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open The Other Ponies: The Canterlot Collapse


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The feel of the red cushion into under his legs. Enjoying every second of the touch. The smell of coffee vapors in the early morning. The rich aroma made his early morning even better as he took a sip of it. The nutty taste of coffee touched his taste bud. It forced a refreshing sigh. Ahhh, what a refreshing beverage. The earth pony thought, he placed the coffee back on his table. He paid for extra for this. First-class car. Thanks to the early morning, nopony was on, but himself. It's elegant design with it's two chair seating and table up front helped Carrick hold his coffee. The windows, showing the outside of mountain of Canterlot in it's a glory. 


The benefits were plenty. The comfy seats and the high-class food and beverages. The padded brown walls made it so that virtually no sound was heard, just the pony's thoughts. The rugs were of elegance with it's complex design and color. Still having a comforting feeling. The nice mares who would come any time you would need anything. Just a wave of a hoof and poof. They were there. 


Touching his soft brown fur, his black trench coat, cleaned and ironed out. His hat, placed on the other chair as he move his right hoof into his coat and takes out the folder. On the main tab it read: Case #131007894. 


Carrick opened it's contents once more. Trying to get a better idea of what he was getting himself into, but it was no avail. Whoever was in the investigation team was terrible at giving description or even ideas. The only real help that it gave him was the location and ponies that were murder. Carrick couldn't tell if there was any type of pattern. It reads more like a serial killer on the loose.


The detective couldn't believe that there wasn't any distinct from the way he just read it, but...it doesn't add up. Most serial killer have some type of code. Usually attacking certain types of ponies. However there wasn't any type of code here. It was all sporadic. None of these ponies were of high class. Carrick hasn't heard of any of these names nor was there a pattern to their body type, pony type, or gender. They just seem like regular citizens going along their day. The detective sighed softly, though he felt a bit frustrated by his lack of ideas. He still was excited. He needed this, it's been quiet for a while now. Nothing out of the ordinary excluding the impending civil or international war upon us. Nothing he could solve, anyway. He wasn't a diplomat. Just an ordinary detective. Doing a few cases here and there, but nothing all too special.  

Now here he was, on a train to Canterlot to go forth into a investigation. Carrick knew that this case was going to be big. He took consideration that he might need a second opinion or even somepony that would be willing to help him in a situation he can't get out of. He sent forth letters to some old friends. He knew that some of them won't be coming....he even felt that she wouldn't come as well.
Starbolt, though their relationship did get better for a short time. They both wanted different things. It became to point where small conversation would go on to nights of debates. Carrick couldn't take it and had call it quits. He wanted to make their relationship back to being platonic, but he knew that it wouldn't be the same, especially with the tension during the wedding. Carrick just tried to move on. 
The train whistled it's horn as it started to reach the destination. The city had started to come forth. The orange tint from the sky gave it more of a beautiful look to it. Carrick mind stopped drifting toward his social problem as he heard the conductor scream "Last Stop! Canterlot!" Carrick took his folder and place it back in his trench coat. The earth pony took his hat and placed it right on his head. He walked down out of the train and right into the Canterlot Train Station.
Carrick wasn't sure if the city was barren at this time because of sleep or fear, but he couldn't see anypony. 
Carrick didn't know if anypony was on that train, but he decide to wait. Even if he saw his friends, he wanted to be alone to read the case files, even if there wasn't much too it. 
So, there he was, Carrick Murphy, detective. Staring at the train as the orange sun starts to reach higher in the skies. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Hypno was riding the train, he didn't even know why he came after he read the letter. Be he guessed that he felt he owed it to Carrick if he was smart enough to find out where he had be hiding out. He was wearing his usual peaked cap and peacoat with some odd gauze bandages underneath on various parts of his body. Though before going out he had placed an illusion spell on himself, making him look much more normal that he usually does, taking away his tuffed ears, eyes, and markings temporarily. Even his colors we're a brown and light brown now.


Hypno was looking out the window as the train came to a stop. He almost felt he had made a mistake coming here. But maybe somepony else had had been waiting for would show up too sometime. With a sigh he got up from his seat, slowly walking off the train and looking around. It didn't take him long before he spotted Carrick and began to walk towards him. This will be fun. He thought as he reached the bench and sat down, his spell slowly faded away and returned him to normal. "It's been a while, Carrick." He said with a slight grin.


(I'll have my other character show up in the next post. He'll already be in Canterlot though.)  

  • Brohoof 1

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Quickly sat on a train station roof, catching his breath. He had flown a solid beeline from the mountain shack that was as much a home to him as any place in Equestria. He had explained to Wings that he'd been called again, this time by a friend, to go to Canterlot. The letter hadn't been specific, but knowing the author meant knowing it's importants, and when Carrick ask for help that usually involves world-ending plots. So he came, flying hard for two days with a two-hour nap and a few short meals of stale cookies and biscuits. He slid off the roof and landed, his flight googles bouncing around his neck and his pack, crossbow, and knife settling about his form. He took his bandanna off and used it to wipe his face, before tying it around his neck. A train rolled in loudly as he cringed, the breaks piercing through his mind as the unaccustomed to sound dug into his eardrums. However, out stepped the pony he'd been waiting to see. Waving, he called a greeting; "Hey Carrick, it's been a while!" He walked over to help his friend off the train. He saw another pony walking towards Carrick and a grin split his face, "And Hypno too! Guess we did manage to get you off the bench." This'll be good for him. He hasn't done anything outside the mountains since the wedding.

Edited by Dawnpath
  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Blaze couldn't believe it, Daeva had just told him she was pregnant.


Blaze was going to be a father. Something he wasn't even sure he was capable of doing. But Blaze knew it was something he had to do. He had to be there for the foal, no matter what. Because his own father wasn't there for the majority of his life, and he had it rough.

I just hope the baby can have a happy life. That is all I wish for. Blaze thought

As he was drifting in and out of thought, a messenger pigeon flew through the window and dropped off a letter on Blaze's desk.

Curious, Blaze opened the letter.

It read

Dear Blaze Phoenixtear,

I know we haven't talked since the wedding, but we need to come meet in Canterlot.

Our services are needed by Luna herself. It seems that we have another mystery on our hooves.

If you feel that you are unable to help me. I understand, but remember this.

We've been together and saved Equestria. No matter what you do now. You'll always be.

The Other Ponies.


Carrick Murphy. Detective.

Blaze gave a soft chuckle and looked out the window, towards the bright blue sky.
"Not this time, Carrick" Blaze said out loud with a smile "Right now, I have to a much more important case to tend to"

22 years in the future

Phoenix Flare had never been scared of fire. In fact, as a young foul, her father had carved a rune into her hoof that made her body immune to most flames. But this was different.

Explosions rattled the city of Canterlot, decimating buildings and blowing ponies into blood mist. And sky high flames consumed parts of the city as ponies screamed in utter agony. It was like a chapter from a horror novel.

Come to think of it, these past two years of her life were something straight out of one of Stephen Colt's famous novels.

After her mother died two years ago, something happened to her father. And although Phoenix Flare took it hard, her father took it the hardest. Blaze suddenly became obsessed with time travel, and insisted that Starswirls spells were incomplete. He spent all of his time consumed in research, trying all sorts of equations and runic symbols, but always to no avail. It wasn't until two days ago, that Blaze had a breakthrough. He had told Phoenix that this was it. That he had finally figured it out. But then, something happened, as if a bolt of lightning had struck Blaze. He became consumed with uncontrollable rage.

Phoenix Flare snapped back to reality, she couldn't allow herself to slip away into her memories. All Phoenix could think of, was that she had to make it home as soon as possible. And her wings took her as fast as they could.

She made it over the plot of grassland that her house should have been on. At first a tinge of fear took hold in her heart. But then she remembered her father had invisibility barriers for such occasions. Phee flew downwards towards what seemed like normal grassy ground, and passed through a genetic barrier. It only allowed certain ponies through, and Phee was one of them.

As she passed through the barrier on the outskirts of Canterlot, she saw a familiar building. The manor in which she spent the majority of her 21 years in. With her caring mother and strong father, a house so filled with love, that she never once felt like she didn't belong there. She could hardly believe that it was her father, Blaze Phoenixtear, who was causing this amount of mayhem. Although, the destruction of the city wasn't Blaze alone, in fact all manor of armies marched towards Canterlot, ready to reduce it to ruble.

She flew pass the large stone steps, and through the massive set of double doors at the front of the manor. Even though her parents told her not to fly in the house, she thought that she could chalk this up as an exception. She flew through the entrance room, up the stair case, and into her father's study. She landed in the doorway.

She walked into the study. Flickering auburn light shown dully through the window, partially illuminating the study; or what was left of it. It was torn apart, papers strewn everywhere, books ripped in half, desks turned over, book cases on their sides. Someone other then her father had been here the past few days. But to Phoenix's relief, it looks like they didn't find what they were looking for.

Phee trotted over to where her father's desk once was. The wall next to it was a false one, Phoenix knew this. Her father went in their constantly for magical tests. Phee trotted towards the faux wall and instead of smacking into a solid brick wall, she passed through. The wall was just another genetic barrier. On the other side of the barrier was a series of stone steps that led slightly downward towards a dimly lit stone room, the room was lit blue as the light was coming from a magic lamp. Phee walked over to a pedestal that had a large book on it. Inside the pedestal, was a series of other books as well. Phee unstrapped her saddlebags, put them on a small table behind her, and began loading the bags with books. Her father's journals to be exact. She was tempted to bring her father's research/magic tome, but as Phee is a pegasus, she didn't see very much point in it.

Phoenix opened the tome that was on top the pedestal. She flipped through the pages until she found the final page that was occupied by quill strokes. The pages showed a diagram of a runic circle. Phee ripped it out, and took it over to the empty stone experiment area. She picked up a piece of chalk with her mouth and began to draw, on the ground, the runic circle on the paper, only upscaled to roughly the size of a pony. Phee only hoped that she could draw it accurately enough, she was never really good at drawing.

In fact, she was never really good at anything.
She looked back to her flank only to be reminded that it was barren, and gave a little sigh.

Now was not the time to be worrying about being a blank flank. She could wallow in self pity later, right now, the safety of Equestria is at stake. But more importantly, well to her at least, the safety of her father.

She finished drawing the circle, and walked back to her saddlebags, throwing them over her flank. She trotted over to the supplies cabinet, and threw a few bottles from their into her bag. Some bottles were labeled, "spontaneous regeneration", others were labeled, "paralysis". But the one she was looking for, was the one labeled, "Magical Energy". She closed her saddlebags and picked up the magical energy bottle. She trotted over to the coat rack. Grabbed a brown cloak, and flung it over herself. She then wandered back to the runic circle.

She stood in the middle of the circle, uncorked the bottle of magical energy, and poured it over the circle.

At first nothing happened.
Phoenix was positive she did something wrong. She began to walk back to the cabinet, when the circle began glowing brightly with golden light. Phoenix closed her eyes. She felt a tingle as the magical energy began to transport every atom in her body.

She disappeared in a flash of brilliant light, and reappeared in a alleyway in Canterlot.

Present day

She walked outside of the alleyway and into the streets. She expected them to be highly populated, as it seemed to be about noon. But there wasn't another pony in sight. What's more, the city was vastly different from how she remembered it. There were no flags of the Twilight Rupublic flying high, as per law. There were no guards at every street corner. No tax collectors hassling street vendors. No sickly mares on the side of the street, willing to do anything for bits to feed their families.

How far back did I go? Phoenix Flare wondered as she continued her walk through a Canterlot she had never seen before.

Edited by Bronynonymous
  • Brohoof 3


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Sapphire having returned to duty after the little adventure had with Carrick and the rest had gotten herself promoted to captain. The position was easy compared to her old one, no more patrolling the city every night and no more menial grunt work. Then came the reports of murder. A single pony at first, the another and another, the investigations were in vane, no leads could be found. Thankfully she heard reports of the detective who lead their group was coming to Canterlot. Sapphire deduced the only reason he could be coming was due to the murders. Maybe they could help each other.....


Sapphire arrived just as the train arrived. She was unarmed except for the dagger hidden in her guard's uniform, one can never be too safe nowadays.
She spotted a familiar figure, his posture was a dead giveaway, light-footed and agile she would of been able to tell who he is even if she just saw his silhouette. She also noticed the pony she had went here for, Carrick. 'Hopefully he would be able to shed light on this situation.'


She walked towards the two ponies not noticing Hypno who was being obstructed by Carrick. "Hello Carrick, Quickly." She said in greeting to the two.

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Sapphire having returned to duty after the little adventure had with Carrick and the rest had gotten herself promoted to captain. The position was easy compared to her old one, no more patrolling the city every night and no more menial grunt work. Then came the reports of murder. A single pony at first, the another and another, the investigations were in vane, no leads could be found. Thankfully she heard reports of the detective who lead their group was coming to Canterlot. Sapphire deduced the only reason he could be coming was due to the murders. Maybe they could help each other.....


Sapphire arrived just as the train arrived. She was unarmed except for the dagger hidden in her guard's uniform, one can never be too safe nowadays.

She spotted a familiar figure, his posture was a dead giveaway, light-footed and agile she would of been able to tell who he is even if she just saw his silhouette. She also noticed the pony she had went here for, Carrick. 'Hopefully he would be able to shed light on this situation.'


She walked towards the two ponies not noticing Hypno who was being obstructed by Carrick. "Hello Carrick, Quickly." She said in greeting to the two.

Quickly's ear twitched as he turned. "Sapphire. Good to see you, though I hope you're not here to arrest us again. Hardly the kind of thing one expects on an adventure," he says in good humor. His expression turns more serious, however, as he adds, "The news in the forest is that Canterlot is in a bit of a crisis. And that's not mentioning the murders... I wish it were better in the forest, however, nature is not in balance."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Yes, you are all under arrest. But seriously, the guard have no clues on who's behind these murders. We just get reports of a body, I send in ponies to investigate and they always turn up empty handed. News of this is spreading through the population, we can't afford to have ponies panicking in the streets. I assume you are hear cause of this, Carrick. If so, you have my support." Sapphire replied as she noticed Hypno. "And Hypno is here too, that's great, but please try to not to scare anypony." 


(OOC: Due to shitty timezone problems I must be off for a few hours to sleep. I give ability to control Sapphire till I return.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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The faint smell of blood came into Carrick's nose. Just from that distinction, he could tell who he was. "Hypno." Carrick turned around to see the pony he had saved once in the mountains. "It certainly has been." Carrick nodded towards him. "Seems like you were fast to read the letter. That's good." Carrick tilts his head, seeing a waving of a hoof. The outfit was just enough for Carrick to deduce who he was. "Quickly, just as fast."


Then, along came somepony. The uniform of a guard was there, but this was different the a regular uniform. This was a captain uniform. Her blue mane and white fur was enough to tell him who she was.  "Sapphire, you've become a captain." Carrick deduced. 


After Quickly's casual joke. Sapphire informed him of what he already knew. No leads, no idea, just a bunch of dead ends. Carrick tapped his hat up, "Yes. Luna herself has called it me to look at what has been happening in Canterlot. A scrambled mess of chaos this is. Best, we worry about catching up later and see what's up." Carrick took out the case folder. Scrambled down to the last murder scene. A alley just west of the main plaza. "Alright, everypony. Let's go." Carrick trotted off into the main plaza. The empty sounds of the city did worry him. Was it really this bad? 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Phoenix continued walking aimlessly. Although she had been in Canterlot thousands of times, this was vastly different, but definitely Canterlot. She didn't have any idea where to go, so she continued trotting. She eventually made her way to an alleyway and through the alleyway she could see the main plaza. 

There has to be some ponies in the main plaza, maybe they can tell me what year it is. Phoenix thought as she raised her cloak's hood over her head. Even though she wanted to find out what it was, she didn't know what would happen if a pony saw her. Better safe than sorry.

And she began trotting through the alleyway.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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The faint smell of blood came into Carrick's nose. Just from that distinction, he could tell who he was. "Hypno." Carrick turned around to see the pony he had saved once in the mountains. "It certainly has been." Carrick nodded towards him. "Seems like you were fast to read the letter. That's good." Carrick tilts his head, seeing a waving of a hoof. The outfit was just enough for Carrick to deduce who he was. "Quickly, just as fast."


Then, along came somepony. The uniform of a guard was there, but this was different the a regular uniform. This was a captain uniform. Her blue mane and white fur was enough to tell him who she was. "Sapphire, you've become a captain." Carrick deduced.


After Quickly's casual joke. Sapphire informed him of what he already knew. No leads, no idea, just a bunch of dead ends. Carrick tapped his hat up, "Yes. Luna herself has called it me to look at what has been happening in Canterlot. A scrambled mess of chaos this is. Best, we worry about catching up later and see what's up." Carrick took out the case folder. Scrambled down to the last murder scene. A alley just west of the main plaza. "Alright, everypony. Let's go." Carrick trotted off into the main plaza. The empty sounds of the city did worry him. Was it really this bad?

Quickly nodded, following. His ears flicked, though less from the large amount of noise from the train and more from the surprising lack of noise from... Everything else. "Why is there no noise or gossip? Blaze and Daeva got married less than a month ago, and Blaze is technically royalty. Twilight was coronated. The streets should be buzzing," he mumbles.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Carrick gave a slight chuckle, "They seem to be worry more about their lives than anything else." Carrick trotted his way towards the main plaza. A sudden feeling overwhelmed him. Somepony was here. Carrick gave look around, no noise, no movement. Nothing...something was amiss, as he took a cautious step towards the west. 


"22, Mare, unicorn, was cashier at Donut Joe. Was found dead at 2:25 in the afternoon. A witness states that she found the body right in the alleyway west of  the main plaza." Carrick closed the folder. "A pony was found dead in the middle of the day. Now tell me, would you stay outside now?" Carrick saw the yellow tape in the alleyway. Though he felt something was still wrong. He continued to make his way towards the crime scene. More invested in the crime than his life. 

  • Brohoof 1

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Carrick gave a slight chuckle, "They seem to be worry more about their lives than anything else." Carrick trotted his way towards the main plaza. A sudden feeling overwhelmed him. Somepony was here. Carrick gave look around, no noise, no movement. Nothing...something was amiss, as he took a cautious step towards the west.


"22, Mare, unicorn, was cashier at Donut Joe. Was found dead at 2:25 in the afternoon. A witness states that she found the body right in the alleyway west of the main plaza." Carrick closed the folder. "A pony was found dead in the middle of the day. Now tell me, would you stay outside now?" Carrick saw the yellow tape in the alleyway. Though he felt something was still wrong. He continued to make his way towards the crime scene. More invested in the crime than his life.

Quickly rolled his eyes. "Carrick, I would be outside. Normal ponies would think themselves straight in the virtual death-traps of a house." His eyes scanned the alleyway, as his eyes narrowed. It's as if Blaze and Daeva combined into one pony and decided to hide in an alleyway. That's... Troubling, that an aura is so similar.

  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Carrick shook his head, "Yeah, but I was talking about the confines of a normal pony. What's a place you feel safe? Your own home. Thus, they use that logic and stay inside. Though..." Carrick tapped his chin, "Even still, not every pony should be inside. This does seem wrong." Carrick walks under the yellow tape. His detective senses in full effect, somepony was in here...  


He looked around, "Somepony here?" He asked. Unsure if it was a policemen or something else. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Ignoring some weird yellow tape, Phoenix continued her way down the alleyway. She saw a group of serious looking ponies entering the other side of the alleyway. She normally wouldn't hide for no reason, but for some reason she got an odd feeling from these ponies. So she decided to unfurl her wings and make a B-line for the sky. 


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Carrick actions seems to have made whatever pony fly off. "Hey!" Carrick shouted, knowing full well that it wouldn't do anything. "Crap, Quickly. Think you can follow whoever that is down?" Carrick asked him. The detective didn't really have much of a choice. He was the only peagsus here. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Quickly saluted, "Yes sir, though somepony will have to watch my gear." In moments, his affects were laying off the ground and he had darted to a rooftop. He locked onto the Blaze-Daeva aura and darted after it, using his endurance and speed training from Rainbow Dash to gain on the pony, "Miss, please stop running. I am relatively certain that you aren't responsible for the deaths in these areas, and I'd like to talk about it."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Hypno simply followed without saying much to his old group, and not paying much attention to the pegasus who was just spotted either. For now he just looked around trying to take in every detail of the scene. However, except for the obvious things and a few extra smells he couldn't find much.


Another pony had showed up behind them in guard uniform. "Sorry I'm so late, Mr. Murphy. My superiors wanted me to take care of a few things before being sent here." Lazarus tried to explain. He noticed Sapphire and recognized her from guard duty, but besides that he didn't know anybody else. 


(Took forever to wake up)

Edited by Hypno

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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Phoenix wasn't so sure she trusted these ponies. But she thought it would be a great way to gain some information about where, or rather, when she was. She decided to land back down in the alley, in front of the group of ponies. 

"Sorry about running... Where I come from, when a group of ponies approach you in an alleyway, they are hardly looking to make friends." Phoenix Flare said. She adjusted her hood and cloak to make sure it covered and concealed as much as possible.


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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Phoenix wasn't so sure she trusted these ponies. But she thought it would be a great way to gain some information about where, or rather, when she was. She decided to land back down in the alley, in front of the group of ponies.


"Sorry about running... Where I come from, when a group of ponies approach you in an alleyway, they are hardly looking to make friends." Phoenix Flare said. She adjusted her hood and cloak to make sure it covered and concealed as much as possible.

Quickly landed behind her unarmed, "Right now isn't really a time one would consider savory, but hardly something so serious. No matter." She's holding something back. If I may have a moment with her, I would ask her a few questions. The traces of magic on her body... It makes my memories of the tablet tingle, like something I should know but can't... "Carrick, you're questions. I'm sure you've plenty."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Carrick nodded at Quickly. There wasn't much of a fight, so it doesn't seem like she has any problems, but he felt that there was something off about this pony. The hood and cloak don't help either, giving this pony more of a dark presence. However, this isn't the time to assume she is bad. He looked at the crime scene around him. Blood was spattered everywhere. Signs of a struggle, would mean that....somepony should've heard her. Carrick tapped his hoof. "Do you know what happen here?" Carrick asked. It was a leading question, knowing full well that whatever she answer would give him a better idea on who she is.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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"No. I just arrived in Canterlot today. I definitely can't help you in any way. Maybe you can help me, though. Do any of you, perhaps, have news paper?" Phoenix asked

She didn't want to ask about the date straight up. If she was asking such a question, most ponies in this world would find it kind of fishy. So she settled on asking about a newspaper. 


[CLICK THE SIG FOR OC] (Signature created by Azura)

Shinobu is best girl. 

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"No. I just arrived in Canterlot today. I definitely can't help you in any way. Maybe you can help me, though. Do any of you, perhaps, have news paper?" Phoenix asked


She didn't want to ask about the date straight up. If she was asking such a question, most ponies in this world would find it kind of fishy. So she settled on asking about a newspaper. 

Still don't know what happen? Did they keep the murders hidden? I somehow doubt that, too many to hide up. Not to mention...Carrick went in his coat to take out the two day old newspaper. Something he would used if he was to unwind in the train. He throw it on the ground. On the front page it reads "Another Murder in Canterlot." 


"Here, it's a few days old, but it should tell you what's up." Carrick said. 

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Carrick nonchalantly tossed the newspaper on the ground. 

Phoenix looked at the newspaper and read the date in the top right corner. 

It read

"C.E 1003"

This confused Phee greatly. 

 C.E 1003? I don't get it, am I in the future? No. I am from T.E. 18. T.E. Oh yeah! 

Phoenix's mind raced back to when she was a filly, and her dad was teaching her about Equeatrian history. 

Blaze had set up his study to look like a classroom. With two desks, one teacher desk for Blaze, and a student desk for Phee. A dark green chalkboard up at the front of the faux classroom, and to put on the final touches, an apple on Blaze's desk. Phee gave that apple to Blaze right after he set up the classroom.

"Oh thank you," Blaze said as he took a bite "It's sweet just like you"

"Tank you dada". Phee gave a big smile and took her seat

"I will start by trying to explain to you the history of Equestria. I will start with the basics so I don't confuse you" Blaze said

"I was born in C.E. 979. C.E. stands for Celestial era. Celestial era happened after Celestia banished Luna to the moon. Ushering in a new era."


Pheonix raised her hand.
Blaze pointed to Phee. 
"yes, cute girl in the front row. do you have a question?"

Phee gave another smile

"uhm dada, dident wuna be a good guy afto she wuz beat by twiwight?" Phee said

Phee was obviously using her bedtime story books as a reference

"ah, smart girl. You must have intelligent parents. While it is true that Luna and Celestia reuniited after a thousand years. However we still call this era , "Celestial era". I am not sure why though, maybe the calender people are just lazy. Or maybe the reuniting event was not of the same caliber as the banishing event.

Do you remember when I told you about the time Celestia and the wielders of harmony went missing?" Blaze asked

"I do dada" Phee replied

"Well, she was never found again after that. Almost immediately after being missing, The wielder of the Element of Magic took Celestia's position as the princess of the sun. And about 3 years after she took up her mantel,  Twilight Sparkle had a fight with Luna" Blaze said

"But wai daddy?" Phee asked 

"Well, tensions were running high, and no doubt Luna was under some stress, as her sister was still missing and some pony, the same pony that beat her in a fight already, took her sister's position. Luna probably felt a mixture of jealousy and hatred towards Twilight until she decided to attack Twilight. Twilight ended up winning that fight, though she was not sure she could raise the sun and the moon herself, she kept Luna as the guardian of the night, but stripped her of her princess title. Ushering a new era, the Twilight Era.

You Phee, were born in the Celestial Era 1004, But they use a different system now. If a pony was born in celestial era, the castle considers them to have been born before the Twilight Era, therefore the say I would have been born in Twilight Era -30, and you would have been born in Twilight Era -3.

I don't know why they really did this, they say it is to keep things simple, but it just seems more complicated to me. But that is the official term, so we can't really argue." 

"you know a lot daddy" Phee said as she got up and gave Blaze a hug...

Phoenix snapped back into reality. 

oh so, this IS in the past.

Suddenly a sick feeling hit the bottom of Phoenix's stomach. And a look of utter horror struck her face.

This is way further than I had wanted to go. How can I save my mother now?

Even though Blaze's father was the one decimating Canterlot, along with an army. This all started when her mother Daeva passed away. If she had never died, Blaze would have never created time magic, and would have never went crazy. 

how am I supposed to help from 19 years before my mom died? I need to get back to my own time. This was a mistake. I don't know what I am doing. I am just a blank flank. I should have never used father's magic.

This gave her so much anxiety that she was literally shaking, and this was visible to everypony that was around her.


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Shinobu is best girl. 

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Carrick nonchalantly tossed the newspaper on the ground. 


Phoenix looked at the newspaper and read the date in the top right corner. 


This gave her so much anxiety that she was literally shaking, and this was visible to everypony that was around her.


Carrick stare upon his face. She had been staring into space for some time, until a shot of anxiety had hit her with a ton of bricks. She started to shake. The detective could read that she was freaking out.  Carrick worry a bit.  Hmm, maybe this was a bit too much for her? 


Having a unstable pony in a crime scene is just begging to implode in his face. He attempted to disassemble the situation. He took a small sigh, "Take a long deep breath, let your mind's worries just fly out."


Carrick stepped closer to her. He placed his hoof on her right shoulder. "Listen, whatever problems you have. You can't do anything if you lose yourself in the moment. Don't let those emotions consume you. Think about your problems in analytically matter.


Think about what you can do and forget about what you can't. If you need any help, myself and the others are more than willing to help." Carrick hoped his words could get to this mysterious mare. 

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"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Quickly dashed over to Carrick and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Carrick, look at her. She's been through more than she's telling, and it's obviously a change in pace. Her edges are soft and her hooves have evidence of hooficures. While I respect you, I don't think you're present course of reasoning is effective. That, and..." he frowns, "I have suspicions, is all I will say. I think she's trustworthy, but she doesn't... There's something wrong." The pegasus's wings twitch anxiously and he sighs, saying normally, "I wish Daeva was here, this situation has her name written all over it."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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