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private S.S. Perennial RP


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The next morning, Frost's eyes snapped open. Sweet Celestia, what happened last night? He tried to raise his head, cringing from the sudden throbbing pain. Of course. This had obviously been one of those nights. He took a quick glance around before smacking his head on the pillow once more. Well then. Maybe it wasn't so ba-


Oh. He had clearly forgotten the lump laying to his immediate right. The gray pegasus quickly flipped over, catching glimpse of a pale blue coat and blonde mane. "Oh. Shit..." He groaned, covering his head with his pillow. One of those nights again. Joy.

Edited by Seraphim
  • Brohoof 1


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Dogboots noticed that the mare was able to keep up with him. The two had already gone through 20 ciders already and the stallion wasn't near tipsy. "I'm amazed that you can keep up with me!" He said impressed with Laray. "Though it's going to take more than this to even get me remotely tipsy!" Dogboots said bragging to the mare.

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"Challenge accepted!" Laray laughed. She drank 4 more ciders before taking another bathroom trip. She made it all the way up to 36 before her stomach hurt and her brain began to cloud. But she kept on.

"I...won't....be....defeated..." she hiccuped as she chugged another mug. :P

((if I hadn't added this lil' bit or the emoticon, I'd have 199 characters))

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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He had been following the rooms to see which one is Moonbeam's for 25 minutes. after a while he finally arrived at her door. Just one minute before 10:00 am. He then knocked on the door. Hoping that he can get an answer if she was actually ready to go out with him.

Moonbeam heard the knock and skipped over to the door. She opened it up to see Firecracker, right on time. She smiled at him. "F-Firecracker! Good morning!" she said stepping out beside him and closing the door. "So, where are we heading off to first? Should we go get breakfast?" she asked.

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Dogboots chugged down his 38th cider and he was already beginning to feel tipsy himself. "Got to admit *hic* for a model *hic* you're not bad. Though you best *hic* throw in the towel." The stallion said. It had been a while since Dogboots had drank this much cider in one day though this one was more fun than sorrow.


"Plus *hic* the bill is going to be extremely *hic* expensive."  He added after finishing his 40th cider. "You sure it was a good idea to drink early in the morning? Five o' clock was 20 hours ago. Seriously, we're having a good time. Plus, she's awesome." The stallion thought arguing with his brain again.

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"Thanks *hic*," Laray laughed. "I always wanted to be a sodden washcloth."

Silence for a second. Then, they both burst out laughing.

"This is the best *hic* breakfast ever! *hic* Don't worry 'bout the *hic* bill! I've got it *hic* covered. *hic* like a towel."

They exploded into fits of laughter.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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"You're going to *hic* need a towel if you *hic* spill that cider." He said before knocking over his own mug of cider. The stallion busted out laughing again before grabbing a napkin. Dogboots reached down to try and clean up the spill before slipping on the cider and laughing out of control again. "Looks like I'm the  *hic* klutz *hic now!" He said in between his fits of laughter and hiccups.

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((Would Everyone already onto morning wait just a few seconds for everyone else to catch up ? Please ?))




"Well, I should get to bed. Goodnight, Sunburst...I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled at the mare before trotting out of the dining hall and in the direction of her room. 
After arriving, she brushed her teeth and climbed into bed.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Airy didn't move a muscle on his face when he watched Windy Scamper and Windy Runner. Windy Scamper didn't even react to his words, obviously she was distracted by the strong, healthy stallion talking to her.

What exactly had he even been expecting? A wonderful beautiful mare like Windy Scamper deserved better than a talentless crippled... nopony. He had nothing to offer that would set him apart from any stallion, at least not in a positive way. But for some unknown reason he obviously had to learn this the hard way.

Airy walked over to a bench and sat down, staring at the horizon. On the first evening of this cruise Airy already had lost all his faith in it. Well, the social interaction thing had worked, after all he had talked to quite a few ponies, but it hadn't made him feel any better at all.

His stomach and chest started to hurt. He had to hold back to not break out in tears. He had to face it - he would stay alone for his entire life.



Airy didn't even notice that he fell asleep on the bench, but even if he had noticed, would it have mattered?

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Laray laughed and laughed.

"Watch *hic* this!" she hiccuped. She stepped in the cider and slid like a ballerina until she stepped on the mug and crashed to the ground. She laughed and laughed.

"Forget cleaning it, this is fun!" she giggled. "Look! There are two of you! Are you going to fight him?" Laray's vision began to warp. "Now, ya'll are triangles! And look at that Derpy muffin! She can really swim!"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Firebolt woke up, at the same time most cruisers had woken up. The sleep had seemed to make her even more tired. Supposedly, it was due to her concern Windy did now absolutely hate her. Which was, simply, not at all her intent. Or was it?


All the questions tugging at the unicorn's attention was bothersome. "Ugh... I'll just go get breakfast... Or something." She gave a frustrated, jittery, scream, then left to go to where breakfast was being served.


((One day I will post a video of said scream. One day with an internet connection...))



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Something wasn't right in Sorrow's bathroom... The one thing that was off was that the shower curtains were ripped off the handles, wrapped around a shivering, but still sleeping mare... It seemed as though that the shower floor was extremely cold, and the curtains were her only covers for the night.... Nightraxx should be extremely lucky that he had gotten the bed that night...

  • Brohoof 1
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"She's drunk. Yeah, I noticed that. Still too difficult to think straight. We need to get her back to her room. If more paparazzi show up then it's going to be bad." The stallion thought before getting up.

"Laray, *hic* you're drunk. *hic* Let's get ya back to your *hic* room. Wherever it is." He hiccuped. Dogboots pulled the laughing mare to her hooves and began to make their way out of the Dining Hall. Even when he was tipsy he could feel some of the others staring at him and Laray.

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@@@Windy Scamper,


Yawning loudly, Windy plopped down at a table that seated two, and signaled a waiter, who quickly brought him a glass of ice water. Windy then sat quietly, sipping out of the glass and rubbing his temples to get rid of the headache that was pounding in his head.


"Ugh, that was an... exciting night... I hope maybe Scamps will come to breakfast, I'd like to see her. What if you see Bolt Windy? Well, if I see her, I'll ignore her. I'm giving her a wide berth for right now until I figure her and her lying ways out. Wow... That's actually a good plan Windy! Thanks brain, sometimes I surprise even myself!"


Continuing to sit quietly, Windy had a small omelette brought to him by the waiter, and he began eating, lost in thought about the previous night.  

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Something wasn't right in Sorrow's bathroom... The one thing that was off was that the shower curtains were ripped off the handles, wrapped around a shivering, but still sleeping mare... It seemed as though that the shower floor was extremely cold, and the curtains were her only covers for the night.... Nightraxx should be extremely lucky that he had gotten the bed that night...


Nightraxx had been dreaming his wonderful dream for some time, not wanting to awake from it. But sadly, the most beatiful dreams often end too fast...


When he woke up, it was morning time. The sun had long risen and a gentle and refreshing morning breeze caressed the ship.  He took a look around the room, and then he instantly remembered. Nightraxx was still in Sorrow's room. Having suddenly fainted from exhaustion last night, he was still laying on Sorrow's bed..."S-sorrow?" he thought. But she wasn't in the room.


Nightraxx began to worry. He stood up from the bed. His electrical piano had been placed neatly to the side and disconnected from the power line. "Sorrow...?" he softly asked. Then he saw the bathroom door half open. He approached the door and saw....Sorrow....laying on the bathroom tiles, seemingly asleep.


"Oh....Sorrow..." he said softly, but feeling guilty of seeing her having to sleep on the floor. "It's my fault she has to sleep here in this cold room..." She was shaking, the tiles were cold and the shower curtains certainly weren't enough to warm her through the night. He..wanted..to help her...


He gently and very carefully picked Sorrow up, as to make sure not to interrupt her sleep and carried her over to her bedroom. He placed her onto the bed softly and carefully spreaded the bedsheet over her. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered.

  • Brohoof 1
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Firebolt had walked into the hall breakfast was being held, and looked around. There were only a few tables taken, happily. Upon the tables she noticed Windy, who was facing the opposite way she was, and therefore probably couldn't see her. "Useful..." She thought, walking up behind him, and talking in a soft voice. "Uhm... Windy...?"



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Nightraxx had been dreaming his wonderful dream for some time, not wanting to awake from it. But sadly, the most beatiful dreams often end too fast...


When he woke up, it was morning time. The sun had long risen and a gentle and refreshing morning breeze caressed the ship. He took a look around the room, and then he instantly remembered. Nightraxx was still in Sorrow's room. Having suddenly fainted from exhaustion last night, he was still laying on Sorrow's bed..."S-sorrow?" he thought. But she wasn't in the room.


Nightraxx began to worry. He stood up from the bed. His electrical piano had been placed neatly to the side and disconnected from the power line. "Sorrow...?" he softly asked. Then he saw the bathroom door half open. He approached the door and saw....Sorrow....laying on the bathroom tiles, seemingly asleep.


"Oh....Sorrow..." he said softly, but feeling guilty of seeing her having to sleep on the floor. "It's my fault she has to sleep here in this cold room..." She was shaking, the tiles were cold and the shower curtains certainly weren't enough to warm her through the night. He..wanted..to help her...


He gently and very carefully picked Sorrow up, as to make sure not to interrupt her sleep and carried her over to her bedroom. He placed her onto the bed softly and carefully spreaded the bedsheet over her. "I'm so sorry..." he whispered.

((She was inside the shower, but good guess.))


Sorrow was then beginning to feel warmth... Her body couldn't sense what it was, or where it was coming from... But, this warmth was simply invigorating for her... She shifted a bit, curling up a lot more inside her ball, which to some ponies seemed physically impossible...


But, what she had done next may seem surprising. After getting more comfortable, her face had cracked a small smile, the first ever time that she had smiled on this trip... And probably in a few years.

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((She was inside the shower, but good guess.))


Sorrow was then beginning to feel warmth... Her body couldn't sense what it was, or where it was coming from... But, this warmth was simply invigorating for her... She shifted a bit, curling up a lot more inside her ball, which to some ponies seemed physically impossible...


But, what she had done next may seem surprising. After getting more comfortable, her face had cracked a small smile, the first ever time that she had smiled on this trip... And probably in a few years.


As Nightraxx finished tucking her in, she began to move a bit. He first thought he had accidentally woken her up, but then she curled herself up into her ball, which Nightraxx had seen her being in before, and into the bedsheet.


He sighed a little relieved he didn't disturbed her sleep...and smiled gently while he looked at her sleeping so peacefully. Then he saw something...which he hadn't seen before...


She...she smiled. It was a faint smile, but it was a real smile. warm and gently. Nightraxx felt incredibly happy to see her in this state, because he only had seen her being sad, depressed, sometimes completely terrified or being very shy and hiding. But now, that he had seen her smile...he felt an incredible bliss himself. "S..sorrow...you are my light..." he whispered gently, remembering the beautiful dream he had before.

  • Brohoof 1
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As Nightraxx finished tucking her in, she began to move a bit. He first thought he had accidentally woken her up, but then she curled herself up into her ball, which Nightraxx had seen her being in before, and into the bedsheet.


He sighed a little relieved he didn't disturbed her sleep...and smiled gently while he looked at her sleeping so peacefully. Then he saw something...which he hadn't seen before...


She...she smiled. It was a faint smile, but it was a real smile. warm and gently. Nightraxx felt incredibly happy to see her in this state, because he only had seen her being sad, depressed, sometimes completely terrified or being very shy and hiding. But now, that he had seen her smile...he felt an incredible bliss himself. "S..sorrow...you are my light..." he whispered gently, remembering the beautiful dream he had before.

And just as that smile had came about, it quickly faded away... For some reason, Sorrow looked as though she was trying to fight off something... And she was losing it horribly. She kept thrashing about in her sleep, whimpering and shedding a few tears. It was obvious that she was experiencing a nightmare, and it was scaring the living crap out of her...


That seemed to be a recurring theme to Sorrow... It wasn't every night that she had had a nightmare, but it happened quite a bunch... And that has been what was keeping her from being social... Being so quiet, and wanting to be bottled up... It wasn't a horrible dream... Yet, this was definitely not pleasant to her. It was just the average nightmare for her.


This time, however... It looked as though that she was trying to reach out for something... Or some pony...

  • Brohoof 1
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And just as that smile had came about, it quickly faded away... For some reason, Sorrow looked as though she was trying to fight off something... And she was losing it horribly. She kept thrashing about in her sleep, whimpering and shedding a few tears. It was obvious that she was experiencing a nightmare, and it was scaring the living crap out of her...


That seemed to be a recurring theme to Sorrow... It wasn't every night that she had had a nightmare, but it happened quite a bunch... And that has been what was keeping her from being social... Being so quiet, and wanting to be bottled up... It wasn't a horrible dream... Yet, this was definitely not pleasant to her. It was just the average nightmare for her.


This time, however... It looked as though that she was trying to reach out for something... Or some pony...


Nightraxx had watched her smiling a little in her sleep, her smile was so beatiful, he could have watched her forever like this....That's when her smile faded and she seemed to be upset by something...."A dream...?" he thought.


Sorrow then started to whimper and flail around in her sleep....it must have been a nightmare...small droplets of tears were rolling down her cheeks...something had to be upsetting her right now.


In worry, Nightraxx almost thought of waking her up to free her from the nightmare...but then Sorrow started to stretch out one of her hooves...it looked like she wanted to hold onto something....like needed help...


Nightraxx silently took her soft hoof into both his hooves and gently caressed them to give her warmth.

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"Weeee! Ponyback! I feel like a little kid again!" Laray laughed and laughed. That's when her hair went insane. It changed colors so rapidly that everypony's eyes hurt.

"Uh, oh! That's a warning symbol! *hic* Trollsie's coming," Laray suddenly became serious. Trollsie dashed around the corner.

"Get mistress to her room!" she yelled.

Four beefy stallions appeared around the corner, obviously drunk.

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Dogboots nodded at Trollsie, acknowledging the pending danger and sped up. "I don't know where her room is! You don't even know where our own room is!" The stallions thoughts reminded him. "Where's your room located? *hic*" He asked alarmingly. Dogboots began looking left and right at each room that he passed. 

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"I...*hic* can't *hic* think," Laray said. Trollsie produced a syringe from her bag and stabbed Laray. Laray instantly returned to normal. She climbed off of Dogboot's back.

"It's this way! *hic*" Laray shouted. She led Dogboots down a corridor. When they got there, another beefy stallion guarded her door.

"Crap!" Laray whispered. "Where's the Captain's room?"

I have returned! Again. sleep.png

School blocked the Forums, but I managed smile.png

I am SO SORRY that I haven't been on :'(

But I do have good news: I have over 40 OCs now!

Here's my latest: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sunshine-storm-r5338

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Ocean awoke that morning...rather late. She always hated sleeping in so she climbed out of bed and grabbed her potion. She finished the bottle from the night before then grabbed her bag and set out towards the dining hall for breakfast.

Fire...was still sleeping with her head hanging off the side of the bed. She jumped as her alarm went off. She groaned and slowly climbed out of bed, pushing the Off button as she walked into the bathroom to get ready for the morning.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Sunburst rolled off her bed, mumbling incoherently to herself. Pulling herself to her hooves, she looked around, and her eyes widened when she realized that Moonstruck hadn't shown up at midnight like she sometimes did. With a groan, she trotted out the door to go look for her sister.




The next morning, Frost's eyes snapped open. Sweet Celestia, what happened last night? He tried to raise his head, cringing from the sudden throbbing pain. Of course. This had obviously been one of those nights. He took a quick glance around before smacking his head on the pillow once more. Well then. Maybe it wasn't so ba-


Oh. He had clearly forgotten the lump laying to his immediate right. The gray pegasus quickly flipped over, catching glimpse of a pale blue coat and blonde mane. "Oh. Shit..." He groaned, covering his head with his pillow. One of those nights again. Joy.

Moonstruck lay there in the bed, rubbing her head. She had such... Such a throbbing headache.She rolled onto her back, catching a look at Frost out of the corner of her eyes, and mumbled something of a good morning.

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