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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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Red halted in his tracks. The crystal pony was right: it did not sound good at all. Glancing between his companion and Willow, he rolled his eyes: he couldn't risk all three of them running into the Alicorn, and leaving Willow alone in the forest before had only led her into further danger ...


"No doubt they are fine but I feel obligated to ensure it is so... Will you or I return to guide them?"


Ensuring his cutlass was in place beside the empty bottle of Brandy, he raised a brow questioningly at his glacial companion.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"I do hope so.  Though I have my doubts." Rakon said. "Maybe he'll have those who have problem fight it out with each other." He said, making a fist and pretending to punch the air.  "Or something like that.  Or say they have to stay at least a certain amount of distance apart from each other.  and never get close then that."


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Blizzard had been so busy with trying to keep the flames in check that he never noticed that Crimson had started fighting the fire as well and that Aphrodite had apparently joined them. It also kept him from preparing for the blast from Orion's teleportation, which since Blizzard had been flying at his top speed the shockwave sent him hurtling into the trees. After slamming around and through several trees, leaving a clear path of damage, Blizzard finally crashed into the ground, his body covered in burns and bruises. "Okay, think I may have broken a bone, or a dozen." Blizzard groaned to himself as he tried getting up but just collapsed again from the pain. 'This is wonderful, my first fight on this trip and I get taken out by a shove. How humiliating. At least Midnight knows how to patch these injuries up, and that medic pony is recovering so she might be able to help as well. Though I have a feeling I'll be feeling this for quite a while.' Blizzard thought as he struggled to crawl his way back to the clearing where they had been fighting Orion.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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"I...  I'll try..."  Pavisa's voice was quiet, she didn't expect to be heard while Kingfisher was addressing the rest of the concerned party members.   Of course Pavisa was worried about the others as well, but she trusted Kingfisher's judgement enough to not question the other mare.  She knew Redwave the best out of the party, after all.


As she continued to walk, she was grateful to have her helmet masking her facial expressions.  She knew she wouldn't have been able to hide the conflicted look that was surely reflecting her thoughts.  Are the guard truly that useless?  I just...  If what she says is true, I don't want to be a part of that...  But I've wanted to be a guard since I was a filly, what in Equestria is there for me?




Tactic Wind


Tactic had been about to answer with Cloudsdale when the conversation changed abruptly.  Aphrodite took off into the woods, back towards the missing members of the party, while Shooting Star continued to express concern over the missing captain.  It didn't take Tactic any time at all to decide on the prudent course of action for himself.


"Do as you will," he directed at nopony in particular.  "However, the logical course of action would be to continue as we are.  If the others truly have met with the other player in this game, then that means they are currently behind us.  It would be wise to use the delay they are causing to attempt and close the distance between ourselves and the objective with the time they have bought us."


"Besides," he now muttered to himself, not even sure if anypony else was listening to him.  "I am most obviously not a fighter.  To turn back now would be only to create an obstacle for the others.  I have yet to see sufficient evidence of the danger posed by the enemy anyways..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Red can look after himself. Twenty bits says he's here with the idiots in the next few minutes" She explained without breaking pace. "Really, he'll find us."


Star lowered his head and silently grinded his teeth in anxiety, but said nothing more. Surely, he wanted to trust the mare's words and stay calm with the thoughts that their lost companions were safe and sound, but what did he knew about them after all? The colt began wondering even further, questioning the silly concern he had built towards ponies he didn't even know yet.


With the everlasting panic bothering his mind, he was about to suck it up and keep moving forward, until the forest around them went completely silent. The tension in the air almost entirely faded away, obviously bringing back worry. 


 "We have to go. Something must've happened to them."


The colt was frozen in place. Something inside kept telling him to go along with Aphrodite into the woods and rush to aid the others, who were only probably in danger. However, courage was something he had lacking.


"Do as you will," he directed at nopony in particular.  "However, the logical course of action would be to continue as we are.  If the others truly have met with the other player in this game, then that means they are currently behind us.  It would be wise to use the delay they are causing to attempt and close the distance between ourselves and the objective with the time they have bought us."


"Besides," he now muttered to himself, not even sure if anypony else was listening to him.  "I am most obviously not a fighter.  To turn back now would be only to create an obstacle for the others.  I have yet to see sufficient evidence of the danger posed by the enemy anyways..."


Tactic Wind's speech made enough sense to Shooting Star, and he could even relate to the part about not wanting to fight. He just kept looking back and forth at his present companions and at the couple of trees where Aphrodite disappeared behind. Then again, should he really be worried about such blind uncertainties? Like before, he did nothing except from wearing the same frightened expression as always, and kept walking.

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Willow Starsinger


 Willow gritted her teeth getting over her hooves' numbness. It wasn't exactly helping, but it will do. She wasn't sure what was going on, only that Red and Saronyx were talking. She had a train of thought: mostly about what would happen to Orion.. she was going to think about it later, when they found someplace to rest. Her eyes grew heavy. "Ngh.."


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Saronyx begins to trot back the way they ha come, "I shall. I feel Willow will be more comfortable in your company, and in the event there is any residual magical mess from whatever spell Orion had cast, I will have a higher chance of pulling out of it than you will. Nothing personal, just genetics."


The Crystal stallion glances back for a second and nods, "We'll catch up. Left from here until we hit the path, them follow it from there, correct? I shall see you, and hopefully with out companions in tow," he glances at Willow briefly, "You take care now." Saronyx said to the both of them, before continuing on, eventually vanishing into the trees.




@@Icy Void,@,@,


The trek back had only taken Saronyx a minute or so, and upon arriving, he was greeted by the sight of three of his companions, one he was able to recognize as the Captain, Crimson. One was clearly unconscious, and yet another, well, he could only assume where he had landed, hiding by the carnage inflicted upon the surrounding forest.


Saronyx sighed, "I'm going to have to carry most of you, aren't I?" He allowed himself a brief second to be surprised at his sarcasm, before shrugging it off and stepping over to Crimson, hoping that at least the cursed stallion was able to function enough to support his own weight.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Nodding at the crystal stallion, Red turned back to Willow who looked - quite understandably - worse for wear.


"Just a few minutes longer before we can rest, can you walk? We may slow our pace if you require." He asked, motioning towards the forest in the direction he had traced Kingfisher to.


"My friends are close, I imagine." The stallion explained before correcting himself. "Well... I say 'friends'... They are more like... acquaintances. I've met them anyway."








Kingfisher chuckled under her breath and tapped her hoof against the guards armour again:


"Stop overthinkin' it: you're okay by me." She said before raising her head, ear flicking. "Pretty sure I can hear him now - see, told ya' they'd be 'ere soon enough!" She added to the group.

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Saronyx begins to trot back the way they ha come, "I shall. I feel Willow will be more comfortable in your company, and in the event there is any residual magical mess from whatever spell Orion had cast, I will have a higher chance of pulling out of it than you will. Nothing personal, just genetics."


The Crystal stallion glances back for a second and nods, "We'll catch up. Left from here until we hit the path, them follow it from there, correct? I shall see you, and hopefully with out companions in tow," he glances at Willow briefly, "You take care now." Saronyx said to the both of them, before continuing on, eventually vanishing into the trees.




@@Icy Void,@,@,


The trek back had only taken Saronyx a minute or so, and upon arriving, he was greeted by the sight of three of his companions, one he was able to recognize as the Captain, Crimson. One was clearly unconscious, and yet another, well, he could only assume where he had landed, hiding by the carnage inflicted upon the surrounding forest.


Saronyx sighed, "I'm going to have to carry most of you, aren't I?" He allowed himself a brief second to be surprised at his sarcasm, before shrugging it off and stepping over to Crimson, hoping that at least the cursed stallion was able to function enough to support his own weight.



@@Icy Void, @,@,

Since Blast was the closest to Orion, he would be caught in the flames first. He tried to turn around and get away, but he didn't have any time to react to the shockwave. While the shock immobilized Blast, the flames began to engulf him. You could hear Blast's screams of pain inside the inferno. When the dust cleared, Blast emerged from it with burn marks and scars, After a few seconds of standing, he knelt to the ground and fell over, unconscious. The flames and shockwave did overwhelming damage to the stallion, both externally and internally.







"Well, I--" Aphrodite paused. The forest was silent. "We have to go. Something must've happened to them." Aphrodite trotted into the forest and eventually found the group. The captain and Saronyx was no where to be found, but she found Orion, Crimson, and Blast. Even Blizzard.. "What the hell is going on here!?" 





Willow Starsinger


Willow gave a nod, stumbling on her hooves from the burn, but she still maintained her balance. "Where will we go?" Willow asked, clutching onto Red's hoof so she wouldn't fall over again. 



Blizzard had been so busy with trying to keep the flames in check that he never noticed that Crimson had started fighting the fire as well and that Aphrodite had apparently joined them. It also kept him from preparing for the blast from Orion's teleportation, which since Blizzard had been flying at his top speed the shockwave sent him hurtling into the trees. After slamming around and through several trees, leaving a clear path of damage, Blizzard finally crashed into the ground, his body covered in burns and bruises. "Okay, think I may have broken a bone, or a dozen." Blizzard groaned to himself as he tried getting up but just collapsed again from the pain. 'This is wonderful, my first fight on this trip and I get taken out by a shove. How humiliating. At least Midnight knows how to patch these injuries up, and that medic pony is recovering so she might be able to help as well. Though I have a feeling I'll be feeling this for quite a while.' Blizzard thought as he struggled to crawl his way back to the clearing where they had been fighting Orion.



Crimson finally finished absorbing the rest of the blue flames with a sigh of relief, ignoring the shockwave do to his fireproof abilities. He then looked up just as Saronyx trotted towards him. "Saronyx, did you get the girl to safety? And where's Redwave?" asked Crimson slowly before noticing the unconscious and badly burned Blast, and quickly trotting next to him. Crimson quickly checked his pulse and sighed in relief once more, "good, he's still alive...its a good thing he's unconscious though, because I've been told this hurts immensely..."  said Crimson before putting his hooves over Blast's burns, "Apollo's Mercy..." whispered Crimson, just as a golden glow emitted from Crimson's hooves and shone onto the burns, after a moment, they began to recede until, soon enough, there was no longer any burns. Crimson pulled his hooves away and smiled, "he should be fine...I even managed to dismiss the internal burns, but he's still bruised and beat up pretty bad and I'm no doctor, so he'll need some rest...let's get everypony back to the group...oh, and Aphrodite...do me a favor and go retrieve Blizzard, he seemed to have flown somewhere over there when the shockwave hit..."  said Crimson before gently sliding Blast over his back and giving Saronyx a serious look, "now...do you have the answers to my questions?" he asked.


((sorry for the late reply AND wall of txt!))

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After a few moments, Blast woke up, coughing quite a few times. His vision, at first, appeared blurry. But within a few moments, his vision was restored.
"Wha... what happened?" Blast asked, clutching his head. The shockwave left him with several bruises on his head and sides. It even seemed like a he spat out a tooth at a point. He then turned to see that he was being carried by... Crimson?

"Well... this is a bit awkward." He commented. "Why are you carrying me, Crimson?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Crimson smiled sheepishly and put him down, "oh, sorry! You kinda got knocked unconscious and I had to heal your burns and carry you...or at least I was going to carry you, until you woke up...which reminds me, you should probably be careful when you move, you took quite the beating..." said Crimson.

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@,@@Icy Void, (EDIT: Forgot to mention Icy. Sorry about that.) 


Crimson had asked if Saronyx had an answer to his earlier questions, which made the Crystal stallion grunt, "I do. I had been about to give them when your attention was grabbed by the more pressing matters of our wounded compatriots. The girl, Miss Willow, is with Captain Redwave. He is leading her back to Miss Kingfisher, and the rest of our little band. I had come back to check that you were all still alive, and to lead you back," He turns and points back the way he had come, "The rest of the crew is that way. Just follow our trail, which should be fairly easy to do, and take a left. You should find the path easily enough, and just follow it from there."


Saronyx turns from Crimson, and begins to trot towards the damaged wooded area, "Or perhaps Redwave will be doubling back and will find and direct you. I cannot say for certain. I'm going to make sure that our other friend is still living." And with that, he falls silent once more and begins to trot off for where Blizzard had been launched.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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"Pretty sure I can hear him now - see, told ya' they'd be 'ere soon enough!" She added to the group.


After a sudden jolt of surprise, Shooting Star exhaled a small sigh in relief as soon as he, too, heard rising voices coming from somewhere near. Shortly after, his eyes were set upon the Captain's figure, who was helping an evidently weary mare to stand up.


"Are you guys alright? What happened?" He said immediately while trotting towards the pair. The earth stallion he could just assume was Captain Redwave himself, despite the many scars on his body, didn't seem to be in a condition as bad as the mysterious unicorn mare with him. At that moment, Star began wondering where Aphrodite and the others could be. But instead of bombing down more questions, he waited for them to settle down first, eager to help them out any way he could.


(( OOC: Assuming they've regrouped already. ))

Edited by Driz''
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@@00Pony,@, @,@@Driz


Willow Starsinger


"I-I'm fine. Really.. I just can't feel my hooves is all. Thank you for asking," Willow winced. "I'm just not feeling well. You go on ahead, I'll catch up." Willow said, not wanting to worry the stallion with her needs. She decided she could do it herself, but she can't. She felt like she was going to collapse any minute now, but she knew better than to worry somepony and make them frightened. She soon arrived nearby a couple of ponies whom she assumed were more members of the group and decided not to make eye contact with them.




"The alicorn ran off to find his sister. Said something about destroying us all--" Aphrodite said, pausing before she took sight of Willow. "Nevermind, she's here."

Edited by Shaymin


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Redwave and Kingfisher.




"Rest a while if you desire: It is safe here." Redwave said with a flourishing bow. "I will be but a moment... Kingfisher!"


The mare approached: casting Willow a curious look with distinct lack of trust but otherwise attending her captains call.


"Aye Cap'n?" She asked.


"We wait for the others, then make haste..." Redwave explained to his companion. "The hills should be only a short distance from here and it seems we may have given our Alicorn reason to pursue us." Motioning to Willow, he also added: "This mare has been through enough today: ensure nopony causes her undue distress."


The Dawn Dreamers 'crew' nodded and saluted her captain: much as she took instruction from Redwave, it was a rare occasion for him to give her an actual order.


"Aye Cap'n!"




"As well as ever: though we may have issues on the horizon. Be ready to move at sight of danger." He said in a cocky tone, holding out a relaxed hoof in way of an introduction. "Redwave at your service. Your name eludes me - another one on our quest I presume?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"I do hope so.  Though I have my doubts." Rakon said. "Maybe he'll have those who have problem fight it out with each other." He said, making a fist and pretending to punch the air.  "Or something like that.  Or say they have to stay at least a certain amount of distance apart from each other.  and never get close then that."

((Sorry, thought it was your turn))

"That would make things a whole lot easier." Sand said. Although even then they'll find a way to fight about something stupid and pointless even from a distance... She thought angrily. She didn't really think that any of them were going to get over their differences any time soon, so she would just have to live with the fighting.


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Blast laughed a little at Crimson's statement.
"Nonsense I can manage just fi-" He stopped in mid-sentence upon hitting the ground, where he hurt his rib cage upon impact.
"Urgh!" Blast grunted. "I guess that alicorn knows a thing or two about making an effective escape." He commented, limping by Crimson's side. "Where are the others...?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Star watched as the fatigued unicorn mare shyly lowered her head while the scarred earth pony went to speak to the mare at the front, as well as Aphrodite showing up right behind them. During that while, the pegasus colt just kept on inspecting the mysterious red coated mare. He tried to give her a comforting smile, though she didn't seem to accept it at that moment. Not wanting to bother her any further and noticing that the group had halted, Star simply sat down on the ground and removed the somewhat heavy saddlebag from his back.



"As well as ever: though we may have issues on the horizon. Be ready to move at sight of danger." He said in a cocky tone, holding out a relaxed hoof in way of an introduction. "Redwave at your service. Your name eludes me - another one on our quest I presume?"


Shooting Star immediately got back onto his hooves in order to greet the Captain of the group. Staring at him with sparkling eyes - just like a filly meeting a super-hero - the colt proceeded with the hoofshake.


"C-Captain Redwave, sir! I-it's an honor!" He stuttered. "I'm Shooting Star, from Canterlot. Though I overslept and you guys left without me, I wish to partake in your expedition in search of the Litany!"

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Willow Starsinger


"Um, are you sure? I can handle just fine on my own--" Willow started, then noticed that Red was gone and off talking to somepony else. She faced the new mare that Red called 'Kingfisher,' and awkwardly greeted her. If only Orion were here; but she wanted to handle things on her own for once. It's not like that's ever helped. She remembered an event from her childhood..


It was 12 years ago on Willow's eighth birthday. She was so excited about her birthday and wanted to savor every moment. She always saw everypony as a friend and sure enough, invited everypony in her class to her birthday party. When she got home, she made preparations: put balloons up and streamers-with Orion's help, of course. They even baked a cake together in celebration, her first cake she baked in her entire life. When she was done, she sat at the dining table, waiting for her guests to arrive.


An hour past. Orion was beginning to become concerned, but Willow was still cheerful and waited. Three hours past, nopony came. Now it was 9 at night. Nopony came. Nopony cared.. it was hard for her to accept the fact that nopony came to her party. Willow laid in her bed and cried. It was a horrible birthday, but hope came. Orion showed up in the hallway, with a piece of cake on a plate, pitiful for the poor mare. He put the cake on her bedside table, and sure enough, it made Willow smile. Somepony remembered her birthday, and it was Orion.

Edited by Kaia


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((Ack, time to do a bit of a catch-up post!))




"...Thanks, Kingfisher."  Pavisa smiled at the other mare, Kingfisher's compliment helping put her mind at ease.  A little bit, at least.  But before anything else could be said about the topic Aphrodite and Redwave returned to the group...  With a mare in tow?  She turned with Kingfisher as Redwave called for a halt, looking at the mare curiously.  Who is she?  And wait - did he say the alicorn is going to be after us!?


She quietly leaned down to confirm that her armor was fastened securely to her bandaged legs, a determined look on her face.  Nopony was going to get hurt this time, not if she could help it.  I can worry about that later...  Safety comes first.



Tactic Wind


Tactic turned as Redwave and Willow rejoined the group, with a look that suggested he was on the verge of falling asleep.  Curious.  Of all the ones to return it was the captain, Aphrodite, and...  "What!?"  The last thought actually erupted from his lips in almost a shout.


The normally bland tactician's eyes widened as he saw Willow, his mouth open in shock.  It was essentially the first sign of real emotion he'd shown since joining the group, and he quickly shook his head to clear his senses.  Pull yourself together!



Trotting over to where Redwave and Willow had rejoined the party, he did his best to keep a straight face.  When he managed to speak his voice was back to his usual monotone, but it would sound somewhat strained, as though speaking through gritted teeth.  "Well, what do we have here?"  He continued to stare at Willow as he spoke, though his questions were directed more at Redwave.  "A change of plans to the strategy of making it to the Litany on time?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Redwave raised a brow at Shooting Stars curious behaviour: not completely unlike the foals back in Saddle Arabia when he told them of his (slightly exaggerated) tales of heroism and bravery back on the mainland...


Looking about to be certain that it was himself causing the pony's unusual actions and that there wasn't some kind of element-wielding Alicorn standing behind him, he smirked very slightly to himself...


He did try to uphold his reputation...


"Aha! Yes quite... Shooting Star! What is it that you do? What is your particular talent? I shall refrain from telling untruths - I am very much hoping for you to answer to the effect of 'Magical Artillery' or something similar..." The captain reeled off smoothly: perfectly aware that his luck with wouldn't hold out forever.




Orion Starsinger.




Orion was in a fit of rage and distress: every emotion namable swirled chaotically through his head: without Willow he couldn't focus: the headaches seemed to multiply in agony and the only thoughts he could focus on were of vengeance.


Crashing through the forest, he chained the shockwave inducing teleportations one after another - raining circles of destruction across the vegetation in his wrath before finally breaking down and slumping to the ground.




"Willow..." He groaned pitifully. "... where did they take you?"


A memory filled his vision: he was back home, rain falling heavily on the windows. Watching two raindrops race down the glass, he coughed, breaking out into a wheezing splutter - the disappointment on Orion's face was clear as he caught sight of the flecks if blood on the tissue he held: the few hours of feeling fine having convinced him that he might be okay after all. He snarled at his own weakness and slammed a hoof pitifully against the window, closing his eyes.


A voice behind him made him look about: there was his sister approaching him - the only one who ever seemed to have faith in him... He coughed one last time and turned to see the memory of his younger sibling again: forcing a smile to match hers. Somehow, even when he knew that things couldn't get better, his sister always made things seem bearable - always have him a reason not to give up.


As he tried to speak to her, the illusion broke: he was back in the forest...


Still very much alone.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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"So you think they'd toss rocks, or squirt water at each other?" Rakon said.  The idea of ponies squirting water at each other made for an amusing picture in his mind, though he kept a straight face.  "I still hope they will learn to work together to get and destroy the litany thing and that pony I heard some talking about."


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"Aha! Yes quite... Shooting Star! What is it that you do? What is your particular talent? I shall refrain from telling untruths - I am very much hoping for you to answer to the effect of 'Magical Artillery' or something similar..." The captain reeled off smoothly: perfectly aware that his luck with wouldn't hold out forever.


After his little moment of excitement, Star froze in place upon hearing the Captain's question.


My... My talent?...


Now that he thought about it, Tactic Wind had earlier already asked for the pegasus colt to state his strengths and weaknesses - it was only safe to assume that, in such a dangerous quest as the one for the Litany of Magic, coordinating a group based on individual skills was undoubtedly of most importance.


However, his specific talent. His cutie mark. His 'calling in life'. Would it really be of any use to an operation like that? Would he even dare to stand out from above all of those skillful adventurers? No. He needed to try, at the very least. He needed to be proud of what his true talent was. After a considerable amount of time of hesitation, Star sheepishly spoke:


"I, uh... I am sure that I'm an excellent actor, sir..."

Edited by Driz''
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Willow Starsinger


Willow decided she just needed to rest. She was trotting over when she was approached by a tan stallion. "Uh, hello," Willow said, startled and trotted to rest under a tree. She decided she'll just find Orion in the morning, after getting to know everypony first, of course. 


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The colts answer stunned Redwave for a moment - what, did the Bard send the letters to everypony in Equestria? Was this his idea of a joke - an actor?


He managed to avoid raising a hoof to his face.


Blinking once, he readopted his grin: something he had learned on his travels was that talents could manifest themselves in the unlikliest if situations - perhaps this might be such an example? The Bard had never steered him wrong before after all.


"A fine addition!" He declared. "Any new face or skill is a welcome one I say. Be ready to move: time squanders already and I am sure that this respite is but the calm before the storm..."

Never quite forgotten.

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