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Charcoal Embers

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Heh, if you're sure." Scribe grinned a little: Cinder tended to do the same kind of thing after all.


"What, this antique?" He asked, looking down at the armour she was referring to.


'No you idiot, the other armour that you're wearing... What do you think? You are so stupid sometimes...'


"Family heirloom. I spent a long time wearing it and... well I'll not bore you with details but it turns out that I just don't feel comfortable without it any more. I guess it's kind of unnecessary on a holiday but... It's just habit really I guess."


Shrugging, he grinned again.

"I guess I can understand that. I sometimes go through times where I feel uncomfortable when I don't wear say, a hat or a certain necklace." Charcoal said. "I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Charcoal Embers." Charcoal reaches her hoof out for a hoof shake/bump.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Scribe Shield. Though I pretty much answer to anything... It's a pleasure." He said, taking her hoof and shaking it.


"So Charcoal... You dont mind me calling you that, do you? Have you any idea where we are? I wasn't expecting some big fancy house or anything like this." He waved a hoof around at the machinery that he didn't have a hope of understanding.

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Scribe Shield. Though I pretty much answer to anything... It's a pleasure." He said, taking her hoof and shaking it.


"So Charcoal... You dont mind me calling you that, do you? Have you any idea where we are? I wasn't expecting some big fancy house or anything like this." He waved a hoof around at the machinery that he didn't have a hope of understanding.

"No, Charcoal's fine, and it is a pleasure to meet you Scribe Shield." Charcoal said with a smile. "And imagine we are here to chose our vacation destination. It said in the letter about this trio that we could chose any place in equestria to go to and we would be able to go there.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Yeah, you're right. I need to relax more." Scribe chuckled to himself as he leaned back into the chair a little more.


He had wondered why there were so many of them on one plane, all going to the same place - especially since he hadn't actually told anypony where he was going. It kind of made sense that they would all go to the same place before splitting up.


"What's your plan then? Where are you going? Anywhere nice?"

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Charcoal Embers


"Yeah, you're right. I need to relax more." Scribe chuckled to himself as he leaned back into the chair a little more.


He had wondered why there were so many of them on one plane, all going to the same place - especially since he hadn't actually told anypony where he was going. It kind of made sense that they would all go to the same place before splitting up.


"What's your plan then? Where are you going? Anywhere nice?"

"Well the place I'm going isn't really because I want to go to it. A friend of mine has always wanted to go to Saddle Arabia but has never had the money to do so. When she heard about this trip she bgged me to go there and take pictures for her. Being a nice pony I agreed but I'm not looking forward to it. Having a coat like this isn't good for hot weather.

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@@Charcoal Embers

"Never been there! I've got a cousin who travels a lot though, he goes there every so often and he manages well enough... I'm sure you'll have a great time when you get used to it!"

The white unicorn tapped a hoof on his chin thoughtfully.

"Go on then, where would you go if it was up to you?" He asked with a smile: at least he had somepony friendly to talk to, until they moved on to their respective destinations.

Never quite forgotten.

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@mint drop

"well there's nothing to worry about it's just a big house with lots of people "

He smiled at her then heard a voice behind him

He turned and smiled

" I think we are all going this way to meet someone but please be a bit more quite this one here is abit jumpy"

He gestured towards sunset.

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Tempest and Ivy eventually found the room with the chairs and sat down. "This had better be worth it." He thought, before noticing Charcol and Scribe. "Hey. My name is Tempest, and the pony next to me is Ivy." He said.


Ivy glanced at the two new ponies and smiled. "So, who are you?" She asked.

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She shrugged. "Sometimes I crave meat...and there are times when I sneeze I'll sneeze up a few sparks...but not much more than that." She said, looking around the large entrance hall. "So...any idea where we should be going?" She asked, taking her eyes away from a large pretty picture on the wall to look at Max.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Blazing did his best to sit as far away from everypony else as he could. He had no reason to talk to any of them anymore, so he wasn't going near them either. "Let's just get... This... over with already." He said to himself. He wasn't sure what they were doing, but whatever it was, he would've rather been at home at that point.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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"Honestly, I'm just hoping that by wandering aimlessly we will eventually end up where we n-" Max was interrupted by his collision with a door. It knocked him on his bottom, rubbing his nose.


"What the hay was that?" He asked, looking up to see a door before him. He could hear voices on the other side.


"This must be it." He got to his hooves, and pushed the door open to reveal a room full of technology. Some of the other guests have already arrived.


"Wow...I've never seen this much tech before..."


I don't always discuss MLP, but when I do, I prefer MLP Forums.

Stay chatty my friends.

Avatar by Motion Spark

Signature by Marco

My OCs:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747




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"Honestly, there isn't really any place I want to go. I enjoy where I live and am not one to travel much. Plus, while I might not be scared I'm not great when it comes to being above the clouds."


Charcoal turned to face the ponies that had just spoken to her. "Well hello Tempest, hello Ivy. My name is Charcoal Embers but just call me Charcoal." She says with a smile to match Ivy's.

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"Scribe Shield, pleased to meet you Tempest, Ivy." Scribe nodded to each in turn.


"Guess we're all here for the same reason?" He said, glancing about the room before turning his attention back to the two newcomers, trying to get a feel for what they might be like. "Uh... Nice flight?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Frost poked his head out from behind Tempest and smiled. "Hey Tempest who are your friends?" he said extending a hoof. "Hi I'm Frost it's nice to meet you guys." he said in a awkward tone trying to be polite as he did so. He was still drowsy from his nap so he wasn't thinking straight.

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Frost poked his head out from behind Tempest and smiled. "Hey Tempest who are your friends?" he said extending a hoof. "Hi I'm Frost it's nice to meet you guys." he said in a awkward tone trying to be polite as he did so. He was still drowsy from his nap so he wasn't thinking straight.

"Hello Frosty, I'm Charcoal Embers but just call me Charcoal." Charcoal accepted Frosts hoof with a hoofshake. "It is nice to meet you to. Where do you plan on going for your trip? You do have the option to go anywhere in equestria, though for how long I have no idea."

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Steel was guided into a large room with very high tech looking stuff. "Wow" he said as he trotted over to the table and took a seat like everypony else had already done and sat there and waited for whoever they were waiting for. Again he noticed everybody seemed to be talking to one another like they had before except a couple ponies who sat to by themselves just like he was doing

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Tempest shrugged and smiled. "Ivy and I are heading for Las Pegesus." He said. "I needed the vacation, and it's our anniversary." The cyan pegesus then put a wing on Ivy's back.


The silver unicorn blushed slightly and glanced at Charcoal. "So, where are you headed?" She asked.

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Tempest shrugged and smiled. "Ivy and I are heading for Las Pegesus." He said. "I needed the vacation, and it's our anniversary." The cyan pegesus then put a wing on Ivy's back.


The silver unicorn blushed slightly and glanced at Charcoal. "So, where are you headed?" She asked.

"I'm going to Saddle Arabia for a friend of mine." Charcoal said. "I didn't really have any place I wanted to go and since she had always wanted to go there I agreed to go for her and take lots of pictures for her. Problem is hot whether plus black fur equals..." Charcoal motioned for Tempest or Ivy to finish.

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Claire had finally finished packing and started to check to make sure that she had everything. Yep, I've got everything I need. Claire waited for her taxi, and got in when it arrived. Finally she was at the airport, so she got out and levitated her bag with her unicorn powers. "Lets see, I need to got to terminal 63. Ah! Here it is." She sat down and tucked her wings in. (Yes, Claire is an alicorn)


Made by Nicole

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Tempest didn't exactly know what Charcoal was talking about and shrugged. "A heatstroke?" He said, shrugging. "I honestly have no idea." The cyan pegesus then laughed nervously.


Ivy glanced at Tempest and then at Charcoal. "I honestly have no idea." She said.


(Seriously, what did you mean?)

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Tempest didn't exactly know what Charcoal was talking about and shrugged. "A heatstroke?" He said, shrugging. "I honestly have no idea." The cyan pegesus then laughed nervously.


Ivy glanced at Tempest and then at Charcoal. "I honestly have no idea." She said.


(Seriously, what did you mean?)

Charcoal sighs a little bit. "The thing is, light colors like pink or white don't, we'll say absorb, heat. So colors like those are good for hot whether because you aren't as likely to get roasted. Now dark colors like black or grey are the opposite. They do absorb heat so colors like those are better for colder places so it is easier to stay warm." Charcoal explained.

((OOC: This is true to.))


((OOC: Ok, so you are a muffin and new to the roleplay section. But before you start you need to read the rules. And if you really want to join an RP than you need to go to the OOC discussion thread and find one that is still open.))

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"Hello Frosty, I'm Charcoal Embers but just call me Charcoal." Charcoal accepted Frosts hoof with a hoofshake. "It is nice to meet you to. Where do you plan on going for your trip? You do have the option to go anywhere in equestria, though for how long I have no idea."

Frost jolted awake and looked at Charcoal. "Sorry, I'm just really tired from the flight." he said with a yawn as he shook himself awake. "It's nice to meet you Charcoal, and I hope you don't mind me tagging along, but I'm bound for Saddle Arabia to.....bucket list yah know?" he said with a slight chuckle.

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@@Charcoal Embers,

@@Frosty V,



"Looks like you all know where you're going..." Scribe looked around at the small group that was forming. "I was just going to kind of shrug and say 'surprise me'. See where I ended up. I've traveled a bit but never really been anywhere exotic myself."


He grinned sheepishly, a little concerned that he seemed to be the only one with such an idea.


"Sounds like Saddle Arabia is a big destination though."

Never quite forgotten.

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Frost jolted awake and looked at Charcoal. "Sorry, I'm just really tired from the flight." he said with a yawn as he shook himself awake. "It's nice to meet you Charcoal, and I hope you don't mind me tagging along, but I'm bound for Saddle Arabia to.....bucket list yah know?" he said with a slight chuckle.

"Oh I don't mind." Charcoal said with a smile. "What exactly is this item on your bucket list? Is it going to Saddle Arabia, or is it doing something there? I'm not exactly what you would call hyped to go but it would be nice to have some company along the way." Charcoal finished.

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"Oh I don't mind." Charcoal said with a smile. "What exactly is this item on your bucket list? Is it going to Saddle Arabia, or is it doing something there? I'm not exactly what you would call hyped to go but it would be nice to have some company along the way." Charcoal finished.

Frost smiled and nodded. "Going there was really on my bucket list, but there are plenty of things I want to do as well." he said as he put his headphones down around his neck. "Company would be nice sense none of my friends wanted to go and I broke up with my marefriend a while back, so I said HEY this is wonderful oppertunity to get off your rump and find somepony special." he said mocking his own voice trying not to burst out laughing.

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