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How powerful are Celestia, Luna, and Discord?


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They probably do have a limit. It just seems limitless because power is relative. For example, comparing Twilight's magic to another unicorn's magic such as Rarity's would be like comparing an M4A1 to a USP .45.

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I feel a bit annoyed about the whole power gauge thing. Whilst I can safely say that Discord is uber powerful and able to bend everything to his will I haven't seen a lot of action from Celestia. Every time something bad happens she just sends the Mane 6 out to fix it (Dragonshy etc). Its like she doesn't really care at all. Even with Discord she could have at least helped, not just sent mail.

Luna's power we've seen (Nightmare Moon) and she looked pretty powerful, not Discord like but still able to wreak mayhem.

So, ranking for me would go.





TLDR; Discord and Lunar are cool, Celestia does nothing.

Edited by Gingerpotato
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actually I am tempted to believe that celstia isn't powerful anymore sure she is more powerful than the average unicorn but she wasnt strong enough to beat nightmare moon neither discord

Dsicords powers are pretty much unlimited indeed

Luna again I am tempted to believe she is actually more powerful thaN celestia but I dont know really

~In construction~ 

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Well at least in Luna and Celestias' case, they have been alive for over a thousand years and have enough power on their own to raise the sun and moon on a daily basis, so they are pretty much goddesses, but they probably still have a limit(albait a really high one that no other pony can hope to match). Discord is basically the living embodyment of Chaos and from what we have seen of his powers, he is basically only limited by his imagination. He could have taken over all of Equestria(and probably the rest of the world) in a second if he hadn't just been toying with the Mane 6. So basically, he was a god in the literal sense of the word.
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Basically we have the elements of harmony wich are more powerful than anybody, and then we have a series of gods, wich until now are just Celestia, Luna and Discord, but apparently there are more alicorns out there. Probably we will be getting more and more gods during the series. All these gods are inmortal, but their amount of powe is questionable. Discord seemed to be quite strong, and could only be defeated by the elements of harmony, wich means that Luna and Celestia together would be weaker than him.


You could say, that since Celestia and Luna have lived for over a thousand years they would have improved their magical powers drastically during that time, hence Celestia being capable or diverting the mess that Twilight had created in Lesson Zero in a second, but besides from their special talent of raising the sun and moon they might not be that powerful. Of course they seem to be now, but I think twilight and pumpkin cake could technically reach a higher level, with enough time

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what does the scouter say about their power levels? it's 20% OVER 9000!!!!!!

  • Brohoof 2


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I'd say my mother is probably the weakest of This all-star line up. but i cant say nothing because twilight is even a chanllge for me.


yes, newfriend! also sweetie belle is a super chanllge and a big Star to!

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I don't think it was that Celestia COULDN'T stop Nightmare Moon, it was that she wanted to find a way to stop her without hurting Luna.


That, and also I think Celestia and Luna's powers are probably roughly equal. Celestia was only able to imprison Luna in the past by using the Elements of Harmony. If they had fought in open battle, it would probably be a long one that would devastate Equestria.

In the case of Discord, Celestia probably didn't even bother because she knew she did not stand a chance. She may control the Sun, but Discord could manipulate reality itself. I think it goes:


Discord > (Celestia = Luna)

Edited by Envoy
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Discord is obviously and indisputably the strongest of the 3. Luna as Nightmare Moon could create some decent illusions and mess with some creatures but she didn't do much else. Celestia I have no idea, it's either she's so powerful that she doesn't want to use her powers or that her powers aren't as strong as they may have used to be(I'd vouch for the latter).


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Mane 6 + elements of harmony > Discord + Luna + Celestia



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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I would not say that Discord is more powerful than Luna or Celestia, but because he uses his powers for the wrong reasons, he just seems to be. Basically, Harmony could easily be corrupted by ANY magical being. Twilight for instance in "Lesson Zero" when she made everypony infatuated with Smarty Pants. But once corruption begins, it is not something easy to stop, which is also seen in Lesson Zero when Twilight tries to stop it.


If Celestia or Luna were to simply have a one on one battle of Magic against Discord, I'd assume it would probably never end.


Mane 6 + elements of harmony > Discord + Luna + Celestia




The Elements of Harmony are merely used to concentrate the most powerful magic in all of Equestria; The Magic of Friendship.

Which is indubitably the most powerful force to be found.


Friendship alone is a very powerful thing, and without it the Elements are nothing more than fancy jewelery.

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  • 4 months later...

Discord is a reality warper of a high quality (there is a reason reality warpers are considered broken and OP) able to with a snap of his fingers remove a ponies ability to fly and use magic, and teleport and disappear at will and just by touching a pony corrupt them (mind control and mind rape).

My view on Celestia is that she is the most skilled and most powerful of the sisters because of her being a 1000+ years ahead of her sister but for a number of reasons doesn't show this power (perhaps having to raise the sun AND the moon (plus stars, exc) probably was a bit draining. In addition with great power comes great responsibility (yes, yes I know Spiderman quote), meaning that while Celestia could fix many if not most of the problem her subjects face she doesn't. She wants her subject to believe in themselves and to realize they are strong enough and smart enough to fix their own problems, she simply nudges them in the right directions.

Yet Luna would be no pushover, especually after making up for her power loss in the 1 season pilot and was actually stronger then Celestia as Nightmare Moon... which would explain why Celestia was unable to stop NNM without the help of the Elements of Harmony (which would not have worked correctly because of the fact the friendship involved was broken). This would also explain why Celestia was missing, more likely then not NNM defeated Celestia 'off screen' and it was only after Twilight and friends defeated NNM that Celestia appearred.


In Summary: Elements of Harmony are able to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord while Celestia could not, while Celestia and Luna have more power (more importantly more experiance and skill) then any single pony in Equestria... though Twilight with time could become more powerful. I doubt Twilight has any idea just how much power she holds inside herself nor what her true potental is (though I think Celestia does know).

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Faust confirmed that Celestia, Luna and all Alicorns are not deities or gods, spirits, etc. Discord however is a spirit, and not just any spirit, the spirit of chaos. I would say in a general sense, Discord is more 'powerful' than Celestia or Luna, and is easily one of the most potent characters in the series. He is the living, breathing incarnation of chaos in spirit form. The only known way to stop him is to petrify him with the Elements of Harmony, Chaos's pure opposite. And all it does is imprison him, it doesn't really defeat him. It puts him on pause, up until the ones who wielded the elements no longer have control.


He literally walked into Ponyville and within an episode, the entire realm goes to hell in a hand-basket, and he acts as if it's a stroll in the park. But that's not the extent. I believe that we haven't seen all of what he's capable of specifically, and that the only two big things we've seen him do, the 'taking logic out of everything' and 'turning ponies into their opposites' is only part of what he could do if he really wanted to. Because he loves to play. Not only that, he seriously underestimates his enemies. If he had no interest in playing around, and was as malicious and heartless as he is cunning, things would be far, far worse for the ponies imo. To me, the fact that Discord is the spirit of a fundamental law of reality puts him above Celestia and Luna, who again, are not deities or spirits, as Faust said herself.


That said, I do believe Chaos in of itself has a disadvantage over Harmony. It's just what it is; unorganized, random, etc. If a tribe of barbarians with no armor, no tactic and nothing but clubs runs up to a regimented military force with armor, nothing but slaughter will happen upon the barbarians. When Harmony has the ability to gather it's forces and focus it's attack, chaos is more or less boned. Which is perfectly represented in the fact that Discord purposefully tried to break up the Mane 6, because though he did seriously underestimate them, he knew that he was toast if they were used on him.


Long rant short, Discord has more raw ability and powers than Celestia and Luna. BUT, as a single entity and not a force spread throughout all ponies and good creatures like Harmony, he does have a disadvantage.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
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I'm going to agree with many of the others here and say that Discord, as the embodiment of a natural force, is the most powerful of the three. He is Chaos's face to the world, and is gifted with an amount of power appropriate to such a being. Thankfully, his thought processes seem to be equally scattered, which makes him beatable. I think of him like Ares: capable of shows of extreme power, but lacking the discipline and control that Athena uses. This is why Ares was one of the only gods ever actually wounded by a mortal.


Celestia seems to fit more the "mentor" role, than that any sort of combatant, which makes sense. She was given stewardship of the sun, which traditionally symbolizes a life-giving force, one that sustains people through crop growth and warmth. To draw a parallel, Apollo was a passable archer, but was more concerned with things like prophecy, music, and poetry. Another good comparison would be Obi-Wan Kenobi (episodes 4-6). She's training Twilight Sparkle in all the necessary skills she will need to complete the tasks assigned (like defeating NMM and Discord), but mostly through gentle guidance and behind-the-scenes manipulation. That and she has to guide a massive ball of fire through the sky every day without letting it get too close or too far away. I imagine that takes a good bit of her time and focus.


As to Luna, I'm not sure we've seen enough of her to properly judge. When possessed by hatred and jealousy, she can obviously kick some flank. For those who doubt, I would point out it takes quite a bit of work to undermine a stable cliff formation and cause part of it to break in under 5 minutes. That being said, who knows what she was actually capable of while she was in the moon? And I do mean "in" the moon. While popular depiction shows she was on the moon, it is equally likely she lived up to the name Mare in the Moon by being bound as part of the moon itself. At best, she may have had time to practice some magic, though she was unlikely to have learned more, and her anger may not have allowed her the focus to do so. When the rage that fueled her as NMM was taken away, I think she lost some power. However, this still leaves her more powerful that most ponies, but probably less so than Celestia by virtue of experience. Moonlight is, after all, a reflection of sunlight. And as with her sister, moving the moon around probably takes a good bit of concentration, what with all of the different cycles and such.


TL;DR - Discord is uber powerful, but too ADHD to get terribly far. Celestia has had over 1000 years to gain power, but doesn't use it overtly (usually), and is probably busy taking care of the sun. Luna was probably too busy seething to really expand her power, and without the rage she's powerful, but not quite as tough or experienced as Celestia. (Still TL;DR... Lordy, I'm a windbag...)


I'm hoping we get to see more of their abilities in S3, especially Luna. She's a favorite of mine. I'm also hoping to see more Discord, maybe a good long flashback of when he first ruled.

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I'm also hoping to see more Discord, maybe a good long flashback of when he first ruled.


Full-on storybook flashback to when he ruled, and maybe a detailed battle summary would be fantastic.

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Luna hardly does crap, so I don't know. The one time she fought Celestia, Celestia needed the EOH to beat Luna. In fact, Celestia can't seem to beat anyone on her own. However, Discord shows no limits. Like Q, you just have to sit through his madness. You don't really get a choice. You have to take it.

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