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Something needs to happen, something big needs to happen. The world is out of balance, though the scales are tipping in that of the good than the bad. Many a pony does not realise this, but there is a perfect balance of good and evil in this world. Though only one force may lead the two for harmony, harmony on the biggest and smallest scale. And the good does not have to win the bad, it just has to be there. 

The good in all of us has reigned for far too long and it has to be stopped, or at least slowed down, before everything falls.

And that is where you come in....


Alright, so this will be an advanced roleplay. There will be very long posts and very good quality and such expected from everybody who signs up, though all of your posts don't have to be long. This is a slow roleplay and so you'll probably have time to read then post before you have anything to worry about. Though, this roleplay isn't for those who are expecting action right away, there will be meetings and such between groups and you all have to keep your calm.


There will be 2 groups, the good and the bad. The good guys are obviously the ones who are trying to stop all the bad guys from taking control. Though I will say this now, your character does not know of the balance, they will be thinking that this is just another war or something. Good guys you are just volunteering or have been placed to fight, and you only know that, nothing else. 


So I guess you have the jest of that, do ask questions for anything.



1. Alicorns allowed for bad guys, not the goodies. And there will be restrictions put in place for these OC's that I will talk to you about personally.

2. Royal guards and other guards will be allowed but they have restrictions as well, I have several rules for those guys that I will post on a later date

3.No god moding, at all. Except for me and that will be minimal.

4.When roleplaying you must keep your cool around others, especially bad ponies. 

5. Demons and other such are allowed, changelings as well.

6.You must keep with the history and such of this roleplay, don't bring other stuff from other roleplays in here but if it is a part of your character I may allow it.

7.All things that have to do when your out of character go here. I do not want to see little bits in your posts.


I believe that is all for now but I will update this later when I have more information on it. I am doing this roleplay so that when others have their roleplays slow down and they're extremely bored or anything then you could post on here. I will be leading the two teams.


When you sign up please don't forget to add your OC page and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Good                                                                      Bad

1. Lost soul                                                           1. Stardust

2. Sunset Sky                                                        2.Caras

3.  Zycrin                                                               3.Cleo

4.  Jaeger                                                              4.Fallen Spark

5.  Fire Sharp                                                        5.Thorn  

6. Glory                                                                 6.Duran

7. Vincent                                                              7. Glory's dad (Can't be bothered finding name)

8. Demon touched                                                 8. Slithril

9.                                                                           9. Arion Bladeshaper

10.                                                                        10. Any other demons thunder knight has got (over 7 I believe)

11.                                                                        11.

Edited by rascal61
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I have never been in an advance RP before and it would be a nice change of pace for me, as I focus on story and characters other than action. So is it possible the either Zycrin or Caras could join as a bad pony. (Zycrin can be on any side as long as he gets to kill). Link in my signature.

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Well I've had a look at both and I'll let them both in, if you want them too. I'm happy for you to play as both and I'm sure that Caras and Stardust will meet and there'll be some sort of something happening between them. You could even put both in each catergory. Though if you are going to do something like that I'll go through the pages again and just see if there is anything that has to be slightly tweaked so that they fit with the roleplay, don't worry nothing major. 

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Well I've had a look at both and I'll let them both in, if you want them too. I'm happy for you to play as both and I'm sure that Caras and Stardust will meet and there'll be some sort of something happening between them. You could even put both in each catergory. Though if you are going to do something like that I'll go through the pages again and just see if there is anything that has to be slightly tweaked so that they fit with the roleplay, don't worry nothing major. 

I will put Caras in the evil category and Zycrin in the good section which will be a change because he is both evil and good at the same time.

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I love advanced RPs and this seems very interesting. I quite like it when RPs don't go too fast.



I have an OC that may be interesting, but...

1. i'm still in the process of making her page

2. She's not a fighter, but she's on the good side.


Would there be any sort of bystanders or anything that would still have an important role? I have a few characters that may fit but the only ones that may fight are evil... except for Broken Cloud... she's good, but it;s complicated because of Fallen.

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@@Frosty V,

I'll make sure to add him too the good guys? 

@@Mint Drop,

There is definitely many roles where the OC doesn't have to go out and fight and such, I know that my OC may only leave the base for short amounts of time. As well I've only put, I think 7 spots, and there will be more. I just put down a random number, so you don't have to put down any bad guys. It may be easier for some with there only one playing but its still just in the first steps. I'll have to have a few more people join so you have a while to get the page up.

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Alright... I Lost Soul's page up, with at least the basics...

Broken Cloud would be an interesting addition as well, given she would be mostly good, while Fallen would sort of be evil... But I'm not sure if I want to play her...

Nocturne would be evil but it depends if you want my characters in your RP xP

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@@Mint Drop,

I'll let you play them all if you really want too. But can you please tell me which pony wants to be on which side? I keep forgetting which is which while I go through them and it'll just be easier on me

@@Frosty V,  

And can you please confirm where your OC is as well. Like I said it just makes everything easier on me.

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This looks good.


About the pace of the game, by slow, how many posts should we aim to get in a day? ((I have school :c))


If I sign up, can I simply fight for balance, doing good and evil. I inferred from your post that the good guys knew not of the cause, so I guess the reasoning of the question is, do the bad guys know of the balance problem?

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@@~Luminiferous Ether~,

I know what you mean by school, I do too and I have my tumblr going on and I have about a million other things I'm meant to be doing as well. I would be expecting about a couple of posts a week really, maybe one or two a day. 

And the bad guys don't know either that they are fighting for balance, that is only Stardust who knows what is going on and she'll be hosting the bad guys. If you would like to sign up as someone who is fighting for balance then I would suggest going for the bad guys. They need more players and they are unknowingly fight for the balance.


And yes sure 

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@,@@~Luminiferous Ether~,@@LittleRawr,@@Frosty V,@@Mint Drop,

Well guys I was thinking, I could probably start the roleplay now. We do have enough players and others can join in while we're doing this, and I'm just in the mode to write right now.

Though with regarding of the set up.

Do you guys want two separate thread for the good and the bad or would you like to keep it all in the same thread. I would like to separate the two because I'll be playing the leader roles and they really need a separate thread. But please do tell me. I'm not going to start right this second.

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I'm fine either way :3



It would make things much less cluttered... But then when the 'war' is going on, where will they interact? Do you have two different plots for each of the RP threads? By plot I mean aside from the main plot. 


Signature by Azura

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