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Now that both Bubble and Pondah were working in unison, all the desks were quickly moved to one side. Pondah began carrying the chairsto the same spot. As they were even lighter than the tables, he was able to move several at a time.


"I suppose I could buy a shower with the money I get from this job..." ​Pondah contemplated aloud. "Perhaps I could even buy ​you a birthday present!"

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"Oh! You think so? You wouldn't know what to buy me!" Bubble stuck her tongue out at her friend and instantly regretted it: the dust was less than tasty. "Ugh... don't do that. Bad idea." She chuckled as she stopped to assess their work so far. 


Everything was coming along well so she pushed the goggles up onto her head like she had seen her sister do and breathed a content sigh. "This is looking great, see?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Rut-Light had been on a walk around the city for close to 5 minutes and he had never appreciated how big and beautiful it was; largely due to the fact that most of his time is spent in the train yard.  Of course he didn't want to spend his entire day admiring the city, but he didn't mind visiting a few places...starting with a library. 


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Sunny smiled happily and returned the nuzzle.
"Good. I wasn't planning on eating without you."

She chuckled as well, and smiled at Candy's comment.
"Yes, and I told you you were cute as well, then you nearly fell asleep on me in the club," she teased, then added, "Not that I minded being close to you. I was already falling for you by then."

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Mint Drop


Candy giggled in a way that seemed to have a hiccup in the middle of it. "I think we're on the right track then..." She smiled very contently, "...and you're still just so cute..." She blushed. For some reason, she felt just like she did the first time she had said it to the mare. She wouldn't complain though, the feeling was quite a nice one. Her blushing was not out of embarrassment this time, though. It was out of acceptance. The one thought that this other mare could be hers forever flourished in Candy's mind. She continued blushing, "...I believe I also said 'you're perfect.' Right?" She giggled nervously, due to that thought still engulfing her mind.

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Sunny blushed, still smiling. "You did." she chuckled. "I had no clue how to respond."
Still a little tired and content with just being there with Candy, she continued to cuddle with the mare. 

It was moments like these that she thought were perfect. Just being with Candy was wonderful. 
For a little while, Sunny thought about what had happened in the past few days. 
Slowly, she began to realize something. In the short time they had known each other, she had come out of her shell quite a bit. She was still a bit shy around others,, but with Candy, she was much more comfortable.
The yellow mare smiled again as she leaned her head onto Candy's shoulder.
"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me.

It may have been cheesy or overused, but she truly meant it.

Edited by sunne
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@, @,


Skycoaster finally opened the door to enter the office.


"Wow. This place is looking better all ready!" He said with a smile. "You guys want to take a break? I'm going to get this storm started, you want to watch?" He said as he put his goggles on. "There should be some rain gear in the closet so you don't get wet."

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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​Pondah thought about the sort of things that he could get Bubble as a present. "You're right..." ​he said. "That being said, we'd both have problems buying birthday presents; neither of us no the others birth date!"


​After taking a step back, Pondah smiled as he admired Bubble's and his work. It was still incredibly dirty in the office but now that the furniture was in one spot, they could set about cleaning the floors. "This is looking good," ​Pondah agreed. "Now we just have to do the floors, windows and dust off the furniture."




​Just as Pondah has finished talking, Sky came into the room. "Thank you for both the compliment and the offer," ​Pondah said quietly. "But I'd prefer to stay and try and make a dent in this dust."

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@@Mint Drop


Candy now giggled in an infatuated way. Now though, she always found herself both infatuated and really, truly in love with the mare next to her.


She started dragging Sunny out of bed, and lead them into the kitchen. Both of their manes were a mess. She chuckled at the appearance of their bedmanes, and finally responded to Sunny's earlier comment, "You always have the right things to say...and you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, too. I mean it." She smiled confidently, "Y'know...your bedmane looks actually...really nice on you." She beamed, "Then again, to me you look nice no matter what." She nuzzled the other mare, "So...breakfast?"

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"Oh! Your birthday Ponder? October the twenty second!" Bubble said with a proud smirk, perfectly recalling what he had told her some time ago. "See? I do listen when you tell me things!" She added.




"Oh! And Sky, I wanted to..." Catching herself, she considered her options and decided to keep her project under wraps for the time being. She smiled sweetly, paused and finished "... Never mind, its not important - I'll tell you later!"

Never quite forgotten.

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"I guess I did tell you," Pondah said. "I just can't remember when... When's your birthday?" 


Pondah began looking at how dirty the windows were and whether he'd need any cloths and water to clean them of. They were incredibly dusty but it wouldn't be too hard to clean them. As Pondah looked at other windows, he noticed a small crack in one of the walls. He put his face closer to see if he could see through it. He couldn't. Pondah tapped a couple of times on the crack and area around it with mild frustration. As he did, his ears picked up something strange.


"Hey Bubble," Pondah said, beckoning Bubble over with a hoof. "Listen to this."


Pondah tapped again. Rather than giving a solid knock, the wall emited a hollow sound. "There's something behind here."  



Hehehe... Page 69.


Edited by Sir. Loin
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"Oh! What do you think it is? Do you think it's the final resting place of Richard Vanderbeak, Griffin explorer and adventurer?"


It probably wasn't.


"Can you open it? Oh! This is exciting!" Bubble declared, bouncing in place as she watched her friend examine the fake wall.

Never quite forgotten.

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Pondah shielded his eyes from the barrage of dust launched into the air as Bubble jumped behind him. When the dust settled, Pondah gave the wall a nudge. Nothing. 


"Whatever this is, it's built strong," Pondah declared as he moved to the other side of the room. "I'll try a harder push. It doesn't look like the wall slides so it either pulls or pushes open. Let's try pushing."


Accelerating as fast as he could in the small space he had, Pondah galloped and jumped in an attempt to barge the wall open. As he hit it the wall, it swung open and dust poured from above, covering Pondah's entire body. He kept going through, eventually reaching a stop as he collided with the back wall with a thunderous crash.


"I'm ok!" Pondah announced with a cheery voice most ill-suited to a pony that had just slammed into a wall. "I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that this isn't the final resting place of anyone... I hope. The good news is that I've found the cleaning closet."

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"Ouch!" Winced the elated mare as she watched Pondah collide with the wall: almost able to feel the impact herself.


"Aweh!" She groaned in a disappointed tone, squeezing beside Pondah and peering inside. "I guess that's a good thing? Shame... I wanted to find treasure!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Pondah stumbled to his hooves with a grimace on his face.  "I'm going to feel that in the morning," he muttered.


Bubble's statement elicited a shrug from Pondah. "Hey, it's better than nothing," ​he protested. "Besides, we can use this stuff. And who's to say we won't find somethingof worth? We haven't rummaged through the desks and cabinets yet." 


​After picking up a spray bottle of window cleaner and a few cloths, Pondah squeezed past Bubble and left the cleaning closest. He hobbled towards a window, closed it and sprayed some cleaner on it. The cloth and cleaner combo tore through the dirt on the window and in a minute or two, it was completely clean.

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@, @,


Sky watched as Pondah ran into the wall and winced, as he walked over to the large desk in the rear of the room under the map and put his hooves up. He proceeded to watch the two work as his hard work was done for the day.


A few moments later, he saw a filimar face walking to the office. It was the bellhop from the hotel, and he had Skycoasters bags and a package.


Skycoater sat up as the bellhop entered the office, setting his bags by the door and placing the package on the desk in front of him before leaving without saying a word.


He opened the package, seeing that there were three keys and a letter. He staired blankly at the package before deciding to read it out loud.


'Skycoaster, as you know, the weather situation in Baltimare has become critical. Reports have shown since your arrival, things have gotten better, but are still not up to par. With the regisanation of two of the weather team, we have decided to make your position in Baltimare permanent, effective immediately.


We are hear by revoking your spending tab, with the exception of supplies. Your paycheck is enclosed, as for your living arrangements, enclosed are the keys to the apartments above the regional weather team office.


Good luck Captain Skycoaster, your going to need it




Sky just staired off into space after reading the letter. He didn't know if he was going to cry or be angry.


"#%&!" As he threw his file on the floor off the desk.


He than hurried to try to pick it up before Pondah or Bubble could read it.

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Ember lead them on a somewhat winding path through the park, trying to stay more or less on the right course to the store.  He kept glancing at the gathering storm clouds as they went, his ears flicking with...  Could it be nervousness?  The rolling thunder didn't even make him flinch.  He was used to loud noises after all.  But the thought of all the rain those clouds had to hold did not have him looking forward to the storm that must be coming...


He turned to Caramel and smiled as the store came into view, relieved to at least have a place to get out of the rain if the storm were to start soon.  "I think this is the place!  It may take me a while ta sort out a deal with the shopkeeper...  Do ya want to pick a place ta meet up afterwards?  I don't want ya ta have to sit through boring business talk while I try ta get some supplies."  He really hoped that it wouldn't take him too long to work out a deal, he rather enjoyed the mare's company.  Experience told him that ponies that didn't actually work with the reagents only saw a bunch of boring rocks and powders though, and it probably wasn't going to be an interesting store for her.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Caramel trustfully followed Ember to the store he wished to go to. She would glance back at the rain when Ember would, assessing that he appeared fearful of the possible storm. She could see the worriment in his green eyes and it made her sad. Crossing her hooves, she hoped everything would go as planned. He needed it...and so did she.

When Ember asked her if she wanted to meet up somewhere afterwards, she merely looked at him for a brief second before cocking her head sideways, "Oh um, sure...I guess we could." Caramel tapped her chin with her hoof as she attempted to think of a place to meet. Sighing as she dropped her hoof, she smiled at Ember embarrassingly, "I can wait for ya out here. I like bein in the sun and who knows, maybe I'll give these here ponies a ditty er two." She winked at Ember reassuringly, "I'll be here."

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Ember smiled and nodded.  He was glad that she wasn't going to be far, actually.  "Alright then, I'll be right inside if ya need anything."  He put on his best business face (which really isn't that different from his usual face) and walked through the door of the shop.


He immediately noticed how cold the store was.  He was expecting it, he'd been here yesterday after all, but it still took him a moment to adjust.  It made sense - he knew first hoof how combustible some of these materials would be, you wouldn't want them sitting in a hot room all day.


The unicorn made his way to the counter to talk to the old pony who worked the store.  He was an older pony who smiled as he saw Ember again.  It seemed he was more than happy to meet another pony interested in these materials, and Ember figured that was a good sign.  Taking a breath Ember smiled and started to explain his situation to the other pony, hoping to make a deal.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Watching Pondah work for a moment before starting to join in, Bubble used her tail in place of a cloth on the grounds that she was already messy enough so she may as well have some fun with it. Just as she did though, her head whipped around at a sound that was suspiciously close to the sound of an employee file being thrown to the ground followed by a curse.


"Are you okay Sky? Don't worry, it's just dust!" She said with a little less optimism than usual, flicking an ear in confusion over what the problem might be.

Never quite forgotten.

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@, @,


Skycoaster looked up at Bubble. "I'll be OK. Looks like I'll be living....Upstairs...Here. Cloudsdale just made me Captain of the weather team. It's permanent...and effective immediately."


He tried to smile. "At least I'll get to spend more time with you guys."


Skycoaster walked back over to the large desk, dusting it with his tail. "Might as well get comfortable," as he put his file on the desk.


"Well, lets get this place clean!" as he begins dusting to try to hide his emotion. "You know, I'm confused I wanted a more hooves on job, but not like this. I think there trying to scare me back to being happy behind that desk in Cloudsdale. You know what, I'm going to show them that I can do this. that WE can do this!"

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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As Rut-Light arrived at the library, he started to notice the air started to smell cleaner than usual to which he pondered, "Maybe the weather team is planning something later today?  I don't know..."  he pushed the door open and stepped into the large building known as The Baltimare Library; or as Mr. Light liked to call it 'Train Central', because after about 1 month and a generous 2,321 bit donation (courtesy of 2 well deserved paychecks from his current Railway job) he had the library insert an entire section dedicated to trains, how they work, how to fix different parts etc.  After wandering around for about two minutes he found the section and pulled out a copy of 'How to Produce More Steam Than You Use', sat down in a chair and started to read.


Signature made by:  )O( Scarlet )O(                          Equestrian Empire Cast: Iron Will

"A word can save a person from suicide, another word can make her fall in depression."~ Doc. Volt

GO HERE, NOW...please, it's for a good cause: http://mlpforums.com/topic/93814-art-for-heart-charity-is-now-taking-donations/

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Bubble left off cleaning for a moment - becoming increasingly insufficient as her attention was diverted again and again by all of the other - more interesting - things that kept happening.


"What's wrong Sky? I thought you liked it here? I like it here! Well, maybe not here specifically - it's all dusty - but we're fixing that!" She chirped with a smile as she appeared at his desk. "Don't worry about it!"

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Skycoaster and


Pondah listened to the conversation as he continued cleaning the windows. Hearing Sky's angry tone encouraged Pondah to work quicker and harder.


'I hope that  anger isn't directed at me! I'll leave Bubble to calm down Sky; she's better with emotion than I am.'  


With the unnecessary worry over receiving Sky's wrath egging him on, Pondah had soon finished with the windows. They were now shining gates to the outside world. He went over to the cleaning closet, returned the window cleaner to its original place and shut the door. Taking cover in a dark corner of the closet, Pondah lay with only his flank in sight.


'I'll just wait here until Sky is finished being angry.'

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 Walking over to the side of a the building and plopping down to sit, Caramel watched as ponies continued to walk by. They were so...busy and most didn't seem to have any sense of a smile on their faces. "Guess I'll have to perk 'em up..." She again stood and then proceeded to stretch. This one would be a doozy. Caramel hadn't danced in a long time. Suddenly, she began tapping her hoof to a beat with a grin as the music played in her head, singing upbeat and loud so all could hear.

"Hey there all you ponies!"

She paused briefly before walking out a little.

"All you who walk these streets!"

She then did a cartwheel then backflip ending in the middle of the street on a fountain.

"Listen here I have a message for you,

and I'll give it to ya with some beats

give ya some of the mighty fine beats!"

Caramel began to tap her hoof quicker as she danced around with the sun gleaming off her  huge smile.

"Singin to ya,

Cheer for all, who cares,

All the colts and mares!

Cheer and then let all them joys be free,

Cheer for you and me!

Caramel then jumped down the the ponies that started to look at her, some smiling.

"Oh I know that sun is risin high,

and most of ya have things to do,

but jump up with them stompin hooves of yours,"

Caramel jumped happily.

"And let sweet dancin ensue!

I said let sweet dancin ensue!

Cheer for all, who cares,

All the colts and mares!

Cheer and then let all them joys be free,

Cheer for you and me!"

The singing pony began to trot while dancing happily through the rows of ponies who slowly crept to life once more as many began to join her in song and laughter.

"Come on and sing it,

Cheer for all, who cares,

All the colts and mares!

Cheer and then let all them joys be free, 

Cheer for you and me!

Cheer for all, who cares,

All the colts and mares!

Cheer for all, who cares,

Cheer for you and me!

Cheer for all, who cares,

All the colts and mares!

Cheer and then let all them joys be free,

Cheer for you and me!

Y'all know I said,

Cheer for all, who cares,

All the colts and mares!

Cheer and then let all them joys be free,

Cheer for you and me!

Caramel ended after a few more choruses with a huge vocal hit at the end, happier than fire as she'd finally sung one her most happiest songs.

Edited by Aero Orchard
  • Brohoof 1

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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