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Furry discussion thread


How do you feel about furries?  

260 users have voted

  1. 1. How do you feel about furries?

    • They're pretty cool
    • So weird.
    • Fluttershy is a furry!

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I would say no. The whole thing about bronies is the fandom for the show. While I'm not sure exactly what the concept of furries are I think is has to do with them being humans that want to be animals or something like that.

But in short we are not related in any way except for there is probably some furries who are bronies too and that we both go through the same sort of ridicule from the general public.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah, no, N, O, NO!!!!!!! Bronies and furries are quite simply not the same thing. As others have said, bronies are quite distinctly fans of MLP: FiM, while furries are simply obsessed with the concept of anthropomorphic animals in general. I will concede that there are a number of bronies who happen to be furries as well, and vice versa, but again, that doesn't mean that all of bronydom nor all of furrydom are by extension the same, because, well, they're not! I'll be the first to tell you that while I'm a loud and proud brony, I am most definitely not a furry; not hating on any bronies if they are furries as well, but I just don't want somepony saying that because I'm a brony, I must be a furry.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Yep, another monthly bronies=Furries thread


While some can say that the ponies in MLP can be categorized as anthropomorphic, it was not the real point or charm why this fandom in large loves the show.

As our dearest mod explained earlier,

furries celebrate the concept of anthropomorphic animals, bronies first and foremost are fans of the television show MLP FiM.

There exist people who are brony and furry at the same time, but not all bronies are furries, vice versa.


Saying that bronies are automatically furries is like McDonald's sandwiches are vegetarian food just because the tiny slice of vegies inside it


E:goddamnit so many ninjas

Edited by Dreamwalker
  • Brohoof 1


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I am a brony because I love the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

I am not a furry because I am not interested in... whatever it is they do.

I don't think there's much, if not not any relation between the two, I mean sure there are some bronies who are furries, but really, anyone can be into or not into any related or unrelated things they want to be into in the end. :huh:


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Ponies = not furry. Ergo we are not furries.


I don't think so. They aren't anthro and they aren't in the same league as most furry art. We're more related to Sonic fans than furries, because we both enjoy animals with human traits, instead of humans with animal traits, like what most furry art seems to have.

  • Brohoof 2


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Ponies have connections to human society but no physical similarities.

Ponies dont walk on two legs or grip and hold with their hand, all their clothes specifically fitted for ponies not humans.

There are times in the series where they have human similarities but if you look at the majority of the time ponies are ponies without human characteristics other than that of society.


Although I withold my final decision because there are some connections.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Ponies have connections to human society but no physical similarities.

Ponies dont walk on two legs or grip and hold with their hand, all their clothes specifically fitted for ponies not humans.

There are times in the series where they have human similarities but if you look at the majority of the time ponies are ponies without human characteristics other than that of society.


Although I withold my final decision because there are some connections.


They do not require to retain physical similarities. They still fit the bill in regards to the official definition.


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I know that but one of the things (or so I have heard) from furries is that the animals have physical human chracteristics... witch ponies do not.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Ponies are indeed anthropomorphic by nature (able to talk, sentient, sometimes wear clothes, and filled with emotions), but bronies (well, most of) doesn't like them because of those traits, therefore we are not furries.


It's not that hard

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm both lol. I see myself as part cat, yet I'm also a brony (pegasister) and technically, in my view, the two are SOOOOO different. Anyway, my second personality is part cat and, boy, is she insane. We have loads of conversations, yet, she seems to like to take control of my mouth, so it all comes out. Example:


Me: so lily ( the other me ) what is your opinion


Lily: completely different


Me: I thought so too!


Lily: we are the same person


Me: no we aren't


Lily: yes we are!


Me: no!


Lily: yes!


And so on

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No, dude, no. Some people are both, and I'm sure there's a decent amount of overlap between the two groups, but they're not the same. I think the ponies are great but I have absolutely no interest in anything "furry". Species blending or whatever anthro is supposed to be is too weird for me.


"If we have the courage to decide ourselves for peace, we will have peace." - Albert Einstein

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Bronies in general are into imagining, creating, and/or roleplaying anthromorphic characters.

They have pony OCs as well as other creatures like the griffons, changlings etc.


Bronies are furries, and I am irritated that so many are scared to associate themselves with that.

Furries got a bad rap because of their obscure obsession with animals or a certain animal. Many bronies do just the same, if not more immensely crazed than furries. And here I say "many" not all, but that also applies to furries. They get worse a rap because of the NSFW stuff - the exact as does Bronies :/


I seriously gotta come up with some diagram about this because so many forget or are just too scared to accept the facts. Everyone should stop being insecure about it. I never was active in the furry fandom (all I knew was it existed and so I just drew portraits of famous people etc), but I acknowledge it now because I was, and still love the story of Wind in the Willows - a story about anthromorphic characters.


Furries =/= Fantasy sex with animals. That's the shit you're scared of.


And I would hope that Brony =/= Fantasy sex with ponies along with that. You guys are the same. The end.


The ponies are not anthropomorphic, they don't have hands, cannot walk on 2 legs and don't look like humans at all. They're just cartoony. Also, bronies aren't furries by definition. They just like the show, that's it.


This has to be the worst comment in this thread. Haven't you seen the show? Look up the definition of anthromorphic, break up the word if you have to. They're anthromorphic because of their human like gestures, expressions, and behaviour. Nothing to do with having hands or not, otherwise what about furries who are into snakes and made themselves an anthro snake? :/ No hands.


Tell me what real horse have you seen that does this?

Posted Image

Stereotypical attributes of anthros. Sorry to rain on your picnic.


And bronies "just like the show"? No, they go beyond that, as I outlined above.


Species blending or whatever anthro is supposed to be is too weird for me.


Whoa now, people of all fandoms with OCs have been doing this for ages.. all in the name of "making a unique OC". The fact that you state "or whatever anthro is supposed to be" states you know jack all on the subject anyway, why admit that and then say you think the brony fandom is completely a different thing when you obviously have little clue? :/ All I see is people thinking this and this only "furries are a bunch of hippie animal lovers and a brony is so not that". Edited by enigmatia
  • Brohoof 2
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Well... Obviously I don't know anything about the subject but... The ponies don't look furry to me lol


Oh you!


Of course there are some bronies that are more into the furry fandom as well than others, but by no means are all bronies furries. That is yet another reason why I hate this stupid labels that are applied to people.

top lel

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Well then, thanks for all of the answers. I mean it.


From what I gather, basically,


Bronies = Watch MLP FiM (Much more directed aim, and less into the whole R34 Disgrace thing that gave furries their terrible fame.)



Furries = Much more, well, random, uncentralised (Aaaand everyone thinks that they're mainly odd fursuiters and furfags, but yeah...That is kinda right, I know a small % of the furries are normal as it may be.)


To clear a few things up,


1# Anthropomorphic means a being (Animal or otherwise) that shows human characteristics (E.g. Talking)


2# I'm sorry if anyone search for furries Via google, I pity your eyes, I really do.


3# Thanks for all the input and for not turning this into (as I have had before) a Riot of a flame war (It has happened, strangely though, that was in the FurDom not over here.)


4# Using all this info from you all, I will now spread this to the opposers of the common views, (Mainly, my friends who are in denial of....Actually, screw that, most of 'em hate Bronies and Furries so...Screw them for now :)


5# And finally, Not all furries base stuff on Wolves, cats, foxes Etc. They just happen to be the most common.


Thanks ( as I have already said) For everything on here.


  • Brohoof 1
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No, they aren't even related. There are furries out there that just so happen to be bronies as well, but the two fandoms are not related.



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I am not done with this topic yet (Although it may seem otherwise) As long as sentient beings of any race continue to answer, I will continue to listen/read and adapt my answers and views, I will also continue to post up stuff I think of (When I do, which isn't often.)


But now, I'd also like some form of backing-up proof with the answers, before, just 'They are different' was fine (Although some people did a lot more than that, I am thankful to them.) Now I want more like 'They're different because.......'


Yeah, I sound like a bloody teacher right now, don't I?


Anyway, Another small thing came to mind, If bronies can 'Brohoof' What would a furry do? I though something along the lines of paws....But what about snakes and gryphons and other things without paws..?


Once again, thanks in advance.

  • Brohoof 1
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This has to be the worst comment in this thread. Haven't you seen the show? Look up the definition of anthromorphic, break up the word if you have to. They're anthromorphic because of their human like gestures, expressions, and behaviour. Nothing to do with having hands or not, otherwise what about furries who are into snakes and made themselves an anthro snake? :/ No hands.


Now sorry to not know as much as you do in the furry subject mister. Of course I don't see the characters as normal ponies, that's not what they are. I never knew anthro could mean by personality because there's already a word for that :humanized. That's what I see the ponies are. That would also mean that any show featuring animals show anthro animals by this defenition. If I could delete this previous comment, I would. No need to throw the the worst comment ever part.


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Now sorry to not know as much as you do in the furry subject mister. Of course I don't see the characters as normal ponies, that's not what they are. I never knew anthro could mean by personality because there's already a word for that :humanized. That's what I see the ponies are. That would also mean that any show featuring animals show anthro animals by this defenition. If I could delete this previous comment, I would. No need to throw the the worst comment ever part.



There isn't too much to know? It's not hard to spend 10 minutes reading the definition of what an anthromorph let alone what a furry is that isn't just the EncyclopediaDramatica version of it. My concern is how does someone make an opinion about something without even knowing anything on the topic? It's like what everyone else does on the bronies, they say "Heyy arrghh My little pony is for unintelligent people because it's made to entertain little girls with pretty ponies" - well you'd tell them just the same that their opinion is tactless because they haven't seen the show to know it in the first place, in that it's got some decent plots and all? Wouldn't that annoy you? And if it doesn't good for you but this stuff is the foundation of that stuff out in the "real world" called bigotry.

And I didn't say worst comment everrrrrrr, just worst in the thread, for the OP asking for valid argument as to whether they were or not, simply because of this fact - making opinions when you don't even know is not helping anyone and should be something we grown out of by now?..

Edited by enigmatia
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Misinformed people, Misinformed people everywhere... People need to actually study furries more...


The ponies on the show are talking animals, which makes them anthromorphic in a way. In the facial expressions and the fact the even stand up. Does that mean bronies are a kind of furry? Not really.


But people really need to study up on furries. I am largely active in both fandoms and too tell you the truth, they are both really alike in how they are both hated by media and looked apon as strange people.

  • Brohoof 3


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Anyway, Another small thing came to mind, If bronies can 'Brohoof' What would a furry do? I though something along the lines of paws....But what about snakes and gryphons and other things without paws..?


Once again, thanks in advance.


Greet with doggy licks or glomps.


Naw, not really :P But brohoof is a mutual "manly" agreement. I don't know if furries need that sort of thing, since they don't really need to justify their manliness about liking to draw/roleplay/fanfic/cosplay as animals.

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