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ooc [OOC] Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle

Toothless the Night Fury

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Feel free to go attack Appleloosa now. I don't believe anyone is going to Cloudsdale, so I'll just insert a scene afterwards.


Don't forget the bonus objective. ^_^


I don't think I want to do anything until I know exactly what George/Neikos' role is. He's a medic from character description, but in his last post in the RP his character was guessing that he was squad leader as well. I was hoping he would clarify in another post in the RP, one way or the other, and then things could get started

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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Oh, dang. And she just went to bed.That probably means we have to wait on her, so the RP is a bit stuck for the moment. =P


Don't post for the moment. We can either restart in a few hours, or tomorrow then.


Dang. Well, at least I was able to post today. :P


Really wish I had a better idea of this "George" character. Character bio and the way he has been acting is a bit contradictory, for reasons I don't know.

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Dang. Well, at least I was able to post today. :P


Really wish I had a better idea of this "George" character. Character bio and the way he has been acting is a bit contradictory, for reasons I don't know.



Contradictory? Which part.


I don't think I want to do anything until I know exactly what George/Neikos' role is. He's a medic from character description, but in his last post in the RP his character was guessing that he was squad leader as well. I was hoping he would clarify in another post in the RP, one way or the other, and then things could get started


And George's role is Sergeant, aka a Squad Leader. The description I give in his Character Profile is obviously adapted to each Roleplay as normally he would be loyal to Celestia but here he is not, and war is not something that is depicted in the Show at least not how we do it, so I did not specify that case. ( I don't think we are going to throw pies around. )

Edited by Neikos VI

I love you! <3

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Contradictory? Which part.




And George's role is Sergeant, aka a Squad Leader. The description I give in his Character Profile is obviously adapted to each Roleplay as normally he would be loyal to Celestia but here he is not, and war is not something that is depicted in the Show at least not how we do it, so I did not specify that case. ( I don't think we are going to throw pies around. )


Ah, okay, I get it now. I had a feeling it just had to do with adapting the character to the RPs material.


Sweet, it looks like things can get started for the Apploosa team, then. I'll make one more post, and then you can lead us out, Squad Leader. B)


Also, someone should totally join this RP now just to throw pies. :lol:





Since I didn't read the first Equestrian Civil War RP, can I get some specifics on what type of tech is being used? I knew that in order to get the Apploosa troops over there in time, they needed to fly. But I didn't know if jets were a thing that existed in this RP, since nothing comparable exists in the show that I know of. I found a clever workaround using the Shadow Bolts (now as a real team, as opposed to a trick by Nightmare Moon), but in the future, I'd like to know what is being used here.


Sword? Guns? Jets? Tanks? Previously, the forest had been burnt down; napalm?


Also, in my last post, I tried to clarify when everything was taking place. Basically, right now everything should be happening at the same time in the Lunar Republic. George and Serah are preparing to enter the forest at the same time Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon (which should it be, for future reference?) and Strong Hooves are going to interrogate Rainbow Dash. And it is late in the afternoon, at just around sunset.


I just felt the need to make things a little more concrete and less seat-of-the-pants.

Edited by Legendary Emerald
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Hmm. Even though I understand there are some things my character is required to do I would appreciate if I can actually RP him myself Emerald, thanks.

I love you! <3

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Hmm. Even though I understand there are some things my character is required to do I would appreciate if I can actually RP him myself Emerald, thanks.


I made sure to not actually have your character do or say anything other than was necessary to start the campaign; toothless had mentioned in one of his previous posts here that we were free to start the attack at any time, and I felt that was a hint to get things started.


Because I didn't want to portray your character wrong (aside from the fact that I do that in my character's mind, which translates to all the exposition I write as well), I didn't have him speak or do anything noteworthy. If you would like to change something that happened, I will be more than happy to edit my last post to accommodate you.

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It's now what my character is doing but your style, it all has to be subjective so you can't say "George was unable to sound even the least bit convincing in his role" because that is not subjective at all but a statement. And it doesn't even matter it it's right or not. It just feels wrong. If I want my character to be unable to do his job I will say so, not you ^^

I love you! <3

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It's now what my character is doing but your style, it all has to be subjective so you can't say "George was unable to sound even the least bit convincing in his role" because that is not subjective at all but a statement. And it doesn't even matter it it's right or not. It just feels wrong. If I want my character to be unable to do his job I will say so, not you ^^


Ah, that's what it is.


Everything I write is subjective. It's third person limited writing style, where I as the author only know and see what my character sees. If my character sees you as unable to do your job, that will make its way into the exposition I give, because the exposition isn't impartial when I write. It's a stylistic choice on my own part, and not meant to be taken as the word of god. I'm not contradicting anything you write, only showing things from a different perspective.


It's the same reason why I did not use your characters' name prior to Serah finding out what it was. Until Serah learns that your character is a capable sergeant, she and by extension my exposition will not reflect that. Hope that clears some things up for you, and anyone else who was wondering. :)

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It's just unusual, that's why it struck me odd. I think I can life with it though...


Okay. I edited that last post a bit, just to make it more clear in its subjectivity near the beginning. I'll try to be a bit more clear in the future.

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These guys are making different display names based on olden war or battle times, so I was thinking, if I HAD to change my name, then it would be Princess Pinkamina Diania Pies II. It's a very long name. :) I didn't know what else to choose to. :P


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Since I didn't read the first Equestrian Civil War RP, can I get some specifics on what type of tech is being used?


Sword? Guns? Jets? Tanks? Previously, the forest had been burnt down; napalm?


Since it has only been a few weeks, maybe months, since Nightmare Moon's return, the technology hasn't improved much.


HOWEVER, this does not mean that I'm limiting on any additional technology. Feel free to introduce new weaponry and vehicles, as long as you give an explanation on how it was built/created. Basically, don't just suddenly blow up Canterlot with F-22s and A-10 bombers. =P



Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon (which should it be, for future reference?)


Nightmare Moon should do fine, as technically, she's not Princess anymore. =P



This looks awesome should i join or not?


well it actually if im allowed to join xD


Sure! Just link your character bio and you're in! Just make sure you include the three lines below though!


Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom?

Branch within Faction:




Considering I had to drop out...I approve of what this has become.


Thanks! :D I just put a little time and effort in it. Nothing much. =P

  • Brohoof 1

And stuff.

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Appearance:Black fur with red stripes, red and blue mane and tail, dark red eyes.

Cutie Mark (if any): Two crossed swords with wings on eithier side


Weapon: Double sided blade and His trusty bow


Personality: Has a short fuse meaning he get angry easily but other then this he is focused and determined and when he is with his friends he is the loud one of the group, He doesnt love fighting but if he has to he will fight when he is in the air her loves very second of it.

Biography: Born in Ponyville Lucas lived with his aunt and uncle because of the death of his mother whilst giving birth to him, Lucas doesnt know who his Dad is and doesnt want to know at a young age he ran away to Cloudsdale there he met a pegasus who taught him everything he know's when the war broke out he joined the lunar republic for his own reasons



Lunar Republic or Solar Kingdom? Lunar Republic

Branch within Faction:Lunar Airforce


Ranking:Master Sergeant

Edited by Twister XXV


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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Alright, you're in! Feel free to join the RP! The link is in my signature under "Equestrian Civil War Part 2: Flames of Battle", or on the first page.


Once on the RP page, you should read the Lunar Republic briefing for the types of missions available. Just a note: The Appleloosa attack and Nightmare Moon's escort has already begun, but you can catch up to them if you hurry! xD

And stuff.

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Posting this for Neikos to see, and anyone else as well:


Since I don't know exactly what was used in the previous Civil War RP, here's what I'm going to tentatively suggest for weaponry in the Lunar Republic. There can be traditional melee weapons, such as swords, shields, axes, etc. But there can also be early guns, inaccurate and hard to reload, but powerful. I'd say grenades and molotovs are fair game as well. Role playing ponies can have access to more effective or outlandish weapons if they are able justify them within the context of the story.


This is just my suggestion, though. And if anyone involved in the previous Civil War RP knows what was used there, that'd be useful to know. :)

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Strong already has his own weapons, A large battle hammer called Little Wrecker, and a set of steel spiked battle horseshoes :3


Somehow, without even reading Strong Hooves character bio, I guessed that he would use some sort of hammer weapon, lol.

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I will add more of my characters once i can get my own internet(using public computer :( )




Main cast:







apperance: Blue coat with a Silvery mane and golden eyes


Personality:Calm and collected,at times doubting or conflicted with personal beliefs


cutie mark: white cloud with hail stones


Bio:Before the war hail spent his time to the far north,his heavy frame made him ideal for the task of a weather/delivery pony in the rough,fridged enviroment.Lacking in the speed and grace of other pegasus,he makes up for in strength and endureance


Alligance: solar kingdom

Branch:solar air force


Rank: LT 2nd class


weapon:Hooves,Mace/morning star








apperance:Unknown to most ponies outside of celestias personal guard,usualy bareing heavy Plated runed armor


Personality:power hungry,somewhat crazed

cutiemark: runic symbols of each element


Bio: Of the elite guard for celestia,Runedust is one of the more fearsome.When he isn't trying to crush the enemies of the princess,he spends his "OFF" time creating and invinting new weapons(usualy for unicorns)

Backed with his own personal army made of mostly unicorn units (unicorn are far more supirior in his eyes) runedust feels that he is the best of celestias forces.


alligance:solar kingdom

branch:Elite guard


Rank:Elite 1st class


weapon:destructive magic/traps tear unknown,various conjured magic weapons,Magic amplifires (horn ring and armor)



Side cast:








Apperance:white coat,soft blue mane

cutiemark:snow cloud


Personality:curious and out going and at times annoying



Bio:The "Little sister" of Hailstorm.


alligance:EX-solar kingdom (defected)

Branch:solar Intel and communications



weapon:low level Magic





Name: solus

status:KIA -stronghooves


(adding more later...out of time :( )

Edited by HailStorm
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Good to have you back Hailstorm! It's just about time too... the odds are just a teeny, weeny, bit outnumbered...


Current Participants:


Solar Kingdom:


Pinkazoid: Pinkie, Twilight, Rainbow, Haste, Drago

Toothless the Night Fury: Toothless


Lunar Republic:


Strong Hooves: Strong Hooves, Applejack

Sunrise Song: Sunrise Song, Fluttershy

Eldar Steve: Arlichino

Neikos IV: George Grey

Kunoichi Derpina: Zanthak

Legendary Emerald: Serah Anastos

Twister XXV: Lucas


And stuff.

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Dang where has toothless been? Oh well, busy I guess... or perhaps Hiccup grounded him :o


Ha ha. xD


Much apologies! I still need to give the RP enough of a start so you can start posting without me! xD I'll post tomorrow! I Pinkie promise!

Edited by Toothless the Night Fury

And stuff.

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