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Embarrassing Brony Moments


Embarrassing Brony Moments  

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  1. 1. Where do your Embarrassing Brony Moments happen?

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So to start, I live in Republican Wannabe-Redneck Town. I'm constantly ridiculed for being a brony. Not that I care, mind you. It just gets annoying after a while. Mainly my embarrassing moments are people laughing at me over my Derpy bag.



For the past few months I've been using that bag in place of a backpack. When people finally notice in the halls I can tell: everyone suddenly gets really quiet and I can feel them pointing at me. It makes me laugh on the inside that they think I care what they think.


Once I was walking out of my fourth-period with my large friend who knows exactly how to embarrass people. The hall was crowded and, as he walked a little bit behind me, he said/yelled "Dude, your bag is gay." Naturally, people stopped to look. So I just stared him down and said "Yes. Yes it is." And kept walking. He was totally flabbergasted that I would agree, and now he doesn't give me crap about it anymore.


I had a close call at USATF Nationals. My mom took me to the USATF store in the hotel to get some gear, and of course EVERYONE else is there as well. My mom asked me to try on a jacket, so I began taking off the sweatshirt I was wearing. It was right then that I remembered that I was wearing my light-blue Lyra "I BELIEVE" shirt. So I faced the wall and changed faster than I've ever changed before. Pretty sure some people saw anyway, but no one made a fuss over it.


Finally, a positive: our cross-country team is like one big family, and the guys all give each other nicknames that stay with them for their entire stay in high school. We have Bearcat, Papa Bearcat, Optimus Prime, Dumbass, @The Pulse, and Ponyboy, to name a few. Guess which one I am?

  • Brohoof 11

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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My dad caught me listening to some song with fluttershy's epic cute adorable voice in it at one point and he just stared at me as I carefully muted the computer. nothing major though.

I remember me and my only other brony friend were in public and someone mentioned a princess and we looked at eachother. and as time went on and we kept seeing references from mlp we both instantly went into all out nerd mode talking about mlp and best pony etc. it was pretty fun. I didn't notice my crush was there though.

which made it super awkward.

and I mean AWKWARD.


edit: another one was when someone had basically drawn rainbow dashes cutie mark on the board, for some weird reason. it was a cloud with a thunderbolt coming out of it, so I wrote "This board is now 20% cooler" next to it.

you'd be surprised how many people got the reference. o_o

Edited by SoundRaptured
  • Brohoof 8
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well im still much of a closet brony,mostly because im dutch and there just isnt as big as a brony community here than i imagine there is in the states.


but my most embarrassing moment whas when i was singing along to the song "this day aria" when i thought i was home alone......turns out my older brother recorded the whole thing with his phone :/

  • Brohoof 5


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Today I had a great one.

I was at the movies to watch Star Trek Into Darkness (great movie btw)

well for some weird reason they thought the Star Trek audience would be interested in MLP Equestrian girls.

When the preview showed up I could not stop laughing. and everypony stared. My mom even joked "haha we're going to go see that aren't we" and her friend joined in the joking.

when I said totally they both froze.

  • Brohoof 18
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Well a few months back when before i graduated high school the whole English class had to read one page of some book out loud. (lol forget the book). Anyways when it was my turn I came to the word everyone I somehow managed to say everypony....Wow everyone in the class just glared at me and I swear It felt like it was 100 degrees in the room!!! I kinda just shook it off and continued....laugh.png 

Edited by buster500
  • Brohoof 4


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Well I wore my Rainbow Dash shirt in public for the first time last week. So we were in the gym before school started and some guy yelled GAY! very loudly at me. I then shouted at him "RAINBOW DASH DOES NOT APPROVE!" and walked away. Got a lot of stares...

  • Brohoof 8


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I think anybody who watches MLP on Netflix can vouch for me when I say this: Your friends/family seeing your Netflix recommendations.

. That's exactly how my dad found out that I was a brony.. so I know the feel bro. The other thing is YouTube recommended videos, those are a killer.
  • Brohoof 14


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Don't be a Brony in the forces if you're gonna do that! :D

What about a well-hidden-for-years closet brony in the PLA?


there's no other bronies as far as I know in the force I served so...I think I'll keep it secret for now.


I'm gay...that's what I'll take into my tomb...and so what?


Sorry for my bad English

  • Brohoof 4
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 I have a few stories. 


If you've seen my post in brony confessions I enjoy Banned from Equestria a little bit more than i should ( if you know what I mean) blush.png blush.png blush.png



So, one night while I'm asleep my mom makes a bet with my dad that since I'm a male 13 year old, my search history is full of porn. So she checks my search history and Lo and behold she sees Banned from Equestria. So she chooses less bullshit mode and sees the Rainbow Dash scene. 


Let's just say that the following day was a bit akward.

Edited by mrbman9001
  • Brohoof 11

Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!



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Not my own but I was in the middle of a stability class and all of a sudden the phone of a girl behind us was ringing, you guessed right :P it was the mlp intro song!!!! this was a college class.... in fourth year of architecture !!

  • Brohoof 4
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I usually just watch MLP when I am home alone or if no one is in my room. So one day I was watching MLP with my beats on and my dad just walks in out of nowhere. Luckily to my quick reflexes I closed the tab before he saw the MLP. Not really an embarrassing moment but close.

  • Brohoof 2

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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What about a well-hidden-for-years closet brony in the PLA?


I'm gay...that's what I'll take into my tomb...and so what?



Well hidden closet brony? You know, There are more of us than you think. Just hum the theme tune or use sneaky references that only Brony's will get. Trust me mate, You'll find some ;D


And hey, I've got a boyfriend - The only reason my squaddies and the guys under my command are okay with it is because i'm open about it. Just remember that being yourself is 1,000% the man you'd be being someone else c:

  • Brohoof 10


Brony Guards - Apply now!


Nos Castor Auferet - 155 Squadron's motto

Contrary to popular belief by strange people, Rainbow Dash is the best pony in the entire universe.

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Since I prefer to keep quiet about the show, I have never really had a major embarrassing moment.


I have had one small embarrassing moment however. I was watching "It's about time" on my computer and my mum walked in the room asking "What's this? A cartoon about talking ponies?" And she gave a look as if to say "This is weird..."


It wasn't that embarrassing however because last year, around the time I first got into MLP, I asked her if she would assume men who liked the show were strange but she said she would'nt since people like what they like.

  • Brohoof 5
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I don't have any as of yet.  But after I get my Pinkie Pie hug me backpack and I wear it out (preferably on that school trip I get to go on because I work at the bookshop - which is probably to a tourist attraction [meaning better chance of meeting bronies!]) we'll see what happens Cx

In fact, wish me luck.  I'd adore an embarrassing moment if it has to do with ponies and strangers!

  • Brohoof 8



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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 I have a few stories. 


If you've seen my post in brony confessions I enjoy Banned from Equestria a little bit more than i should ( if you know what I mean) img-1504066-1-blush.png img-1504066-2-blush.png img-1504066-3-blush.png



So, one night while I'm asleep my mom makes a bet with my dad that since I'm a male 13 year old, my search history is full of porn. So she checks my search history and Lo and behold she sees Banned from Equestria. So she chooses less bullshit mode and sees the Rainbow Dash scene. 


Let's just say that the following day was a bit akward.




When it comes to embarrassing moments, this is probably the most embarrassing I've read.


I mean... like... what did your parents think? People are normally embarrassed when anyone, especially their parents, catch them watching porn, but this was My Little Pony, full on-animated... and your parents now know about it and actually saw that scene...


Dude, I would die from embarrassment. I would never live that down...


You deserve more brohoofs, my friend.

  • Brohoof 9



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 I have a few stories. 


If you've seen my post in brony confessions I enjoy Banned from Equestria a little bit more than i should ( if you know what I mean) img-1504066-1-blush.png img-1504066-2-blush.png img-1504066-3-blush.png



So, one night while I'm asleep my mom makes a bet with my dad that since I'm a male 13 year old, my search history is full of porn. So she checks my search history and Lo and behold she sees Banned from Equestria. So she chooses less bullshit mode and sees the Rainbow Dash scene. 


Let's just say that the following day was a bit akward.

So at first I was like, "WTF is 'Banned From Equestria'? Can't be that bad."


One Google search later, the full horror of your post has been realized. Let me just say, I dearly hope your mom takes a "Let us never speak of this again" approach to the whole thing. ohmy.png

  • Brohoof 6
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One time in class it was all silent and i was just sitting in my desk and this girl walks by you know the type of girl who talks really loud to get attention. she says OMG IS THAT A MY LITTLE PONY?!?! then everyone looks over at me and starts to giggle and laugh. my ''friend'' daniel was like yeah cause he's a fagget. then after class this girl walks up to me after class and in all seriouseness ask me if im accually gay. i did a face palm and explained to her why i like the show but i dont think she was convinced

  • Brohoof 5
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Today I had a great one.

I was at the movies to watch Star Trek Into Darkness (great movie btw)

well for some weird reason they thought the Star Trek audience would be interested in MLP Equestrian girls.

When the preview showed up I could not stop laughing. and everypony stared. My mom even joked "haha we're going to go see that aren't we" and her friend joined in the joking.

when I said totally they both froze.

I have yet to see the trailer in Theaters. Although, I will have to agree with you on Star Trek, Into Darkness. It was amazing. 

#1. I had just gotten some posters from a contest I had won, and then proceeded to put them up in my room. My dad walks in, looks at me, and the posters, then walks out. No questions asked, but I'm pretty sure he think's I have a screw loose or something


#2. I was listening to my iPod at school, and the song was "Discord" by Eurobeat Brony. So the my friend comes up and ask me what I'm listening to. I don't tell him, so, he grabs it, and looks at my iPod. He sees the background picture (Which is of either Gummy or Fluttershy), asks me what the f*ck it is, and I tell him that my other friend got a hold of my iTunes password and username (which he actually does). Not sure if he believed me, but we are cool

#3. Same story as most of the people here. Go to school, bring laptop, open it up, pony background. Except that mine was hooked up to a projector for a project. As soon as I realized it, I disconnected it, but then the questions come. But then again, most of them are pretty cool about it, and even met a couple bronies.

Oh yeah, MilBrony, how long have you been in the Rangers for? I have heard and seen the testing procedure. It it really as hard as it looks? I also know about the cleaning. Any dust, like even the smallest minuscule particle has to be picked up. No joke. If you want a link to see how hard it is to become a US Army Ranger, go here--> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptTfVeUksnQ

Fun? What is this "fun" thou speakest of?




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Last month our Interact Club (it's a club that raises money for good causes and stuff) got together to clean the purple toilets that we put of peoples lawns to earn money for Relay for Life but only 5 people showed up so it was: Sara, Cash, Ricardo, Maddie and me. So we were there and we were talking and Ricardo was saying that him and Cash should have a movie night that night but that I wanted to try watching Mlp to see why people liked it so much.


And as soon as I heard that I got all happy and opened my mouth to say something but chickened out at the last second, Well everyone noticed and Cash asked me what was up I and I said "Never mind it's not important" but got up enough courage to say "Well the reason I got excited is because I'm a Brony".


And Cash was looked confused and said "But isn't a Brony a guy?" so I said "Fine! if you want to get technical I'm a Pegasister!" and Sara and Ricardo started cracking up laughing hysterically and I was so embarrassed I started laughing too! When they finally calmed down Ricardo said that it was cool and he'd let me know what he thought of the show. :)

  • Brohoof 5
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had a great one today, i was listening with some music with some of my friends.

and the track we were playing was drokz ft daymar - our song.

and the song after that in my playlist was giggle at the ghostie

  • Brohoof 4


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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I had forgotten about this till I happen to remember the other day.. I'm not sure this counts as a brony moment because it happened LONG before there ever was such a name.


One of the jobs I had was working in the toy section of a major chain supermarket *not Wallmart * but similar


Anyway I used to find myself "arranging" the shelf that held all the my little ponies and stuff *yes I was playing with them* then my boss saw me one day *arranging * the shelf and asked me what I was doing. Told him I was working and was making sure the prices were correctly marked.... I doubt he bought it

  • Brohoof 7
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You're lucky that your C.O. was a brony, in fact, that sounds more awesome than it does embarrassing.  


Luckily for me, my ego stops me from ever being embarrassed.

Last month our Interact Club (it's a club that raises money for good causes and stuff) got together to clean the purple toilets that we put of peoples lawns to earn money for Relay for Life but only 5 people showed up so it was: Sara, Cash, Ricardo, Maddie and me. So we were there and we were talking and Ricardo was saying that him and Cash should have a movie night that night but that I wanted to try watching Mlp to see why people liked it so much.


And as soon as I heard that I got all happy and opened my mouth to say something but chickened out at the last second, Well everyone noticed and Cash asked me what was up I and I said "Never mind it's not important" but got up enough courage to say "Well the reason I got excited is because I'm a Brony".


And Cash was looked confused and said "But isn't a Brony a guy?" so I said "Fine! if you want to get technical I'm a Pegasister!" and Sara and Ricardo started cracking up laughing hysterically and I was so embarrassed I started laughing too! When they finally calmed down Ricardo said that it was cool and he'd let me know what he thought of the show. smile.png

You put purple toilets on people's lawns to collect charity money from them? If people put Purple Toilets on my lawn for any reason I would lock myself in my house for no less than forever.

  • Brohoof 4


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I had forgotten about this till I happen to remember the other day.. I'm not sure this counts as a brony moment because it happened LONG before there ever was such a name.


One of the jobs I had was working in the toy section of a major chain supermarket *not Wallmart * but similar


Anyway I used to find myself "arranging" the shelf that held all the my little ponies and stuff *yes I was playing with them* then my boss saw me one day *arranging * the shelf and asked me what I was doing. Told him I was working and was making sure the prices were correctly marked.... I doubt he bought it


Yes, this post is awesome. An embarrassing Brony moment that occurred before the term Bronies even existed! How excellent. A pre-Brony brohoof to you, good sir.

  • Brohoof 5



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