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private S.S. Perennial RP


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Seeing that Dogboots was helping another pony out, who was in serious peril, he slowly walked over to Sorrow. She had been looking up into the sky, which was blessed by a myriad of stars, a truly wunderful sight...


But when he saw her watching the stars in amazement, he realized even more how beautiful she was, when she didn't have to hide or was looking sad. "The Sky...looks so wonderful...." he said softly after he had appraoched her. "Sorrow, do you feel better...?" he asked, hoping she was..


Sorrow's gaze had looked back down to Nightraxx, which of course, scared her. She jumped up, and started dashing off in the opposite direction, which was towards the cruise ship wall. Thankfully, after her experiences with smashing into things with her nose, she came short of the wall, and stopped there, but quickly flew off in a different direction, away from Nightraxx.

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((So you can hear Bolty talking to herself? EXCELLENT. Yay for slice of life comedy! :3)) 


As soon as Windy had left, Firebolt collapsed onto her bed, with a sigh. She inferred he would be gone for quite a while, seeing as he had such a bad sense of direction. So, she began talking to herself. Something she did often. "Well, I've definitely won him over Scamps, at this point. Which is good, certainly. But, will I actually want to be in a relationship like this for a long time? Doesn't seem likely." She thought aloud, then got up from her bed. "Well... whatever. I suppose I can let it play out normally. I suppose that's what she meant when she said cruises were 'romantic'. But, that would mostly be the tight spaces, though? Ah... I need to stop thinking. Being around that guy gets me nervous. Certainly not the worst kind of nervous, but being nervous is never desired."


Firebolt continued taking out her things. She brought out a dress, the only one she had brought in case she needed it, and looked around for a place to hang it.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sorrow's gaze had looked back down to Nightraxx, which of course, scared her. She jumped up, and started dashing off in the opposite direction, which was towards the cruise ship wall. Thankfully, after her experiences with smashing into things with her nose, she came short of the wall, and stopped there, but quickly flew off in a different direction, away from Nightraxx.


(( T_T I'm too scareh.))


When he tried to speak to her, trying to find out if she was feeling better, he was shocked when she suddenly jumped up and started running away again. "Sorrow!", he called out in shock, "Please don't run! I don't wanna harm you...."


She ran towards the wall on the deck at first and Nightraxx feared she might run into it again, but thankfully she had stopped close before she came in contact, but flew into the different direction. "...Why? Is she still scared of me this much..."


He wanted to follow her, but he feared he might further scare or upset her.....he didn't know what to do anymore...he looked downwards to the floor in shame, "Why do people i care about always run from me....?", he thought, remembering his best friend.

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''Oh, I work at a little grocery store across Sugarcube Corner. I'm no employee of the month. But I still get paid, so it's all good.'' Splinter said as he got his second drink from the bartender. ''Why are you on this cruise? I'm here because I needed a break from pretty much everything going on in my normal life.''

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(( T_T I'm too scareh.))


When he tried to speak to her, trying to find out if she was feeling better, he was shocked when she suddenly jumped up and started running away again. "Sorrow!", he called out in shock, "Please don't run! I don't wanna harm you...."


She ran towards the wall on the deck at first and Nightraxx feared she might run into it again, but thankfully she had stopped close before she came in contact, but flew into the different direction. "...Why? Is she still scared of me this much..."


He wanted to follow her, but he feared he might further scare or upset her.....he didn't know what to do anymore...he looked downwards to the floor in shame, "Why do people i care about always run from me....?", he thought, remembering his best friend.


Sorrow had made it back inside her room, sitting up on her bed, panting. Why was everyone wanting to chase her? Was this a game? Did everyone just want to scare her? Or was she just that helpless? First with Moonbeam, and now with Nightraxx... And Nightraxx seemed to be a lot more clingish to her than Moonbeam was... 


She sipped again from her milkshake, which was surprisingly never spilled.

  • Brohoof 1
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Finally getting back to the entrance to Bolt's cabin, Windy touched down and folded his wings. Since it wasn't super warm out anymore, Windy had tossed on a worn out soccer jersey to keep from getting too cold. Walking back up to Bolt's cabin, Windy knocked softly on the door to let Bolt know he had returned. 

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Firebolt quickly snapped to attention when she heard the knock on the door. "Come in!" She said, draping the dress over her bed, and moving the other objects from her bag, before figuring out where to put it. She then put away some of her tools for blacksmithing, which she had brought for... what reason again?



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Opening the door and trotting into the room, Windy marveled at how much neater and better the room looked without all his junk strewn over the floor and furniture.  "Maybe all those neat-freak ponies were onto something when they said order is better than a mess..." Walking across the room and looking out onto the small private deck that Bolt's cabin had, Windy's eyes noticed a dress laying on Bolt's bed. His eyebrows arched slightly at the sight of it, but he dismissed it and instead plopped onto the couch and turned to look at Bolt. "So, Bolt? What's the plan for tonight? We could watch the sunset from your balcony, or you could fabricate something, or, well anything really! The sky's the limit!" He said vibrantly, spreading his wings in excitement, which almost knocked over a lamp.  "Hehe... Sorry, I'll not do that in here again..."


"Why do I keep doing clumsy things around her? Running into doors, hitting lamps with my wings... What's next, falling in a pool?! I'm Windy Runner, graceful as a speeding falcon on the soccer pitch! Why does this mare make me into the king klutz whenever I'm near her?"

Edited by Windy Runner
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"Oh... I don't know." Firebolt said, yawning. "I'm too tired to really do anything as far as blacksmithery goes... But, watching the sunset would be nice. Not to sound... pretentious or anything." She said, moving around a few more things from her bag. She hadn't brought much, so she was almost done unpacking.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sorrow had made it back inside her room, sitting up on her bed, panting. Why was everyone wanting to chase her? Was this a game? Did everyone just want to scare her? Or was she just that helpless? First with Moonbeam, and now with Nightraxx... And Nightraxx seemed to be a lot more clingish to her than Moonbeam was... 


She sipped again from her milkshake, which was surprisingly never spilled.


((Whew, it is really hard to make her not scared of him...what can i do?))


Nightraxx slowly walked across the deck, his head hanging. He remembered what happened in the infirmary, he was glad when she allowed him to help and she had finally been willing to communicate with him, indirectly telling him about her love for writing music. It felt like he was able to distract her from the pain and fear just a little...but now it almost felt, as if it all never really happened.


"She...probably dislikes me now..." he thought. "I just want to help her...and prove to her she is not alone..."




Nightraxx was standing alone in front of his best friends house, It was a cold day, the rain had flown for several hours that day.The place lay dormant, the only thing you could hear was a distant howling of the wind. Nightraxx had talked to her parents, which were devestated by the disappearance of her daughter. No one saw her leave or knew where she was, and even after the few friends left, he stayed, He had the closest bonding to her.


. "Why...?" He thought, "Why didn't you talk to me, i would have been there for you..."


"I was her friend, why didn't i stop her...?" he thought with feelings of guilt.


(Flashback end)


Nightraxx had left the deck, and was back in the hallway. "She reminds me so much....i can't let the same thing happen again....but she...she avoids me...what can i do?"   he thought.


He walked by Sorrow's room, he remembered it from when he and Moonbeam helped Sorrow after she hurt her nose the first time. "I'll give her some time, i hope she won't be scared of me anymore..."

Edited by coolwar13@yahoo.de
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"Oh, there's nothing pretentious about liking to watch the sunset! I love doing it, it makes me feel closer to myself spiritually, you know?" Noting that Bolt had packed in almost as little as he had for the trip, Windy allowed himself a grin. "So, that's proof positive that she's not one of those shallow mares who brings more pairs of shoes than I have owned collectively in my whole life... That's a good thing, those kinds of fashion obsessed mares get annoying really quick..." Gesturing to the dress on the bed, Windy said, in what he hoped was an offhand manner, "Hey, that's a really pretty dress Bolt! You know, I heard this ship has a ballroom, you should go dancing there in it sometime!" Walking over to the door that opened onto Bolt's balcony, Windy opened it and stepped out onto it.


"Huh, there's only one couch out here... And it only seats two... Sometimes, the universe just gives you a freebie..." Glancing out at the lowering sun, Windy murmured quietly, "Oh Celestia, this is going to be a gorgeous sunset..."

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"Annnd... That sounded pretentious..." Firebolt thought to herself, putting away the last of her things. She certainly wasn't one for dancing, as Windy had suggested. She had only brought the dress incase there was something that required formal attire. She soon walked out to join Windy.


((Goooooood night...)) 



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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((Who, Windy? PRETENTIOUS??? NAHHHHH, he could NEVER be pretentious...))


Plopping down on the two seat couch and motioning Bolt to join him, Windy looked out onto the reddening sky with a sense of wonder.


"Isn't it beautiful Bolt? All of the colors... Sometimes it amazes me that these sorts of things are even possible! Do sunsets dazzle you this much, or is it just me?" 

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((I lied. One more post before sleeeeep.))


Firebolt pinned her ears back, then thought for a second.  "I wouldn't know." She said, bluntly, then went to go sit beside Windy, hoping he wouldn't bring it up again. Being color blind certainly wasn't a fun topic. But, it was easy enough to discard. "So... uhm... do you generally do something like this?" She asked.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Thank you so much!" Laray gasped. "You saved my life! I was enjoying a lovely walk before I slipped in a puddle of sunblock and tripped over somepony. I slid over the railing, surprisingly. My hooves are greasy from the nasty sunblock, so I was about to fall to my watery grave! Thank you ever so much! Oh, by the way, I'm Laray."

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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She could tell this wa ssuppossed to be some kind of revelation moment for her. But she honestly was so confused and puzzled, she' d wondered if "twisting the truth" had been a good idea in the first place.


"Um...not to be rude or anything, but no...I..I don' t understand. I mea , I get the whole "we should swap lives and life would be awesome" thing, but I just...don' tunderstand what you' re getting at."


Okay, I don't understand you, I presented myself as the typical rebllious teen, and I'm being rude and a klutz. Why the hay are you still hanging around me?

<p>MY OCS (So I never have to post a link again)Windy Scamper-Leafdew-Slide Grease-Silent Dance-MacHayver


Thank you ThaumicSlime for my avatar!

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"Dogboots. Nice to meet you and it's good to see another earth pony here." He said introducing himself to Laray. The stallion soon looked behind him only to see that both Nightraxx and Sorrow were gone again. "Though, just by looking at you, I can already tell that you must be pretty famous to be on a cruise like this." He said, glancing at Laray. The stallion figured somepony as beautiful as her was probably well known though he couldn't really recognize her.

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Moonbeam looked around nervously unsure what to do. Luckily no one saw her reaction. Maybe she could really do it though. She wasn't sure way she felt this way about this stallion. It's like they were together in some other world far away. This thought made her blush more. Oh, no! She looked around trying to shake her thoughts away when she spied Sorrow. This made her heart sink. This dinner would not be easy...

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"She wouldn't know? Well, that would explain the unique eye color... I was almost afraid to ask about that, and it does seem like its a sensitive subject, so I guess that is a topic that should stay off-limits... For now, at least. Once she's more comfortable around me, then we might be able to discuss it. Now, though, is my chance to drop another compliment, I suppose..."


"If by do something like this, you mean watch an amazing sunset with an amazing mare on an amazing cruise ship, then no, can't say I have done something like this before."


Managing to break his gaze from the sunset's vibrant colors, Windy instead turned his eyes to Bolt's. "Well, now or never..."


"Although I know I shouldn't bring it up since its probably a sensitive topic for you, but I can't help but say it: your eyes are much prettier than that sunset could ever be."

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''Oh, I work at a little grocery store across Sugarcube Corner. I'm no employee of the month. But I still get paid, so it's all good.'' Splinter said as he got his second drink from the bartender. ''Why are you on this cruise? I'm here because I needed a break from pretty much everything going on in my normal life.''

"OH. Well my dad said I need to see some of the world, and handed meva ticket. Literally. That's all he said. That's all he ever says. Never takes me anywhere, never helps me, never even asked me how I feel. Just handed me the tickets and then ignored me.!" quick sighed. "But eh. What can I do?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Firebolt pinned her ears back, and sighed. "Seriously? What... does he think that's a nice compliment or something? Is he... stupid or something? No, don't answer that, Firebolt. You probably won't like the answer." She thought to herself, flustered. Before long, though, the unicorn got up, and walked back to the room without saying anything.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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She could tell this wa ssuppossed to be some kind of revelation moment for her. But she honestly was so confused and puzzled, she' d wondered if "twisting the truth" had been a good idea in the first place.


"Um...not to be rude or anything, but no...I..I don' t understand. I mea , I get the whole "we should swap lives and life would be awesome" thing, but I just...don' tunderstand what you' re getting at."


Okay, I don't understand you, I presented myself as the typical rebllious teen, and I'm being rude and a klutz. Why the hay are you still hanging around me?


Windy Scamper obviously hadn't understood him correctly, and now he was in a very uncomfortable situation. "Oh... no, that... that's not what I meant, it's... it's a little complicating to explain... I mean..."

Airy easily could see that he had lost this one. One last attempt to explain what he meant, but then he'd leave again. What did he even think?

"I just meant that you managed to find your true special talent and didn't just rely on the obvious one your parents saw. I wish I could do the same... as you can see, my obvious special talent wasn't going to be my true one, and now I need to find the talent that really is going to be attached to my flank for the rest of my life."

He let his head hang down from his neck. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you with that. Sorry I wasted your time."

Airy turned around to pick up his sandwich and take place at his old table again. So much for some social interaction...

Edited by Naturematthe
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As Firebolt got up and walked away, Windy sat in silence for a few moments, before he brought both hooves into a crashing collision with his forehead in an epic facehoof. "RRR! Stupid, stupid stupid! Why am I so dense sometimes? I can't even pay her a compliment without finding a way to offend her!" Windy moaned, before he realized he was talking out loud, and in all likelihood Bolt was more than capable of hearing what he was saying still, even while inside her cabin. "Why am I so stupid around her sometimes? Why can I never say the right thing? Ugh, I keep up at this rate, and I'll be luck if she doesn't drive me out of her sight with some of that fire of hers..."


After a few tense moments had passed, Windy cautiously spoke up, "Well, I'm certainly getting accustomed to apologizing to you Firebolt, but here it goes again. I'm really sorry that I said that, I clearly struck a nerve with you. I just don't know what to say around you, what's ok to say and what's not! Do you want me to just leave now? I can... I can just fly off the deck so I don't even have to walk through your room, so you won't have to see me at all." As he said the last bit, his voice choked a tiny bit out of nervousness that she would actually agree and tell him to get lost, but he swallowed hard and finished his sentence. 

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((Oh yea invite Hop but not Ocean, I see how it is.))


Fire smiled at the mare that had just sat down. "Hello there." She said, smiling warmly as a waiter placed some fancy alcoholic drink in front of her. (Which Fire never actually ordered but lets just say she ordered the stuff...because I forgoted)

She sipped her drink and grinned. "Wow that has a kick to it."




Eventually Ocean finished her food. She dropped a few bits onto the table before walking out towards the door, glancing at the blue unicorn as she passed by.

((Is this blue unicorn Moonstruck?))



Hop turned to the other mare and smiled at her as well. "Hi." was all hop said in reply to the mare before she ordered a drink of her own. The situation is still a little awkward for her so she decides to strike up conversation. @@Glaceon, "So... um, thanks for inviting me over."

"No problem," Sunburst said, smiling kindly at the mare. She looked a little uncomfortable, but Sunburst couldn't blame her. She was like that herself sometimes. "I'm Sunburst, and this is Fire Sky." She gestured at the mare beside her, then said somewhat kindly, "Who are you?"

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

Still searching for players! Join today!

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Sorrow looked around her room, now just realizing something horrible... She was hungry. And the only way that she could get food is by none other than going to the dining hall. She let out a soft whimper. That meant ponies. And interaction. She gulped. If she needed something to eat, she needed to face fears...


She stepped out if her room, and slowly went towards the dining hall.

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