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A night with anypony *Question*

Vinyl Scratch.

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I'd choose Queen Chrysalis(real shocker, I know). I'd never forget about my majestic queen even for a second. We would have so much fun together. We would talk about whatever comes to mind, I could help her catch some unsuspecting prey so she can feed on their love, and overall just have a great time hanging out with my #1 Queen. It would be so awesome! wub.png

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd choose Queen Chrysalis(real shocker, I know). I'd never forget about my majestic queen even for a second. We would have so much fun together. We would talk about whatever comes to mind, I could help her catch some unsuspecting prey so she can feed on their love, and overall just have a great time hanging out with my #1 Queen. It would be so awesome! img-1879403-1-wub.png

"Real shocker"


Sez the one who has crysalis everywhere on the account. That was a nice joke though. Thanks for making my day! Haha.

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You know i'd probably prefer the pony world myself.  I can't bring myself to get any mlp merchandise, where am i gonna take one to hang out?
To a broney con?  (all the parels of doing that lol).


I could tape a pod cast with her just to really make everyone else in the fan dumb jelous.  I think i'd have to go pinkie pie or twight because flutter shy would take to much coax to do the pod cast.  twilight would be fascinated by the technology,

and pinkie would make the best subject to liven up a podcast.

and picking a changeling for the human world is 5 kinds of cheating LOL.  she'll just puff into a human and blend in.


Oh i might hang out with lyria just cause it would make her day lol

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Luna? Twilight? 


You can't make me pick! It's impossible! They're both just so awesome, cool, radical, amazing, incredible, stupendous and-


Okay, I'll stop now :3


But seriously, I can't decide between Luna and Twilight. I'd love to hang out with them both.

  • Brohoof 1
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Twilight, of course! We'd have a totally badass night, and we'd do all kinds of stuff. Hardcore dancing in the park, reading marathons of epicness, magical high jinks, and yeah. Okay maybe it wouldn't be that...extreme, per se. Well, it would in my mind anyways since I'd be with my favorite pony. tongue.png

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I would spend the night with twilight. We would look up at the night sky. I would show her the various human star consolations. I would ask if she would preform one of her feats of magic, if she is able to in the human world. Basically making memories. However, if their was a slight chance of me going back with her, i would take it :) 

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why? because you can't NOT be happy around her! If we could spend a night together we would throw a party and have lots of cake and more cake and food and pop and everything!! after the party we would have a sleep over and blow up balloons and have a jolly ol time.


(and no, we wouldn't sleep, we'd be up partying)

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It's a toss up between Twilight or Celestia. Normally I would say Luna, but thinking about it I'd be more likely to spend the night grinding through all the MLP content (of the various generations) and determining how 'off' it all is from what actually happened, plus going over the history and culture of Equestria. Given Celestia was supposedly aware and active during most of Equestria's history the final result would be more likely to be accurate, but then Twilight might be more predisposed to actually *do* that and not be needlessly cryptic about it.

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That would obviously have to be my waifu, none other than this bombshell right here!




Damn straight, Raindrops is back in town and still up to no good! The better question would be, what wouldn't I do with her?


First, we have an epic pizza movie night, we'd watch bad monster flicks and spaghetti westerns, anything that has B-film written all over it really. Then, we'd get drunk like hell, hit the road and turn the dancefloor of every single club into a  frickin' dangerzone of awesome drunk dancing.  Finally, when we're both too exhausted to go on, we'd watch the stars in the local forest and fall asleep while leaning against each other like true friends.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends if OCs count...

I've always wanted to spend at least one night with my half changeling OC, Neo Fang, just to talk to her about anything, doesn't matter what it is. It would be hard to see her leave, but it would be nice to talk to her for a day.


If not, then maybe Pinkie. I can't necessarily say what we'd do, cause it's Pinkie so even I don't know!

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Hmmm... I'd pick Luna. That way if I fall asleep (not an alnighter person xD) she could still talk to me. Ideally this would have to be somewhere in the country, so no light pollution blocking the stars and making the night sky that dirty purple colour.

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If i where going to spend a night with a pony it would be Celestia I would spend a quarter of the night riding on her back as she flies through the sky, then I would spend half the night at home watching movies or MLP so that all my time is spent with her instead of having people crowd around her, and then after I become her only and therefore best human friend I would have her give me wings and a magic horn.

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