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gaming Imagine this game


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I thought of a idea for a game and i think it would be awesome but it could just be me 


I don't know if there is a game like this but if there is please tell me!!!


A game where it's always online no matter what so you would need internet and it's a browsers game or a download game 


You start by signing in and then you get to make your very own race and you can make them look like anything or having anything (E.g, Claws, horns, wings)


then you get to choose your race and you will then be given a random planet for your race to start on


Now when your race is put on the planet you will have about 5 people and you will need to look around for stuff like metal or wood to make your base and then later in the game you will find more strange things like elements that have just been made up and you will be able to use the stuff you find to build weapons and then stuff like tanks but alien tanks and you can choose what you want the tanks to look like or planes or anything


then when you get the right stuff you will be able to make a spaceship and fly outside your planet to find lots more people playing with there races and you can take over or friend there races and take other resource planets and find more stuff to build more better weapons and amour and there more races you kill or befriend the higher rank you go and everyone will be able to see your rank and you can make clans and conquer your galaxy but there will be lots more galaxy's and you can conquer them as well but you would need a good spaceship to get outside your galaxy 


And thats the game, I think it would be really fun, what about you?

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