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open Pony University RP (NEED MORE ROLEPLAYERS!)


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@, @,




"I'm not so sure this relationship will work out, Windy." Minty said, looking at her hooves sheepishly. "I'm clearly out of your league and I get that. The other mares will suit you better," Minty sighed. She then got up and left to her room.






"I'm majoring in psychology!" Storm chirped, bouncing about the room. "You want a tour of the university?"

Blaze was in the middle of preparing for lessons when Minty came in, and could already tell she was upset. "Something bad's happened. Hasn't it Minty?" He asked with a Concerned expression. He tried detecting the emotion again. It wasn't simply a mix of sadness and anger, the strongest one there was heatbreak. "Has something happened in you family? Or with..." He paused. Surely she hadn't broken up with...? No, she couldn't have. Blaze didn't finish his question so he waited for an answer instead.
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((Yeah, it was history))


Looking up and then quickly away, Windy hurried to dry his eyes on his jersey. "Oh, uh, hey?? 'Sup man?" he said, trying to keep his voice from breaking or wavering. He failed pretty miserably. After an awkward pause, he added, "What do you want??" in a rather snippish tone. 

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Arrow sees the pony trying to wipe away his tears. Including his faultering voice. "Well, I was on my way back to my dorm and saw you... Acting like this..?" He says almost questioning. "This isn't a prank right?" His horn glows a bit and starts to conjure his bow, behind him just enough to not be in sight. "If it's not, let's just say I had a bad past about helping ponies who have been... Hurt... Or whatever..." he ends flately noting that the male pony wasn't physically hurt.

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"No, its... its nothing. I'm fine." Windy insisted, flashing a too-big smile at the colt. Noticing that he was sitting on the floor, he popped up and dusted himself off as casually as he could. "Thanks for your concern, but I really am okay. I just.... I wear contacts. And, um, something kind of, sort of got in them. And so it made my eyes water, but now I got it out, so I'm all good bro." Windy said, trying to not let the colt get a good look as his face or cutie mark as he started edging away. "I can't let him see me like this! It'd be so damaging to my rep! This is unbecoming of a team captain!" 

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((last post for tonight))

"Uh-huh..." Arrow said skeptical about the pony. "Then couldn't you have taken the contacts out and dust it off? Instead of leaving it in your eye?" Arrow said smoothly. "Was the pain that bad that it made you sit for a moment and... Sob?" he asked seeing if he could find out if the pony was hiding something or not.

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Finally the bell rang and tarot practically ran out if the room, though she waited for pelate in the hallway. " you wanna grab some lunch? I'm starving" she said,looking for the cafeteria on the map. It was quite a walk. She huffed" looks like it'll be a bit if a trek" she said, turning into the direction if the cafeteria

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Finally the bell rang and tarot practically ran out if the room, though she waited for pelate in the hallway. " you wanna grab some lunch? I'm starving" she said,looking for the cafeteria on the map. It was quite a walk. She huffed" looks like it'll be a bit if a trek" she said, turning into the direction if the cafeteria

Finally the bell rang and tarot practically ran out if the room, though she waited for pelate in the hallway. " you wanna grab some lunch? I'm starving" she said,looking for the cafeteria on the map. It was quite a walk. She huffed" looks like it'll be a bit if a trek" she said, turning into the direction if the cafeteria

Pelate caught up with Tarot "alright, lets go then." Pelate wasn't really hungry but he just stayed with Tarot. He goes to the lunch room with Tarot.

"Lets find a seat, then" he goes and gets a seat in the middle." He sits "lets sit here ." He said in a friendly tone.

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Tarot smiled. " alright, you wait here, I'll go grab us some grub" she smiled, going to the cafeteria line-up. The special was dandelion salad, one of her favorites. She got the front if the line. " hiya, I'll get two dandelion salads and two apple ciders please" she grinned, hoisting the order onto her back as she walked back to the table. " lunch is served" she smiled, placing the food on the table

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(( OOC: Just so you know, this will be after Storm and Vincent's conversation. We can continue when you reply again. ))




While hopping down the hallway happily, Storm noticed the stallion she saw before sobbing on the floor. "Hey, there! What's up with you and your sad face?"






"I had to do it. Windy was flirting with somepony else... and, I figured that somepony else would suit him better than I do. I had to break up with him," Minty said, trotting over to her bed and cried.

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Feeling increasingly embarrassed and shameful, Windy ruffled his wings in indignation. "I told you man, it was my contacts! They're just acting up, I don't know why. I'm fine, I don't need your sympathy!" turning to trot away, he wound up face to face with a very attractive pegasus with a blue mane and very distinct eyes. Not knowing what to say or do to respond to the mare, Windy spluttered awkwardly for a moment, before he locked eyes with the mare. "Her eyes.... they're so pretty! They're....... mint colored!" as soon as the word 'mint' entered Windy's head, his eyes watered with a fresh batch of tears. "Oh no! I'm NOT crying in front of this mare!" he thought worriedly, trying to edge his way by her without her seeing his tears.  

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"Woah there, what's wrong?" Storm asked, flying back to look at Windy for a closer look. "Nopony likes crying! Cheer up, no one gets sad on my watch!" Storm said, taking a small, prideful tone yet still soothing enough to calm a heartbroken pony. She's never seen this sort of thing happen before, since she's never actually been in a relationship, but she can still try.

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SHirley and Roy rounded a corner to see an odd sight. A couple ponies were standing around a brown stallion. "Oh gosh that's Windy... I didn't have a class this way anyway. See ya Roy." Shirley briskly trotted away. She always felt awkward when she saw ponies upset. Roy sighed as he watched his sister walk away. He began walking down the hall towards his class, which meant going past Windy and the others. As he got closer he decided to speak up. "Is uh... everything all right over here?"

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@@,  @,


Hearing another pony seeing his plight and trying to help, Windy finally had had enough. With a frustrated cry of "Leave me ALONE!" he began running. Brushing past the mare with the icy blue mane, whose name he hadn't even bothered to learn, he galloped for the nearest window, kicked it open, and jumped out. Spreading his wings, he began flying away from the dorm building, not exactly knowing where  he was gong. 


"Well.... Probably not my best 'back to school' day ever......" he thought glumly, as he continued flying away.

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Roy jumped backwards in shock. "I just... um... okay?" Jeez is this Shirley's roommate? I almost feel bad for her... Roy looked around and saw the icy blue pony that had greeted him and his sister earlier in the morning. "Ah, hello. I saw you earlier right? I don't think I caught you name...?"

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"I'm Storm! And you're Royroger!" Storm smiled. After a few moments of silence, Storm laughed. "I tend to know everypony's names. You must know Windy Runner! He seems pretty upset; I wonder what's wrong. We'll have to check on him later; I'd hate to annoy him!" Storm said, still cheerfully.

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Roy looked flabbergasted. "But I... I never told you... How did..." The maroon stallion sighed and shook his head. "Anyway no I don't really know Windy. I know he's my sister's roommate, but I had a class this way so I just thought I would ask if everything was all right. I wasn't really sure what was going on."

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Vincent was unpacking from his suitcase, a little, atleast. He didn`t want to unpack everything just to repack it when he got moved again, when he heard the mare, Storm, speaking."Psychology, huh?" not what he would have guessed, to be sure. He supposed the mare was looking to help people... respectable. At her question, he paused a moment, thinking. He`d gotten a birds-eye view earlier, but... a proper walk around would be nice. "Yeah, sure, why not?" he asked, standing up and walking over to her. "Lead the way." he said with a light smile towards the Pegasus. 

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"Ooh, fun! Let's go!" Storm said happily, grabbing Vincent's, well, talon, and rushing out the door. She rushed all over the university introducing locations seconds at a time and was finished in a matter of minutes. "Well, that's fun! Any questions?" Storm asked breathlessly, stopping at a cafe.

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Vincent blinked as he was grabbed, surprised to find himself being pulled by the tiny mare.


Vincent was rather proud of his own stamina, but.. the Mare had him nearly run ragged with how quickly they moved from place to place, and by the end even he was breathing heavily. Still, it was all and all a good tour, and dispite some... nasty looks from a few of his fellow students, he had a good time. As they arrived at the cafe, he ordered a coffee, black, and leaned back in a chair obviously not designed with Griffin`s in mind. "Just one: How in the hell do you have so much energy?" he said with a light hearted smirk. 

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Arrow was alone again. "Great, I'll just go back to my form I guess..." He walks onward and starts to flip his conjured bow around. Twirling it, throwing it up in the air and catching it with his kinesis. "I want some one to tell me~" He sings to him selfs. "Please answer if you can~... What is a soul of a colt~..." He sings this to himself all the way to his dorm.

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Flying aimlessly over campus, Windy finally gathered his thoughts and reined in his emotions, calming down and beginning to think clearly again. Locating the window to his dorm, he flew in and yanked open his desk drawer. Pulling out the envelope with the Delta Seal on it, Windy slit it open and pulled out a formal letter.


A few minutes later, after finishing the letter, Windy let it drop onto his desk, a grin forming on his face. Yes. It really was that simple. How could he ever feel sad or lonely again when he had brothers to support and back him at every turn? And the Deltas promised to do just that, now that Todd was no longer president and around to radicalize the frat.  


His thoughts running a mile a minute, Windy again flew out of his room, leaving the letter on his desk, and headed for the once dreaded Delta Frat House. Smirking to himself, Windy felt a glowing happiness inside. It was time, he decided, to start taking charge in his life.

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(( OOC: Just so you know, this will be after Storm and Vincent's conversation. We can continue when you reply again. ))




While hopping down the hallway happily, Storm noticed the stallion she saw before sobbing on the floor. "Hey, there! What's up with you and your sad face?"






"I had to do it. Windy was flirting with somepony else... and, I figured that somepony else would suit him better than I do. I had to break up with him," Minty said, trotting over to her bed and cried.

Blaze was shocked to hear such a thing. He would have never thought that they would break up. "What?! But you two were so good together!" Blaze knew that yelling his opinions at her wouldn't help, so he rolled into her room and reluctantley put a hoof around her. "It's OK." He hushed. "You made your desision. I'm sure that it was for the better."
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"PFT! That's not even the most energy I have! I can be wayyyy more hyperactive than that! You just watch, mister!" Storm said, bragging to herself. "If I'm reaaaally excited, I can beat almost anypony in a race! Anypony!" Storm said, her large ego taking over.






"We were.. but he didn't seem like he wanted to be with me anymore." Minty said sadly, trotting out the door. She decided she should take a walk to calm all the commotion in her head. She looked back to see if Blaze had followed her; she really did need a friend to talk to.




(( OOC: Go on with whatever you are doing. :3 I'll be there in a bit. ))

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Blaze decided to follow Minty to see if he could help. "But what if it was a mistake? Surely there had to have been something. I mean... What told you he didn't want to be with you? his posture, the way he talked, something. did he say something or do something? I have to know, I-I can help."

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He smirked as the mare bragged, drinking the Coffee that he been delivered. As she started bragging, Vincent let out a chuckle. "Oh, really?" he said, smirking, setting the cup of coffee down and leaning forward. "well, maybe you can beat any pony... but you`ve never raced a Griffin, have you?" he said with an excited glint in his eye. "I`ve got my energy up, and trust me: Griffin`s are fast, and we`ve got alot of stamina..." he said, already getting excited as he could feel a prospective race coming.   

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