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What's your opinion on Sonic the Hedgehog


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For those that don't know, I am a HUGE Sonic fan. I read the Archie comic books, I watch some of the cartoons, and I play all of the games (except for that Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog bullshit.)
I know that Sonic has been having some hard times when it comes to games lately. Because of this, both the franchise and the fanbase have been suffering pretty heavily.

What is your opinion on Sonic the Hedgehog as of right now.

Edited by Stevenearthpony
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*sees an ad for SonicGames.cc at top*


...Convenient ad is convenient. And scary.


Anyway, let me just say that the Sonic games on Genesis were definitive of my childhood. Not only do I still play them today, but I'll often listen to the music from the games for a quick dose of nostalgia.


I've never really given any of the 3D Sonic games an honest chance for some reason. I briefly tried playing whichever game it was where Sonic can transform into a werewolf (were-hedgehog?), but I got sick of it pretty quickly. Maybe this is just the pondering of an ol' fart, but like Castlevania, it seems Sonic was simply made to be in 2D sidescroller format.


Of course, if anypony who also grew up with the Genesis games can point me to any of the more recent entries in the series that genuinely captures the magic of the classic games, I'll hunt it down and give it a whirl.

Edited by Lowline Thrash
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I had a Sonic phase when I was about 10, I only played Sonic games, I played the original Genesis games, and some of the 3D games. Sonic Adventure 2 was actually my favourite. When Shadow the Hedgehog came out I remember being super furious because they included guns and stuff, and ended up not buying new Sonic games after Sonic Rush on the DS.


Now I feel kinda sorry for Sonic, and I also find him very annoying. He seems to be making some pretty awful games in recent years (although I've heard that Sonic Generations and Sonic Colours were good) Sega is definatly milking him for all his franchise is worth, but only really in the same way Mario is I suppose. At least Mario games are consistantly good

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*sees an ad for SonicGames.cc at top*


...Convenient ad is convenient. And scary.


Anyway, let me just say that the Sonic games on Genesis were definitive of my childhood. Not only do I still play them today, but I'll often listen to the music from the games for a quick dose of nostalgia.


I've never really given any of the 3D Sonic games an honest chance for some reason. I briefly tried playing whichever game it was where Sonic can transform into a werewolf (were-hedgehog?), but I got sick of it pretty quickly. Maybe this is just the pondering of an ol' fart, but like Castlevania, it seems Sonic was simply made to be in 2D sidescroller format.


Of course, if anypony who also grew up with the Genesis games can point me to any of the more recent entries in the series that genuinely captures the magic of the classic games, I'll hunt it down and give it a whirl.

Well, listen, bro. I LOVE the Genesis games as much as the next guy, but some of the 3D Sonic games are cool, too. While I do prefer the Genesis games, there are couple of coll 3D Sonic titles I enjoy. These include Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Colors, and Sonic Generations. Adventure does get boring after you've completed the main mode, but if you were to own the directors cut, it has a mode where if you collect enough in-game emblems, you can play some of the old Gamegear Sonic games.

Just throwing those out there. They aren't as good as the Genesis games (Genesis shall always reign supreme in my book.) But if you were to ever try playing the newer titles again, those are the games I recommend getting.

I had a Sonic phase when I was about 10, I only played Sonic games, I played the original Genesis games, and some of the 3D games. Sonic Adventure 2 was actually my favourite. When Shadow the Hedgehog came out I remember being super furious because they included guns and stuff, and ended up not buying new Sonic games after Sonic Rush on the DS.


Now I feel kinda sorry for Sonic, and I also find him very annoying. He seems to be making some pretty awful games in recent years (although I've heard that Sonic Generations and Sonic Colours were good) Sega is definatly milking him for all his franchise is worth, but only really in the same way Mario is I suppose. At least Mario games are consistantly good

I agree with the Shadow the Hedgehog part. People say that SEGA dropped the ball when they made Sonic 06.

To me, they dropped the ball by giving Shadow his own game. With 06, SEGA was rushed by Microsoft and Sony. If it weren't for them, we'd probably have one of the best modern-day Sonic games of all time.

Edited by Stevenearthpony
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I remember playing the 3D Sonic games when I was a mere squirt and enjoying them. I also played the 2D games too thanks to the Mega Collection. Sonic Adventure 1 was actually the second game I played for the gamecube, First being Super Mario Sunshine. I played that game so much until Sonic Adventure 2 came around. From there, I played Adventure 2 for a good portion of my childhood. I tried Sonic Heroes. It was good, but I felt it didn't hold a candle to the previous games. After that, I lost interest in Sonic. Wasn't my thing anymore.

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I remember playing the 3D Sonic games when I was a mere squirt and enjoying them. I also played the 2D games too thanks to the Mega Collection. Sonic Adventure 1 was actually the second game I played for the gamecube, First being Super Mario Sunshine. I played that game so much until Sonic Adventure 2 came around. From there, I played Adventure 2 for a good portion of my childhood. I tried Sonic Heroes. It was good, but I felt it didn't hold a candle to the previous games. After that, I lost interest in Sonic. Wasn't my thing anymore.

I see where you're coming from. Sonic Heroes wasn't that spectacular, but I thought it was a decent title. The Adventure duo is, by far, my favorite 3D Sonic games, though.

Will that change with Lost World? Maybe. Maybe not.

Edited by Stevenearthpony
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I think they're flogging a dead horse, and i feel the same way about Mario games. honestly, i'm not the retro fan that thinks all 3D sonic games are awful, Adventure 2 was even my personal favourite. but then you get games like Sonic Heroes, Free Riders, Colours, Unleashed, and that King Arthur one, and i've just lost all respect for the franchise. maybe i'd enjoy Sonic Generations, but at this point i'm just not willing to throw my money at it anymore.


This does remind me about a great song though, you should listen to it :P

Edited by Clockwork Chaos
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I guess I was the only one who liked Shadow The Hedgehog :/.


On topic, I like Sonic. It's not my favorite thing in the world, but I like it. To again contrast the majority, I don't really like the Genesis games all that much. I do like them, but I don't think they're the bee's knees.


I do love several of the 3D games, like Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Heroes, Generations, etc. (Personally, I hated Colors)

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I think the games went downhill when Sonic '06 came out, Sonic Rush was a pretty entertaining game. Luckily, they won't make anything else Sonic related not yet though.

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Judging on Sonic XXXL, and the Sonic cartoon, where he's constantly eating Chilli dogs, I can safely assume that he is a very obese hedgehog that can talk, whom most likely has Type II Diabetes due to overeating problems that he's inherited from a bad childhood.

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Sonic, he can really move! Sonic, he's got an attitude! Sonic, he's the fastest thing alive! He's the fastest thing alive!


Erm, the television show. *cough* When I was a 90s kid, I got impacted a lot by television. So yeah, that TV show was awesome. Haven't played any of the games though. ^^

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I agree with you, PonyCommunist. Thank you for the valuable insight. I never knew much about him, one of those being that he is blue. I personally hate the color blue, so I can very much agree with your methods.

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Sonic needs to go away for a while since he's been a slow motion train wreck since he made the leap from 2D to 3D. Sonic Team doesn't know what they're doing and we need a new team to try their hand at giving Sonic a new chance.

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Sonic is awesome! I loved the classic sonic game plus generations. I'm also a fan of the 90's cartoon show "Sonic Sat AM" yeah those were the days :3. 

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Loved the classic games, liked adventure, LOVED adventure 2, hated the followups, sketchy on sonic 4's 2 episodes...

Loved the comics from the classic where sonic got his abilities right up until the writer rebelled and butchered the character that was Sally, making her a whiny worthless little girl over the original take charge and lead the fight woman she was.

Thus causing a nasty sunder in the fan base and so on :/


Also enjoyed all the toons, especially the forever unfinished Sonic Underground.


Have the original games on almost everything i have though. 360, Sega (yep still have the carts!) ipad, iphone, even PC :)

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I honestly prefer the newer Sonic games than the older ones; they were just dull to me. But, I suppose it's one of my favorite franchises. And I'm the 1% that prefers it over Mario. 

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I'm a fan of the oldschool one where it was the freedom fighters vs Robotnik in that Megatropolis/Megacity setting.  It had a great story, dark atmosphere, and true character development.  Also, I was quite fond of Bunny Rabot and how she had a motherly side towards Tails, including her southern charm which is quite reminiscent of Applejack's charm. 


Not fond of the Sonic X stuff since 4kids just murdered the heck out of it, much like they did One Piece.  I still shiver at the notion they made poisoned suction cups vs poison darts.  >_>

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I'm a fan of the oldschool one where it was the freedom fighters vs Robotnik in that Megatropolis/Megacity setting.  It had a great story, dark atmosphere, and true character development.  Also, I was quite fond of Bunny Rabot and how she had a motherly side towards Tails, including her southern charm which is quite reminiscent of Applejack's charm. 


Sonic SatAM... always a hoot, but never had its own title :P its only true rival (comics aside) IMO was Underground.

shame those characters never got used in games :(

well.. except Sonic Spinball...

Have the whole series on DVD, and bookmarked in Netflix :) just HATED some of the fanart designs used for  the DVD covers.. some of them were just TERRIBLE, others good to great.

Robotropolis, originally Mobotropolis IIRC for the main city too BTW


ugh.. Sonic X.. don't remind me of that one....

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   Faster than Rainbow Dash.


   In all seriousness, I have been a Sonic fan for several years now, and have loved almost every one of the Sonic the Hedgehog games. Despite my personal happiness, however, I have noticed the backlash Sonic games (from the 2004-2007 period) have gotten over the years, and I have to say, I'm glad that began to change with Unleashed, Colors, Episode 4 (Parts 1 and 2), and Generations.


I honestly prefer the newer Sonic games than the older ones; they were just dull to me. But, I suppose it's one of my favorite franchises. And I'm the 1% that prefers it over Mario. 


   This. I honestly like the 3D games much more than the 2D games. I think I just enjoy the gameplay, scenery, and story more, but honestly, I'm not too sure.

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I am a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog


I love the 2D entries and I love the 3D entries as well. I played them all even Sonic 06 and Shadow the Hedgehog. 


Right now my favorites are Sonic 3 and Knuckles, Sonic Riders, and Sonic Generations.

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the sonic franchise has been my favorite since the first one, granted there's been a lot of low points, and the transition to 3D wasn't the smoothest, I'm glad they stuck it out and now we have games like colors and generations. I'm very excited for lost worlds and I have high hopes for it

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Really enjoyed the 2D games, Sonic 2 in particular stuck out to me the most. Another favorite of mine was Advanced 2.


The 3D games though....didn't exactly go well with me. For starters, I absolutely loved the Sonic Adventure games(Adventure 2 is probably my favorite game in the series. Kinda funny, I seem to have a thing for the second games in their series). But then I tried Heroes, and while it was decent, it sorta lefft a lot to be desired. Then imagine my dissappointment coming into games like Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic '06, Black Knight, etc.*Shudders*


Thankfully they seem to finally get things write with Colors and Generations

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I like Sonic, I don't like the gameplay mechanics of running really fast. To me that just gets old after two levels. When I say this though, I mean the 2D games. I probably can't judge the series until I've played a 3D Sonic game.

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I've played a few Sonic games, nothing really special to me. Their fanbase did seem to have a tendency to be pretty childish and shove things down others throats a few years back (much like the brony fandom today!), but that seems to have calmed down alot. Many of my good friends happen to be fans of Sonic, so I really can't see it as being too bad. It doesn't seem like something I'd ever really feel a need to get into.


Oh, and type in your name followed by "the hedgehog" on Google Images, hilarity ensues. Some bad, bad, bad OCs.


Ur 2 slow

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