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open Sky Pirates (Adventure/Humor)


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Vincent had been flying up to the Crow`s nest, Griffin`s able to handle the cold better than a pony, not having any problem being up so high with such powerful winds. He`d checked his compass and map, an had so far managed to fix together that they were heading for Manehatten, although for the life of him he couldn`t say for sure why they would be... he suddenly felt the ship swaying, gripping onto the Crow`s nest until it settled. Whoever was aboard... had they sabatoged something? He quickly dashed down from the Crow`s nest, heading toward the engine room....and blinked as suddenly a voice filled the earpeice, blinking as he heard it. It sounded... prercored... telling him to head to the engine room with some wine? What the hell!? He sighed, decideing he ahd to trust his Captain, he flew faster still, stopping by the crew quarters and finding a stashed bottle of win, before heading to the engine room and... seeing quite some chaos. "I... um... was told to bring wine." he said, setting the bottle off to the side. "but it looks like we have more pressing matters... is there anything I can do, Miss Greenpark?" He said, hoping that even with his limited knowledge on engies he could somehow assist. 

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Star Belle finally gained back her abilty to move. "Well, I see that work fine..." She said nervously. "I'm gonna go find a place to sleep."


She walked up to Duskrunner."I don't think we've officallly met yet. I'm Star Belle, Crimson's assistant. And you're Duskrunnner, right? Well nice meeting ya. I'm gonna go take a nap. Bye!" She flew to the top of the ship, and scrunched up near a window. Before this trip, she had many sleepless night so she was tired.

( i now sleep for real)

Edited by EpicHarmony
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Gray notice twisted was thinking to himself " You seem to be lost in thought Mr. Saboteur so let me assure you this vault has no key or anyway of opening without me. I set it up that way when I first got on this boat, so before I hand over the contents of this vault I have two questions for you. Would you like to make more money than you have ever seem in your lifetime? I know you are a gambling Stallion. I also know you like to take chances. If you take your chance with us then you could come out of this with more bits than you could fit inside of canterlot castle. If not you just end up with the chump change that can fit inside this vault. Interested?" 

@@Brain Drain

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"My greed will take the offer, but don't think I'm taking orders like one of your crew. I'm just a mercenary looking for a payday and i just found it." Opening his card carrier he withdraw the cards around him. "Just give me the money and I'll be down here spend my time until I'm needed. Oh yea the name is Twisted Fate and keep your crew from getting on my case." Releasing his energy. "I'm still not trusting anypony on this ship."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Leaving the doodads at Lume's hooves Duskrunner pulls out the pen somepony left on the wheel.

"Pleased to meet you miss Belle."

He then went to the spot that had been threatened, pressed the pen to release the blade that glowed to life as soon as it hit the air, and carved a -wide- circle into the floor, pulling off the spot for the detonation marker. and tossing it out the porthole.
Tumbling down the sky, it was too far to hit as a remote.

One accidental discharge resolved. Oh, about a dozen more to go.

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Gray opens The vault and Retrieves the 200,000 bits from inside " Here. now if you would kindly help with this mess, I'll throw in an extra 3,000 From my personal stash.


Grays soon becomes Happy and care free again "But before that my other question. Do you know a good hat guy? I need to get mine fixed. And by judging yours I assume you must know a guy."


@@Brain Drain,

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"Give me the hat and come back in a bit and it will be fixed." Opening his card carrier he unleashed cards to help with repairs, "Give me the bits my cards with help in anyway they see fit. If you need me I'll be wondering around down here."


Commanding one of the cards to land on moon to help replenish her magical energy, "That should help her with her magic for the time being."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"I shall stay in here with my hat I don't like to leave my hat in rooms I'm not in." Hoofs his hat over to Twisted.


 Gray pushes a button on his com to tell Dusk to come to Grays location which may surprise him seeing as he never knew Gray placed a com in his ear.


He then Speaks to Lume "Hows everything Going?"



 @@Brain Drain,


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Lume's earpiece is loud enough that Dusk hears the question.

"Please tell him we need to talk." Dusk says bluntly, gingerly stepping over the hole in the floor he's made.
"And I mean in person and in private."

With that Dusk looks at the bracelet wondering how long it'll take until he can toss it.


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"This will just a quick moment." Running his hoof on the hat and pulling out a small needle stitching up the hole in the hat cutting off the extra and looking it over before hoofing it back. "Done, now if you excuse me i got a game of cards to play." opening his carrier pulling out the deck starting to shuffle them.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gray seems ecstatic "TAHNKYOUTHANKYOUTHNKYOUTHANKYOU! Now I Have to make sure I keep you around!"


 He dances out of the the room with delight and walks to the main deck. sits down and Starts messing with chemicals that seem highly dangerous. "a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid be very careful one wrong drop and i could melt a massive hold in the ship..."


"and there the aqua regia has been made." Gray then proceeds to make marbles out of it.


Gray Presses the button on his earpiece "Vincent can you hear me When you get the chance meet me on deck with the Wine"

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"I'll just calm the captain's room and if anypony has a problem with that. They can beat me in cards for it." Starts to deal the cards and plays solitaire. "Best game after a stressful day, but hell is still to come when the crew finds out I'm working with them...captain's problem." 


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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as soon as Dusk got a chance at any face time with Gray he said.


"All right Captain. here's the deal. I'm not Canterlot union. I'm not even seasonal. just a temp laborer. That got voided the minute I skipped town even if it hadn't been under suspicious circumstances. Bluntly,-" Looks out a porthole. "We're maybe twenty hours out. Look at it from somepony not in my position, and everypony'll assume I was a plant for you and that damages my good name no matter where I go. The way I see it you owe me and you owe me big. And the first thing you owe me, is a ransom letter to Canterlot for me and anypony else you have on board who isn't part of your crew. Unless you aren't the kidnapping sort, in which case the least you could do is send self-same letter with the promise that all of us were dropped off unharmed at a town or city wherever. A few parchments with our cutie marks should do. It's good for you and its good for me: Princess Celestia won't have you charged for kidnapping and ransom-holding if you let your unintended victims off at the first port of call."

"Second, and this is more important. The crate that -that- card came on-board in wasn't complete. He pulled something out to fit in. Unless your mechanic says they were redundant or you had somepony in Canterlot to pick up loose ends like that we're going to need to go somewhere to get a replacement... or else dump the system or lock it down so it doesn't activate."

"And last but not least... am I your prisoner? What happens to me after all this? I really hope you don't order me to tie myself up and hop in a barrel like that Musketeer- I mean, like Crimson did the first time."

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Vincent had been following some hasty orders, using his disposable digits to  work the machinry how he was intructed, when he got a call on the headset. "Captain, is now really a good time for wine?" he grunted, clearly annoyed. He sighed, however, and explained quickly he had to go as he walked out the room, grabbing the wine with his tail on the way out. He headed on top of the deck, heading over to the gray captain, walking over to him and setting the bottle down. "You wanted to see, me, Captain?" he said, sounding slightly annoyed. 

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In reply to Dusk "I have already sent the others on their way on a small side vessel about 13 hours ago, as for you you handle yourself pretty well considering the situation. I want you to join my crew. the offer is yours to Either Refuse or accept But I will have to use a gadget to wipe your memory and Take back the pen if you do decide to refuse, also there are no more vessels to drop you off in so if you do decide to leave you will have to wait until we get to Manehatten which could take a while since we are now Hours off course. If you choose that Option I will write a letter for you explaining your Absence but i doubt they Believe a pirate wrote a letter to explain why you weren't there. you may get fired from you job anyway.

Gray then notices Vincent Approach as he grabbed the wine he replied "Thank you for the wine. i need it to Make the effect of my acid Marbles last longer. When you are done with what you were doing prior. I need you to  Plot a course for Manehatten so I can get The Missing Piece They all keep talking about. I know  a guy who can help. I will momentarily stop the ship until Everything has been settled. 

Gray Blinks and notices how serious he sounded " Ops I got a little to Focused there huh? hehehe" he rubs the back of his neck before going back to work on the Marbles.





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Dusk considers his options, takes the headband off his right hoof and tosses it on the table.

"Write the letter. I'll prepare one of my own informing my superiors you left me off, safe and unharmed, in Manehattan where a-"
he pauses thinking of Moonlight.
"particularly skilled healer took care of me and gave me the chance to work for her for a while."

"The nice part about that, aside from being completely true, is that it opens up the chance to work for anypony I choose.
So. What're you offering me anyway? If it helps I'm, well, my special talent is I'm pretty much a dreamsmith. All sorts of wonderful ideas pop into my head and looking at the ship I can think of a few to tinker with. The firs thing I thought was an auto-toilet! We recycle out empty food and water barrels for waste, everything including the kitchen mulch, seal the barrel or keg then shoot it down an escape pipe. We can make the chute from busted cannon barrels. No mess, no fuss, very hygienic and the waste is dropped into the sea anyway."

The look he got didn't exactly inspire confidence. Apparently Dusk forgot this was an -air-ship, not a normal ship.
"(Sigh). I can swab decks, manage inventories, restock supplies and cook meals for massed crew. So long as I can get a living wage I'll be happy."

"Sorry to take so long. I'm off to sleep. Almost dying takes a lot outta you."

As he crosses you he nods at Vincent.
"Master Gryphon."

With that he heads to a free hammock and turns in.

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crimson finally wakes up from his sleep after about an hour, causing him to miss all of the excitement with the stowaway and the falling ship. crimson yawned loudly and scratched his head, "what the...where is everyone? and why do some of the crates seem to have been moved? did I miss something?!" asked crimson to nopony in particular, before getting up and trotting up on deck, "seriously guys, did I miss something awesome or exciting?" asked crimson with a hint of disappointment.


((HOLY MOTHER OF LUNA!! I said DONT leave me in the dust! not trample me! this RP moves FAST!!))

  • Brohoof 1
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Dusk gets up from the hammock and heads over to the deck joining Crimson.

"Hi Crimson. Some of the guys and gals got me up to speed
(and I put up the events up to speed on the OOC as best i could).
Want me to give ya the brief?"

He asks with genuine consideration for a pony who, ironically, just 24 hours earlier had a sword to his neck.

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(( OOC: This DOES moves hella fast... This is my catch-up attempt right here. ºwº ))


The brief moment of relief was soon ruined by one of the machines suddenly turning off by itself.


"Great, JUST GREAT!!" Lume yelled angirly as she went over to said machine and tried to get the power back on. While she was working on it, Duskrunner came back with several gear pieces and whatnot. The orange mare nodded as to say 'thank you', but kept on working on the machines nonstop. 


 "Hey girls! The boss said that ya'll can use some help."

"I... um... was told to bring wine." he said, setting the bottle off to the side. "but it looks like we have more pressing matters... is there anything I can do, Miss Greenpark?" He said, hoping that even with his limited knowledge on engies he could somehow assist. 


"I'M KINDA BUSY RIGHT NOW!!" Said Lume, harshly, as she continued to inspect the suddenly dead engine. She soon spotted a cable out of place, as well as several other power cables tangled and messed up. With a fierce pull, the machine's lights came back and a soothing sound indicated that everything was back to normal. Almost.


"This stowaway pony is seriously pissing me off..." She commented, turning around to meet the ponies that had just arrived. "There's no time to waste. Help me put those pieces over there back into place."


He then Speaks to Lume "Hows everything Going?"


"Not too bad, cap'n. We're almost there!" She said as she picked up the lost gears from the ground and went back inside the same machine where the pieces were missing.


(( OOC²: Just assume everything was fixed and the ship was stabilized if you wanna move on already~ )) 

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Dusk gets up from the hammock and heads over to the deck joining Crimson.


"Hi Crimson. Some of the guys and gals got me up to speed

(and I put up the events up to speed on the OOC as best i could).

Want me to give ya the brief?"


He asks with genuine consideration for a pony who, ironically, just 24 hours earlier had a sword to his neck.


crimson gave Dusk an odd look for a few moments before finally responding, "uhh...sure...why not...but wait, weren't you just a civilian working at the shipyard? since when did you become a pirate? was it money? adventure? or both? or...are you just joining the crew so you can be close to moonlight? hehe, I remember how you were checking her out...even if it was when I held a sword to your throat..." said crimson with a smirk, he was genuinely interested in Dusk's reasons for a change of heart, but that didn't mean he couldn't tease him.

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Star Belle woke up from her nap and found the ship in one piece and herself alive. Sighing with relief, she went to go find Crimson to ask if they were going to do any actual work.


It took only a few minutes for her to to find him with Duskrunner.


"Hey Dusky! Hey Crimson! Glad to see you're awake. While you were sleeping we cornered that pain in the tail stowoaway. Anyways, what's up?"

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Moonlight let out a breath of relief as she felt the nearly fixed ship begin to regain altitude. "It's working, Lume!" she she called to the mare working on some gears. The unicorn turned and studied the red card that had fell on her and realized it was clearly the work of the stoaway. Why would he help me? she thought to herself, deep in thought.

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While The crew were having Idle conversation Gray felt the need to work on a new gadget before they reached Manehatten. He decided it best to run find a spot where the majority of  crew would not be. That ruled out the Kitchen, sleeping quarters and either of the decks.


So he decided to go where he felt would be the least populated area on the ship, The broom closet. Gray walked into the broom closet throwing everything inside on the floor outside the door. When he was done making room in the closet for his parts and doodads he Put a sign on the door saying "No entry unless you want to blow up ship". He closed the door and began to work.


after about three hours of trying to get it right all that could be heard throughout the ship was a Large *Boom* Noise and the captain yelling "SON-OF-A..."

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Twisted could feel somepony touching one of his cards, "Seems moon is done with her magic best recall it." Holding out his hoof he waited for the cards return.

@@Moonlight Fire,

The card began to glow and started to move out of the room down the hallway towards the captain's room where it went under the door.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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