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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (OOC - No longer accepting!)


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Link to the RP thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/59762-an-unexpected-trip-to-the-human-world/



I am no longer accepting new players!


There will be a sequel in the near future, so keep your eyes open for that.



Yes, I've started yet another Humanized Pony RP thread! I'm so original, I know! I'm looking to have this be a RP with somewhat stricter rules than what you normally see. Please don't let that scare you off, though!

The synopsis is that Queen Chrysalis has appeared in Ponyville, and is out to feed her subjects... She is aware of the Mane6, and has also learned that the newly crowned Princess Twilight has returned for a visit... What better way to welcome her back than to surprise her and her friends with an unexpected “vacation”??


With the help of her minions, Chrysalis easily attract the attention of the Mane6, and just as easily is able to cast a spell not known to many Ponies... All was going well, until that little blue upstart came up and smacked her horn, knocking the magic of the spell off course...


Like so many RPs like it, the Ponies, along with Chrysalis are sent into the human world, given new bodies, and are found by the strangest of creatures: Humans...



Ah, the joys of everyday life! Boss getting on your case for being only a few minutes late again, teachers assigning you with insane amounts of homework, and to top it all off, you're were shorted yet again on your last paycheck, and you're not sure how you're gonna make rent!


You're lost in your thoughts as you head to your next destination when the once bright and clear sky clouds over and turns pitch black. Green and purple lightning flash and strike the ground all around you, locking you in place with terror. Just as sudden as the clouds appear, they disappear, leaving what looks to be a person lying unconscious just in front of you, though you could've sworn they weren't there a moment ago...



Now onto the rules! Again, they're stricter than what you'd normally see, but don't let them scare you off!




- Feel free to adjust your character/s accordingly if they don't quite make a good fit for the RP.


- Tone it down with the Tragic Past!ᵗᵐ It doesn't make for a deeper character, just a huge sad sack who constantly whines. Not to mention, it's cliché. This is especially out of place for Ponies, who are portrayed as generally happy. Whilst humans' lives aren't perfect, and there are tragic moments in everyone's lives, but know when to draw the line.


-You can play up to three characters of your choice. You may also use the same post for more than one app.


- ALL pairings will be random, so no complaining about not being paired up with your favorite pony! Pairings will be made once there are a sufficient number of humans and Ponies, and will be decided by drawing names.


- Everyone interested in this RP MUST fill out an application!You may insert a link to their character profile in the Backstory portion, but you may have needed to have tweaked the character since then, so I want to see the changes right here in this thread.




- Other than the Princess Twilight and the Queen Chrysalis, no other Alicorns allowed, as they are not cannon. That, and they tend to be overpowered!


- Although Princess Twilight is now an Alicorn, and thus indeed powerful, she will not be able to reverse the spell, as it was Chrysalis who has cast it.


- As a human, your Pony will not have their wings or horn. In their place however, there will be faint markings on the forehead/back where they would be. These markings will be the same color as the former Pony's pelt.


- As a human, your Pony's magic will be weakened, but not gone. Your Pony does not need to be a unicorn to have magic.


- All Ponies will keep their Cutie Marks, which will be located on their “flanks.”


- All Ponies will be clothed, and the clothing should be in the same color scheme as their fur / mane color




- Humans possess no magic or powers in this RP, but you may have skills that you are particularly good at, so long as they're somewhat realistic. The aim of the RP was to have the Ponies be discovered by ordinary humans. So in other words:


* Try and keep it as realistic as you can. So no 13 year old billionaires with a dozen mansions, 200 speedboats, and the power to get the Equestrians back to Equestria.


* If your character is under 18, have them live with at least one parent / guardian, as it is illegal for them to be living on their own – unless they're listed as an emancipated minor.


* Certain occupations require extensive training or a college degree. Keep this in mind when choosing your character's occupation.


- Humans may not have magic, but they DO have the power to communicate. So have them go online, use Skype, or post videos on Youtube in order to find other people who've found Ponies.


- Though highly not recommended, you may play as yourself. You should change information about yourself to protect yourself, however.


I have opened nine slots for the Mane6, Queen Chrysalis, as well as two Changelings for now, as well as nine slots for human characters, but if there's enough interest, I will open more slots for more OCs!




- You can have relationships if you want, but it's really beside the point in the RP. One character can have feelings for another, but it is up to the other character to reciprocate those feelings. In other words, you can fall in love if you want to, but the feelings don't have to be returned.


- Don't be afraid to have a curious Pony! Don't be afraid to have them find things on their own, and attempt to use them.


- Have your human character try to provide for the Pony they've found to the best of their ability.


- Have the human character try and answer all the questions that they can. Even some of the more awkward ones!


- On the subject of meat, have fun with explaining that to the Pony! It is up to the Pony, however, whether or not they want to taste meat or not.


- Though the Equestrians do not have their wings or horns in human form, they will appear as "ghostly protrusions" in still pictures.


- This leaves the Earth Ponies. Earth Ponies may not have wings or horns, but they all will posses unusually high strength and stamina. Not superhero levels, but they will be able to lift 1 1/2 - 2 times the weight a human can lift.




Equestrian Application


Your name:


Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling)


Age (In human years) :








Eye color:


Mane color:


Description of your pony form:


Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same):


Cutie Mark:


Backstory(a little more about your character):



Human Application


Name (First and last) :










Eye color:


Hair color:




Other distinctive features (if any):


Backstory (A little more about your character):


Location (City, State / Country)


Cast List:




Mane 6:


Princess Twilight Sparke - Red Talon


Applejack – ??


Pinkie Pie – Open


Rarity – Pripyat Pony


Rainbow Dash – Dawn Stripes


Fluttershy – Dawn Stripes




Queen Chrysalis –nioniosbbbb


Changeling #1 – Cicada - Pripyat Pony


Changeling #2 – Diliges - 00Pony


OC Ponies:


OC Pegasus - Star Song - ~Flame Dancer~


OC Unicorn - Arcane - The Original PWD


OC Earth Pony -Snow Song - Silent Dawn




Human #1 – Magneus Varkarii - The Original PWD


Human #2 – Liam "Dublin" O'Shea - Alex Kennedy


Human #3 – Colette Irving - Hypn0ticD


Human #4 - Logan Kieffer - 00Pony


Human #5 - Emily Williams - ~Flame Dancer~


Human #6 - Murray Campbell - The-Master


Human #7 - David Pond - Meteorite


Human #8 - Mary Regina “Reggie” Hargreaves - Pariah164


Human #9 - Charles Roberts - Fireblaze


Human #10 - Catherine "Cat" Bellamy - ~Chaotic Overlord~


Human #11 - Jack Preybird - Red Talon


Human #12 - Blaze Darkheart - ~Blaze~

Edited by Hypn0ticD
  • Brohoof 3
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Sounds like fun. Would it be possible to have a changeling character perhaps? Then it would make for good RP as they'd have to work with the ponies to try and get back to Equestria.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Awesome! And someone who's reserving for a human as well! That's even more awesome! I'll be applying my human OC as well!


Just keep in mind that playing a human may be a bit more challenging, as they're supposed to be as ordinary as possible…


If I get another person who shows their interest, I'll post some tips and pointers, as well as set up a cast list!

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Don't worry, i'm anything but ordinary. I've done one or two human roleplays before, so it should be a breeze. Choosing an occupation is hard, there are so many choices and it would affect the roleplay in a lot of ways, along with every other choice i have in making a character... 


Also, i'm not so sure you should make this Advanced. This roleplay would be awesome still if it wasn't advanced. Not many roleplayers are attracted to advanced, and i know some pretty awesome roleplayers that do just normal ones. Also the title should be changed up a bit to attract more attention.

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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I would definitely be interested except for the fact that i avoid the advanced roleplay section as a rule. My writing style is more short and precise, so I have trouble getting to eight hundred characters on a regular basis. I guess you can put me down as a maybe.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Don't worry, i'm anything but ordinary. I've done one or two human roleplays before, so it should be a breeze. Choosing an occupation is hard, there are so many choices and it would affect the roleplay in a lot of ways, along with every other choice i have in making a character... 


Also, i'm not so sure you should make this Advanced. This roleplay would be awesome still if it wasn't advanced. Not many roleplayers are attracted to advanced, and i know some pretty awesome roleplayers that do just normal ones. Also the title should be changed up a bit to attract more attention.

It's good to hear that you've RPed as a human before! I hope my RP isn't too hard for others, especially the human roles, but I want everyone to really think about their human character's occupation. I don't want anyone just to tack something on just because they think it's cool!


I just saw another post telling me not to post this in the Advanced Section...So I won't! I'll also see about changing the title, but it's probably not going to be very creative!


I would definitely be interested except for the fact that i avoid the advanced roleplay section as a rule. My writing style is more short and precise, so I have trouble getting to eight hundred characters on a regular basis. I guess you can put me down as a maybe.

I'm not looking for RPers to constantly submit 800+ characters, but I do want to see most of your posts have some length to them.. Now that I know about the minum character limit, I don't think that will be too much of a problem!

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Alright, if it isn't going to be in the Advanced section, I'll definitely join. I want to be a human, but I'll need a while to come up with a character. Unless you would prefer that I was a pony of course.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Yes, we will need humans in the RP! Take your time with your character, there's no rush! I'll work on the summary, rules, and add in a cast list later on today... Gonna hit the sack soon! I'm looking forward to seeing what your character is going to be like!

I've made a few minor edits here and there in the summary, as well as added tips and pointers, and as well as the cast list. Keep checking back for more updates!



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Name: Magneus Varkarii

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 154 Pounds

Eye color: Deep blue with small strands of brown that make it almost look purple

Hair color: Black

Occupation: JavaScript Programmer

Other distinctive features: Scar on his left eye, leading from top-right to bottom-left. (serious childhood injury)

Backstory: Magneus grew up in Newport, Oregon in the USA along with his brother Alex and sister Allison. At age 13 his family and him moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Since age 3 he spent most of his time on the computer, this decision was influenced by his father who played video games on occasion. Around age 13, his father took a job in website design, and that made Magneus want to learn JavaScript and OOP (Object Oriented Programming). When he was 20 he got a job as a programmer for a company called CircleXine. (Keeping it simple)

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Alright, I'm making up some of this as I go along, so it may be subject to minor changes.


Name (First and last) : Liam "Dublin" O'Shea

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 150

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black

Occupation: Musician

Other distinctive features (if any): None physically, but speaks with a thick Irish accent

Backstory (A little more about your character): Born in Ireland, he moved to (wherever this is set) as a teenager. After graduating from High School, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps as a musician. So far, he hasn't had any real success, and spends most of his time performing in the street. Not that he minds. In fact, he's quite happy with his life. He likes to travel, and rarely stays in one place very long. He's a generally cheery and lighthearted young man with a lust for life and a love of wine*, women, and song.


*Or preferably whiskey

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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@@Alex Kennedy, @@Pripyat Pony,


Very nicely done! With luck, the RP will take place in more than one country, but  what you have so far is very well written! You can make changes as you deem necessary, but Liam's approved!


Oh, and Pripyat, I'm mentioning you now to let you know that I have the apps up! That, and I just learned how to mention people!

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Mind if I hop in on this?

Most likely I'll just be starting off as a human, since I'm not to confident in my abilities to RP a character from the show (much better at my OC's of course).

I'll post an app tomorrow (hopefully, schedules can be irritating) when I'm on an actual computer instead of a phone, if that is alright.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Hmm. This is...the fanfic I (and ninety other blokes) never got around to finishing.


Might be interesting. How big of a thing was this before you moved it over here? And will it exist as a separate entity on mlpforums? (no pairings across website or madness like that?)


Only real turn-off is I'm guessing it might run the same pattern over and over again--not very original since a few dozen of these fanfics actually got finished, you know what I'm sayin'? But I'll think about it.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Yes, please mention this to your friends! The more, the merrier!




First of all, your avatar made me jump, and second of all, yes, you may jump in! I know how irritating applying from a phone can be, so take your time! I'll reserve a spot for you!


Speaking of human characters, here's mine:


Name (First and last) : Colette Irving

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Height: 5'3”

Weight: 115 lbs.

Eye colour: Dark Brown

Hair colour: Naturally black, but the top portion is dyed fire engine red with a prominent blue streak in her bangs.

Occupation: Junior in high school / works part time at a Hot Topic

Other distinctive features (if any): Colette has three piercings in each ear. She is also quite thin for her age.

Backstory (A little more about your character): Colette is natural born singer, a talent she got from her mother, and likes to sing whenever and whatever she can. Colette dreams of becoming famous one day, imagining the bright lights on her face and a sea of fans screaming her name…

Colette has also picked up the electric guitar last year, having saved up the money from her part time job. Colette is currently teaching herself how to play guitar in her spare time, and has has some success in learning a few songs, but is not at a professional level.

Colette works part time in a Hot Topic, a job she thought would be interesting, but turned out to be mind-numbingly dull. Be that as it may, it pays, and very few employers in the area are willing to pay a kid her age…

Colette's parents are divorced, and she currently lives with her father, who is frequently away on business. Her mother lives in another state, as she has remarried. From this marriage, Colette has a very young half sister named Jacy, whom she contacts from time.

Location: Racine, Wisconsin, United States

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Human Application


Name:Lucas Deweather


Gender: Male


Age: 12


Height: 5' 4"


Weight: 122


Eye Color: Hazel


Hair Color: Brown


Occupation: Middle School Student


Distinctive Features; is a closet brony. He likes the show, but doesn't want others to know this. He is somewhat athletic, and has average intellienge, but is "nothing special." He's not like the T..V shows where some bully wants to make his life miserable, but he's not the most popular kid. The populars make sure he knows that when needed.


He doesn't know where he fits in, and often feels useless. He doesn't know it (yet), but he is very good at processing information and making a plan out of it quickly. In other words, he can think on his feet.


Backstory; Kinda explained up there. He's really an average kid, no other words. He lives with his two parents, and has an older brother who is a high school junior. When he was 11, he became a brony. He thinks Dash is best pony, and claims on any forums that "Dashie is his." What he would give to meet Dashie...

His friends and him usualy played in the woods as younger kids, thus given him a tougher resitannce to pain, from all the falling and scraping his knees and such.


He feels useless, as he was picked on more by "the populars" and jocks and such when he was a middle schooler. He can never seem to get the girl, and this with a combination of his short-ish tempet have made him a bit of an angry kid in the past few years.




For more info, this is based of my pony OC Leafdew. Click in my siggy to see more personality traits.

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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@@Dawn Stripes


Oh, I haven't written a fanfic or anything like that, but I've read many where Ponies are humanized! I've also started a similar thread on another site, but I was thinking it would be its own separate entity here on this site! 


@@Windy Scamper


Wow , right off the bat! Another approved human! The pairings are random, so Lucas may or may get paired with Dashie... If we get a Dashie...

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Hells to the yea. This sounds freaking awesome



I'm just assuming we can join as pony characters...considering there is a pony character sign up sheet...


Your name: Star Song

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling) Pegasus

Age (In human years) : 18

Gender: Female

Height: About 5.3

Weight: 121

Eye color: Aqua blue

Mane color: White

Description of your pony form:



Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Quite skinny. a thin face. Tan Skin. She is average height, she may be a little shorter than most. She has very delicate looking hands...long fingers, quite soft...she has piano hands.

Her hair is rather short and is swept to the side of her head.

Cutie Mark: A white treble clef mixed with a peace sign with a few star's surrounding it. 
Kinda like this... 


The treble clef peace sign, shows that she is always kind, never wants to start a fight, and loves everything about music.

The stars show her love of flight and the night sky


Backstory(a little more about your character):


 Her mother is a pegasus and her father is a zebra.

She grew up on a small farm where she and her parents grew different types of herbs.

She read books about other parts of Equestria but she had only ever been to the small town about an hour away from her farm.

She was an only child and she grew up alone, so to keep herself occupied she learn't to play the violin and guitar.
When she turned 16 she moved to ponyville and met her best friend Light Diamond.
Star and Diamond opened up a small store where other ponies can buy herbs and tea. When she is not working she is usually playing music at parties or just busking on the side of the street.

In her spare time she likes to travel around the wonderful world of Equestria and learn new instruments.







Is there anything I need to mess around with ?

Edited by ~Flame Dancer~

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Quick question: what would the approximate ages of the Mane 6 and Changelings be in human form?

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Actually, i think it was a mistake on the creators part. You should probably just choose one of the listed ponies instead.

Yeaa...I wasn't really too sure about that.





It that so ? We can only play Humans or one of the listed pony characters ? Or can we play our Pony OC's as well ?

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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I'm actually not taking OCs right now, but -- You know what, screw it! Approved!


Quick question: what would the approximate ages of the Mane 6 and Changelings be in human form?


I read somewhere that Lauren Faust imagined them to be anywhere from 12 - 17, but for the sake of this RP, I'd say mid to late teens -- Anywhere from 15 to 19. It's very hard to tell in the case of the Changelings, however... So, same age, maybe a bit younger??

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