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ooc Equestia Divided Reboot


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It depends on the faction for example: The House of Sun and Moon will execute you if you don't praise them, but most houses aren't that extreme.


Well actually considering what happened to Earthborn's leader before her faction started up, I would imagine that mention of the princesses within House Earthborn would be absolutely derogatory. I know for sure that Rainbow Dash still holds faith in the princesses(she actually sees Twilight as a usurper), don't know if I can say the same for the rest of Stormwing. Fluttershy and Everfree I know has definitely lost faith and has descended into animalistic mentalities as a result. Rarity and Whitegold, it really doesn't matter much as long as you can provide services that could be of use to the House. And the Cult, they definitely lost faith since they're pouring all of it into the Laughing Mare.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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Might I get my OC checked out when you get around to it? It needs some tweaking but I hope it's enough to guarantee my place. I'll be using Tarot and her link is in my signature if you didn't see my post that earlier. I appreciate it :)

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Braith seems okay to me, approved on my part. 




Poppy Seed also looks good, although I think a bit more elaboration on events after her estrangement. Where did she go? Did she meet anyone in particular? Where is she now? What's her rank and occupation? etc. etc. Little details help round out your character, as I'm sure you already know. smile.png

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Your OC is probably the most sinister I've yet seen. Good job. laugh.png  

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Well actually considering what happened to Earthborn's leader before her faction started up, I would imagine that mention of the princesses within House Earthborn would be absolutely derogatory. I know for sure that Rainbow Dash still holds faith in the princesses(she actually sees Twilight as a usurper), don't know if I can say the same for the rest of Stormwing. Fluttershy and Everfree I know has definitely lost faith and has descended into animalistic mentalities as a result. Rarity and Whitegold, it really doesn't matter much as long as you can provide services that could be of use to the House. And the Cult, they definitely lost faith since they're pouring all of it into the Laughing Mare.

Well yah your right but this is equestria divided. Some form of belief will be present as its one of the key factors of this verses conflict. That being said though, most factions don't have a bunch of zealots who will kill you for your opinion. Well at least i think so, but i've only seen the inquisition for the House Sun and Moon take it to such.......extremes.

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Well yah your right but this is equestria divided. Some form of belief will be present as its one of the key factors of this verses conflict. That being said though, most factions don't have a bunch of zealots who will kill you for your opinion. Well at least i think so, but i've only seen the inquisition for the House Sun and Moon take it to such.......extremes.

Oh no no no no. Kill is such a strong word. We aren't savages at Moon and Star. I'd rather say.. we 'enlighten' ponies. But We don't usually ki- I mean enlighten ponies, we only merely torture them, or enslave, or maim, or crucify or humiliate, or experiment on ponies. As you can see you can see we are certainly not extremists. (compared to the other houses that is...)

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Oh no no no no. Kill is such a strong word. We aren't savages at Moon and Star. I'd rather say.. we 'enlighten' ponies. But We don't usually ki- I mean enlighten ponies, we only merely torture them, or enslave, or maim, or crucify or humiliate, or experiment on ponies. As you can see you can see we are certainly not extremists. (compared to the other houses that is...)

Hence why our Great Leader wants to see you all dead, you conniving bastards. Cower inside your castles and behind you walls, letting the so-called "lesser races" cater to your every whim. We will batter down your walls and towers with blade and bomb, and you will feel the wrath of a people united against tyranny and imperialism.


House Earhborn - Unbent! Unbowed! Unbroken!

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Poppy Seed also looks good, although I think a bit more elaboration on events after her estrangement. Where did she go? Did she meet anyone in particular? Where is she now? What's her rank and occupation? etc. etc. Little details help round out your character, as I'm sure you already know. 


I feel like I'm writing someone's biography... (I hope that doesn't sound rude, because it's meant to be a joke)


Where is she now? Training to be a soldier so she can personally kill every Pegasus she meets on the battlefield in pursuit of her revenge. That's covered in her Equestria Divided bio.


What's her rank and occupation? Before the war, she was a bartender. After, see above. Rank, I didn't think of that. I would welcome any suggestions.


Did she meet anyone in particular? Yes, but I haven't decided who and I wanted to get the bio done after spending several hours trying to reword it already.


Where did she go? Again, I haven't decided yet and wanted to get most of it done. These details will be filled in eventually, though.


Credit where it is due, you guys are forcing my writing to improve. Also, I apologize if my tone comes off as rude.


Oh, one more thing (and it's probably a stupid question, but better safe than sorry), we're allowed two OCs, yes?

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Hence why our Great Leader wants to see you all dead, you conniving bastards. Cower inside your castles and behind you walls, letting the so-called "lesser races" cater to your every whim. We will batter down your walls and towers with blade and bomb, and you will feel the wrath of a people united against tyranny and imperialism.


House Earhborn - Unbent! Unbowed! Unbroken!

Ha! Says the ponies who cut off our horns humiliate us, and even kill us for pleasure! Savages you all are! Uncivil barbarians! I mean just look at your pathetic selves. All you can do is go "bar bar bar bar!" You call us tyrannic and imperial, yet you are savage, unholy, anarchists! This is why we are were destined to rule over you inferior ponies! For you all have betrayed the Sisters with your blasphemy and heresy! Thist is why we shall ascend to take back Equestria in the name of The Holy Moon and The Holy Star! 


For the Glory of Her Highnesses Celestia and Luna!!

Edited by AnonBrony
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I feel like I'm writing someone's biography... (I hope that doesn't sound rude, because it's meant to be a joke)


Where is she now? Training to be a soldier so she can personally kill every Pegasus she meets on the battlefield in pursuit of her revenge. That's covered in her Equestria Divided bio.


What's her rank and occupation? Before the war, she was a bartender. After, see above. Rank, I didn't think of that. I would welcome any suggestions.


Did she meet anyone in particular? Yes, but I haven't decided who and I wanted to get the bio done after spending several hours trying to reword it already.


Where did she go? Again, I haven't decided yet and wanted to get most of it done. These details will be filled in eventually, though.


Credit where it is due, you guys are forcing my writing to improve. Also, I apologize if my tone comes off as rude.


Oh, one more thing (and it's probably a stupid question, but better safe than sorry), we're allowed two OCs, yes?

It will feel like you're writing someone's biography, that's the kind of standard Scholar demands from everyone. You should see Fixit's backstory, there's reams of it. :lol:


As for rank, it really depends on where you want her to be on the chain of command and on her particular profession. As an infantryman you don't really separate from the normal rank-and-file until Captain, at which point you lead about 200 ponies in a battle company, but other than that ranks are essentially just for pay , organisation and showing proficiency. Siege Engineers use a more modern ranking system with squads and platoons, etc. etc. so you'll start at Private there and I'd suggest maximum starting is either some degree of Sergeant or (pushing it a bit) Lieutenant.


Also, I wouldn't blame you if your tone was annoyed, this is a lot of work to ask of you and I really appreciate the effort you're putting into this app. :)


Finally, yes, you can have multiple OCs.

Ha! Says the ponies who cut off our horns humiliate us, and even kill us for pleasure! Savages you all are! Uncivil barbarians! I mean just look at your pathetic selves. All you can do is go "bar bar bar bar!" You call us tyrannic and imperial, yet you are savage, unholy, anarchists! This is why we are were destined to rule over you inferior ponies! For you all have betrayed the Sisters with your blasphemy and heresy! Thist is why we shall ascend to take back Equestria in the name of The Holy Moon and The Holy Star! 


For the Glory of Her Highnesses Celestia and Luna!!

It seems that even the cultured fail to understand the correct meaning of "anarchy," and that is "without rule." This is quite amusing considering it comes from the mouth of a pony whose very House is in danger of ripping itself to pieces due to the internal power struggles of oppressive land owners and nobles.


To put it into perspective, your supposed Queen Regent is a soft-skulled pretty-pony, her husband is a lackwit, and your Grand Inquisitor puppet master tortures and brutalises honest ponies on a daily basis for "crimes" such as "not kissing the ground before Twilight Sparkles every step."


Finally, you are welcome to believe the lies of our old alicorn overlords, but of course you would be content with lies, for you are a unicorn, and that little horn on your head fills your mind with a distinct aversion to virtue. Removing that mutation is a favour to yourselves and all pony kind.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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It will feel like you're writing someone's biography, that's the kind of standard Scholar demands from everyone. You should see Fixit's backstory, there's reams of it. As for rank, it really depends on where you want her to be on the chain of command and on her particular profession. As an infantryman you don't really separate from the normal rank-and-file until Captain, at which point you lead about 200 ponies in a battle company, but other than that ranks are essentially just for pay , organisation and showing proficiency. Siege Engineers use a more modern ranking system with squads and platoons, etc. etc. so you'll start at Private there and I'd suggest maximum starting is either some degree of Sergeant or (pushing it a bit) Lieutenant. Also, I wouldn't blame you if your tone was annoyed, this is a lot of work to ask of you and I really appreciate the effort you're putting into this app. Finally, yes, you can have multiple OCs.


Well, first off, having multiple OCs will allow me to answer the question of where did she go and who she met. Not telling anything yet, since I'm still deciding.


Poppy would want to be in a front-lines position where she can freely kill Pegasi. So general infantry, I guess. She wouldn't be a Captain though.


As for Fixit's backstory, I'll take your word for it.


No denying the level of quality here, I guess.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Everyone in the RP is silly to some extent ignoring obvious advantages and stepping iunto obvious disadvantages. You just need to know which and when.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Well, if you look at how some factions operate, how they use their available resources you can see a certaint fantasy like pattern in there. Stormwind for example, if anyone they should have completely different tactics from what they have due to their... particular position in the world. Not gonna say much, maybe alter down the road~

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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Prior to your suggestion, I'd skipped over it. After reading the forces list, I immediately thought of Warhammer (Fantasy, not 40K).


Also, that last part sounds sarcastic. Not accusing, just making an observation.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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The only reason I dropped the original is BECAUSE it switched forums. I'd be happy to sign up again. This RP was great.

I can use Descant/Encore and Evergreen again, since their pages are still tailored to this RP and I know their characters, but I'd kinda like to add in a different character this time. I don't particularly want to use Encore again. Maybe Cascade or either pair of siblings this time instead. That'll take a bit of work though. 



You know what? Yeah. I want to be Evergreen in this again, but I don't want to use Encore. It wasn't really interesting to play as him the first time. Sure, that was probably my fault, but still...

I think I'd prefer to add Cascade in in his place. I'll work out her story for this RP soon, don't worry.
And possibly North Arrow in Eve's place, just so I can have that interesting dynamic that we had between Eve and Corey in the first one. I dunno. Maybe I'll just say, "eff it" and use all three.



War will have undoubtedly sobered both North and Cascade up, toughened them up.

Edited by Descant
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Descant! Welcome back! I forgot that you left... no offense. Heh I wonder if that means you missed the Battle of Manhattan?  I forget if you were around, but I know you missed The Canterlot Massacre.  




I looked at your character again, and it seems OK. It's decent for now, though you could expand up the last part a bit. There aren't many issues at you character right now in my opinion. Archi is Earthborn mod so if he likes it you are probably in, but Scholar always has the final say... So just in case just expand on the Equestria Divided a little and you should be fine. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Descant! Welcome back! I forgot that you left... no offense. Heh I wonder if that means you missed the Battle of Manhattan?  I forget if you were around, but I know you missed The Canterlot Massacre.  




I looked at your character again, and it seems OK. It's decent for now, though you could expand up the last part a bit. There aren't many issues at you character right now in my opinion. Archi is Earthborn mod so if he likes it you are probably in, but Scholar always has the final say... So just in case just expand on the Equestria Divided a little and you should be fine. 

Yeah, I just didn't really feel bothered to do all that 'switching over forums' nonsense. No offense. But after doing it for a bit, I thought the system we had worked out for here worked perfectly well. And I stopped having free time. :/


So we making it work the same way as before? With all the bio stuff and mentions of location and allegiance in posts? Maybe I'll go at this with more than just two OCs... Keep Dezzles and Eve in, and add Cascade. Possibly North. I have time.

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Yeah some exact thing as before.

I've finished Cascade's Equestria Divided addition. Look at the bottom of her page. She's not got an allegiance to any of the factions as of this story, but she'd probably be easy pickings for the Cult to get at at this point.


I may not have made it entirely clear in the story, but sudden strength of the river is due to the Flooding of Ponyville. It's been a while since I've kept up with this story, so forgive me if I'm mistaken, but I assume that a decent amount of the sudden rain took place around Ponyville too. Upstream. So it would all be washed away at once rather than taking time to fill up.




I'm also assuming that Evergreen and Encore are still fine for this Roleplay the way they were? Their stories haven't really changed at all. They do know Cascade and North Arrow, but haven't been in touch since the war began, and were not honestly as close as they were with the characters in their respective stories beforehand anyway.


If Cascade's approved, then I'll start North Arrow. I'll put a story from his POV explaining his actions there too. The plan was for him to have been part of the process that made the plan to flood Ponyville, if not simply have him be the mastermind behind it. Geography nerd as he is, it very easily could have taken his expertise to see that that would have been a great way to take a strike at Earthborn. 

Edited by Descant

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