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open Beyond these Walls: An adventure through Equestria. (Applications open!)

The Elusive Cinder

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Slamming her leg back down into the armour, Pavisa glances at Eclipse before stepping over to where Blake suddenly appeared.  "What's going on?"


She glances from Kingfisher to Blake curiously, trying to make sense of the situation..  He's the one that rode on the timber wolf, I think...  I don't know if I ever caught his name though...  


"Just sit down for a minute, drink a bit of water...  What happened?  You kinda disappeared on us for a while there."








Zintiik smiles a little at Willow's response and shakes his head.  "You already repaid me Willow, far more than you ever needed to...  You saved me when this place tried to break me.  I wouldn't have made it through that by myself...  I don't think any changeling was meant to survive that onslaught.  That flood of emotions...  Grief, hate, betrayal...  There were a lot of things going on that I didn't know how to deal with.  You helped me through that."


He turns to smile at her again, trying to focus on not letting himself transform.  There had been other emotions knocked loose in his mind by the temple as well, but Zintiik was still too embarrassed to bring those up.

Edited by Lhee











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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"Well, you can be obnoxious at times. I let it pass, though. Why would you care what I think of you?" Aphrodite asked, puzzled. 




Willow Starsinger


"A-are you sure? Are you positive there's nothing else you want right now? Maybe I can get you something as quickly as these new wings formed.." Willow said, opening and folding her wings. She continued out of the temple, where Orion and his group seemed to be.  


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Scribbler smiled warmly at Orion, the feeling of his trust being strengthened. He knew this was the only way, the one thing the others couldn't see. "In all my years of practicing magic, the strongest of all can be found in the power of friendship, as sappy as it may sound." He chuckled "Nothing is more powerful than that.. Princess Twilight is the most powerful magic user of our time, but only through the combined power of her companions can she reach her full potential. She defeated the god of chaos no less, but only because she was able to unite the elements.. I have no idea what this Litany does, but I don't believe it can compare to the combined might of true allies." He fell silent, thinking a moment. "I hope Mirror is alright, and Willow and Zintiik... The Changeling is an odd one to befriend, I'd never expected to be communicating peacefully with one in all my life. He isn't like what the stories tell at all." Scribbler fell silent again for a moment, then hearing something faintly, he perked his ears in the direction he heard them coming from. "Speaking of which, I think I hear somepony ahead somewhere.. I think it might be Willow's voice."

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"No sure idea, honestly. I do have a theory." Blake took a sip from the flask. He grinned slightly. "I got into the chamber, and there was a blue light. I don't recall an origin. I think that the designs on the walls, like everything else here, was enchanted. I... I was hallucinating, but those shadows. I..... Made peace with my past, that's why it wasn't worse." Blake paused, I know it's important. "Why would there be a trap in that chamber if it wasn't important."

Edited by Blake Diamante
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Noble Persona

@, @, @,


His mind flashed back...


He knelt there at the graves of his parents, tears freely flowing down his face. His brothers, Sable Raven and Pierrot le Fou, stood behind him, paying their respects and trying to comfort one another.


"Brother? Are you alright?" Sable asked.


"Yeah...Everything's fine..." Noble replied. He didn't want to tell them the truth. That he was responsible, that he'd erased their memories so they wouldn't be upset, so they'd still have somepony they could trust. All at the age of 15...


"We should find the one responsible for this, and enact righteous vengeance upon them!" Pierrot shouted.




"Then we'd be no different from them. Mother and Father would still be dead, and we'd have blood on our hooves. We'll carry on, like we always have. Grandfather has never turned us away before, and right now, he's our only option."


He snapped back to the present when the pulse got stronger. He pulled his mask out of his saddlebags, and glanced back at Willow and Zintiik. "Your brother may not recognize me without this mask, since he hasn't seen my face yet. With pirates attacking left and right, the safety of my soon-to-be companions was my top priority." He slipped the mask on and prepared to speak in his dramatic tones again. 'This temple will be the death of me... Stay out of my mind!'


Aegis Dare



"If nothing else, it's a clue. But right now, none of us are in any condition to go chasing this lead. Give us a bit of time to recover and patch up." Aegis put a hoof on the pony's shoulder and flashed a smile. "You did good, mate. Real good."


((OOC: Let me know if Pierrot's lines are hard to read.))

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Zintiik glances at Noble Persona as he speaks up before giving a small nod, turning his gaze back to Willow.  He spares a glance to Kricket as well, but the little dragon seemed to have redirected its hostility towards Noble instead of at him...  Which Zintiik was perfectly fine with.


"I uhm...  I guess...  There may be one thing..."  He slows his pace a little, trying to let Noble get a little further ahead of them before smiling at Willow a little nervously.  Are you really going to go through with this, Bugbrain?


He takes a nervous breath before speaking quietly.  He didn't want Noble Persona to overhear him.  "Willow, I...  I think I might...  I think I'm in love with you.  I don't expect you to feel the same, I just...  I just wanted a chance to tell you that."  He turns his gaze away, the changeling blushing brightly.  This time it was obviously a blush and not his coat trying to change colour.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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@, @@,



Blast & Eclipse

"Well, I guess it's because, ummm..." Blast hesitated drastically. "Maybe it's because... I kinda like you. You're kind of pretty." Just then, Blast heard a loud noise coming from his right. He saw Pavisa and Blake over there. Both Blast and Eclipse ran over to see what was wrong. They the heard something about the shadow creatures they encountered earlier.

"You've gotta be kidding me. Those things are back??" Eclipse asked in disbelief.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"Wait, don't fight them. It's okay, they're not bad." Blake said looking at one. "Look at them, there's one for each one of you, that points to something." He sighed. "Just wait, let them do what the have to do. We each have darkness, only when we expose that darkness to light, where all can see, does it truly vanish."

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Willow Starsinger


Willow was extremely taken aback by this news. "Zintiik, I don't know what to say.. I.." Willow looked at the ground. "I might like you too." Willow smiled, shuffling her hooves on the floor sheepishly. There was a silence while they were walking along. Willow looked at Zintiik again and laid her head on the changeling's neck. She had her doubts when he had first seen her, as Tactic Wind, just trying to feed off of ponies. 






Aphrodite didn't seem to have any reaction. She was surprised by it, but she didn't know yet. She didn't think that Blast would like her. The corners of her mouth was twitching into a small smile, then trotted away to leave him alone.


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It hadn't been the answer the changeling had been expecting - he was prepared for a rebuttal and to trying to pull himself back together.  He hadn't been prepared in the least for Willow to say she liked him too, or for her to rest her head against his neck.


Zintiik turns his head a little to smile at her, mumbling more in disbelief than as an actual question.  "R-Really?"  This had been one of the feelings that the temple's magic had broken free from Zintiik's mind...  He hadn't been able to realize it during their travels, blaming it on himself feeling sick, but thanks to the aura that had nearly broken him Zintiik was finally able to put his feelings into words...  And she was returning those feelings?


The changeling tried to buzz his wings happily, forgetting that his body had involuntarily turned them into those of a pegasus.  So it resulted in little more than himself throwing out a small cloud of feathers in embarrassment.  Still, he smiled happily as he leaned just a little into her in return.  "I...  I can't tell you how happy I am to hear you say that, Willow..."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @Everypony involved.



"So, basically, what you're saying is that we need to show them the lighter side of things? Or let them do it themselves? Who knows how long that'll take??" Eclipse asked, beginning to pace around. "We really need to get moving again soon!"



"Calm down, Eclipse" Blast said to the unicorn. "The Litany will still be there once we take care of these guys. Let's just get them out of here and we'll continue on our search."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@, @Everypony involved.



"So, basically, what you're saying is that we need to show them the lighter side of things? Or let them do it themselves? Who knows how long that'll take??" Eclipse asked, beginning to pace around. "We really need to get moving again soon!"



"Calm down, Eclipse" Blast said to the unicorn. "The Litany will still be there once we take care of these guys. Let's just get them out of here and we'll continue on our search."

"Don't you get it, they're a manifestation of our fears, and our darkest secrets." Blake said to them as the shadows seemed to stop in place. "We can't get out of here until we all come to terms with our fears. Find the one that seems most like you, and make contact, you have to trust me, it's the only way."

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Sunshine Rays


"Well, not usually. But if I'm with some pony who I don't know I try to get to know them, and the easiest way to do that is to tell them about myself. And normally my brother isn't very far, so I can get help if some pony tries something mean. Neither of us like fighting, but we both learned that sometimes it can't be always avoided during our journey away from Neighland, but we still use fighting as a last resort. Mainly because we were taught hoof to hoof combat by our father, who was a powerful general and is a powerful king, and my brother already has a reputation as the most powerful unicorn from all of Neighland. And seeing as Neighland only got out of a civil war about thirty years ago, combat training is pretty rough." Sunshine replied to Mirror as they turned back, probably to find another way. So far this pony still didn't seem very threatening, and Sunshine was getting the feeling that Mirror really did just stumble into things here. And while she made conversation with Mirror, Sunshine wondered how her brother and the others were doing and if they were all right.

(OOC: busy day. Sorry it took me so long. From Phone.)


Mirror gave the smaller pony a once over, she still didn't look threatening. She thought about questioning her further about the war to see if there were any holes in her story. It seemed like a waste of time when she could be learning about the ragtag group tht tried to hurt Orion and the Litany. "So...why is your group after the Litany? Why do thy oppose Orion?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Still a little dumbfounded at the situation - Kingfisher allowed herself a slightly unnerved chuckle and sunk back down to the ground. This was all getting too much - ponies were starting to crack: she needed to stay sane...


Well, there was a time and a place for everything.


Digging out the brandy from her own pack, she looked at it doubtfully before giving a defeated shrug and unstoppering it - taking a deep drink.


"Sweet Celestia!" The mare choked. "It's like drinking paint-thinner or something!"


Not to be beaten by the drink, she took a more controlled drink - feeling just a little better about the vile taste as her head spun.




Orion Starsinger.


@@Midnight Scribbler,





"It does - hurry, lets catch up to them and then find Mirror and the Litany. I don't know about you, but I've had enough of this enchanted pit..."


As fate would have it, there was no need to hurry - the next corner brought him face to face with the masked pony from before - followed closely by Willow and...


Was Zintiik pressed up against her?


"Willow!" He cried out, ducking past the the first to pull his sister into a surprisingly powerful hug, before pulling away and holding her at hooves length. "Don't do that again! Running off alone like that... Ancients be praised - It's a good thing that we stumbled upon... Sorry, what was your name again?"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Blake sat down too, knowing that they were in no real danger, but still feeling the fatigue he felt before. He sighed and held his head. "I have the money. Why don't I just go into early retirement? Eh, sounds boring." He said with a chuckle. "Maybe I could find a middle? Hmm, maybe just take a rest after each adventure."

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Sunshine Rays


"Hmm, well I don't know much about the specifics, but mine and Midnight's friend Blizzard Blitz filled me in when he came home badly injured. I think the original group was assembled to retrieve the Litany and bring it to the princesses before some unidentified pony who'd already read some of it manages to read it again, which turned out to be Orion. After that several others just kind of tagged along as they got swept up in the conflicts between Orion and our group. And now some of the group have gone more towards the idea that instead of sending the Litany to Canterlot that we should just destroy and be done with the trouble. As for why we oppose Orion, well it sounds to me like we got off on the wrong hoof and things have just gotten worse from there. That pretty much sums it up." Sunshine said, not nervous at all about explaining things that she really hadn't been around for. She just hoped Mirror would realize that she was being honest.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@,@, @@Windbreaker,


Willow Starsinger


Willow gave a hopeful smile to Zintiik before being pulled into a hug by her brother. "Um, it wasn't that bad in there.." Willow tried to explain, but hugged her brother back anyway. "Orion..? What happened to your wings?" Willow asked, glancing down at her own wings in the process. 


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Aegis Dare


Aegis sat back down, watching the shadows out of the corner of his eye. He thought about how he figured out they were everypony's dark sides manifested by the Litany. 'I felt so weak and sick before, then after I embraced my shadow, I felt better. Was it a test? A lesson on the true nature of strength? In a story, there would be no doubt, but reality isn't that black and white.'


Noble Persona

@@, @@@Midnight Scribbler


"I earlier introduced myself as Artorias. But if we are to travel together for some time, then it would be counter-intuitive if I were to hide my true identity." Noble said, his voice toning down from his forceful dramatic tones to the softer, more subdued tones he'd used with Willow and Zintiik. He removed his mask once more. "My name is Noble Persona."


Putting his mask away again, he turned to Willow. "Could I have my sword back? Since your brother and friends are here, you're in no danger, whether I'm armed or not."

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@, @@Windbreaker, @, @,


Scribbler smiled to see Willow and the others return safely to the group. He kept his mind on the newcomer, still not entirely trusting his  intention. His intuition spoke to him of what Orion had mentioned before, but he hid it well behind his calm and collected visage. Glancing to Zintiik and Willow brought a spark of interest though. "Is it possible?" He thought "A changeling feeling positive emotion toward a pony?? If this is true, I've seen everything" "Welcome back Willow, Zintiik." He nodded to the changeling with a smile. Then looked to Noble. "Well, since you are with us now, I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Midnight Scribbler, practitioner of magical arts." He held a hoof out to shake, still wary of the stallion.

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@Anypony concerned.



"Well, if finding these things is the only way we're gonna get anywhere, then we have no more time to waste. We need to find them before the alicorn can get to the Litany." Eclipse began trotting further into the cave. He didn't expect anypony to come with him, but he had to make progress. He was willing to take his chances.



"Eclipse, wait! What about the others... aw man." Blast muttered, giving chase to the unicorn.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Pavisa still wasn't all that sure about what was going on, she hadn't seen a shadow move since the initial attack.  She heard Blake say something about them being tied to their past, which she assumed had something to do with it...  Sheesh, I'm the guard in this party, and it's starting to look like I'm one of the few who's never had to kill anypony.


Instead she moved to sit next to Kingfisher while the others tried to work out the issues with the shadows.  With a friendly grin she nudged the other mare teasingly.  "You may wanna slow down a little...  I didn't even know you drank."





@,@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Windbreaker,@,


Zintiik slipped off to the side of the group as they rejoined the others, still in a small state of disbelief over what Willow had said to him.  He had a small smile on his face, standing quietly as the others made their introductions.  Noble had already referred to him as "Zintiik Changeling", so he figured there really wasn't a whole lot to add to that.


As he stood there watching the others, he noticed when Scribbler seemed to give him a knowing smile.  Ever the suspicious one, Zintiik narrows his eyes a little bit while looking at the unicorn as he introduces himself to Noble.  What was that smile about?  

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Blake leaned back against a wall, he felt a little less exhausted. He leaned into his bag and pulled out his pipe. Lighting it up using his torch, he gave it a few puffs. He looked around. This was a ruin, and he'd explored it. 'Hmm, bland.' He thought. "Maybe I WILL settle down after this. Find a wife, have kids. The family dream." He sighed out.

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"I don't. Or... apparently I do? I was carrying it around anyway, so I guess so."


She had never drunk: but then again she had never carried a sword or gone on adventures... never hated guards, gone looking for ancient treasure or lost her memory by swimming in a waterfall. She had given up on what she knew and was simply taking things at face value.


Resuming her lounging against what seemed to be the base of some unknown statue, she held out the bottle with a friendly smirk. "Drink?"


Orion Starsinger.


"It's this infernal place... It saps magic from the air and..."


Orion glanced towards his back: the area where his wings should be remained bare - though in the presence of the magic-feeding elemental there was a faint blue aura slowly starting to reform. It was only then that he did a double take, eyes wide as his vision snapped back t o his sister.

"Wings! What... Willow...? How... why...?"

She had wings... She had wings! Why did she have wings? How did she have wings?

"Wings!" He somehow managed to shout in a deadpan tone..

Never quite forgotten.

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"I probably shouldn't," Pavisa said with a smirk while already reaching for the bottle. She takes a brief drink and shudders as the liquor goes down her throat, smirking as she hands the bottle back to Kingfisher.


"Red always seemed to have a bottle on hoof...  Maybe you were carrying it for him?"  She's more thinking out loud than actually asking a question at this point.  "I dunno.  Just with the ways you'd look at the bottle I didn't take you for a fan of the stuff."  With a small laugh she nudges Kingfisher again, joining her in lounging against the statue.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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"I probably shouldn't," Pavisa said with a smirk while already reaching for the bottle. She takes a brief drink and shudders as the liquor goes down her throat, smirking as she hands the bottle back to Kingfisher.


"Red always seemed to have a bottle on hoof...  Maybe you were carrying it for him?"  She's more thinking out loud than actually asking a question at this point.  "I dunno.  Just with the ways you'd look at the bottle I didn't take you for a fan of the stuff."  With a small laugh she nudges Kingfisher again, joining her in lounging against the statue.

Blake chuckles. "From the way it went down, I'm surprised that she didn't try to kill it with her sword or something." He looks at his pipe for a long moment. Taking another puff from his pipe, he regards the shadows he could see. He whistled a bit of an old showtune for fun. The adventure they were on was of dire seriousness.

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