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open Casual Baltimare RP


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"I know, darling. And don't thank me." Kaz planted a kiss on Bass' cheek. "You don't have to tell me anything you don't want too, just tell me to shut up in the future." Kaz said with a slight laugh, hoping Bass would join him. "I am so sorry about last night though, if I'd have known..." He trailed off being careful as to where he treaded with the delicate situation. "I love you, darling."

Bass sniffled, and cracked a small hopeful smile looking back up to the stallion. "It's okay. I forgive you, It's the past for a reason. We just have a future to worry about, now. Not the past. Let's see all the good times we can share together, babe." his smiled widened a bit, and he was finally able to release the stallion, but not before he returned a kiss, and an "I love you, too."

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Now fully awake, Pondah continued walking into Baltimare for the second time. Deeper and deeper he went, until he was back in the centre of the city.  A rumble from his stomach alerted him to what his current objective should be.


'Oh yeah. I almost forgot breakfast. There's got to be something round here. I'd like to stay away from bins for a while. I might still be trapped if it wasn't for that stallion.'


​Pondah began to search the nearby area for any source of food he could find. With so few ponies on the streets, begging was not an option and Pondah's current distrust for bins left him with few options.


'Well, looks like I'm foraging for now. Where would have enough fruit to keep me going? There must be something in a park around here somewhere.'


​With this fresh plan in mind, Pondah set out in search of a park to get some much needed breakfast. 

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Bass sniffled, and cracked a small hopeful smile looking back up to the stallion. "It's okay. I forgive you, It's the past for a reason. We just have a future to worry about, now. Not the past. Let's see all the good times we can share together, babe." his smiled widened a bit, and he was finally able to release the stallion, but not before he returned a kiss, and an "I love you, too."

"Come on, you've got work to do and I wanna watch you make your new hit single!" Kaz said with a large smile. "Hurry up and finish eating, I'm gonna quickly go and wash my mane." He said as he hurried into the bathroom. The cold water soon hit Cashmere as he leaned over the bath and held his head under the tap. "Grr, not again." Kaz thought aloud with anger as icicles began to grow on Kaz's hair from the lack of hot water.


Eventually, Kaz stopped torturing himself and dried his mane off with a towel that was on the floor. "How do I look?" Kaz asked Bass jokingly with still sopping wet hair as he re-entered the bedroom.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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"Come on, you've got work to do and I wanna watch you make your new hit single!" Kaz said with a large smile. "Hurry up and finish eating, I'm gonna quickly go and wash my mane." He said as he hurried into the bathroom. The cold water soon hit Cashmere as he leaned over the bath and held his head under the tap. "Grr, not again." Kaz thought aloud with anger as icicles began to grow on Kaz's hair from the lack of hot water.


Eventually, Kaz stopped torturing himself and dried his mane off with a towel that was on the floor. "How do I look?" Kaz asked Bass jokingly with still sopping wet hair as he re-entered the bedroom.

Bass laughed wholeheartedly at the unicorn's performance. "Like that white stallion whose apartment I'm in, only wetter," he teased.


With a smile, he levitated the now empty tray up off the bed and moved to go wash his dishes. Talking as he walked, he mentioned his plan for the tracks. "I got a great idea for the sub-bass in this new track. I got some sweet new synth sounds I've been working on and everything. I'm really excited to see what I can do with them..." he rambled on, mentioning a mess of musical jargon as he cleaned his dishware in the apartment's kitchen.


Once he finished he walked back to the bathroom, to freshen himself up. "What's your plan for later today? I'll probably put a few hours into these tracks now, but I'm not sure what to do afterward," he said, rustling his mane around, until he was satisfied with it's signature unkempt-ness.

Edited by BassClef
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Ember walked down the street suppressing a yawn, only half watching where he was going.  He hadn't gotten into Baltimare until very early in the morning, and hadn't gotten much sleep.  It didn't matter though, he was finally here and his thoughts were racing!


"What should I do first?  I really need to look for new ingredients, but if I tried to sell some fireworks first then I would have more money to spend on them...  Maybe I should figure out where I want to stay first...  And I really need to stop talkin' to myself."


With the sun coming up it wasn't a great time for him to display his products, but that never stopped him before.  "Maybe just one...  As advertising."


With his decision in his mind, Ember trotted to the first clearing he could find, in a nearby park.  With his broken horn aglow, he quickly combined a number of powders from the containers in his saddle bags, then wrapped up the combination and placed it in a small tube he always carried.  Touching a flame to the base, the package launched into the air before exploding with a loud boom, sending out a spray of green sparks.  "No advertising like showing off the product!  Hello, Baltimare..."

Edited by EmberSparx











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Bass laughed wholeheartedly at the unicorn's performance. "Like that white stallion whose apartment I'm in, only wetter," he teased.


With a smile, he levitated the now empty tray up off the bed and moved to go wash his dishes. Talking as he walked, he mentioned his plan for the tracks. "I got a great idea for the sub-bass in this new track. I got some sweet new synth sounds I've been working on and everything. I'm really excited to see what I can do with them..." he rambled on, mentioning a mess of musical jargon as he cleaned his dishware in the apartment's kitchen.


Once he finished he walked back to the bathroom, to freshen himself up. "What's your plan for later today? I'll probably put a few hours into these tracks now, but I'm not sure what to do afterward," he said, rustling his mane around, until he was satisfied with it's signature unkempt-ness.


"I was thinking we could have a walk through the park, just spend some plain ol' boring time together! I mean, we do hardly know each other..." Kaz paused, wishing he could redact that last sentence but quickly followed up with, "Not that that's a bad thing! It was love at first sight."

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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Thunder Dash landed in Baltimare. "Wow! This place is enormous. I wonder who's around?" Thunder Dash said he stretched out. Sparks of electricity flared about his body. He then began to walk around. He then found some ponies chatting and decided to go talk to them. 

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"I was thinking we could have a walk through the park, just spend some plain ol' boring time together! I mean, we do hardly know each other..." Kaz paused, wishing he could redact that last sentence but quickly followed up with, "Not that that's a bad thing! It was love at first sight."

"Oh, I, uh guess you're right. That's probably a cool plan though." Bass responded, a bit put away by the statement of how little they know each other. "Alright, well I'm ready to go start my day then. Like I said, I've got a few plans for this project...." The musician trailed off as he approached his setup in the corner of the apartment. "Hey wait, where are my shades? Seriously, I need them. This is the second time I've lost them here, jeez." The whole time, he was scrambling around through his equipment searching for the signature shades.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sunny's cheeks went an even deeper scarlet. She let out a nervous laugh and pretended to focus on looking through the fridge as she tried to think of how to answer.

"Uh, th-that's okay... Um. Sorry, I just don't normally take baths." she said, letting out another uneasy chuckle as her blush started to fade. Then, it blazed again as she realized she sounded like she wasn't concerned with hygienics. 

"Um!" she whipped around. "Sh-showers! I-I mean I usually take showers! Instead of taking baths!"

She wasn't sure how it was possible, but now her face was redder and hotter than before from embarrassment.

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"Uh, th-that's okay... Um. Sorry, I just don't normally take baths."


Candy raised an eyebrow.




Um!" she whipped around. "Sh-showers! I-I mean I usually take showers! Instead of taking baths!"


Candy laughed out loud. Very loud. She was rolling around in laughter next to Sunny now. When the moment passed, she got up, sighed in relief, and hugged Sunny. "I know what you meant, sweetie..." She looked down, "I uhm...I didn't mean to make it weird. Sorry..." She looked back up and stopped hugging Sunny, turning around to look her straight in the eyes. "...even if it was a bit weird...you're not like...uncomfortable with me, are you?" She bit her lip nervously.

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Sunny stared in surprise as Candy fell to the floor in laughter. While she had a nice laugh and it made her want to laugh along with her, she couldn't shake the feeling of being embarrassed.

When Candy got up, sighed, and hugged her, the yellow unicorn realized that the laughing hadn't been in her expense.

Candy released the hug and looked Sunny straight in the eyes. She was surprised by this, but it was suddenly topped by Candy's next words. her bright blue eyes went wide and she shook her head.

"No!" she exclaimed, wanting to nuzzle Candy to try to reassure her, but she suddenly wasn't sure if it would be accepted.. "You just took me by surprise."

Her ears flattened. She felt bad for making Candy worry that she was uncomfortable with her. Granted, she wasn't ready for anything too intimate, but it was to be expected in new relationships.

Edited by Mint Drop
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"There it is; Baltimare."  As the train pulled into the station and came to a complete stop the doors to the 4 coaches (thats what passenger cars are called) opened and the passengers started gathering what luggage they brought and started exiting via onto the station platform.  Once they were all off Rut-Light steamed the train into the yards, pulled into a siding and shut off steam then he proceeded to get out of the locomotive cab, take off his cap and wipe his forehead of any sweat.  "Well, time to go check on how that 0-4-0 is coming along.   


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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After chatting, Thunder Dash decided to go find an apartment to stay. Although he left his music stuff in Cloudsdale, he could make things appear using his electricity wielding abilities. 


He found an apartment, which was rather cheap. He went upstairs to his room. He set up his music station, which included his electric guitar, his amp, his keyboard and his computer stuff. 


He then heard some music coming from somewhere. So, he decided to explore. Once he found where the music was coming from, he knocked on the door. @,

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"No!" she exclaimed, wanting to nuzzle Candy to try to reassure her, but she suddenly wasn't sure if it would be accepted.. "You just took me by surprise."


"By surprise...does that make it okay? No! Focus, you still made her uncomfortable." Candy half-smiled, "I'm sorry...I just...I've never been so close with anypony in my life...it feels like I can't do anything without you, now. I mean...I'm sure eventually I'll get over it, but I just...I never want to be away from you. Not right now." She paused, looking down, "I'm sorry if that sounds...obsessive...but after last night-" She almost choked on her words, "-we said we loved each other. And I do love you, Sunny. You can tell me if you're uncomfortable with something I say or do, and I will tell you." She smiled, and kissed the other mare on the cheek to try and offer some sort of comfort.

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Breezy Tune got off the train at the station and proceeded to trot towards the nearest place serving food at the train station to clear his thoughts and get himself lunch. He searched his saddle bag for some bits and managed to find enough to get a meal at a fast food chain. After he ate he exited the Train Station and went out onto the streets of Baltimare. To find his new life in Baltimare.


Awesome signature made by LittleRawr!

My OC Breezy Tune: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/breezy-tune-r4267


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With a fresh wisp of smoke rising from the tip of his tail from his little demonstration, Ember couldn't be happier.  He had managed to make a few bits by selling some fireworks to some ponies that were passing by, and he could afford to be a little looser with his limited funds now. 


Alright!  Now I just need to see about researching some new ingredients...  And finding a place to stay...  Oh, and breakfast.


With a look around, he decided breakfast would probably be the best place to start.  Shrugging to make sure his saddlebags were in place he started to walk down the street.  He didn't care that he had absolutely no idea where he was going, he was just glad to have made a sale.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Sunny gave Candy a weak smile. She didn't seem too upset or mad, but Sunny still worried.

"I'm sorry." she said. "No, you don't seem obsessive. I don't want to leave your side either."

She tried to choose her words carefully.

"I love you too, Candy. It's less uncomfortable, and more... not ready for anything really intimate." her face became red again.

"While I do love you and don't want to ever leave your side, we did just start dating yesterday."

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Sunny gave Candy a weak smile. She didn't seem too upset or mad, but Sunny still worried.

"I'm sorry." she said. "No, you don't seem obsessive. I don't want to leave your side either."

She tried to choose her words carefully.

"I love you too, Candy. It's less uncomfortable, and more... not ready for anything really intimate." her face became red again.

"While I do love you and don't want to ever leave your side, we did just start dating yesterday."


Candy smiled, "Well, a bath doesn't have to be intimate." She giggled a little, "Well...not entirely," She smiled defensively, "but if you don't want to, that's fine." She sighed, "If you really want to know...getting uhm...intimate isn't my first concern with you." She chuckled, "Just that you stay mine." Candy jumped up and hugged Sunny tightly. "All mine."

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Sunny hugged Candy back, glad that this seemed to be resolved.

"Good," she said. "Because I don't plan on being anypony else's."

She gave Candy a quick peck on the cheek, before realizing they still hadn't eaten.

"We should probably get something to eat," she stated, an inexplicably shy smile on her muzzle. "Anything you had in mind?"

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Sunny hugged Candy back, glad that this seemed to be resolved.

"Good," she said. "Because I don't plan on being anypony else's."

She gave Candy a quick peck on the cheek, before realizing they still hadn't eaten.

"We should probably get something to eat," she stated, an inexplicably shy smile on her muzzle. "Anything you had in mind?"


"Sure, sweetie. I should have some...leftover salad? If that's good." She shrugged, "It's something. Maybe we should go grocery shopping today..." She looked expectantly at Sunny, "I mean, we could chat a bit while we look for some stuff to buy, and...I dunno. That." She wasn't sure there was much to add. Out of the corner of her eye, she once again noticed the blank flank of Sunny Dew, like she had the day she met her. She caught herself staring, mainly out of curiosity at the blank spot, for two moments too long. Candy quickly straightened up and tried to shift her eyes to another part of the room, then clearing her throat. "So..so uhm, flank-" Blush immediately appeared on her cheeks, -"UH, Salad. I mean. Salad, yeah." She smiled defensively, and put a hoof to her head. "What is wrong with me this morning?!"

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Although it took a few minutes, Pondah eventually found a park. He made his way towards the secluded, shadowy bushes at one end and began the search for food.


'Hm... seems to be fairly good round here. Just a shame there's so many nettles in the way. Wait a moment... that's a blackberry bush with no nettles! Yes!'


​Pondah positioned himself in front of the bush and began, one by one, to carefully pick the berries with his mouth, leaving his muzzle covered in a slight residue of juice. 

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Sunny nodded as Sunny started talking about grocery shopping.

"Sure, I probably have to get some groceries too." she said, trotting up to the counter to look for the salad. She was surprised when she heard:

"So, flank-"

Sunny turned around and looked at Candy. She was blushing, and quickly tried to amend. a defensive smile appeared on her beige face.

"Uh, well, I found the salad and have it right here, but... you don't seem so sure that you said 'salad'." she stated, a disappointed frown working its way onto her own face.

I know what she said... why is she lying? I'm more hurt that she would lie to try to cover it up rather than the fact that she keeps noticing I'm a blank flank...

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"Uh, well, I found the salad and have it right here, but... you don't seem so sure that you said 'salad'." she stated, a disappointed frown working its way onto her own face.


Candy sighed in defeat. When she saw the frown, she almost wanted to cry. "I'm sorry...it's partially to do with the fact that I'm curious to know what your cutie mark will turn out to be...and also because-" She inhaled a little, a small of grin appearing on her face, "I'm new to this whole relationship thing. You've got to understand, I've never had anypony else. The other part of why I was staring was partial to me uhm...checking you out." She gritted her teeth. "I thought you might be okay with it since we're together...are you? Please tell me what I did wrong, and I can try to fix it." The corners of her lips turned down, in worry that Sunny might be angry.

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Sunny blushed as she heard Candy's other reason. It was sort of weird hearing it, but it  could sort of explain why Candy seemed so nervous.

Blush fading, Sunny completely turned around and walked over to Candy as she talked.

 When the mare stoppeed talking, she sighed. Now Candy seemed upset.

"No, it's fine. I guess I just got annoyed that you were lying, but now I get it. I'm sorry." she gave Candy an apologetic smile, trying to ease her worry, and gave her a light hug.

"As for my cutie mark, I'm curious too, but I don't usually think much about it. You don't need to hide it if you're wondering what my talent will be." her smile grew warmer.

"And as for the relationship thing, as well as you 'checking me out',' she gave a light giggle. "This is my first relationship too."

"But I'm flattered," she continued, teasing good-naturedly.

"In all seriousness, though, i can see why you were nervous. It's a little bit weird to actually be told somepony' was checking you out by the pony in question... I can imagine telling somepony that would feel weird." now she was the one with a somewhat defensive grin.

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"Oh, I, uh guess you're right. That's probably a cool plan though." Bass responded, a bit put away by the statement of how little they know each other. "Alright, well I'm ready to go start my day then. Like I said, I've got a few plans for this project...." The musician trailed off as he approached his setup in the corner of the apartment. "Hey wait, where are my shades? Seriously, I need them. This is the second time I've lost them here, jeez." The whole time, he was scrambling around through his equipment searching for the signature shades.


"I think they're on your side of the bed!" Kaz shouted to Bass whilst in reality he was strutting around in front of the mirror with them on. "I think they look quite good on me, don't you?" Kaz said as he emerged from his chamber and struck a pose with Bass' signature glasses outlining his amethyst eyes.


Before Bass could answer there was loud thud at the door. DSH DSH DSH. "BUCK, BASS SHUSH. I think it's the landlord... Oh buck, I bucking missed my payment! How did I forget?!" Kaz whispered in sheer panic. "Just stay quiet for now. Let's see what they do."

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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