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gaming Call of Duty Ghosts E3 Demo


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FINALLY CoD Ghosts Campaign gameplay that ISN'T fake!!! I am So nervexiced!!!! it gust looks beautiful with the new engine. and sorry i couldent find any better quality than 720p. but i hope you enjoy and tell me what you think about this.

heres a 1080p video about the graphics

Edited by PelateOvercast
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i've always been much of a COD fanboy, and ghostst doesn't change this.

however, i still feel that COD could do more with like the basic animations, like jumping of a ledge or something like that. it still seems rather unnatural that a ledge where your companion needs to basically climb of, you can just walk of and the only reaction you get from the game is that your screen bounces a little.

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i've always been much of a COD fanboy, and ghostst doesn't change this.

however, i still feel that COD could do more with like the basic animations, like jumping of a ledge or something like that. it still seems rather unnatural that a ledge where your companion needs to basically climb of, you can just walk of and the only reaction you get from the game is that your screen bounces a little.

lol pretty true, but what im really exited for is the new engine and the fact its not modern warfare. and hopefully new animations and guns. :)

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The seting looks interesting. Very "post-apocalipstick", if you catch the reference. It's a bit of a Homefront knock-off, though, and it doesn't look like it's blazing any new trails for the series like Black Ops 2 did. I consider myself a fan of the series, but I'm probably gonna wait for the price to drop on this one.


Multiplayer might be fun, but the last time I really got invested in CoD multiplayer was way back in Modern Warfare 2. Anything after that was a bit shite, IMO.

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This is a bit disapointing.


I'm neither a COD hater nor a COD fanyboy. While the multiplayer in BOII was better then in MW3 the singleplayer in both games was complete garbage. I didn't play the singleplayer modes in the previous games, but I heard similar things about them.


Everything you have to do is press W and run through a narrow corridor. It's just script event after script event. Inbetween you have to shoot a few people, but that's just a filler between the script events.

You don't have to use any strategy and it's way too easy. If you set the difficulty to "hard" the enemys won't become more intelligent. They just do more damage which turns the singleplayer into an annoying "take cover, shoot, take cover, shoot,..." game which still is no fun.

The enemys and are all the same. They behave all in the same way and have mostly the same armor weapons, so you don't have to have to use any fancy tactics or different weapons (not that you have a variety of weapons you can use tactically) to kill them.


Not many people care about singleplayers in games like COD or Battlefield, that's probably why the developers don't put much effort into them. But Call of Duty: Ghosts should push the new consoles.

It should be the reason buy a XBOX One or a PS4. The graphics of the game may be a bit better but I don't think you need a new console for that, the could have done that on the PS3/XBOX 360.

So I Kinda hoped they would get creative and make a new singleplayer, something to make this COD not just another COD, but a new and inovative one, a strong launch title for the next-gen consoles.


So I watched a recording from the livestream they did. And what did I get to see? Corridores and skripted events.


The underwater level was a complete disapointment. Swim, watch, shoot two guys, watch, swim, watch, swim. Challening and inovative gameplay? Nope.

And while the part with the dog was a bit more interesting because there was an enemy with a flamethrower and the guy playing could control a dog it still seemed sooo linear.


I would love to see a bit more of the singleplayer to see if my worries are really necessary. But what they've shown so far does not make me want spend 50 or 60 Euros for a new COD. If I would be a console gamer I wouldn't see why I should buy a new one.


In the end it will depend on the multiplayer if I buy it or not, but it's kinda sad to see how the singleplayer seems to be bad again.


But that's just my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1
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