Gaullin Everfree 64 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 (edited) The title says it all, if we stay quiet and let these people who worship their "action figures" call us names and do whatever the hell they like with us then we're empowering them and i think it's about time we stopped taking these insults softly. It's time we fight fire with fire and it's about time they get burnt. These guys are the definition of low lives since they can't get a girl friend or a life they go online and hunt for someone to blow their steam off on. A guy who owns a whole cupboard full of video games and comics has no right and no place to call us nerds or stereotype us into either paedophiles or confused autistic kids. Bronies are heroes, there are bronies who fight for their country, bronies who give to charity and help those in need yet all these efforts are ignored because you and me are 90 year old pedos who seemingly have no life according to the media in a nutshell. Lets prove people wrong show them that we have a voice and that we will stand up for other bronies and our name whenever the time comes, screw those haters and make them very aware of their own situation and where they stand. Things have only gone so far because we have stood idly by letting this happen, so now it's time to bring it to a halt. Edited June 6, 2013 by DashForever 8 Smile today and be happy and make memories worth remembering because tomorrow may leave you alone and in tears. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DND 2,355 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Well, It'd be interesting to see how we'd trudge into battle against haters and bronies. But you have to realize that every fandom has It's haters and negative sides. It something we can simply defeat. It's not like the true haters will really stop hating it because we threatened them... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I understand how you feel but one very important thing I have learned about haters/trolls is that they love attention even if that attention is negative. So "fighting fire with fire" is only playing right into their hands, it is like playing by the houses rules in a rigged card game there is no way you can win unless you play by a different set of rules. This of course dosen't mean that we become total pushovers, it just means that we don't play their game and give them the attention they crave. So haters want to call us pedophiles, overgrown manchildren, fags or whatever else and I say we let them have at it until they are blue in the face the more we ignore them the more ridiculous the insults they will use to get a response and the more over the top they get the more stupid it will make them look. Ever heard the phrase "if you give them enough rope they will hang themselves?" I think that applies here big time. 9 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just some guy 1,070 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Easy there,Rambo.Your commitment to the brony fandom is great and all,but...that's a bit over the top there,innit?You make it sound like there's a bloody war going on between haters and bronies or something and we need to take action. If you're actually expecting to get somewhere with people insulting us by insulting them,then you're going about it all wrong.There's a difference between standing up for yourself and childishly getting to a pissing contest with them.Nobody should take shit from anybody else ever,and it's good to stand up for yourself and others.However,if you honestly plan to get somewhere by calling people "the definition of low lives since they can't get a girl friend or a life" and "fags who worship their 'action figures'," you're on the same level as those guys,if not lower.Pissing contests don't do the world any good,son. Also,the haters want people like you to insult them and get riled up.If you really wanna do something about it,just ignore them and move on.Seriously.They want the attention the most,so why not just deprive them of the most sought-out thing?If they continue to insult you or something,then they got jacked-up priorities on life and should find the time to do a self-reflection about their position in life. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jokuc 8,174 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 (edited) I've been all over the place in this community and I've seen a lot of haters, but I don't see the big deal. Why should we "fight fire with fire" ?. You shouldn't even need to bother, because I don't and everything works just fine for me. Edited June 6, 2013 by Jokuc 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I say that we would go too far into the battlefield against the haters but, I don't think it matters anymore. But, we would not want to give them the satisfaction and attention that they want. I would rather just use violence, besides we all know how the media likes to spread lies. So we shouldn't let that bother us. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ParsoOfEquestria 1,490 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 theres an old saying I heard once "Don't slay the monster, or you, yourself will become the monster you swore to slay" in other words, if you retaliate against haters, you'll fall right into their laps and become one of them 4 Add me on Steam | Youtube Channel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Katella Avenue 28 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Bronies are heroes, there are bronies who fight for their country, bronies who give to charity and help those in need yet all these efforts are ignored because you and me are 90 year old pedos who seemingly have no life according to the media in a nutshell. And there are 'haters' who are army men themselves, some who are decent people who just had a bad experience with the bad side of our fandom... A brony holy war (words I never thought I'd say right there) is not only detrimental to our image it's unnecessary. We're by and large out of the limelight. Media has moved on to new things to mock and critique. And we're not going to change minds by being vocal about whatever. People will let us be, like they do furries and what not. We've reached the equilibrium of a mature fandom I think, where we can go on without outside intervention. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bcd34a 51 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 If you cant love, tolerate, hate, then what do you do? Just always dull serious mood all the time? Haha im just joking but heres how the stereotype goes for bronies and haters: - Bronies are stereotyped by anti bronies as cloppers and closet furries that just do MLP related stuff all day. - Anti bronies are stereotyped by bronies as people with no life that cant seem to do anything better to do than just trying to get bronies pissed off. - Then....what I call a "neutral" (one that isnt a brony nor anti brony) usually sees bronies the way anti bronies do since its usually the hates lieing about what exactly a brony is. Thats how its always been [from expirience] and thats how it will always be. Have to admit, every fandom has a hater aswell. Example, dubstep haters describe the sub-genre as recorded robot pornography . Just to clear it out even more, haters usually make up the stereotypes of fandoms (ex: mlp fandom, dubstep fans, etc.,) because if all of what they said was true. That means bronies would be closet furries that clop and do nothing all day but "jerk off to MLP" and then dubstep fans are perverted people that go to the "local store" for their recorded adultery, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 777 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 (edited) While this may seem like the perfect answer to you, you're allowing your feelings to blind you from the truth. You cannot label 'haters' as 'people who worship their "action figures" call us names and do whatever the hell they like' because I'm sure some 'haters' live just as good lives as us. As others have said all fandoms have their good and bad side, it's what you choose to be that matters. Calm yourself, clear your mind and heart and put yourself into the shoes of 'haters.' Maybe it's possible that these people are 'haters' because 'bronies' relentlessly shoved ponies into their faces when they clearly didn't want it. It's possible that these users who people such as yourself have chosen to label as 'haters' only retaliated in such a fashion because 'bronies' wouldn't leave them alone, even when they apologized. Violence begets violence, hate begets hate and at the end of the day everyone loses. " (1) Everything you do in life, every choice you make has a consequence. When you do things without thinking, then you 'aint making the choice the choice is making you. (2)It is not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices. (3)You are what YOU choose to be. " Edited by DashForever, 17 minutes ago. referencing hidden content Alright, ya caught me red handed, here's the sources of the quotes. 1: Mark Steven Johnson, Ghostrider, 2007 2: Albus DumbleDore, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2002 3: Hogarth Hughes, The Iron Giant, 1999 Edited June 6, 2013 by Accellerant referencing hidden content 4 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO. If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Page.Turner 940 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 This is nothing but a bad idea. To fight back would not only slander the brony's true name, but it would also just make more people hurt and give people more reason to hate bronies. 2 ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkazoid 3,493 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Listen. There's idiots in both sides of this thing. If you wanna join the idiots in this side, be my guest, i wont stop you. I don't care about the whole love and tolerance crap either, because you know what works better? "Ignoring the shit out of them" It works like a charm. 1 :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simba86 1,541 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 ok, a war is what the haters want, believe me i have been on the internet a long time and i see it all the time, there are a lot of people who have no life that just sit on the computer all day every day picking on people and calling them names and all that cyber bully crap. THEY LOVE IT WHEN YOU GET MAD AND RANT! that is what they want to see! they ENJOY the fight! they want to make you mad and make you cuss them out!! if you ignore them they get nothing out of messing with you, if you ignore them long enough and they do not get anything out of you they will move on. let me repeat that they ENJOY getting you mad! they love it when you fight back and it encourages them to keep going! 1 It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 That title Yes... fight fire with fire. Attack them where it hurts. Give them more reasons to sneer and shout at ponies, just the way they like it. Give them war! Destroy both sides while you're at it! ...Nah As the cute polar bear above me already said, violence begets violence. Don't give them any more fuel to attack you and everything you love about ponies. Just turn your head away and walk away with style 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oddgob 56 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 (edited) There is nothing here. Edited April 15, 2017 by Oddgob Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 - Then....what I call a "neutral" (one that isnt a brony nor anti brony) usually sees bronies the way anti bronies do since its usually the hates lieing about what exactly a brony is. When I first heard of bronies I was neutral, I saw it as strange yet harmless but really saying most of them agree with the haters is a painting things with far too broad of a brush. Most neutrals tend to either by like I was or just don't even care they can easily go either way depending on their experiences with bronies and haters. I don't think it is always going to be this way because I think if MLP is around long enough it will become more mainstream like many other fandoms have like Star Wars or Sonic for example. That dosen't mean there won't be anymore trolls and haters just that it won't be seen as big of a deal for teenagers and adults to watch a show about cartoon ponies. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 I agree that the negative stereotyping of bronies is beyond fucked up, especially given that there truly are tons of heroes and altruistic folk within our ranks. It really is a great (and overall harmless) community, and it's simply pathetic that some would regard our mere existence as a threat to their...masculinity, or heterosexuality, or whatever bullshit thing it is that they're terrified of losing. Not that they even could lose those things if they were secure in either of them. (And, you know, sexuality is kinda genetic and stuff.) I also agree with "screw love". The love part of our "love and tolerate" creed is misguided, in my eyes; it should just be "tolerate". Love, or even just simple friendship, are not things to freely offer to just anyone. They are earned through respect and trust, and I don't think I need to tell anypony here that we'll continue to receive neither from haters, and thus, they deserve neither love nor friendship from us in return...or anything at all, for that matter. And therein lies my one disagreement. See, these people are so wretchedly insignificant, so pitifully powerless to actually do anything about us - the thing they hate sooooo much - that their insults really don't even deserve to be dignified with a response of any kind. All they've ever done, and all they ever can do, is caps lock obscenities at us from behind the safety of their computer screens like the scared little manchildren they are. The empty can rattles the loudest, and so these bitter folks try to ease their own self-loathing by projecting their insecurities onto easy targets like bronies. Pathetic is the only word in the English language that can come close to describing this behavior, and even then, there's plenty of room for an even more searing word. But really, everypony here is right in saying that fighting fire with fire is only going to serve to add fuel to the haters' fires. By showing that you have taken offense to a hater's words, you have eased their crippling insecurities, and are only encouraging them to come back for more. But by ignoring a hater's insults, you effectively cockblock his attempts to relieve his own lack of self-worth, and so he suffers much more than if you were to strike back. After all, there's no better way to drive a megaphone-wielding loudmouth nuts than by pretending you can't even hear him, right? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mio Akiyama 145 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Actually, it may be shocking, but I know a way to stop the haters from bothering you. Be intimidating. I don't know about you but I can be extremely intimidating to people around my age. And if you're built or huge, just the better. Have the factor of intimidation. The minute ey call you something or anything insulting just be like "What the **** did you just say?" Other than that, make him look like an ass... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harmonic Revelations 8,835 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 On the subjects of screw love, I think it is okay as long as it is consensual. Everybody needs to tolerate screws, and people who hate screws are just racists. 8 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Other than that, make him look like an ass... Trust me on that one, I have been there and done that and it may have worked with some people and for a little while but it turned me into someone that I didn't like. Imagine Fluttershy in the episode Putting Your Hoof Down except 10 times worse and that was me back in high school. Yes I scared people and in some cases did get my way but I also drove people away and constantly teetered on the edge of being expelled from school or going to prison. You absolutely do not want to go down the intimidation route, you will not like what you become if you do that. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valormos 262 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 From what I leaned most haters are one like lets say if a person freaks out cause your a brony they are probably are one or they got nothing better to do,get made fun of,or they are just a wanna be suck up so they can blend in with the cool kids but you are right its good to stand up for you are besides they make fun of us for liking mlp when they watch spongbob or other shows §*ADVENTURE TIME*§ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IronPonyApplejack 318 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 You know...I think everyone above me has pretty well covered it. Anger leads to the dark side, bro. We would gain nothing from what you're suggesting. Just let stupid haters be stupid haters. 1 If you're at all familiar with #Twitterponies, you can find me there! Player of @mlp_snare, @mlp_MedliC, and @mlp_Vinyl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TubeSock2018 325 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 As an ex-hater, then reluctant fan, to now just a casual fan who accepts it, I gotta say haters aren't worth the trouble. It's like if someone calls me a pedophile or gay for watching MLP, I'm just like ok. It doesn't really bother me cuz I know it isn't true. If I get weird looks from people who think I look at "adult" pictures of ponies on the internet, I just casually explain that before I started watching the show, I thought those rule 34 images were hilarious. Disgusting, of course, but the idea that a children's show being turned wrong was so stupid and gross that it made me laugh, just from how terrible it was. But then I tell them that now that I'm a fan and actually know about the show, I think those pictures are an insult to the show, should be deleted. and shame on them for bringing up such a terrible topic. That usually shuts the hater up because now it's like they're the ones thinking about it and bringing it up. haha Buncha weirdos. You just gotta take this lightheartedly. I laugh at myself all the time for watching MLP. As an adult male, that's funny. It breaks so many stereotypes. I like to watch Rambo and MLP. One time I did in the same day. That is so weird. but I don't care. If anyone makes fun of me for it, I totally understand. So what? I know it's a great show and I know there are great people who also like the show. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SrFrog 927 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 Woah! dude, what? No, where'd that even come from? I mean, you don't have to be a pushover about your passions. However, the way you're suggesting that people should handle it... Yeah, that's the main reason why the majority of the internet sees us with that indifference. Middle ground man, it's all about finding that middle point. "Never give no manipulative bitch the benefit of the doubt" - Compa's grandpa... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Moon 965 June 6, 2013 Share June 6, 2013 The title says it all, if we stay quiet and let these people who worship their "action figures" call us names and do whatever the hell they like with us then we're empowering them and i think it's about time we stopped taking these insults softly. It's time we fight fire with fire and it's about time they get burnt. These guys are the definition of low lives since they can't get a girl friend or a life they go online and hunt for someone to blow their steam off on. A guy who owns a whole cupboard full of video games and comics has no right and no place to call us nerds or stereotype us into either paedophiles or confused autistic kids. Bronies are heroes, there are bronies who fight for their country, bronies who give to charity and help those in need yet all these efforts are ignored because you and me are 90 year old pedos who seemingly have no life according to the media in a nutshell. Lets prove people wrong show them that we have a voice and that we will stand up for other bronies and our name whenever the time comes, screw those haters and make them very aware of their own situation and where they stand. Things have only gone so far because we have stood idly by letting this happen, so now it's time to bring it to a halt. Hmm....problems I've never had a girlfriend, I have 20 odd some video games, and I own some comics (Garfield and The Far Side hehehe) Last time I checked I was a Brony not a hater and the nicest person I know, unfortunately. I'm taking slight offense to this since you seem to think very low of my traits and would label them as what defines a hater. Great now I'm feeling pretty depressed about my life again, thank you. So you seem to have a very warped perception of what a hater is, since the things above don't make a hater a hater. Haters are dumbasses, douchbags, and the uneducated to the show, plain and simple. They don't have to even use the internet and I'm pretty sure a good number have/had a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure I know tons of potential haters (I'm a closet). You really can't rally the bronies and create a spearhead against them, as cool as that would be. The best thing you can do is just ignore them since they crave attention. Plain and simple. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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