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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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@@Midnight Scribbler,

The aspect had been unable to follow the m are - Willow - into the chamber, but after a short while it felt something in the air change - the magic it had been feeding on started to fade and it suddenly felt... different. Something was new - the feeling of freedom as stronger than ever before - as if the spell binding it to its master had been broken.
With an elated crackle, it watched the mare Willow pass by - along with the aura of something highly magical. It debated whether to let them leave since it was no longer bound to protect her, but decided against it: It liked Willow - she was warm and comfortable and always finding new things to eat!
"Raa-aak! Ack!" It happily crackled towards the magical pony called Scribbler - spiraling up next to his head as the aura it had been following seemed to vanish. Even so, Kricket was having a wonderful time - there was still magic in the air, there were ponies it liked nearby and it was completly free!

  • Brohoof 2

Never quite forgotten.

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Noble Persona/Artorias



Noble put out the wall of flame with a torrent of water. He summoned two more creatures and swung his sword in a downwards arc, sending a wave of air at Crimson.


"I don't need to answer you. In fact, I find you rather...boring. You provide no challenge beyond your stubborn refusal to die."


The dark aura gave way to the violet flames wrapping around Noble's body and changing his armour.


"Today,as Noble Persona, I completed my quest to find the Litany of Magic and revive my mother. Ultimately, I failed... but like the Phoenix, I will rise from the ashes as Artorias, the once-great knight of Equestria thousands of years ago."


His armour changed to become a dark mirror of its previous appearance, a lightweight suit of silver armour. He put on his mask, which transformed into a dark helmet. The faceplate slid back and Noble smiled. No...Artorias smiled...

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Crimson smirked as he saw the wave of air approaching him, followed by the monsters. "You think I'm trying my best? Tch, I haven't even started...VOIDSTAR!!" Said Crimson, who proceeded to be consumed in a black, flame-like substance. The wave and monsters then hit him all at once, but Crimson didn't move an inch, in fact, he still had a smile on his face, scoffing before unleashing a wave of pressure from his body, sending the creatures flying into the far walls, breaking their bones. "Hehe, how's this for a challenge? You want to prove your power? Then let's see what you've got!" said Crimson before teleporting above Artorias and releasing a massive and heavy wave of pressure onto him.


((for more information on this, please check Crimson's profile.))

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Midnight Sky


Midnight barely acknowledged Aegis as he tried to avoid the flames and magic coming from Crimson's battle. While normally he would argue that Crimson's current actions are completely brash and ill advised, they did at least provide cover for them to all escape and come up with a new strategy. Seeing most of the others on their way out, and Kingfisher even helping out the changeling, and Pavisa carrying Orion. "Well, looks like it's time to go." Midnight said before turning and walking towards the doorway that the others were heading towards. Though he made sure to stay behind the others since they were busy helping one another and he probably had the best chance of stopping an attack from that insane newly formed alicorn.



Sunshine Rays


What Sunshine saw when she opened the door at the end of the passage came close to terrifying her. So much was going on that she didn't even know where to start, but then she saw her brother making his way towards another doorway. But what really surprised her was that the guard pony Pavisa was helping was that Orion guy, the one who had threatened them and who had been mean to her brother and their companions. The guy who injured Blizzard so badly he had had to come all the way back to Ponyville. Sunshine wasn't one to hold a grudge, but this was really pushing her ability to believe what was happening. In the end she just decided to go along with whatever Midnight did, that usually ended well, and since Midnight wasn't arguing it must be okay for now. "Hey, I made it back!" Sunshine called to her brother as she ran up and walked beside him, completely disregarding the huge battle taking place. All the while she just hoped nopony got hurt, at least no more than they already had.

Edited by Icy Void


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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"Hmph... This is your best? Is this all you have to offer?"


Artorias absorbed the pressure and sent it right back, in the form of a violet wave. At first, it appeared that he missed, then there was a low rumbling through the room. Artorias laughed, the same creepy laugh as before.


"Soon, this place will become your grave! Farewell!"


With that, Artorias teleported. Where he went was anypony's guess, but for now, the temple was coming down.



Aegis Dare


"Oh no... We gotta move it! Double time!" Aegis said, in an uncharacteristic panic. "This place is coming down!"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Crimson cursed as Artorias teleported away, leaving him and the rest of the group in a collapsing ruin. "Shit! Aegis is right, from the amount of pressure I put into that attack, this place should be rubble in the next few minutes! So let's hurry up and get our asses out of here!!" said Crimson before trotting with the others towards the exit, still in Voidstar mode. "That damn coward! If he was so powerful, how come he had to run? He's probably after the rest of the Litany...well, I'll make sure he doesn't get his hooves on it, after I get ahold of that damn thing, I'm destroying it!" thought Crimson.

Edited by ragestar
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@@@Midnight Scribbler,


Willow Starsinger


Willow smiled at the stallion. He didn't seem so bad after all. Maybe Orion did make a good choice befriending this pony. She still didn't trust Mirror Image, or Noble yet, especially since one of them is a demigod now. "Thank you," Willow said, still facing the ground. "I'd rather get out of here while we still can. Zintiik is.. hurt," Willow began with a whimper, "and Orion is about to die. I just hope that the two of them would make it out alive.." Willow said. "This place might collapse any minute from the chaos.." Willow got up, dusting herself off. "And I.. might too." 


Willow stumbled across the floor, trying hard to find the exit, but exhaustion from the running and crying finally settled into her system and she fainted just before Kricket flitted over.


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Pavisa & Zintiik


Pavisa was grateful that her strength seemed to be returning, especially with the burden of carrying Orion's prone form.  As she came up alongside Kingfisher, she spared a moment to glare at the changeling as it struggled to speak.  The hive's attack on Canterlot was still all too recent for the guard.


"Wh...  Why are you...  Helping me..?"  Zintiik tried to look at Kingfisher when his gaze came to rest on Orion across Pavisa's back.  His eyes widen slightly at the sight, his wings buzzing quietly.  "O...  Orion..!"  The changeling couldn't form much more of a coherent thought past that, still weak with hunger and dizzy from the battering he had received by the others.


As they passed through the door that would take them out of the Litany chamber, Pavisa called to Kingfisher as though Zintiik couldn't hear or understand her.  Or as though she didn't care if he did.  "If he's going to slow us down, you should abandon the bug Fisher.  His kind attacked Canterlot not long ago...  They're monsters, and he'll find a way to stab us in the back.  I guarantee it."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Aegis Dare



"Don't know why he bailed, but I can say this. He's a dangerous foe, and getting to the Litany with him racing us for it... It's going to be harder to get it." Aegis said. "Anyway, I'm just glad that you came out ok, Crimson. Any longer and he would have killed you, mate."


'In reality, I don't know why he didn't just kill Crimson from the start. He was powerful enough and confident enough to try necromancy as his first act with the Litany, then he shrugs off everything Crimson threw at him. And he just bails without checking to see if we're dead? The cocky git's just toying with us... Damn him!' Aegis' eyes narrowed as he came to this realization. He had a feeling that they'll meet with this Noble Persona, this Artorias, again.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Scribbler smiled at Kricket as it made strange noises he'd never heard before."Well, you're an interesting creature, where'd you come from?" He looked to Willow with concern as she expressed her worries, knowing the temple was coming down. He wanted to go back to save the others, but she was his priority and it would be suicidal to back track now. When she fainted, Scribbler caught her fall with his telekinesis before she hit the ground, and carefully lifted her unconscious body onto his back. He sighed, and thought "Of all the things that could happen, at this time. This is going to make things a little slower, but I'm getting out of here now, before this place collapses and buries us all." He could hear voices trailing up behind him now, the others were nearing, and he was not in a good position with Willow unable to move on her own. He began walking in the opposite direction, retracing his path from memory. He'd navigated complex cave systems before, so this was easy for him, having only to remember only left and right, and not up, down, and twists and turns. "I just hope they were good enough to pick Orion up.. I worry for the changeling though, hopefully he makes it out. I don't know why, but I enjoyed the company of the creature.. Strange to think that. He wasn't an evil creature at all, as I'd first thought.."

Soon Scribbler could hear the rumble of the falls echoing up the tunnel. He could see where the pirate had been bleeding out. Congealed blood lay all over where he'd been laying. "We're close now, Willow. Hang in there." He wasn't sure if she could even hear him.

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(OOC: Posting from phone. It may take a while for me to get my posts back to being "quality".)


It had all happened so fast that Mirror couldn't decide on a course of action before it was all over. Scribbler had somehow disappeared with the Litany in the middle of the chaos, most likely he had retreated to keep it away from Legion. Orion was unconscious and Zintiik was hurt. Sadly both were taken by the bandits. However, judging by their recent actions they seemed less likely to be the murderous cravens Orion had thought them to be.


Although if this were just an act to gain their trust then Zintiik and Orion may not be able to escape by themselves. Being relatively wound-free Mirror followed after the mares that were carrying her friends. A quick scan of their group revealed that Willow was missing too. Mirror felt slightly concerned for the mare, but she had disappeared around the same time that Scribbler. Hopefully she'd be alright, at least for Orion's sake.

Edited by SilverHeart

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@, ,@,


Blast & Eclipse


Blast kicked it up to almost 200 MpH as the cave collapsed above him. Eclipse had a hard time keeping up, but he could get through okay. As he passed through, he saw the changeling from earlier lying on the ground in pain. He thought about abandoning him, but something inside told him that he should bring him along. He gave a large sigh and put the insect-like creature over his back.

"You better turn over a new leaf after this..." Blast muttered beginning to run towards the exit.


Eclipse then stepped in and picked up the changeling with his magic. You could tell he was struggling with him, considering he was still near the Litany.

"I can only hold onto him for so long! We need to get moving!" Blast nodded and the two began running towards the exit.

Edited by StevenEarthPony


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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She glanced up at the guard at her words - the frown on her face twisting into a glare. Guards were supposed to protect, not leave the helpless to fend for themselves...


It was nothing new - of course. Glancing from Pavisa to Redwave, at their clear distaste for the changeling - she remembered. Changelings in Canterlot... Redwave and her bunkering down in the Inn... And years before that, her parents and her pleas for help being ignored by the supposed 'protectors'.


"You would say that, wouldn't you?" She spat aggressively as Blasted Nova snatched up the Changeling. "Leave him here? I'm no guard Pavisa - I do what's right!"


Given the situation, she didn't have time to lament the memories flooding back to her or quash the emotions like she had taught herself to: she simply followed her captain.

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Icy Void,


Scribbler and Willow neared the entrance, the rushing of the falls was nearly deafening. He reached the final stretch of tunnel, where he could finally see light from outside. Turning to face the crumbling depths of the tunnels, he fired up his horn with as much energy as he could muster. "I may not know many of you in there.. but I'm not going to leave you to die." With that he released his barrier spell, forming a magical barrier, which covered the walls and ceiling, and stretched deep into the labyrinth. "This should keep it from collapsing for a time.. enough time for them to escape at least. The light of the spell will guide them." He thought to himself. Then turned to leave the place. Willow, still limp on his shoulders, her weight was becoming more and more heavy now that he'd expelled so much energy. He climbed down the stairs with her, carefully, and placed her gently on the grass at the bottom, near a tall oak tree. He slumped to the ground in exhaustion, and waited for the others to arrive.

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Pavisa visibly flinched as Kingfisher lashed out at her, lowering her gaze and slowing a little to fall back towards the rear of the party.  "...It's not helpless," she murmurs to herself.  "It's a changeling."  Seeing the creature had brought back memories of the Canterlot invasion, the massive swarm of the creatures as the hive attempted to take over the capital.  Changelings were vicious and cruel - if it hadn't been for Princess Cadence and Captain Shining Armor, they would have all been food for the beasts!


It looks like her memory is back...  At least the part about why she hates the guard.  I wonder if she'll remember what happened after she lost her memories...  As the guard shrugs under Orion's weight and tries to lift her head to see who was around her, she noticed the glow around the walls seeming to guide them to the exit.  "At least something good is happening..."







As the two stallions tried to take over carrying Zintiik, the changeling started to struggle weakly.  He wasn't able to do much more than protest, but he was trying to squirm away from Blast.  He recognized the stallion as the one who had kicked him earlier and didn't trust the 'bandit' to be helping him.  


"L-Let go!  I don't...  Don't want your help!"  A complete lie, of course.  Without help Zintiik was well aware that the temple would collapse on top of him before he could get out.  Still bleeding from the places he was kicked though, he wanted nothing to do with the stallion now carrying him.  "This is...  It's a trick!  You're...  Taking me somewhere to hit me again!"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Crimson smiled and gave a slight chuckle. "That may be true, but I still had a few tricks up my hat that would've at least gave that cocky bastard a little surprise, besides, I wasn't trying to actually win, I was trying to distract him long enough for you guys to escape...but you are right about one thing, he's dangerous...too dangerous to be around other living ponies, so if we get the chance, although I doubt we will, we must either draw the Litany's magic out of him, or...kill him...let's just hope it doesn't have to come to that..." said Crimson quietly.

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Blast simply just smirked at the changeling.

"Don't worry, man. I don't have intentions of hurting you. Believe it or not, I don't wanna see you die." Blast said to him. "Just hold on tight, pal. I'm gonna get you out of here! Eclipse, look for Aphrodite! Make sure she gets out of here safely." Eclipse nodded and began looking for Aphrodite in the caverns. 



Eclipse began searching for the mare inside the falling caverns. The unicorn began calling for the mare's name, hoping for an answer from her.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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 Mirror watched as Zintiik attempted to struggle against the two stallions. The tunnels lit up with a familiar looking light, it looked as if it was the same spell that Scribbler had used to create a bridge. It would hold, at least for now. Scribbler wasn't a slouch. She looked back at the unconscious form of Orion, he seemed safe enough on the back of the armored pony. Sighing she closed the distance between herself and Blast. "I'll carry him. It's obvious that Zintiik doesn't exactly...feel comfortable near you." 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"I must have forgotten the part about them being immune to being buried alive... I wouldn't leave my worst enemy to that kind of fate..." Kingfisher lectured, glancing around to see the guard carrying the unicorn falling behind. She hesitated, looking back at Redwave with a mixed expression before falling back to meet her.


"... I couldn't leave my friend either. Now move before I carry the two of you out of here myself... you still own me money!"






Red stumbled around the pieces of falling cave as if drunk - which he sorely regretted not being. On the other hoof if he couldn't be at sea then this was the next best thing.


As the walls began to glow he maintained his pace - running on pure adrenalin - and grumbled under his breath as he went.

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Zintiik stops struggling as he hears a familiar voice, turning his head to look at Mirror.  "M...Mirror?"  The changeling was having a hard time registering what was going on.  Why is Mirror here?  Shouldn't she have escaped with Scribbler?  Did she get captured too?  He weakly holds out a hoof towards the mare before slumping back weakly again.






Pavisa looks up again at Kingfisher's voice, a small smile showing up on the guard's face at her friend's words.  "...Right.  Let's get out of here, then...  All of us."  She shrugs under Orion's weight again to try and adjust the unicorn's position on her back before picking up the pace again, wanting nothing more than to leave the temple behind them.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Aegis Dare



"I'm glad you're on our side, Crimson. A pony as crazy as you would be a terrifying enemy," Aegis said with a half-hearted grin. They had to be getting close to an exit by now. He grew excited at the prospect of seeing the sky again. His Pegasus blood screamed for it, to feel the wind over his wings once more. But he wasn't going to leave the others behind to satisfy his own selfish desires.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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((Not tagging anyone since this involves everyone, read it!))




As Pavisa trotted past with Orion still on her back, Zintiik watched the unconscious unicorn carefully and came to a split decision.  This might be the death of me...  I have to try though.


In the moment where Mirror attempts to take custody of him, the changeling leans next to the mare's ear and whispers "Get away, however you can."  As his hooves hit the ground, Zintiik summons the last of his strength in a sudden burst of energy.


A flash of green fire envelops the changeling, and before it has a chance to clear a figure launches out of the flames towards the front of the group.  The figure would appear to be Orion, yet as an alicorn and not as the unconscious unicorn.  Zintiik, in the shape of Orion, flies past as fast as he can and grabs Orion off of Pavisa's back, much to the guard's protests, launching the pair of them out the exit of the temple.  The entire act was over in a flash, with the changeling carrying the unicorn in the air over the Falls.


That was Scribbler's spell...  He has to be close...  Zintiik could feel his strength draining, he had to get them to the ground...  There!  The changeling launches himself down towards where Scribbler and Willow were waiting, feeling himself barely holding onto consciousness.  Almost...  No...  This landing is going to hurt!


At the last moment the changeling manages to roll with Orion so that Zintiik hit the ground first, the unicorn landing on top of him rather than crashing into the ground next to Scribbler and Willow.  Feeling his hold on consciousness slipping away, Zintiik drops his disguise as his head thumps against the ground.  "Uuugh..."


((Also, I've got to head out for a few hours, so it'll be a little bit before I can make another post))











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@@@@Midnight Scribbler


(( OOC: You think it'd be okay if I did this format for my RPing? I thought it would add a little "oomph" into my writing. ))


Willow Starsinger


Finally waking up from her nap, Willow finally noticed that Kricket was resting on Scribbler's shoulder. She gave a silent squeal of joy and nuzzled the little Aspect. While she was doing so, Zintiik and Orion practically crash-landed in front of them. She blinked a couple of times until she finally realized what was happening. 


"Zintiik! Orion! I'm so happy you're okay!" Willow yelped enthusiastically, putting the Aspect (gently) into her mane. "Well, not exactly fine but.. well, you know what I mean!" Willow chirped, helping her brother up and then the changeling. "Huh?" Willow mumbled, looking at the temple. "Where are the others? Are they coming?" 


"Isn't the temple collapsing?" Willow asked worriedly, pacing about the grass. She didn't seem to notice that Scribbler was about to give out with that spell of his. "Well, the good thing is that you two are safe at least. But the other group is still in there.." Willow frowned. "Wait a minute. Zintiik, did you save Orion?" 


@ Anypony Who Wants Aphrodite In The RP




Aphrodite had no idea where she was. She must've dozed off, and she lost the group. Those shadow figures were long gone and nopony came back for her. Did they forget her? She walked about the labyrinth and for the first time in years, Aphrodite was.. well, afraid. She would've usually been confident in herself that she would be able to find the exit, but she doubted that would happen. If only a miracle could happen.. 


Even worse, she noticed that the temple was beginning to become unstable. A spell was holding up the whole temple though, and she knew she had to get out fast. But she didn't know where to go, what to do. The temple was going to collapse and this was her fate. 

Edited by Shaymin


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Scribbler rested, allowing his energy levels to restore somewhat. He wondered where Mirror had gotten to, and hoped she would find the barrier he'd left. He was about to stand up, thinking he should go back.

Scribbler smiled to see Willow come to once again. "Ah, good to see you've come around. Are you.." He was cut off by a sound, something rushing through the air. He flinched and stood up as the changeling crashed into the ground in front of him, Orion rolled off forewards onto the grass. Seeing how badly wounded they were, he immediately walked over to check if they still breathed. Scribbler began weaving up his healing spell for the fourth time this day. He aimed it at Zintiik first, and let the aura surround the wounded creature for a few moments. The bruises and cuts began to fade and subside in severity. He seemed the most gravely wounded. Orion was still unconscious, and Scribbler was unsure if the Unicorn was even wounded. He shook Orion's shoulder gently, trying to stir him from his comatose state. "Orion.. Orion, can you hear me? Wake up. We're outside again. Are you alright?" There didn't seem to be any response at first. He turned to Willow once again, a look of solemn duty on his face. "I have to go back.. I have to know Mirror isn't lost in there still.. Wait for me, I'll be back. My barrier spell will hold the tunnels for the time being.. I just hope she's found the trail I left with the spell." With that, he began walking back towards the stairway.

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Redwave. and Kingfisher


As a light appeared up ahead, Red caught an injured hoof against an outcropping of rock - tumbling forwards under his own momentum.


"Up!" Grunted Kingfisher as she caught up with the fallen captain - wrenching him back to his hooves and pushing him forward. "There's daylight up ahead - not far now!"




Reaching the light: Redwave briefly considered the lack of space to support the number of escaping ponies at the top of the stairs:

He turned, grabbed Kingfisher and pushed backwards - hurling the two of them into the cascade of water and down into the pool below.


Thankfully, without the Litany's enchantment the water was little more hindrance than any other pool - neither pony lost any memories though it was extremely cold, wet and a shock to the system that neither of them really appreciated. The stairs might have been a more practical solution... but he had missed his chance for a dramatic entrance - this was the next best thing!




Orion Starsinger


Orion's thoughts flickered through his head: his vision swam - hazy and surreal even without opening his eyes as the sounds inside his head began to be replaced with voices from the outside world.


Scribbler, Zintiik and Willow: she was there. Safe. That was what mattered - he hadn't failed her completely then - that was good. He knew he couldn't have succeeded, but if anything had happened to her...


'What happened..?'


No answer.




It had been unsettling before: now though, a feeling of dread filled the unicorn - terrified of the emptiness inside his head.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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