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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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@@Windbreaker @ @ (and everyone else)


Crimson smirked. "At least I'm the good kinda crazy, as opposed to Orion and Noble." He said, just as Zintik flew off with Orion, causing Crimson to curse. "SHIT!! That's not gonna end up helping us out...but before we worry about that, we have to get outta here first..." said the rather annoyed pirate. Crimson smiled as they exited the temple, jumping into the Waterfall with a slightly hysterical laugh. After a few moments of letting his body cool down in the water, Crimson finally broke to the surface and climbed onto the shore, still smiling like a maniac. "Hahahaha!! That was fun! Let's do that again!! Hehehe...hehe...he-THUD" Crimson fell unconscious and hit the floor before he could finish laughing, the black, flame-like aura on his body receding.


((I don't know if I mentioned this before, but Crimson faints after using either Voidstar or Ragestar.))

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Scribbler paused for a moment as he watched Kingfisher and Redwave plummet to the water pool below the falls. His eyes widened, as they hit the water. "What in the name of..?" He trotted over to the pool and peered in, trying to see if they were still alive. Had they been pushed? Or were they just reckless enough to try something suicidal like this? He wasn't sure either way, but he knew he couldn't go up now, others may be coming down. The suddenly another splash, as Crimson lept from the edge. "What the?? What is going on up there?? Are they insane?" He backed up as Crimson climbed out, laughing and sputtering water all about, then promptly blacked out at his hooves. Scribbler sighed "Ok, well.. that pretty well answers that question." He had no idea what was happening, but Scribbler couldn't go looking for Mirror now, and this worried him. He was once again in the position of defense for Willow, Orion and Zintiik. His party was mostly unconscious, and outnumbered greatly by the others. At this point, his only option was to stick with Willow, and pray that Mirror made it out safely.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler

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Midnight Sky


Midnight watched as Redwave, Kingfisher, and then even Crimson jumped down into the pool at the base of the waterfall and sighed. "Sunshine, stay close to me. And you, Sunshine said your name is Mirror right? If you want the quick and easy way down I can teleport you down with us, but I won't force you. I should have recovered enough energy to teleport three ponies by now." Midnight said to the pony he had had Sunshine stall in the tunnels. While he wasn't exactly friends with this mare, and even though Orion and the changeling had flown off for some reason or another, Midnight could recognize that this Mirror was not a bad pony. After all, she and Sunshine had both shown up without any injuries, and his sister seemed to have befriended Mirror to some degree, at least in her eyes. Besides, Midnight did agree with his sister in that there didn't seem to be any reason for the two groups to oppose each other, especially now that Orion seemed to have lost the Litany's power, and getting to know the members of Orion's group could be a valuable olive branch for achieving some semblance of peace. 'At least no pony will ever say my time in Equestria was boring.' Midnight thought to himself while he waited for a response from Mirror.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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"What are you going to-" Mirror didn't have time to finish asking her question before the changeling enacted his plan. His escape wasn't what she had been expecting. She stood still as she watched him race past the guard and grab Orion before jumping off of the the platform outside. It seemed that she would be left alone with the group for now. The only pony she could trust was Sunshine...and possibly her brother. The rest of them had still attacked Orion, which hinted that they weren't to be trusted. Even more so if they truly believed they were doing right. Mirror resumed her trot towards the entrance. Mirror could feel her magic was returning. She thought about altering her appearance but she might need all of her magic to escape later. It was regrettable but she'd have to keep the cloak and mask on for now. Hopefully, the bandits wouldn't harm them for now.




Mirror had reached the entrance. She had seen three of Sunshine's group jump into the water below. Not exactly something that Mirror had wanted to do. She looked over at the stairs, but they looked dangerously slick now that the waterfall had resumed flowing. She briefly wondered what had happened to the water at its source when it hadn't flowed. Had the water overflowed? Did it freeze like the waterfall had? Or had something altogether different happened? Mirror shook her head, now wasn't the time to be thinking of pointless things. 


@@Icy Void


If the armor wasn't a good enough indicator than the fact that Sunshine was next to him affirmed her belief that this was her brother. "Yes, that would be nice." 

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Aegis Dare



Aegis stopped in his tracks. They were missing somepony. Quickly running through a mental list of everypony that was present, he discerned that it was Aphrodite who was missing. 'Can't leave her in there alone... Well, when I was a young colt, I always did want to be the hero.'


"Aphrodite's still in there! I'm goin' back!" He yelled, sprinting back down the tunnel.


'Need to go faster... I'm not losing anypony now!' He spread his wings open, almost becoming a white blur in the darkness. He scanned through the tunnels looking for her when he realized something. These sections were being held up by magic. 'Next time I see that Unicorn from Orion's group, I'll have to thank him.'


He found Aphrodite by sheer luck, and grabbed her hoof. "Yo. Come on, missy. We're outta here!"

  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Midnight Sky


Midnight nodded at Mirror's response. "All right then, here goes nothing." Midnight said as he charged up the spell. The magical energy flowed into his horn and in a flash of purple light Midnight, Sunshine and Mirror all winked into existence at the edge of the pool at the base of the waterfall. Midnight stumbled slightly a moment later but managed to catch himself, he still hadn't recovered from the draining effect of the Litany and using a teleportation spell on three ponies at once had really taken it's toll on his magic reserves. "Well then, I won't be trying that again for a while." Midnight said with a grin. At this point he was too tired to worry about being friendly towards a pony he barely knew. Right now what mattered was that every pony was more or less okay.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Coughing weakly, Zintiik manages to bring his gaze up to Willow and smile slightly.  Scribbler's healing spell had helped with his wounds, but it hadn't made the changeling any less weak than he had been.  "I...  Tried."  Before he can say more his head thumps back to the ground, the bug finally slipping into unconsciousness after that last burst of energy.







Pavisa was left at the top of the falls, still fuming slightly that the changeling had managed to grab Orion off of her back.  Kingfisher, Redwave, and Crimson had all gone over the falls, while Midnight had teleported himself and a couple others down.  Pavisa let her gaze linger on the wet stone steps for a moment before turning her gaze back to the collapsing temple.  Aegis and Aphrodite haven't come back yet...  


The guard was left hesitating at the entrance.  She didn't want to leave without the others, but if she were to run back in and get lost it would only make the matters worse.  Not to mention possibly killing her.  She takes a few steps back into the temple anyways, calling out down the hallway.  "Hey!  Come on, this way!"  She may not have been able to do much to help the situation, but at least she could try and make sure they found the exit...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Icy Void,







Scribbler jumped, as three ponies popped into existence next to him. He rolled sideways, landing in a defensive position until he realized who it was. "Mirror!! You're safe, thank Celestia, I was worried you had gotten lost in that dreadful place." He ran to her and hugged her tightly, then let her go before going on. "I was just about to go looking until ponies started jumping from the tunnel up there.. What's going on? Is my spell breaking up? It should be holding longer than that.. Although I suppose that aura could have taken more out of it than I'd thought." He gazed up towards the tunnel for a moment, then back to Mirror, smiling. He was genuinely more than pleased to see her back with the group.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Icy Void,  (Anyone else who is nearby. I'm not sure who is though.)


Scribbler had caught her off guard. Mirror hadn't expected to receive such a warm welcome. She could feel herself blushing, not that anyone could see it beneath her mask. She released her hug when Scribbler released his. Clearing her throat she spoke to him. "I don't know why they were doing that...your spell was still holding the temple up when Sunshine's brother teleported us down here." She said as she walked to stand next to him. She stood closer enough to whisper into his ear, low enough that only he could hear it. "I can get us away from them...we'll need to wait a little while...unless you know some way to give me enough magical energy....and for what it matters, I'm glad you're safe too." Mirror returned his smile.


She turned back to face Sunshine and Midnight. "Thank you for your help. I wasn't looking forward to either of my other options."


Mirror glanced back towards the tree that Willow, Zintiik, and Orion, who still hadn't regained his wings or horn, before looking at Scribbler. "Well at least Willow seems safe...How are they? Will they be alright?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Icy Void,


Scribbler thought for a moment, then turned to the three of their companions under the old oak tree. He spoke softly to Mirror, keeping it between them. "Willow is fine, Orion, I'm not sure.. He seems to be in some form of comatose state, and Zintiik.. well, I think he needs food, but I don't know how to feed a changeling, to be honest. I know they need emotions, but how you'd give them as food, I'm not sure. Scribbler waited until the others weren't looking, then quickly touched the tip of his horn to Mirrors, sending a brief pulse of energy to her to use. He whispered to her "I'll follow your lead. We'll have to carry Orion and Zintiik though, and we might want to inform Willow." He smiled, then waited to see what she'd do, whilst remaining inconspicuous to the others.

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(( OOC: No font or format: I'm on mobile!...sadly. Lazy post! ))


Willow Starsinger


"You did your best, Zintiik." She gently pecked his cheek then sat down at the tree, then realizing that Mirror Image had arrived and is now talking to Scribbler. She frowned and watched Zintiik and Orion for signs of consciousness or.. well, being okay at the least.


She knew that Zintiik may have passed out from not feeding. She knew that he couldn't feed on ponies anymore.. especially not when Willow offered to let him feed on her. She didn't want him to pass out.. well, now wasnt the time to wake him up. But it didn't occur to her what could happen to Zintiik is Orion caught Willow kissing his cheek.

Edited by Shaymin


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(OOC: Posting from phone.)


Mirror nodded to Scribbler. Thankful that he had given her some energy, not as much as she was hoping for but it would do. She thought about her options, it seemed all of the flashy ideas would be too much for her at the moment. Perhaps the simplest plan would be the best. She looked at Sunshine and her brother. "Thank you for your help. Scribbler and I are going to take of our friends. If it wouldn't be too much trouble, some time alone would be nice. I think our little group has a lot to talk about." Mirror smiled at Sunshine before turning around and leading Scribbler over to the others.


When they neared Mirror looked back to make sure they weren't followed before talking to Willow. "Willow we need to get going. We need to get Sintiik and Orion away from them. Scribbler, if you'd be so kind as to take Orion.. I'll carry Zintiik." Mirror said as she began to cast her magic.


She focused for a few moments before casting three spells. The first was relatively simple. It would make the group appear as if they had sat down and were talking. The second would put any pony who walked near into a sleep-like trance, to avoid being found out for now. And the last turned the five of them invisible for a short time. "Let's get going. We don't have much time." She said as she levitated Zintiik onto her back

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Orion Starsinger.


On waking from near-death, most ponies would express relief - or perhaps joy to be alive - but certainly not Orion. Not now - not given the his first sight was of his sister - and the Changeling.


"Touch her..." He winced. "... and I swear that you will live to regret it..."


His friend - Zintiik... They had been through a lot, but no matter the circumstances Orion wasn't going to watch it leech emotion from his sister. Perhaps Zintiik wasn't evil: perhaps it was simply his nature - Orion could understand that...


But it wasn't going to feed from his sister.






Redwave sunk like... well, like a stone. He hadn't anticipated that - nor that his exhaustion might be too much. After far too long beneath the water, Kingfisher broke the surface, dragging the sleeping captain behind her and dumping him on the bank of the pool.


Redwave slept - soaking, scarred and not altogether recovered from his petrification: but for the first time in a long while, sound asleep.


Kingfisher gave a half smile, clambered out of the water and sat heavily a short distance away - rummaging through the mostly ruined contents of her saddlebags - dutifully salvaging anything that might still be of use.

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribbler followed Mirror's lead, getting his magic ready once again. His short rest outside the chamber had helped restore him somewhat from the drain of the tunnels. He cast a brief pulse of healing aura ove Orion, just in case he had suffered internal injury that wasn't visible. Then, using his telekinesis, Scribbler lifted Orion gently into the air, and trotted underneath, to lower the downed unicorn onto his back. He could hear Orion mumbling in response to Willow, having shown affection to the changeling. He spoke softly, so his voice wouldn't travel, as he glanced over to check what the other team was doing "Now is not the time to worry about this, Orion. Willow is safe, and Zintiik is unconscious to begin with. Right now, we're getting out of here before they notice. Are you alright? I had been worried the Litany's power shocked you when it was taken away, hearing you speak is wonderful right now." He began to trot towards Mirror and the others, waiting to see where they wanted to go from here.

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Orion Starsinger.


Orion closed his eyes and held his head in his hooves: time didn't make sense - Zintiik was unconscious? How could he be? Hadn't he just gone to find Willow in the forest... or...


"Where... what...?" He groaned as realisation hit - remembering looking up to see the bandit leader leering over him. "I'm just a little... stunned. Spell backfired or something - guess I can't do everything I could before... Its nothing serious."


The chasm of emptiness in his mind where Legion had made itself at home, that could be a problem - but one that he would have to deal with alone.

Never quite forgotten.

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Midnight Sky


Midnight simply looked on as Mirror walked off with that other pony, apparently named Scribbler. It was obvious that they would take Orion and the others in their group and get away from his own companions, otherwise there would be confusion once Orion woke up. "If it counts for anything, I'll cover for you all with my group! Until we meet again!" Midnight called out in farewell before Mirror and Scribbler were out of hearing range. Once they were with their other companions, Midnight turned and walked over to where he saw Kingfisher going through her saddle bags. "How are you doing after you memory loss? Has any more come back since we got separated in the temple?" Midnight asked as he sat a little ways away from Kingfisher, taking his helmet off for the first time since they arrived at Neighagra Falls. Even though he couldn't claim to be friends with Kingfisher, Midnight did count her as a reliable ally and hoped that she would recover. He also couldn't help but note that Redwave, though alive, still looked considerably worse for wear than any pony in either group. "If you want I could take a look at Red. I might be able to speed up his recovery from being petrified, assuming I have the magical energy to do so that is." Midnight added with another glance at where the captain lay on the ground.



Sunshine Rays


After everything that had happened, Sunshine was glad for some time to relax. Even though Mirror had gone off with her other companions, Sunshine at least got to spend time with her brother. They never seemed to spend time together when there was some mission or journey to go on, so this was a nice change. She just hoped everypony else made it out all right, there was still no sign of the writer or the guard pony, as well as that really hyper happy mare. She wondered if maybe they were still inside the temple, either way she couldn't help  anymore.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@, (OOC Bandit leader? Scribbler is carrying you, and we're back with Willow, Mirror and Zintiik.)





Scribbler watched as the illusion worked around them. He heard Orion respond to his questions weakly, but he was there, and that's what mattered. Scribbler knew he'd come around eventually, but he needed rest, and he wasn't going to get any proper rest until they'd found isolation and safety. He turned to Mirror and Willow, speaking softly. "We need to get moving now, if you're both ready. Lets head into the woods, we can find a safe place to rest for a while. We all need time to recharge and heal, and we won't be able to that with these bandits on our trail." He began wandering slowly off into the woods, and stopped to wait for the others, looking back over his shoulder. He'd begin moving again once they followed, but he didn't want to get ahead and lose them. "perhaps the changeling can do with a bit of food, but I think it might be either I or Mirror who have to sacrifice that for his survival. Willow is dangerous to him, with Orion's eye on him." Scribbler sighed heavily, knowing full well how nasty a changeling could be. "Only for this one.. I never thought I'd have to sacrifice so much in a single day. This adventure could yet be the death of me." He glanced as the other two readied themselves. "I wonder what Mirror hides under her scars.. What stories does she keep hidden away.. Such a shame she must hide under those masks and robes, she's not a bad looking mare.. Perhaps in time I will come to learn more of her." He smiled with the thought for a moment, looking into the undergrowth and leaves.

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Aegis Dare



"We're nearly there. We can make it!" Aegis said, pushing himself as hard as he could to make it out in time. But he was going too fast, and lost his hold on Aphrodite. He did a quick 180 degree turn, and sped back for her. He didn't want to lose anypony now. Not when they'd come so far. Time slowed as he reached out to Aphrodite and the rumbling grew louder. Aphrodite's fate was now in the hands of chance.


((OOC: Got tired of waiting.))

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Pulling out the ruined letters, Kingfisher swore under her breath as she squinted at the cascade of inky smears running down the page: the 'backup spell' - already cast by a unicorn and inscribed to paper for an earth pony like her to use - was now useless. Admittedly, they weren't in a dire situation - the danger had passed, for now - but it would have been a lot nicer than having to trek back to Canterlot by hoof.


@@Icy Void,


"No, thanks. I've had enough of magic for one lifetime." She said with a wry smile. "He'll be fine - looks like we're walking back to Canterlot though..."




Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,




"Lets get somewhere... safe. I have a letter that I need to write."


Not wanting to be a burden, he rolled onto his own hooves - being hit be a wave of wooziness but otherwise mostly fine.


"We... I... have to make amends." He said, before mentally adding '... and put that unicorn in the ground.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Surprised by Orion's sudden strength, he lowered to let him down. Feeling better out from under the weight, and now that Orion was back up, he smiled. "My thoughts exactly, once the others are ready, we'll be moving on into the woods to find somewhere safe to camp out. Unless you have a better plan for where we should go.. It's good to see you up and with us again, Orion. I was quite worried, my friend. I wasn't sure what was going to happen in those tunnels. When you went down, I was caught without direction.. I did fulfill a certain promise though." He glanced over to Willow, then back to Orion. "I sacrificed going back for anypony else, just to see her out safely. I.. I thought you had died." His eyes were glazed, clearly with emotion, but he held it in well. So much had taken place, the stress began to flood in from all of it at once. He hadn't taken time to think about it all until now.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,





With a small groan, Zintiik's eyes flutter partway open.  The weakened changeling is quiet for a moment as he tries to analyze the situation.  What...  What happened?  I'm being carried...  I remember passing out...  Somepony must have shown some kind of affection to me, and my body reacted to keep me alive...


He tries to raise his head, glancing around and trying to figure things out.  He saw he was with his friends - that was good, at least.  "Wh...  Where are we?"  He tries to think back and remember what had happened.  I remember Splinterhoof, but then...  Is that where I passed out?  Then why am I hurt?  It was no use - the changeling's traumatized mind had put up a mental block around what had happened to him in the temple while he was unconscious.  


"Hey, are we out of Splinterhoof yet?  We...  Still need to get the Litany, right?"  Right around then Zintiik began to notice the changes in the group - namely the fact that Willow now had wings, and Orion didn't.  "Wait...  How long was I knocked out!?"  The changeling tries stubbornly to stand up, though he seems to still have difficulty getting his body to cooperate.






@@Icy Void,


It takes Pavisa some time to make her way down the slippery stone steps leading up to the Falls, but she manages to make it down to join the others eventually.  She had wanted to wait for Aegis and Aphrodite, but going back into the ruins would have only resulted in her getting lost as well.  The pegasus was faster than she was, she had to hope that he could get them both back out of there.


With a disgruntled sigh she moves over to sit near the others, turning her gaze back to look up at the temple.  She sits there quietly for a moment before a small revelation hits her, causing her to curse under her breath.  "Damn...  My armour is still in there."  With a loud, annoyed sigh she lays on her back to rest until they are ready to move on. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,


"That... can't have been easy. Thank you - I won't forget this." Orion nodded grimly - his weakness had almost cost them everything. If it hadn't been for Midnight Scribbler he might have lost so much more than the Litany - a much more cherished one than Legion.


"I might not always show it: but she really is everything to me." He said, dropping his voice so as not to be overheard as Zintiik awoke - he still hadn't decided his he was going to deal with the changeling yet. "I'm not the brother she needs - this isn't the life she needs - but I'm going to change that. In the meantime, I'm glad to have someone to help pick up the pieces when I fail. Thank you."


They might have failed because of Orion's weakness but thanks to his friends, they had a second chance - and he had a good idea of where to begin rebuilding his strength...








Kingfisher thought back on her ordeal - indeed, this was one she could call her own. Not to diminish the roles of everyone else - but in so much that between her and Redwave: the sailor and the captain... she was the one that had continued when he failed.


Pride - it was a pleasant feeling. It managed to overrule the disappointment of their ultimate failure a little at any rate.


Her memories were all there now: some still feeling disconnected and distant but all surely her own: old and new, even those that she had worked to hard to repress. She didn't mind - she had pride... purpose... and even friends


"Hey..." She called quietly as Pavisa cursed - a slight smile playing on her face despite their situation as she waded into the shallows of the pool, reaching into the water and throwing a golden-hued guardspony hemet to the shore.


"Sorry, that's all I had time to grab."





Okay folks, lets start wrapping this up!


The timeskip to chapter two will be the amount of time it takes for our groups to get back to civilisation, so this will end with them setting off back to the city. (Or leaving)


Never quite forgotten.

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Aegis Dare

@, @, @@Icy Void, @,


He made it in time. Aegis grabbed Aphrodite and pulled her out just before rocks came down on top of her. He sped back towards the exit, this time keeping a tight grip on Aphrodite. Blessing their good fortune, he flew out of the cave with a huge cloud of dust and debris behind him.


He rejoined the others with a tired but triumphant expression on his face, and a relatively unharmed but unconscious Aphrodite. "I...knew I...could...do it..." He managed to say before collapsing on the ground, fast asleep. As determined as Aegis was, even he had his limits.


((OOC: Sorry if I'm godmodding for Aphrodite.))

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Scribbler placed a hoof firmly on Orion's shoulder. "She is your blood, and weather or not you get along, you need each other. You are wise to cherish her as you do.. She's a strong and wonderful mare, and you should be proud of her, even though she has her faults. Remember when I mentioned friendship being the strongest magic?" Scribbler chuckled "This is the very moment when I am truly reminded of how important that lesson is. Look at how we grow, you and I. And the others, I'm certain will soon bloom in their own rites. Each of us have our own uniqueness, and we can work together to overcome what lies ahead. The most important things are trust and compassion. Both are vulnerabilities and strengths at the same time, without them, you risk greater weakness in being alone." He smiled, and hugged Orion. "Let's go find somewhere to sleep.. I'm exhausted from all this adventuring."

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Blast Eclipse

Once the group departed, Blast and Eclipse were the only ones left. They made their way out of the Falls and into the Equestrian sunset. Eclipse put an arm around Blast.

"I gotta hand it to you, kid; you did okay back there. Everypony did. I just wish I could've found my past in that Litany." Eclipse said, lowering his head.

Blast simply gave him a smile. "The important thing is that you're alive, and you can continue your search for it. In the meantime, you should rest.

Eclipse smiled back at Blast. "You should, too. I doubt that this is our last escapade." Eclipse walked to the edge of the falls and was about to jump down to the ground. He then looked back at Blast before jumping. "Take care, Blast." He then jumped down to the ground and made his way back to Canterlot.

With that, Blast made his way back down to the ground as well, but he didn't go back home. He simply lied down on the fresh green grass and looked up at the sunset. He then gave a small sigh and shut his eyes.

"After an adventure like this, I deserve this time to myself..." He said, drifting off into a deep sleep.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

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