on me or bit me, (I wouldn't even be here.) But because of that event, I am now horrified of insects and spiders. Wow, that just sucks ._. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyreth 194 December 27, 2011 Share December 27, 2011 A few years ago I was at a ski resort with my parents. I was probably no older than 10 at the time. The 3 of us came to a really steep slope, I couldn't get down it so my Mum took me round another way and my Dad went straight down. Next thing I knew my Mum and I were completely lost, there were no other skiers anywhere to be seen and there was deep snow everywhere making it hard to move. We took our skis off and walked downhill for a few hours before we came across a kind man who pointed us in the right direction and we managed to find my Dad waiting at the bottom. The whole thing was terrifying. Dearest Princess Celestia Lesson learned, always stay together. I can't make signatures. Sooo... yeah Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
L-PinkVsD-Pink327 177 December 27, 2011 Share December 27, 2011 When I was about 8 or 9, I was looking though a pile of c.d. disks and stacking the intresting ones on my thumb through the center hole. When I finished looking through the pile, I tried to take the disks off my thumb, and all of them did except one. I really tried yanking and ripping the darn thing off but it was really stuck there, and after awhile my thumb was getting soar from all the tight rubbing. Finnaly my mom came and after yanking it herself, she had to get some kind of lubricant and poor it all over my thumb to finnaly get the disk off And I will never forget how the disk was titled 'Never Stuck' when we finnaly got it off... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crimson Sky 104 December 27, 2011 Share December 27, 2011 Ah, awkward moments.. Well, some years ago, me and my compatriots where riding through the back roads of Winchester, TN. (That happens to be where i live, stalkers.) We had just smoked a portion of marijuana, and were packing another bowl. However, the driver made a grave mistake. He stopped on the side of the road. Lo and behold, a cop drives past, gets a couple hundred feet down the opposite road, and flings around to follow us. We maybe made it two miles before we were pulled over. Well, apparently there had been an arson in the area, and being the only car driving around, we were a shoe in to be pulled over. Searched, busted with 2 G's of white widow. Thankfully, the officer was more concerned with the arson, and let us free. He took our bud, however, which thoroughly upset me. Moral of the story: Don't stop on the side of the road with pot in your car. To explore the mind, is to explore the throes of humanity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HanPolo 151 December 27, 2011 Share December 27, 2011 Strange predicaments... The time when i was 12 springs to mind. I was walking home from the school down the road from where i live, along a small lane not far from my house when the post office across the road was robbed by two guys who apparently had guns (Turns out they were water guns sprayed black) when they split up and one of them comes bolting in my direction with a group of who i assume were police men following him. I dident really know how to react to the guy and i dident move. I guess i was trying to stop him... I ended up getting shoved to the ground by the robber. I took it like a man and went on my way, totaly not crying or shaking (Lies). Moral of the story is: Dont be afraid to do a Peter Parker from Spiderman when a robbers headed your direction. Just move. He got caught thankfully! And thats how Equestria was made! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D1SC0RD 987 December 27, 2011 Share December 27, 2011 Strange predicaments, huh? I have several, but I'll just share one story for now. All throughout 2009 to the early months of 2011, I got nosebleeds all the time. I'd get them about 5 times a week, they were extremely heavy, and they'd last for about an hour at a time. This has caused MANY uncomfortable situations for me, but the first time it happened was probably the worst. My school was holding a fun-day at the public pool. I plugged my nose to go underwater, and came back up with a bloody face. Slowly, the water around me started to stain red while I was freaking out. People then proceeded to get out of the water and blame me for ruining their day by tainting the water with filth, so I was insanely embarrassed. Mind you, I've always been paranoid about being judged by others (this was during middle school, if you remember what that was like). It didn't help when the teachers thought I was on the brink of fainting, and followed me to the lobby and waited with me while my dad came to pick me up and take me home. I just wanted to fade into the shadows and go unnoticed, but they made sure that all eyes were on me. The last thing I wanted was to remain the centre of attention. I guess it doesn't seem that major, but I was so ashamed that I didn't go to school the next day. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TomokoKuroki 1,707 December 27, 2011 Share December 27, 2011 (edited) Strangest predicaments you ask? Lets see... There was a guild in wow who were looking for raiders (Players who like to kill major bosses) and they were interested in my skills as a tank. They had one condition, It was a girl guild. i figured they meant by avatar, and not just female gamers as there were people with all gnome guilds and whatnot. At the time I was guildless, and was getting by through random groups of players with mostly no idea how to play their class. My character in the game was female, so I said "Yeah sure there isn't an issue". So over a few months with them they finally get a ventrilo server (A voice chat program that a lot of WoW players use) and they wanted to have our next raid with it. And were they in for a surprise when they discovered I was a guy. This sort of tattered my reputation with them a bit due to the misunderstanding of my lack of commonsense. Luckily because of my performance, they kept me in the guild and raids, but I received a lot of crap because of how I was born. However, I felt what it is like to be the only guy in a girl populated guild so I can kind of relate to some internet girls as the only female in a guy populated group now. Edited December 27, 2011 by Hayze 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Bolt 35,085 April 1, 2019 Share April 1, 2019 Hmm...well, this wouldn't be considered strange, more like extremely awkward... This one time a couple years ago when I was at the beach with some friends, and there was a group of guys playing football...well, being the tomboy I am I decided to be one of the boys and join in their rough and tumble game...it just so happened that this guy I knew who apparently had a huge crush on me was playing too, and he wound up tackling me...sooo...yeah, you can imagine how awkward this was. I was lying totally winded and out of breathe on my back and he was on top of me, face to face.....and everyone was watching...and just the fact that he had feelings for me made it 1000 times MORE awkward. ☆ My socials ☆ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TBD 17,256 April 2, 2019 Share April 2, 2019 *sign, too many to even know where to start. ♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChrysalisM 290 December 17, 2020 Share December 17, 2020 I have had my toe smashed by a rock after chucking a few around a river bed (the spirits of the place were not too happy) and had help healing it from a spirit, if you believe such things of course. I don't lie. GENERATION 30: The first time you see this, copy it into your signature on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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