Techite Sparkle 354 November 11, 2013 Share November 11, 2013 (edited) I MUST... EXPRESS MYSELF..... MOREEEE IF I WAS FLUTTERSHY. The following would take place upon witnessing the new google updates ^__^ Edited November 11, 2013 by Techite Sparkle 2 In life when you are given gratitude. Be accepting and thankful of it. Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
7PonyFaith 4 November 11, 2013 Share November 11, 2013 I agree, they should of left youtube alone... but no, they had to combine youtube with google plus. I don't even know where my inbox is anymore. 2 This is my temporary signature until I find how to upload a signature. -7PonyFaith Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 Anyone heard a song by a pretty girl called Emma Blackbery about Google+? I found it on YouTube and thought it would be relevant to this topic since Google ruined our site and called it integration and she was writing this song to vent our frustration 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 (edited) critikal explains why youtube comment system is the worst I really hope 25% of youtube users migrate to another website. It is the only option that will work. Edited November 12, 2013 by chaotic567 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PurpleBaconEater 37 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 K. Fuck Google+. I posted on here earlier on, but I'm realizing what's really happening with all these changes to YouTube. Since Google+ has all of 12 users outside of YouTube, they're forcing people on YouTube to join it, since it was such a failure. I don't care about Google+. No one uses it, so Google is trying to go all totalitarian on YouTube users to make Google+ not such a joke. Fuck you, Google. Changing my search engine ASAP. actually, google plus is very popular outside of YT. its something around the 6th top SNS. theyre still behind myspace, though. I AM A GENUINE, CERTIFIED, PONIFIED, FULL OF PRIDE, PONYVILLE BRONY HE WAS A ONE EYED, ONE HORNED, FLYING PURPLE PEOPLE EATER SHE WAS A TWO EYED, NO HORNED, WALKING PURPLE BACON EATER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Diamond 549 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 How long did this take you to actually figure it out? Everyone hated it since the beginning. I, for one, hate it more than /mlp/'s treatment on noobs. 1 ATTENTION!! I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 Boycotting is a last ditch defense... I don't want to do it, but I don't think that things are gonna get better. Tell anyone to migrate to other won't care if huge amounts of people are using youtube still. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CT-1138 3,182 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 (edited) In the recent months, I've found myself on YouTube less and less. I only go on it now rarely to find a response vid (but those type of vids are disappearing fast, too. It's become difficult to find any pony quote vids anymore). I've instead turned to [pain in the] iTunes. Spending 99¢ on a song I'll probably end up listening to 100x in YT anyway makes the money worth it Also, anybody find this hilarious: using YouTube to rant about YouTube. XD Edited November 12, 2013 by Dinos4Ever 2 Love is a most potent magic My FiMFiction | My DA | My Facebook Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paianis 489 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 Migrating to another video site IS possible, just look at the Myspace-->Facebook transition. The issue is that many of the big channels make their living on YouTube, and supporting multiple sites or switching over entirely is a very time-consuming or expensive process. But, let's say the entire brony music and video scene switches to Dailymotion. That surely would be a pretty good start. I've decided that I'm going to 'lead the pack' in a sense, as I will be deleting my YouTube account in seven weeks time. I'll likely get some hate from it, but IMO nothing ventured nothing gained. If Google's business model requires them to do what they have done to the YouTube comments, then I have no interest in them whatsoever. 1 Vimeo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 (edited) Migrating to another video site IS possible, just look at the Myspace-->Facebook transition. The issue is that many of the big channels make their living on YouTube, and supporting multiple sites or switching over entirely is a very time-consuming or expensive process. But, let's say the entire brony music and video scene switches to Dailymotion. That surely would be a pretty good start. I've decided that I'm going to 'lead the pack' in a sense, as I will be deleting my YouTube account in seven weeks time. I'll likely get some hate from it, but IMO nothing ventured nothing gained. If Google's business model requires them to do what they have done to the YouTube comments, then I have no interest in them whatsoever Tell anyone you know to start moving another website,I gotten 33 to migrate so far, it's not much but it will do for now. MAKE US PROUD! Something weird happen where i had the old comment system, but goddamn the best moment through youtube's entire history for me I went back. It was back to the ugly comment system Edited November 12, 2013 by chaotic567 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sig Hoovestrong 838 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 An other video expressing dislike to google+ We hear you dude, and hope google will eventually care abut there youtube user base. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 which one do you prefer has a youtube replacement website. how many users are on youtube anyway? here is the link to the poll. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HoopHoof 137 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 It's good to some extent (like not having to make multiple accounts for crap like the Play store or Youtube) but it's totally crap. I barley use it to talk to people because I don't know ANYBODY who uses it. I stick to Tumblr, it's sexy 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sig Hoovestrong 838 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 which one do you prefer has a youtube replacement website. how many users are on youtube anyway? here is the link to the poll. Hard say never used any one of them, i need know more... I need to learn, i need see. i need hear, and i need to smell. Well maby don't need smell it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 (edited) Hard say never used any one of them, i need know more... I need to learn, i need see. i need hear, and i need to smell. Well maby don't need smell it. The pros and cons of both vimeo and daily motion. wenoo is like the olden days of youtube with the star system and all that. thats about it Edited November 12, 2013 by chaotic567 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Feather Spiral 1,892 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 I think it comes down to the person using the computer and If they're doing everything correctly. As I said earlier I can't explain the reason some users are finding it so hard to get notifications when mine arrive on my Youtube homepage. I'm sure there's just as many users that are fine with the new update as those who hate it. Setting up a google+ account that you'll never have to visit again (I've never had to visit mine since setting it up however many months ago) really isn't that hard.I find it hard to believe that ALL who are having problems are doing it incorrectly. If there's so many who dislike it and so few who say they don't mind, that means something is wrong and the changes bother EVERYONE except a handful.And even if it's 50-50 as you guess, it doesn't change the fact that they should NOT do this to HALF of their entire userbase. Plus, they still infer it's possible to Reply and rate comments, which is a lie because you can't do it to those made before the change, which make up about... oh, I don't know, nearly all of them? And whatever, then, is the point of showing TOP comments first by default if you can't even react to them? actually, google plus is very popular outside of YT. its something around the 6th top SNS. theyre still behind myspace, though.One of the videos (or a comment) mentions that the number of Google+ members withOUT YouTube account could be counted on the fingers of one hand (well, okay, two hands).But either way, it's still hugely useless, because Google stole something that was, for once, actually popular and well-known BEFORE they did it. Worse, they forced everyone to enter it to keep other Google-related accounts. Google docs, sure. Google maps, cool. Gmail, why the hell not. YouTube, great. But Google social network, made COMPULSORY to keep any and all of the above? Go to hell, nobody wants you. I take writing commissions. "Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017 "That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deadprofile 1,122 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 Somehow, I ended up with Three different youtube accounts because of my names....I don't want to use my real name so I tried using my pony name, and it ended up creating a new account, and then my real name got its own account and lastly my old youtube name got a new account as well, but that's the account I use and have my video's on. My real name account is actually connected to my gmail, whereas my old youtube name has a new gmail account....I for the most part ignore Google+ but what's it's doing to youtube is just retarded and overall bad business practice when give NO ONE what they want. 1 "In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clover Heart 978 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 (edited) Yeah, G+ should've just slunk away with its tail between its legs like any other horribly failed creation. Nobody likes it, so Google should stop trying to make it a thing. Problems I've had: WTF is up with the font changes? Seriously, it's freaking awful. I don't mean to say we shouldn't be able to bold/italicize/underline/whatever words, but did they have to make them from characters which already have their own usage? To italicize in a place where one is unable to (or where it's inconvenient like certain messaging services,) I put dashes around it. I know that everyone kinda has their own way of doing this, but that's mine. And I've seen other people do it, too. So imagine how surprised I was when the word I was trying to emphasize was STRUCK THROUGH. How. Annoying. It's not just that. When you put things between asterisks, it's universally accepted in the English-speaking part of the internet (which makes up the greatest portion of the internet) that it's an action being made by the typist and has been forever so since the internet boom in the late 90s, early 00s. So what do they do? Make your words bold. Yeah. That makes sense. Just try to change one of the biggest unwritten rules of the internet ever. It's freaking obnoxious! I don't like that when you try to look at someone's reply to someone, it opens up the video in another tab. The same one that you're ALREADY WATCHING. Why is this necessary? Did someone actually think this was a good idea? Just have it show the comment like it always was. I really don't like the sharing of comments to G+ thing. It just amasses all of your stuff and to me, it just kinda leaves people vulnerable. It's not like anyone uses G+ as an -actual- social media site. However, if someone wants to stalk or troll your shit, they have an all-access pass to everything you've done. And even if people don't go that far... You remember that one comment you made? That one. Y'know? The one where you got in a huge argument and just wanted to forget the whole thing? Now it's forever on your page. Unless you wanna delete your comments like a sissy. Or if you don't enable sharing to begin with, which doesn't allow people to reply to or rate your comments. Wow. Sooooo social. This is a weird thing to comment on, I know, but I really like my accounts to be compartmentalized. I want to have all the A stuff in box A, all the B stuff in box B and so on. And I want people to be able to reply to my comments and be able to rate them. But I just don't wanna have them on G+, because the way my brain works, that stuff doesn't belong there. It actually irritates me. Why should I have to choose? Why can't I just comment and have these options. Because Google are a bunch of whores, that's why. And I'm not saying that people shouldn't have the option to share if that's what they wanna do. I'm just saying that we should have the option not to. Also, what's with getting rid of the character limit? As someone who tends to type a ton (as you can tell from this post, I'm sure,) I've always felt really limited by the 500 character limit, but I realize why it was there. To keep wall-o-spam and ASCII posts out of it all. To make the site cleaner and easier to use. To be able to browse comments without having to weed through the attention seekers posting copious amounts of text. That's all out the window now, though. Good job with that, Google. Really making some brilliant improvements. As for the other stuff, it's bugged me in varying degrees, but not as much as the above items. I'm neither here nor there on the actual having or being made to have a G+ account. Google just automatically gave m G+ accounts for all my Google accounts, and I've just never used them. I've always been meh about that. I don't need it, but I don't use it anyway. It's crap that everything's being made to be routed through G+, but it's existence alone isn't any deal for me. Yeah, I have no idea what they were thinking. Well, actually, they were probably thinking about money. One thing I'm sure they weren't thinking about, however, is user interface. Unfortunately, we're basically stuck with it, regardless of the fact that everyone hates the current state of things. It's not like there's anyplace else to go for all our cat-in-the-box and comedy sketch needs. That's probably what's the most frustrating about it. If you don't like a company's bread, you buy another company's bread. If you don't like your insurance policy, you switch insurance providers. But there's no other site as big and fast with as many varied users as YouTube is. You can't just switch the company because there's no reasonably comparable company to switch to. So basically, Google just gets to do whatever they want. It doesn't matter if we don't like it and think it's horrible because everybody's going to continue to use it. They basically have the monopoly on video streaming in western countries, save, maybe, Blip, which doesn't have nearly as much content. There's no good way to voice our disdain for these changes that will send a direct message to the company, like changing the bread you buy. The only other alternative would be to stop using YouTube altogether, but nobody's gonna actually do that. Our culture is now too entrenched in its usage. So we're stuck with it, and unless you wanna just go without videos, there's nothing we can really do about it. It sucks. Edited November 12, 2013 by Clover Heart 2 You're the most basic of jokes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pomfritter 165 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 Google has a lot of control over the Internet. What they want will eventually happen, no matter how painful it will be. That's why YouTube has gotten progressively worse but has increased in use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 Can I have my old Youtube account back? and my old Youtube Username? I don't want anything to do with G+ I don't want my real name used on Youtube,that's what usernames are for. and No I don't want to create a new page,just to have a new name. Google fucked up Youtube, hard. I can't even find where my Youtube messages go anymore. Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paianis 489 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 You can have the old username back, its just buried in the account settings. Just remember to click the cross in the top right hand corner everytime you get the stupid G+ dialogue. Vimeo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 google does not care if you hate it or not if huge amounts of people are using it stillSo... tell the many users to migrate to other websites and tell others to do the same. simple as thatIt's a slow process but it's worth a shotsadly, i only got 42 people to do this(pathetic) it ain't rocket science 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Limey 524 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 The thing I think I find stupidest about this is that Google seriously believes that getting rid of Anonymity (they've been crusading for this for a long time) will make people act nice. Bullshit. Just take a look at Facebook, to a certain extent the comments there are WORSE than Youtube. I love being anonymous on the internet. I love being able to post and express love for things I'd feel embarrassed about doing if everyone knew. I wouldn't be a Brony if it wasn't for anonymity. Yes, anonymity can bring out the worst in some people. But it can bring out the best in others. Respect people's choice and leave them the fuck alone Google. It's bad enough we have celebrities who are calling for an end to internet anonymity, just because their sheltered, spoilt children don't know how to use the fucking block button. 1 "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaotic567 60 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 (edited) I know you have to have a google+ account to even make a comment, why do i need google+ on a entirely different website to comment? This is a problem if your google plus account doesn't exist. youtube would not stop asking me to use my real name.If you say no, they will ask again later, they assume you will think "i wanna use my real name". youtube made alot of changes through the years that are bad but not the worst of worst. The google changes are not always bad like the transition of the star system to the ratio bar and their was a feature they added not long ago that if you click on a video their was a drop down menu above the video that you can click on and bring videos from the same channel.That was a neat feature to navigate the channel, but they removed that feature of the site.remember video replies?-------------------------------------------------------------\ people shouldn't be forced to sign up for something that they don't want, it isn't even related to the site that they are trying to use. I know youtube is trying to merge youtube with google+ but it should be like an option not a requirement.they really need to do something about youtube, not just the comments and google+ but the whole site. goddamn it's a mess Edited November 12, 2013 by chaotic567 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NomDeSpite 452 November 12, 2013 Share November 12, 2013 I actually had to create a new Youtube account in 2011. The Google-ization of Youtube had become so advanced by this point that I couldn't even figure out how to log into my original account that I made in 2006. Every attempted I made failed so I had to make a new account. And now I can't post comments on Youtube videos unless I use Google Plus. The worst thing of all is that my college email address no longer uses my real name but my Youtube screenname instead. It's so unprofessional and embarrassing. BAH! I think the best solution to the problem is to just stop using Youtube for a while. Focus on offline hobbies and interests instead. Go outside, run around, exercise, hang out with friends and family IRL, etc. You don't really need youtube (or facebook, or instagram, etc.) as much as you think. We got along pretty well without them, pre-2005 and all. I remember life well in those times. Eventually Google/Youtube will realize their mistakes and go back to how things were before. Businesses tend to do that when losing popularity. 1 On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said: This is the internet, not reality. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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