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searching Zombie ponies!


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A zombie apocalypse takes Equestria like a wildfire infecting pony after pony, Only a handful of survivors managed to get out of each of these cities. 


  1. Manehatten
  2. Las Pegasus
  3. Saddle Arabia
  4. Appaloosa
  5. Ponyville
  6. Canterlot
  7. Dodge junction
  8. Fillydelphia
  9. Cloudsdale

With your trusty...

  • knife (Any type)
  • sword (Any type)
  • pistol (Any type)
  • Shotgun
  • rifle
  • sniper rifle
  • spear
  • duel swords
  • magic
  • chaos magic
  • blunt instruments (Any type)

You and a friend will be pined in an apocalyptic state. Chose from... 


  • prison
  • police station
  • house
  • old office building
  • store
  • gun store
  • hotel
  • RV
  • apartment
  • sewers
  • defended streets

Being good at...


  • medical
  • fighting
  • defending
  • scavenging
  • long range
  • entertainment/slightly fighting
  • trap setting
  • mechanic
  • repairing


The rules are.


  1. One weapon
  2. up to two OCs allowed
  3. no mods
  4. you may not die but go into serous condition and have a probability of death
  5. If all your OCs are wiped out come back to this page and make a new OC(s) if you want to keep RPing 
  6. have fun
  7. you may not control others OCs unless permitted

Remember, chose the class that best suits you.


  • Ponyville Zora/Zuri/??/??/??/??
  • Manehatten ??/??/??/??/??/??
  • Saddle Arabia ??/??/??/??/??/??
  • Las Pegasus Flip/??/??/??/??/??
  • Appaloosa ??/??/??/??/??/??
  • Dodge Junction ??/??/??/??/??/??
  • Fillydelphia ??/??/??/??/??/??/??
  • Canterlot Chivalry Knight/??/??/??/??/??
  • Cloudsdale Sound Cloud/Flynt/??/??/??/??

Players,/ShadowBolts/Constructive Brony/Starry Night


ShadowBolts characters-Sound Cloud, Flip 

  • Sound Cloud, Pegasus, specialty: Long range, Sound Cloud weapon: Sniper Rifle building hotel.
  • Flip, Unicorn, specialty: Scavenging, weapon: rifle building: Store

Constructive Brony's characters-Flynt


Flynt, Pegasus, specialty: Medical Flynt's weapon: Duel swords building: hotel  


ChivalryKnight's Characters-Chivalry Knight


Chivalry Knight, Unicorn, Specialty: Defending, Weapon: Knights Sword, Building: Defended Streets


Starry Night's characters-Zuri, Zora 


Zuri, Zebra, specialty: medical Weapon: pocket knife, building: Hotel


Zora, Zebra, specialty: scavenging, weapon: Machete building: Hotel 

Edited by ShadowBolts
  • Brohoof 4
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Oh I've always wanted to join an zombie rp, I can't link my character to you so I'll tell you his name, backstory, and other things

His name is sunny days, he is useful with pistols and shotguns, he can repair defend, repair thing, and knows how to fight, he will be in ponyville. His backstory: sunny days was a pegasus, he learned how to use pistols with his wings and hold a third guns in his hooves, when the apocalypse started he went to his friends house to save them, he was to late and bitten on the leg, after a few months he noticed he was immune to the infection and began on a journey to find help. He packed up his to favoriite pistols, medical supplies, food, gps , and his semiautomatic shotgun. He found a gunstore and supplied himself with ammo and grenades, he didn't know how they extra guns for the journey. He knew this would be a long trip

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I don't know what I'm doing X)


I'm a little bit slow to understand things first, but this RP sounds really fun, I love the RE games and I like the survival genre, however I must say that I won't let my OC die (sorry, my oc's are precious to me), if it's not permitted then, I dunno I'll come with a generic OC that I don't care about just for this RP.


Anyways I'll submit my OC Beat Spark (click  his name on my signature to find out), In Los Pegasus in a hotel, he's a fighting stunts coreographer so he's pretty skilled in hoof to hoof combat and submission moves, also he's tall, strong and has a lot of stamina. He really vain and shallow though. ...I dunno what weapon he might have, what about the knife, since that's the kind of stuff you found in a hotel.

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Character name and back story ~ The name is Chivalry Knight, and he was part of the Royal Guard in a kingdom far in the east called Killik. Chivalry Knight's Kingdom had been taken over by the changelings and after many months, He was able to escape.


Player(s)/Chivalry Knight


- Chivalry Knight, Unicorn, Specialty: Defending, Weapon: Knights Sword, Building: Defended Streets


(He escaped from Canterlot while visiting the princess)

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this topic is moving really slow, why don't we do some advertising to get more ponies involved?

How do you suppose I do that? I want this to be successful so I am willing to try anything really.

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How do you suppose I do that? I want this to be successful so I am willing to try anything really.

make status updates and blog entries about it, that way most people would see. Also try to keep this thread up, I dunno, if you edit the first post to make it look more attractive....

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Okay, I'm able to make an application now!


Name's Redstorm (Link in signature) He escaped Ponyville with his trusty sniper rifle. He somehow ended up in a old office building with Rut-Light. He is quite skilled in long ranged.

(I guess we're stucck together anyway, so I just picked someone who is also from Ponyville :P Hope that ain't a problem :3)

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I can't promise I'll actually end up joining this, especially since I just joined another zombie rp, but it's definitely caught my interest. I may well return to apply when it's not 3:30 AM and I can actually think properly.

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Okay, I'm able to make an application now!


Name's Redstorm (Link in signature) He escaped Ponyville with his trusty sniper rifle. He somehow ended up in a old office building with Rut-Light. He is quite skilled in long ranged.

(I guess we're stucck together anyway, so I just picked someone who is also from Ponyville :P Hope that ain't a problem :3)

Not a problem at all, Rut-Light tends to like company.  However be careful as he can and will test anypony on how wise they are.

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Can I join? I'd like to have Zora and her lil' sis Zuri
Zuri http://mlpforums.com...rs/_/zuri-r3883

Zora http://mlpforums.com...rs/_/zora-r3881


Zora: Zebra, good at: Scavenging, weapon: machete,  building: Hotel

Zuri: Zebra, good at: Medical, weapon: pocket knife, building: Hotel

Both escapd Ponyville

Hope you guys didn't start yet.


Zora and Zuri escaped Ponyville by Zora stealing a machete and for Zuri a pocket knife. Zora thought the hotel was safest and they had gotten trapped there

Edited by Starry Night
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So when exactly is this going to start?

I was going to start once all the towns got at least two people each, does that answer your question? 

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:o :O :o :O :o

T-that's not... 75 characters..... how... why... but seriously... how did you do that?



On topic... could we start without all the towns picked? Some of us who joined before might lose interest and the thread will die.

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:o :o :o :o :o

T-that's not... 75 characters..... how... why... but seriously... how did you do that?



On topic... could we start without all the towns picked? Some of us who joined before might lose interest and the thread will die.

Could you please elaborate on this?

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Could you please elaborate on this?

Well you you used less than 75 characters, didn't you? It won't let you post, when you don't have atleast 75... could you PM me, to keep the thread on topic? :3

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dude, it's much better to have at least 2 locations to start with, having ton of ponies scattered around Equestria is going to make the RP to die off quickly, trust me, it happened to an RP that was really fun at first and then we splitted and it died in a matter of months.


This RP has an intersting idea, but I rather have the ponies at least in the same location but different places, for example, if we are in the hotel 3 ponies in X room, 2 in X room and the rest in the lobby. Also, there's no goal, we have to set a goal and a storyline to make this RP beliavable, survive until we die doesn't sound good to me.

Anyways it's up to you OP, don't expect many people to join but I still support this idea.

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