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open The Royal Equestrian Institution for the Sick and Disturbed


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David nodded. "What exactly do you need? A blast of magic? Holy water? Some hard cider? Cause I got some of all of that. Especially the cider. I love cider." "Stay focused!" "Ok, geeze!" He looked at Storm again. "Sorry, I talk when I'm nervous. What should I do? I can blast it if? I think I can even maintain the barrier and fight at the same time, if not though, Poe will take over. I will warn you he's a bit more sporadic then I am, but he is immensely strong, and good at fighting." He turned back to watch out the barrier as Golden grabs one of his vials and some amulet he got somewhere and rushes the demon. "Better think fast miss. If there's anything I should do, tell me now!"

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@Dave Pryo

"GAH! UH, POE I CHOOSE YOU!" She said, panicking. (Fun Fact: I have a Haunter named Poe on Soul Silver)

"Sorry, pressure makes me panic. If you can deliver a final blast of pure magic at it's core, it will most likey be defeated.. If not..I don't necessarily want to think about that right now."

Edited by WeskerandLoki
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David nodded. He closed his eyes. "You hear that Poe, you get a chance to strech your legs. I'm in mid spell right now. Barrier level 10. Think you can make a flawless switch?" "Sure! No probs! When ever you're ready!" David nodded. He kept his eyes closed and he started to shudder for a moment. When the shuddering stopped, he opened his eyes. They weren't the same blue eyes though, they had turned blood red and had a maniacal look to them. He turned and winked at storm. "Don't worry, David was running low on magic..." in another flash of blue flames, David/Poe shifted again, this time though, he didn't turn in to a different pony, his body just turned black as night, his mane the color of sapphires, and his horn grew sharper, and his magic switched from green to blue. "But I'm all charged up! Now, let's finish this." Poe's voice was deeper then Davids was, and had a bit of a growling rumble to it. He dropped the shield for only a moment as he hopped out, immediately putting it back up. He then turned to face the demon.

Poe leveled his head and aimed his horn right at the demon's back, right where Chain had stabbed his sword. "RRRRRRRAAAAAAAA!" He bellowed. He then let loose a huge stream of magic. The giant beam of magic flew though the air and hit right on target, scorching and destroying anything it touched for about a foot around it, covering the demon's entire back in it's deadly aura.



Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@Dave Pyro

Storm was amazed by the tranformation.

Hiding behind the sheild, she watched, her adrenaline pumping. The magic collided with the holy water, creating a pure and powerful blast.

As the magic hit, the blast wave knocked her to her feet.

Such a powerful magic should have defeated the monster.

"Is...Is everyone okay? Poe? Chain Mail? Golden?" She called out, the dust settling.

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@, @@WeskerandLoki

As the blast of magic connected with the deamon's back Golden flew first up and then down before pushing the vial of holy water and the necklace down the maw of the monster until his hoof disappeared within as he says, "I'm sorry father, but it must be done." The magical blast was strong enough that it threw him back and onto the floor. Sliding across the ground his back slammed against a nearby wall causing a grant of pain to escape.

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Poe was standing there, panting. He turned around, his eyes still had a frenzied look in them. He started to laugh, a deep grutal laugh which was quickly cut short when he started arguing with David, though to anypony not in the know, he seemed to be arguing with himself. "No, I don't want to switch back! I just started having FUN!" "NO! The demon is gone. We switch back now, that was the deal. You don't want me to provide you with another migraine do you?"  "I'd rather you didn't. Fine! Have it your way. Next time though, I may not be so rational." Poe closed his eyes and he quickly shifted back to look like David, white coat, green mane and all. When he opened his eyes, they were back to their normal blue color. He slumped to the floor for a moment before getting up looking back at Storm Lilly. "Hey, you alright Storm? @@WeskerandLoki  After checking on her, he hobbeled over to Chain Mail @@GameytheGeemer . He hoisted him over his back and carried him over to one of the undamaged hospital beds where he lay him down. He turned to the new stallion then to check on him. "Hey, you alright? Or should I move you to a bed?"


Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@WeskerandLoki, @,

It took a moment but eventually Golden moved and as he slowly stood yet unsteady before saying softly, "I... I should be fine. Is everyone else okay, where is Dr. Brindle? We should report this to him, also lets make sure all the patients are okay." The stallion was finally able to stand fully and stop shaking but he was sore all over and he admitted to himself that perhaps what he did wasn't the best of ideas. Yet he remember the necklace and moved slowly to where the deamon had been saying, "Where it it! I hope I didn't break it, dad trusted me with it." He started looking around, not seeing it yet.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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During the chaos, Vokun had remained rooted in place. The battle had not concerned him, therefore there was no reason for him to interfere. The Wraith watched as they destroyed the demon, still stoic. Such powerful magic would not kill him, but it would keep him down for a long time. Vokun snorted as he found that they did have a weapon to keep him in check. He had been so used to his regeneration being all mighty that the thought of being overpowered was frightening

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Ooc: Dammit! I go to bed and all hell breaks loose! Damn you, GMT time zone!


Jay had cowered behind the shield like everypony else when the monster had appeared. When it was destroyed, she cautiously walked out. Jinx had awoken, and spoke with Jay's mouth.


"That's one ugly looking critter. Let's set it on fire!"


"No, Jinx!" Jay answered. "If we do that, it'll set the whole building on fire, and ponies could get hurt."


Jinx sulked, rolling her eyes... or, rather, rolling Jay's left eye, while the right one stayed normal. "You're no fun."



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@@Pripyat Pony,

(I know, I had to go to sleep after 1 final action and they killed the demon without me.)@@EquestrianScholar, @, @@WeskerandLoki,

Although, Chain Mail couldn't answer.  He was passed out, and bleeding. He was also a good deal older (by 5 years) so he was now a lot bigger in all regards than he had been before.

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((Sliver has her own problems))


 She  smiled, and walked to her room. The firey Stallion that she saw is her dream, Knonius, came up to her.  She bared her teeth and tried to juump at him.

"You really believe I'M gonna join you" She asked, for a young filly, she was very brave.

Knonius laughed, the next moment he became a demonic dragon. Sliver Tiara smiled, she smiled there was a dager on the ground nearby, she quickkly got it and slashed him  on the wing. Then she whent straight for his weak spot.While she tried, the dragon scratched her in the eye, and tried to finish her. But she found it, and stabed, he turned into ash. She grined and  limped the rest of the way, hoping no pony saw her.

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Ooc: Dammit! I go to bed and all hell breaks loose! Damn you, GMT time zone!


Jay had cowered behind the shield like everypony else when the monster had appeared. When it was destroyed, she cautiously walked out. Jinx had awoken, and spoke with Jay's mouth.


"That's one ugly looking critter. Let's set it on fire!"


"No, Jinx!" Jay answered. "If we do that, it'll set the whole building on fire, and ponies could get hurt."


Jinx sulked, rolling her eyes... or, rather, rolling Jay's left eye, while the right one stayed normal. "You're no fun."

David turned around at the sound of Jay arguing with herself. "Ah, Jinx I presume? It is interesting to be able to hear you and Jay using the same mouth. Myself and Poe don't do that. Did I explain Poe? He's another personality of mine. He is a bit more...chaotic...He likes fighting more then I so we sometimes switch in battle, and I'm getting off topic. If I may inquire, how did you, Jay, end up with Jinx?"

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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Vokun circled Jynx and David carefully, analyzing if they were a threat. The Wraith sniffed them briefly, checking if they had any blood on them. If they did, perhaps he could have an excuse to hide in his room. Truth be told, the only reason the Wraith was up and about was because he felt that it would make him fit in and thus, be less noticable

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, Jay replied before Jinx could. "Well," she said, shyly, "I was always bullied in school. Mainly cuz I just didn't fit in; there weren't many other unicorns at the school I went to. This group of pegasi always picked on me, especially after they found out that I was scared of heights. They pushed me off the top of the climbing frame one day..."


Jinx picked up the thread, matter of factedly, "And that's where I came in. Jay hit her head, you see, and I appeared. I saw right away what the problem was, and it was this gang of pegasus louts who were picking on Jay. Even after she'd been knocked out, they were still laughing, so I used my magic to send them flying thru a fence. They didn't laugh after that!"



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@, Jay replied before Jinx could. "Well," she said, shyly, "I was always bullied in school. Mainly cuz I just didn't fit in; there weren't many other unicorns at the school I went to. This group of pegasi always picked on me, especially after they found out that I was scared of heights. They pushed me off the top of the climbing frame one day..."


Jinx picked up the thread, matter of factedly, "And that's where I came in. Jay hit her head, you see, and I appeared. I saw right away what the problem was, and it was this gang of pegasus louts who were picking on Jay. Even after she'd been knocked out, they were still laughing, so I used my magic to send them flying thru a fence. They didn't laugh after that!"

"You're just as bad as the ones who killed my family" Vokun said, speaking in modern Equestrian for once. Jay even looked like the one who had burnt down his house. Vokun snarled, knowing that the killer of his family was long dead, but still, the likeness was striking

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, Jay shivered and cringed away, but Jinx was not afraid. Taking control she snarled at Vokun, speaking thru Jay's mouth.


"I don't kill, so how can I be as bad as killers? I never said that the pegasi were dead. They were alive, but too hurt to ever bother Jay again. I'm here to protect her, and I'd hardly be a good protector if I landed her in prison, would I?"



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@, Jay shivered and cringed away, but Jinx was not afraid. Taking control she snarled at Vokun, speaking thru Jay's mouth.


"I don't kill, so how can I be as bad as killers? I never said that the pegasi were dead. They were alive, but too hurt to ever bother Jay again. I'm here to protect her, and I'd hardly be a good protector if I landed her in prison, would I?"

"You take joy in others pain" Vokun rasped, his voice complaining at the new tongue. "That makes you just as bad" Vokun said with finality before snorting at Jinx. "Sjek wux loreata, si ornla ti doege" Vokun snarled, at the split pony. Vokun had decided to drop Equestrian tongue as it was hurting his throat

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Pripyat Pony, @, @

"What is going on over here," Golden says necklace in hoof though it looked to be a need of a good need of cleaning as he gave a serious look to both Jay and Vokun. He had head a fair chuck on the conversation, at least the last bit and he could sense tension from the one who was now not speaking Equestrian and he says, "I do not believe you can afford conflict here, we have already fought a deamon I don't want to see any problems between you. Everypony has problems they must work though and I feel accusations of killers and causing pain should not be said."


He turns to each in turn before saying softly, "The Institution is supposed to be a place ponies can feel safe, I... will speak to Dr. Brindle on what has happened if he can be found but I need to know what happened. How did a deamon get here?" The stallion was nervous, wondering how something like this could happen and he didn't want to worry about patients possibly fighting each other.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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@, Jinx simply rolled her eye again. Whenever she and Jay had equal control over Jay's body, Jinx usually controlled the left side of the face and Jay the right.


"I can see you don't really understand, so there's not really any point in explaining. But do go on, tell me how you think I feel and act, seeing as you know so much better than myself. I don't take pleasure in other's pain, but it's strange how you think that it's bad that I attacked a group of bullies... and not bad that they pushed an innocent filly like Jay off the top of a climbing frame. Real nice morals you got there."

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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David looked at Golden. "I'm sorry, I can't help you there. All I know is Storm passed out for a moment or so, then she came to only to have goo dripping from her eyes and mouth with all kinds of tentacles coming out of her and some nasty sharp teeth. That's all I know."


Edited by Dave Pyro

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@, Jinx simply rolled her eye again. Whenever she and Jay had equal control over Jay's body, Jinx usually controlled the left side of the face and Jay the right.


"I can see you don't really understand, so there's not really any point in explaining. But do go on, tell me how you think I feel and act, seeing as you know so much better than myself. I don't take pleasure in other's pain, but it's strange how you think that it's bad that I attacked a group of bullies... and not bad that they pushed an innocent filly like Jay off the top of a climbing frame. Real nice morals you got there."

"Tir ti offens ve, wux vucot ehis di sia loerchik!" Vokun snarled, rage building in him. Perhaps it was unreasonable, but the one who had killed his family looked exactly like Jinx. Even down to the scent, they were identical. It was rare for members of the Nightmare Moon cult to have children, but not unheard of. That could explain things. Well then, the sins of the father are passed onto the son, or daughter in this case. "Wux re xihuuli, sjek coi jahen ti ihk sia geth, si ornla svent wux" Vokun said with finality before walking off.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, However, in this case, Vokun was completely wrong. Jay's mother and father had never belonged to any cult. It was just an unfortunate coincidence, which Jay was very upset about. Tears flowed from her right eye, but not the left; Jinx was comforting Jay.


"Don't be sad, honey; I'll always be here to protect you. Shame some ponies can't get their facts right before they go attacking others."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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David had been getting ready to intervene when Vokun merely turned and walked away. "Good riddance to-" "Thats enough Poe." David turned to Jay. "Are you going to be alright?" "She's fine, I like Jinx, she's a feisty one." David thanked Luna that no pony could hear Poe at the moment due to the fact that he was only a voice in his head. After rolling his eyes, he turned back to Jay and Jinx and looked at the amulet on her horn. "What was the deal with that amulet again?" He asked, trying to ignore Poe in his head.

Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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@@Pripyat Pony, @, @

The pegasus orderly sighed before turning to Jay and saying, "please do not let him get to you. Your not a bad pony, I am certain of that. I don't fully understand your situation but if you need a pony to talk to I am willing to listen." Golden really did want to help ponies and perhaps he could start with Jay... and Storm, but there was much he did not yet know, as he watched Vokun leave.


With such he turns to David and Jay and asks, "so, is there anything I should know?" The stallion notice the strangeness of the mare only having tears coming from her right eye yet her left eye seemed dry, which was odd to say the least and he adds, "I know that the official report I was given said the two of you have dissociative identity disorder, more then one personality, but I wonder if there is more to it then that."

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David cringed and walked over to Golden, putting a hoof around his shoulder and walked him out of ear shot of every other pony. "Right, uh, you're a soldier type aren't you? I noticed the way you fought, that you seemed more strategic then others. Well, if you are, then you'll understand when I say my history and background is classified. I used to be a recon agent. One of the best in espionage. Now, well, lets say that circumstances left me a bit unhinged. People heard me talking to Poe, one thing led to another, next thing I know, Luna is sending me to a mental institution. I'm not the first soldier to end up here, I know, but I feel I'm probably the sanest here. I hope I am anyways. That might not be completely true, but I like to believe it is..."


Here is my ponysona Lee! An interesting character, by all accounts.

The split minded adventurer David Pocket is here with Poe to keep him company. (Both in need of very heavy editing :/ )


Also, here's my: Johari Window



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