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What's your least favorite thing about MLP?


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Top lol, when anime characters get over the top designs no one complains but when a westren character gets one he is a bad OC. Love this double standards

Over the top design =/= bad design. If anything I love characters with over the top designs, but it has to be well done both in terms of the overall design and the characters themselves. I always thought Sombra looked like a bad OC because he looks like something an elementary school boy made to make My Little Pony look edgy and badass and his lack of character didn't help much either. It has nothing to do with double standards.

Edited by Megas75
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My least favorite thing about the show was, getting rid of villains that had a lot of potential like King Sombra. But I think that he could have been a great villain.

He IS a good villain. Theres a huge different betwen a good villain and a good character. Like the Grudge girl, she has no personality and little background and no motivations, but shes still a good villain.

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He IS a good villain. Theres a huge different betwen a good villain and a good character. Like the Grudge girl, she has no personality and little background and no motivations, but shes still a good villain.

I know but still, he deserved better. But instead, he gets killed completely and we never see him again for now. Not like he is bad but, wasted potential.

  • Brohoof 3
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Over the top design =/= bad design. If anything I love characters with over the top designs, but it has to be well done both in terms of the overall design and the characters themselves. I always thought Sombra looked like a bad OC because he looks like something an elementary school boy made to make My Little Pony look edgy and badass and his lack of character didn't help much either. It has nothing to do with double standards.

His design is not different from NMMs or Chrysalis, only that because of Shadow haters Black and Red color scheme became automatic terrible because they always bash Shadow. Also he has about the same amout of character as Broly, no one complains about him not having any character

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Easy villain defeats! I hate that, Hasbro should have kept stable villains which they are hard to defeat and kept coming back.

The villains in MLP are weakkkkkk!! Did you hear me?




Even Discord is the strongest among the weak villains can be able to convert into friendship, that is so cheap and boring.

I think King Sombra was potential villain to replace the throne of Discord but Hasbro killed him already. May be he was the first pony was killed in MLP. (Cheap monologue and storyline)



Seriously, you are just easily defeated by Elements of Harmony then turning into good by knowing about friendship through Fluttershy but Death can whoop your ass!




Get his ass whooped just in mere minutes! I think he is playing chess with Death in the Void now.


In conclusion, i have to say that Hasbro should focus more on upgrading and giving villain elements to these villains or either creating a new one. But all i want to say that your MLP storyline was pretty cheap which i won't a penny on but lucky for you that Lauren Faust pulled me back. Too bad! That she bounced off the show, please don't turn MLP into the Spongebob or I will reap your souls!!!

Which nobody ever fuckin cares about this show anymore!! (except for some minority)


  • Brohoof 4
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His design is not different from NMMs or Chrysalis, only that because of Shadow haters Black and Red color scheme became automatic terrible because they always bash Shadow. Also he has about the same amout of character as Broly, no one complains about him not having any character

The way I see it, the reason NMM or Chrysalis got more praise is because they had actual personalities and backgrounds to boot(moreso Nightmare Moon) while their designs looked over-the-top without it looking like they were trying to hard. I don't think it worked for Sombra as well as Shadow because it felt like they went over that boundry from "over-the-top yet respectable" and went to "your trying to hard" territory(and to Shadow's merit, at least he was a pretty cool character in Sonic Adventure 2. Emphasis on was)


And I guess that last part shouldn't apply to me, I always though Broly was bland and boring as fuck and I find him to be one of DBZ's most overrated and worst characters, and probably of all time. Hell the only movie villain that actually deserves some praise imo was Cooler

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The way I see it, the reason NMM or Chrysalis got more praise is because they had actual personalities and backgrounds to boot(moreso Nightmare Moon) while their designs looked over-the-top without it looking like they were trying to hard. I don't think it worked for Sombra as well as Shadow because it felt like they went over that boundry from "over-the-top yet respectable" and went to "your trying to hard" territory(and to Shadow's merit, at least he was a pretty cool character in Sonic Adventure 2. Emphasis on was)


And I guess that last part shouldn't apply to me, I always though Broly was bland and boring as fuck and I find him to be one of DBZ's most overrated and worst characters, and probably of all time. Hell the only movie villain that actually deserves some praise imo was Cooler

I don't think you understand what Sombra is about.

Look at it this way:

NMM has the background, no other villain has one like her(Chrysalis and Discord have as much as background as Sombra)

Discord has the personality as he has the most out of the villains

Chrysalis has the motivation as she is the only villain who has a reason to be evil

And Sombra has something neither of the other villains have, Presence, not only were the crystal ponies so scared of him that his name only brings fear into their hearts, not only did Rainbow Dash who tried to attack NMM and Disocrd alone ran away from him when he appeared, but he also left a mental scar into the crystal ponies, heck one of the crystal mares screamed "I cant take it anymore" when the shield went off. That alone makes him more scary than any of the other villains. Not to mention hes Genre Savvy like no other villain as he actually planned ahead of the others and only lost because of a fluke. And one last thing, a lot of people say he doesn't have any background, but we DO know that hes not the original ruler of the empire as Twilight stated that the empire was led by a queen before he took over, so if we put the pieces together hes the only villain to been hinted to kill somebody or atleast Banish them. And his motivation was already stated by Celestia at the start of the episode, he wanted to fill the crystal heart with hatred and fear so that it reflex it to equestria and turn it into a living hell.

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The worst thing about it is all of the plots. Like, seriously. I don't watch the show for the plots at all. All of the episodes feature so many terrible plots. They are just so unappealing I can't even look at them, it's absolutely disgusting. And yeah, I am mad bro. These are the words of a sincerely butthurt fanboy.



I really have nothing to complain about...


  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly there's a lot things I could nitpick and even yes, hate, about MLP: FiM. Yes villains at times are poorly developed and dealt with, the show poorly addresses controversial issues like racism, prejudice, destiny and role models at times, there's a dearth of character development, especially in main and supporting characters that need development, poor writing and plot pretty much is everywhere.


But despite all these they are not by far my biggest criticisms of the show. Hell even Alicorn Twilight is bearable compared to this -- actually scratch that off for a moment:



Above all else these corporate asswads and all the other money making grubbers are what I despise the most about the show. If there were one key reason I despise Alicorn Twilight its because she was made first and foremost to be a cash cow for Hasbro and Co. No sorry Little Susie, Twilight Sparkle didn't really become a Princess because she truly understood the meaning of friendship and harmony. She became an Alicorn Princess simply because some multimillion dollar executives thought they could cash in some more profits by photoshopping some cheap wings onto her and slapping a cheap poorly executed and rushed plot forced upon the writers and artists to get little suckers like you to buy her, and the actual toy in the end still bears no resemblance to her. 


The sad part is that many a good shows are cancelled simply because networks don't think they can milk as much cash from them off the viewers and end before they even reach their potential. Well I'm done with my rant so good day to you all.

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I never liked the singing parts of the show. It's just I'm not a fan of shows that have to add random singing in their episodes for whatever dumb reason, especially if it is used just to fill for time. Disney does that all the time and I hate their movies because of it. Luckily, since I watch the episodes on YouTube. I can just skip all the singing and get right to the meat and potatoes of the episode.


I'm guessing that "Magical Mystery Cure" was a really short episode for you.  :P


I don't know, I don't have many general things about the show that I dislike.  There are a number of specific, nit-picky moments/episodes, but overall I have little to complain about.  I guess sometimes the 22 minute length can force the episode to feel rushed, but the writers typically deal with that very well.

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I don't really know. I mean the intro song was hard to listen to in the first season to me....so there's that. I guess I would like Applejack's strength to be a bit more consistent. But those are really nit picky really there is nothing in the show that makes me cringe save for a few episodes perhaps but even those episodes have great moments. 

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Probably the over pandering to brony audiences, like with Derpy Hooves speaking and the like. Not that shout-outs are bad, just...when they did it, it was awful and just ended up a huge ruckus. And honestly I rather liked it when there were more subtle hello's to the fandom before that.


(And King Sombra. Guhhh his character design was just terrible.)


but if that's the case pandering at most takes up what 5 mins?  I mean even if it sucked up a show it's not like a season is gonna go with out having bad episodes.

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Most of season 1. Honestly, I'm not a fan of season 1 in the slightest, the only episodes I like are:

  • Winter Wrap Up
  • Call of the Cutie
  • Fall Weather Friends
  • Suited for Success
  • Sonic Rainboom
  • Green Isn't Your Color
  • The Cutie Mark Chronicles
  • Party of One
  • The Best Night Ever

It may seem like a lot I enjoyed, but when you only liked 9 out of 26 episodes...I can't say I enjoyed it all too well. People hold it way too high on a pedestal. And all the hate on Season 3 is pretty ridiculous as well. All the seasons had bad spots but Season 1 is easily my least favorite out of the three. 

  • Brohoof 2
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but if that's the case pandering at most takes up what 5 mins?  I mean even if it sucked up a show it's not like a season is gonna go with out having bad episodes.

I just don't think it's really necessary. /shrugs


It doesn't take up a lot of time, I just find it dull and more distracting, even more so when there is that sort of pandering and the fandom freaks out because 'X did the thing'. It's not that it can make an episode bad, it's just all the aftermath that follows. You know?

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I just don't think it's really necessary. /shrugs


It doesn't take up a lot of time, I just find it dull and more distracting, even more so when there is that sort of pandering and the fandom freaks out because 'X did the thing'. It's not that it can make an episode bad, it's just all the aftermath that follows. You know?


so it makes for a bad  if it adds to broney speak or internet memes?


Like if we ever hear Derpy go "If that guys says one more thing about my eyes i'm gonna kick the buck out of him."


Maybe it's gonna be the first season i'm along for the ride and i'm looking forward to new nerdy i'm gonna be on the ground floor for.

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Well, thats not been happening until recent episodes (Yes, I'm looking at you season 3) But honestly I have to agree with you on this partially.

Since season 1 indeed, like eps like Over a Barrel, The Ticket Master, Feeling  Pinkie Keen, Ponyville Confidential, Just for Sidekicks, etc.

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The Twi-centeredness can bug me at times. I don't feel like focusing on her especially adds much to the show. She is a wonderful character, even without ponies singing her songs about how fantastic and great she is. By that point, it's just grating to me.


I'm also going to hop in with the people who are upset about missed opportunities with characters. Spike, Zecora, Lightning Dust, Princess Celestia, and more all have so much potential, and give the writers so many opportunities that haven't been quite touched on yet. Suppose there's plenty of time for that in Season 4 though, aye?

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I've never said that the show is perfect, but then again, what form of entertainment doesn't have its flaws?


If there's one gripe I have, it's when the writing falls flat/slips ups characterization. Namely with Merriwether Williams' work. Nothing against her on a personal level, I'm sure she's a great person to meet face-to-face. It's just they way she handles characters, namely Rainbow Dash and Spike from Mare-do-Well and Spike at your Service, respectively. She left out the development these two went through previously, and tried to do her own thing with them. And I really wasn't happy with the results. Dash's ego went up way higher that I like, and Spike was just a complete moron. Really didn't enjoy those episodes. Dragon Quest and Wonderbolts Academy I can live with, but those two, not so much.


And I'm not singling out Merriwether, either, the other writers have their flat moments too. It's just sometimes, the writing really could've been a lot better.

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Everyone knows its Bendy shows that even Cartoons have limits on what is cheesy and what is comedy,

The only episodes in MLP that were like that are the mare do well and Boast Busters

Well, I don't like as many comedy cartoons as most other people who love animation like I do like.  My favorite cartoons outside of MLP are Digimon and Samurai Jack.


That said, I do like Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends, including the episode Everyone Knows It's Bendy, even if that one was kinda repetitive.

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I agree with most of you saying that the antagonists are wayy to weak and easily defeated. It would be great for season four there are seven opposite ponies and dragons and the nega ponies would have they're own elements of harmony but instead called elements of destruction, because then and only then will it be a fair fight.

Edited by cuddlydeath
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I agree with most of you saying that the antagonists are wayy to weak and easily defeated. It would be great for season four there are seven opposite ponies and dragons and the nega ponies would have they're own elements of harmony but instead called elements of destruction, because then and only then will it be a fair fight.

I would like to have a villain that actually wins but is forced to back out of the battle (perhabs because of Discord), It would make a great storyline and a villain who could last an entire season or more

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I would like to have a villain that actually wins but is forced to back out of the battle (perhabs because of Discord), It would make a great storyline and a villain who could last an entire season or more


Hell even jack splicer one at least once or twice on shaolin show down.  and he was a total joke lol.  (God bless him).


I mean for MLP villains to be any worse they'd have to be wearing team rocket uniforms.

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Hell even jack splicer one at least once or twice on shaolin show down.  and he was a total joke lol.  (God bless him).


I mean for MLP villains to be any worse they'd have to be wearing team rocket uniforms.

I think that they should go the Naruto/One Piece/Bleach way and give the villains intresting minions who appear before the actual villain does. I mean, Imagine if in TCE instead of Sombra himself attacking the empire we see an army that is saying that the empire belongs to King Sombra, and after the crystal heart is restorted and all of this army exept for one are blown, the surviving minion goes to a secret place in ice and he tells Sombra that he failed and we get to see Sombras angry face at the end being revealed in a cool way saying "this is not over"
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What bothers me most is when I can tell that the show is gratuitously pandering to the same gender stereotypes that Hasbro has been for at least close to sixty years.  This was the case with both fast-tracking Twilight into a princess and the movie "Equestria Girls".


Ironically, Pixelkitties articulated it best:


...every season Hasbro makes demands. They need a new pink princess pony and for Twilight Sparkle to have a brother. The board wants to see crystal ponies because the buzzword “crystal” anything is popular with girls 4-8 years of age. And now, they want Twilight Sparkle to be a princess, because Hasbro is not like us. Hasbro is not like Lauren Faust and her message of empowerment for girls AND boys. Hasbro is not like M.A. Larson who writes amazing episodes filled with silly mayhem and unique approaches to the tropes of children’s programming. Hasbro is not like actual little girls or grown up adults who love the show for all its smart jokes and fun characters. Unlike all of us, Hasbro is convinced that being smart and capable and open to learning and new experiences- the myriad of character traits for which we love a certain purple unicorn, are unimportant. Their priority is rushing the character into being a princess because retailers don’t want books as accessories with girls toys, they want dresses and flowing hair and weddings and yards of pink material.



I disagree with her in that I still think, in some ways, Hasbro needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into the  21st century.

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