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private Equestria Divided - When Harmony is Lost


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 House Moon and Star – Canterlot Square


Snowy Fields weaved in and out of the crowds of nobles and slaves that moved through Canterlot's Square. He was nearing the spot where he was supposed to meet Kinetic. Since their orders had been unclear whether they should be inconspicuous or not, Snowy took it upon himself to request a spell from Mirror. Anypony that looked at him would see an older and far fatter unicorn noble with a sand-colored coat and a light brown mane. His clothes were bright and jovial, but were no longer in fashion. In reality, Snowy wore his Inquisitor's uniform. He kept an eye out for both Kinetic and the heretic.


After a few minutes of searching through the crowds he spotted Kinetic, sitting on a bench....it looked like he had fallen asleep. Snowy suppressed an aggressive sigh. Instead of walking straight to him, he walked around the square for a few more minutes, before finally winding his way to Kinetic's bench. Sitting down next to the Unicorn, he stared straight ahead and spoke up. Loud enough to hopefully wake him but not loud enough to draw attention to either of them. "Wake the buck up, Kinetic. We have work to do."

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Star Rain followed Eternity through the castle, much less tired than she was a few seconds ago.  "So how come we're going to be the ones meeting with Foaledo's mayor?  Wouldn't she take along some pony else who's, oh I don't know, stronger?" she asked.  Well, maybe because we probably won't have to fight any pony.  Then again, the freaking Archmagister isn't above using torture and the like.  Congratulations to me for figuring that out the hard way...




Berry held her head up high at the sound of what she perceived as a compliment.  "Lady Rarity hoof picks every single guard for her inner circle, and I just happen to be one of those ponies!  Though it's not really that special since Lady Sweetie Belle has the highest defense out of all the higher-ups."  


They eventually came to the front desk, where Berry explained the whole situation.  In a short time, Star Belle was put on a stretcher and pushed away.  The praetor pony then rubbed Myopia's back a little.  "Just in case your back was hurting from carrying that mare," she said with a smile.

R66Gz.gifClick this dragon hatchling to help it grow, please!

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle 


"Hmmm... I'm not entirely sure..." He said thinking of why as he continued trough the Sisters' palace. Soon they would reach ground floor. "Perhaps she wishes for us to experience diplomatic missions and such. Get first hoof experience on different things. I am her assistant... I bet this is sort of like training. I bet in the future I'm probably going to be doing many things like this for her. Maybe I will become her Second instead of Trixie... then her successor..." He said pausing with a hint of depression. Normally most of ponies of the house would be saying those sentences with glee being as those would be their goals in life. However, Eternity isn't sure how he feels about that. He isn't sure if he truly wishes to be Twilight Sparkle's right-hoof pony. He isn't even sure if he wants be her second-in-command; the very thought of it worries him. "And well, she will have bodyguards of course. Though I don't think many. Personally she probably doesn't even need them. She is the strongest mage in Equestria. And we both aren't bad mages ourselves. Well, one of us at least." He teased, chuckling  to himself. 

Edited by AnonBrony
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House Earthborn - Cloudsdale Outskirts




Applejack's grin vanished at Rainbow's words. Of course, things were no longer done in such a manner. The Supreme Commander understood; she would not have taken the word of any of the other Houses when it came to a pact of such magnitude. She would have wanted a several page contract, checked and adjusted for all loopholes allowing the other party to deny their obligations, and she would have had it signed in full view of several witnesses. In blood, no less, to show the dedication of both parties. After all, if they could not spill blood for one another in the safest depths of the Bastion, could they prove reliable on the battlefield?


In response, Applejack gave a slight bow "Of course. Ah understand. ah got ahead o' myself," she said "However, if your fancy senate or whatever assents to this, despatch a messenger to New Ponyville and ah'll make sure Ah get it."


She turned to leave, then stopped for a moment. Turning back to Rainbow, she saluted.


"Good luck with that bomber o' yours. Fight with honour, Rainbow." Only then did she set off back to the Fortress of Valour.


"Where to now, Supreme Commander?" asked the pilot as Applejack strode into the main cabin.


"Whitetail Woods, if you please," she said, gazing out of the window at the plains "Let's take some horns."


House Earthborn - Whitetail Woods Camp





A small, swift messenger pony darted through the throng of soldiers. Ponies-at-Arms, Juggernauts and Siege Engineers alike were in the midst of setting up tents while the Supply Corps began the construction of huge gazebos to provide shelter for the cooks and the hungry ponies they served. Somehow, the messenger managed to avoid being crushed by the much larger ponies around him and set eyes on those who he believed to be his quarry.


He looked down at the note he had been given, on which were scrawled the names of those ponies selected for the scouting mission. "Long Stride" and "Poppy Seed" were the next two. Their descriptions had been given as "ragged; middle-aged; brown coat" and "somewhat younger; vengeful; green coat." He couldn't speak for the "vengeful" part in the later's case, but these did appear to be the two ponies in question.


Not hesitating for a moment, the messenger rushed forward, blurting out breathlessly "Long Stride and Poppy Seed?" However, the pair had no time to answer before he continued "The Generals demand your presence for a special assignment that is vital to the success of this mission."

Edited by Archi the Sandworm

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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First Refuge Camp, Near a Lake


Looking at the mare and how she changed her hairstyle Regal blushed. Such a simple way to hid a horn escaped him. -How could I miss such a simple trick- He thought to himself. Regal looked at his mane. Luckily for him he like having long hair, but his hair was almost like silk with a decent amount of volume to it. The only hairstyle he could do that hid his horn was to make it into a mohawk, but it left his neck exposed. He liked having it long, so it could cover his neck. he felt odd whenever he had to cut it short and having his neck exposed. Sighing, he gave in and changed his hair into to a Mohawk.

"I suppose that will work" he said tilting his head off to the side and closing his eyes. He opened them and look around. Grabbing a bit of dirt and dust on the ground, he coated his rapier in it. the dirt and grim of the ground hid most of the symbols on it. Using his talent he changed the color of the trim to a plain gray. His once noble rapier looked like more like a over-sized needle.

"I'll follow you, my liege"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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First Refuge Camp, Near a Lake

@@Snowy Storm,

@@Spell Shock,


"Well then, now that we have that settled," Golden says not bringing attention to how it could be said Regal looks almost ridiculous with his mane as a mohawk as it did allow him to pass himself off as a non-unicorn. He would give on last consideration to both before continuing, "Well then, lets be going then."


The former royal guard then led the to ponies into town, where many ponies could be seen walking or hurrying about,. though the calmness of the refuge hide how even though most of the ponies here were not of the factions they well could hold grudges and hatreds because of them. That and it was likely a few ponies were criminals, traitors, never-do-wells, or ponies just looking for some neutral ground. All in all though, most ponies here would not be looking for trouble, and keep there nose down so the three should be fine.


With such, the pegasus would look to see where they could get supplies and maybe information and says, "I need the two of you to split up, go looking for a shop, but don't get too far so we can keep track of each other."

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First Refuge Camp, Near a Lake

@@Snowy Storm,@@EquestrianScholar,

Spell would simple nod, she would look for the shop as she was asked, but she would keep her silence as much as she could. Invocation of magic was a notoriously boring task, as one could barely talk after casting it and more so while holding the invocated magic inside. Nevertheless, she had to sort this little chore before they could move on.

The style of hair didn’t concerned her much, but It did look a bit funny for her , however she would politely and with good reasons aside that kept the laugh inside.

If she would be so fortunate to find a shop, she would give it a glance and would return to the other 2, still being quite silent and well, she was also checking so her horn is perfectly hidden and safe.

Good thing for her, very little among even unicorns can sense invocated magic until it is let out with a burst, so she was relatively safe going on her business in here. The mana torrent just following her around, ignoring those less fortunate who couldn’t even suspect it existence.

Throught Equestria relics of the past lay forgotten and alone, never truly resting, awaiting recognition

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot Castle


Star Rain gave a small laugh at his last comment.  In mock anger, she asked,"Who's the bad mage here, me or you?  I bet you were really reading comics from the Enchanted Comics section of the library during study hours!"  She laughed throughout the whole thing, but part of her was a bit sad about the reading part.  She still remembered reading books like The Rithmatist all the time aside from the spell books she had to study for school.  That was before she became Twilight's apprentice, before Ginseng died.  It's only been a year, but it feels like a millennia.  Scratch that, it feels like an entire eon.  A feeling of nostalgia was taking over Star Rain and it began to show quite clearly.


(OOC: The Rithmatist is a novel by Brandon Sanderson revolves around a boy named Joel and his fascination with Rithmatics, a magic system that uses geometric shapes and patterns to combat two-dimensional creatures known as Chalkings.  This may give you some ideas for House Moon and Star!)

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Smiling slightly as the mare seemed to raise her chin up at the compliment of being one of Lady Rarity's chosen elite guards, Myopia didn't say anything for a little while, allowing the explanation and removal of Ms Star Belle from his back to go off without a hitch. Not a moment to soon either, since while he would never say it to her face, Star Belle was kind of heavy for a mare. Shaking his body a little in order to loosen himself up a bit, Myopia was completely surprised when Berry placed her hoof on his back and gave it something of a rub. While it was hard to see from a distance, Myopia had little doubt that the guard pony felt his shiver at the contact... it was kind of cold, but not unwelcome.


Turning to look at the mare, Myopia tilted his hat to her as he spoke softly to avoid bothering anyone else "Thank you for that. If you want stay here and keep an eye on her condition, I'll head back and tell Lady Sweetie Belle that Star Belle got here safely. My schedule is already screwed up by this and the best way to get it back on track would be to drop target practice anyway so it's really not a issue for me."

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House Moon and Star - Canterlot


Eternity smiled and started to laugh a little at her joke about him goofing off. Quickly though hes silenced himself and put on a stern look along with  created a long ruler out of magic. He then proceed to whack the floor beneath Star's hooves, as if he were a strict private school teacher whacking a students desk. "That's one demerit young mare! You should respect your teacher. Two more demerits out of you, and I will be forced to fail you and report your incompetence back to Twilight!" After a moment of keeping the strict look on he began to smile and burst out laugh. "Like I would ever do that. Be glad I'm not that kind of teacher hahaha."


Soon the two of them reached outside the castle and were now on their way down to the city. "You know Star, I've been hearing rumors of us wishing to annex Foaledo. Have you heard that as well? I wonder if that's truly why we are going to Foaledo. To discuss about annexing them... I wonder what happens if they refuse..." It better not be what I think would happen.

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