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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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White Eclipse

When the foe was down, Eclipse made his way up to him, looking him the eyes.

"We are not just fighters. We are a team." Eclipse said, raising the monster's head slightly from the snowy tundra. "You were a worthy foe, but all of us standing together as a singular unit, it was your match. We don't want to be your enemies. We will save Equestria. I may want to find the truth about myself... but the lives of others come first and foremost. You were a worthy opponent, Litany, very worthy indeed. If the safety of everything is what you seek... we'll secure it for you." Eclipse then turned to the half-conscious Crimson and lifted him with his magic onto his back. "C'mon, guys, we need to catch up with the others."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

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With the dying breath of the first Litany of magic, all that had been contained within was expelled in one singular outward nova of magical energy: a pulse echoed outwards with such force that it was felt far beyond the borders of southern Equestria - the collective might of histories greatest heroes released into nothingness. It's seal broken, the boundary that it had held in place for so long was left unbarred and unguarded.


This would have been chaotic enough - if not for what it triggered.


The rift from which the outsiders had phased into the Equestrian realm may have been closed, but it still existed - as did the many hundreds which had been forming across the land since the damaging of the Litany by Noble Persona. The seal keeping them closed combined with the sudden imbalance of magical energy caught these - pulling at their seams as the veil between worlds strained under the pressure.


The lights in Canterlot flickered with a thousand impossible colours as buildings were shook by their very foundations - the cities inhabitants panicked by this unprecedented natural disaster. The tear across the sky shone brightly - a fantastic purple that overwhelmed any sense of light or darkness and cast a surreal glow across the land. All across the city, there was screaming - shouting and mass panic.


This wasnt confined to just the city though.


All across Equestria, the countryside went - towns and cities were plunged into chaos as creatures stalked the streets. Shattering sounds rang out from the falling court of the Crystal Kingdom while the great halls of the Saddle Arabian palace were filled with the sudden silence of upcoming battle as the guard assembled.




Amethyst Void.


Amethyst looked towards the pony and back at the Ethereal - not quite sure whether they should explain the implications of what seemed to be happening to the lesser creature. War wasn't good - wars involved getting in front of enemies where it was easy to be killed - and she wasn't particularly find of that idea... but it was likely the only way forward now.


"That's... not great. Especially not for you." She said - not quite as happily as when speaking before. "We might have a slight problem now."




Emerald Gaze and Sol.


Even Emeralds stoic gaze widened as the city shook and the time of day seemed to be set to 'never'. She dropped low to the ground, one hoof reaching uselessly for the hilt under her cloak.


"What in Equestria?" She gasped as the chaos ensued... The 'harmless' lights hanging in the air looking more like windows now: distorted, but with something moving in the distance. "Sol, find the Sons! Stahl..." She faltered: even with more ponies, what was she supposed to do? She didn't even know what was happening!






The sound was deafening and the tunnel shook all around, but whomever had built Half-Moon pass had been an expert in their own right. The crystals illuminating the way faltered - a good number fading completely and the rest turning a sickly purple hue, but the passage held fast.


Kingfisher climbed out from behind the rock she had been to throw up behind with a panicked expression.


"Stop!" She bellowed angrily at the world in general. "Trying! To! Kill! Us!"


Defeated, she hung her head before looking about in panic - 'okay' wouldn't exactly be a good way to describe her companions - Blast in particular - but they all seemed intact at least...

Edited by Cinderscribe
  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Ronin stopped in his tracks as the shockwave hit him and traveled seemingly forever, the sheer power and ancient knowledge that the litany held seemingly manifested in the sky as utter chaos gripped the land. Whatever they had killed hadn't been lying, perhaps they had made a mistake. But there was no going back now, whatever this was, and whatever these ponies he now called allies did or are doing didn't matter. What mattered was what was happening before him now. "Alright... Let's get back to the others." He said calmly, waiting for eclipse to lead. He doubted he could find the others on his own, and he wasn't about to abandon them yet. "But when we get to them I'd like to know what's going on... It sounds like you guys did something I should know about." He stated evenly

Edited by ~chaotic sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Sky


Everything happened so quickly Midnight was barely able to keep track of it all. First there was the explosion as the Litany's barrier broke and disappeared along with all traces of the Litany. And while Midnight was glad to see his friends were more or less alive, Amethyst's response to what had happened troubled him. "Well coming from you, that means something. I know you may think it might be a waste to try and explain everything to me, but nonetheless I'd like to know what exactly is going on that would worry an entity such as yourself." Midnight asked Amethyst. Midnight didn't have the faintest idea what was going on exactly, but from what his horn could pick up Midnight got the feeling that Equestria and maybe even some of the surrounding lands had just been thrown into a panic. He could tell with the sudden spike in chaos energy, though he could also tell that little or no chaos magic was at work. Whatever that explosion had released was a major threat not just to Equestria, but very likely it seemed to be a threat for all pony kind and their neighbors. And seeing as this all has to do with the Litany, even a country as far away as Neighland could be in danger, and even though Midnight ran away, he is still a prince of Neighland and as such it is his duty to protect his homeland as well as the place he called home, that being Equestria.


Sunshine Rays


Sunshine nodded at Pavisa's suggestion and approached the masked pony. "Hi, um, we haven't really met but since I'm not feeling sick I was wondering if you could think of anything for me to do to help?" Sunshine asked Icarus, hopeful that he would have something for her to do. While she was worried about that shaking earlier, taking care of her friends came first. Whatever it was could surely wait until everypony was feeling better.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@,@@Geek0zoid, @, @ Anyone else


"I have a spell to reduce nausea, yes. But I do not know if it will, help, since you all have rotting food in you at the moment, and it was made for mild food poisoning, but it is worth a try, just come over to me. I need to make direct physical contact to you with my horn" He shouted. He had no idea if it would help, but it was worth a shot. 

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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White Eclipse

The middle-aged unicorn took the lead of the group, carrying Crimson on his back. This was the first time in years that he felt like he accomplished something. He pretty much took down an invincible force with the help of his... friends. He couldn't believe that they actually did it.

"Alright, guys. Let's get out of here before something else happens..."

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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"By the sisters!?"  It felt like Canterlot was coming down around them!  His horn glowing with a golden aura as he turns to stare warily at the lights around them, the quite sound of steel being drawn accompanies the guard's blades levitating out of their sheathes.  With his gaze lingering on the lights which seemed far more ominous than they had before, a quiet thud can be heard as he shrugs the kite shield off of his back.  "I think negotiations will have to wait - what the hay was that!?"  





Pavisa had been trying to push herself back upright when the ground started to shake.  However, the sound and moving of the earth barely even registered to the ex-guard.  What was registering to her was what sounded like some kind of scream.  It wasn't an actual sound; more like she was imagining it.  The mare's eyes roll back into her head before she falls to the ground, seemingly passing out...


Failure.  The sense of it was overwhelming.  Where was she?  She couldn't see...  But she could sense the judgement, the fact that somehow she had failed at something.  Wait, was that a voice..?  She couldn't understand what it was saying...  But maybe if she listened harder...


Pain!  Pain and failure!  Rage, betrayal, but over everything else failure!  The warden...  What would happen to the charge without the warden?  Why was she having these thoughts?  No, they weren't hers!  Were they?  No, of course not...  But they felt like hers...  What was happening?  Where was she?  And...  What was this blinding pain forming in her head..?


Pavisa abruptly jerks back upright, her eyelids fluttering open though her eyes are still rolled back in her head.  She wasn't exactly lucid at the moment.  Tilting her head back the mare cries out as though she were in pain, her horn beginning to glow with a bright light.  Magical sparks start to fly from her horn, gouging marks into the walls near her.  Abruptly the display of magic stops as suddenly as it had started, the mare's body seeming to shut down as a kind of defense mechanism.  With a small thud she falls to her side limply, thankfully by sheer luck falling to the ground where she HADN'T just vomited.











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Orion Starsinger.

@@Midnight Scribbler


Something was wrong... some sense of failure was eating away at him from the inside - from those empty spaces in his mind. Was it Willow? Certainly he hadn't failed her her, had he? No... It was something else. something...


As the shockwave hit, he planted his hooves firmly in the ground. Absolution filling his body: it was the Litany - it could only be the Litany... something had happened to it, something terrible...


There wasn't much time - He motioned towards the cliffs - to the narrow opening.


"Inside! Quickly! By the ancients, I'm not letting this be the end!"

If something had happened... if the book was vulnerable... he had to take it while it was unguarded. Even without the voices and their guidance - without Legion - it would still be enough. Terribly dangerous and maybe even impossible, but he couldn't rest until he had sated his need or died trying. He could heal Willow: slay Noble and banish those that would harm them! Everything would be as it should be: everything would be perfect!

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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As ronin trudged his way through the snow and ice with his new allies, he couldn't help but get bored as they travelled. He saw no sign of the others, and his blood was still rushing and filled with adrenalin from the earlier battle. He couldn't help but wish there were more enemies to fight, but he kept that urge down as he walked; letting the cold chill of the snow cool his hot blood.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Amethyst Void.

@@Tricksters Pride,

@@Icy Void,

"Huh? Oh, nothing much... there was this thing that happened a while back."


She could have just told him straight out what had happened: even just seeing what she had, it was obvious. Still, she avoided mentioning the destruction of the Wyvern's, the sealing of the realms or the death toll that had built up last time this had happened... what, twenty thousand or so years ago, would it be?

"Huh. Well, since you ponies age I'll give you the short version. You broke... pretty much everything." Amethyst explained. "And possibly might have brought the realm where glorious, higher beings dwell... thats me, by the way... into your own world of filthy leeches."

The last part was said in a tone which was for the first time absent of any kind of laughter.


"And as magnificent and illustrious as I am, there are much, much larger creatures that will have felt that tear... not as spectacular or witty - but dangerous all the same."

Never quite forgotten.

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@ @@Geek0zoid


Crimson eyes widened as he heard Amethyst's words. "Wait...we WHAT!?! Don't lie to us!! We were just defending ourselves and our friends! We did nothing wrong..." he then glared at her deeply. "And we're not leeches! You pompous, self-centered, eyesore!" he said, smoke rising from his nostrils as he growled at her, his eyes glowing red like coals.

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@,@, @,  @Icy Void,@Tricksters Pride,


White Eclipse

The mare was cocky and rude, kind of like Blast, but more annoying. Still, despite the way she put things, she seemed to know her stuff. He didn't stop, but he turned his head to the mare.

"Are you saying that because of our actions, another world of bigger, more powerful beings are beginning to roam ours?" Eclipse asked in great surprise. "What more do you know about it? Don't hold any knowledge back. If these things are going to kill Equestria's ponies, we need to know all we can about them to stop them."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Midnight Sky


Midnight sighed at Crimson's reaction to what Amethyst had said. "Calm down Crimson, I can vouch for something terrible going on. Due to my time spent studying chaos magic I can sens the panic that has spread through all of Equestria and beyond. And I'll also have to ask that you refrain from insulting the first superior magic entity that didn't try to kill us all on sight, Amethyst has done nothing to harm us and I get the feeling she isn't too keen on having other beings like herself pouring into this world." Midnight said, intervening before Amethyst could reply. Knowing the two of them an argument could escalate quickly, and they had bigger problems to deal with. "Now that said, Eclipse has a good point. As you can see we ponies aren't entirely hopeless, you can ask Litany about that, but because we were oblivious to the details we just made things worse. I'd like to know what's going on this time so that we don't end up helping your destructive friends ruin our world. So please tell us more." Midnight asked Amethyst. While this information was valuable, Midnight hoped that they would regroup with the others soon. He didn't like dumping more stress on Fisher's shoulders but this was too big to keep secret.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Midnight Sky


Midnight sighed at Crimson's reaction to what Amethyst had said. "Calm down Crimson, I can vouch for something terrible going on. Due to my time spent studying chaos magic I can sens the panic that has spread through all of Equestria and beyond. And I'll also have to ask that you refrain from insulting the first superior magic entity that didn't try to kill us all on sight, Amethyst has done nothing to harm us and I get the feeling she isn't too keen on having other beings like herself pouring into this world." Midnight said, intervening before Amethyst could reply. Knowing the two of them an argument could escalate quickly, and they had bigger problems to deal with. "Now that said, Eclipse has a good point. As you can see we ponies aren't entirely hopeless, you can ask Litany about that, but because we were oblivious to the details we just made things worse. I'd like to know what's going on this time so that we don't end up helping your destructive friends ruin our world. So please tell us more." Midnight asked Amethyst. While this information was valuable, Midnight hoped that they would regroup with the others soon. He didn't like dumping more stress on Fisher's shoulders but this was too big to keep secret.

(I don't know how ronin and the others are already with amethyst and her posse, but I'll just go with it)


Ronin glared at midnight "so you were willing to leave allies behind so that you could get a magic lesson from this witch?" He asked with deceiving calm. He wasn't upset over him leaving them behind, but the fact that has so readily left his supposed friends behind pissed ronin off to no end.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Midnight Sky


When Midnight heard Ronin's accusation, he was surprised to find just how insulted he felt. It took him a moment to figure out why, but he realized it was because it brought back memories of when he had ran away from Neighland and abandoned his home and family. "First off, leaving without the rest of you was Amethyst's idea, I didn't get much say in the matter. Secondly, we were fighting the Litany of Magic, all of Equestria was at risk so failure was not an option. And with my magic energy nearly depleted I was of little help inside that barrier, and if I had left intending to just abandon you all to die, then I certainly wouldn't have stuck around here!" Midnight said, for once a little bit of his emotion leaking into his tone. If he thought about it Midnight didn't really care what Ronin thought about him, everypony had a right to like or dislike somepony else after all, but even so he couldn't imagine anything that would make him willingly abandon his friends short of his sister's life being at risk and being accused of such really insulted him.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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(Posting this, then going to get some sleep since its 02:30 am)


Amethyst Void.

@@Tricksters Pride,
@@Icy Void,

"Why would I care about what happens here? You've been leeching our essence since your race grew those stupid pointy things... and you don't even have the courtesy to get absorbed when you go: you just die and waste it!"
The energy was brought here and wasted by these creatures - seeking their own destruction and blaming everything else rather than taking responsibility for their actions! She knew this - she was an expert on not taking responsibility... but this was something of a sore point among her kind - especially those old and strong enough to have seen Equestria before.

"Thats right, where do you think your ...pathetic... 'magic' comes from? Arcana - my realm! How would you all like it if we started to drain every last drop of life from your drab little realm?"

She smirked - what was happening was bad for them all - herself included - except for possibly the most powerful of the creatures from Arcana... but there was some small sense of pleasure gleaned from pointing out this pathetic worlds vileness to the ignorant ponies.

"Oh wait! Thats what you just started! Thanks - great job! Well lets see how you like it... It's not like you've gone out of your way to prove me wrong."

Never quite forgotten.

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@@@Icy Void


The second being observed the destruction of the litany with a blank and shocked face for a few moments before frustratedly kicking a small stone off into the distance. *'Dammit!!! Now i'm actually going to have to do something! This was supposed to be entertaining and fun, not life threatening!!!!!'* After a few more moments of quiet seething the other being spoke up in a voice that wasn't carrying any amusement for once and instead had turned dead cold. "... Lets try a more visual example here Ammy." He then effortlessly rips a pair of large boulders into the air from the nearby landscape with a misty black magic, his words turning colder with each additional word he says. "These rocks are the two worlds in question, that thing that you ingrates just destroyed was the balance between yours and ours... This is the consequences of breaking that balance." He then violently crashes the second world int yours and detonates yours for good measure, his previous amusement missing and his face contorting into a grimace. Hes clearly not a fan of the results either. Afterwards with a portion of his previous amusement returning to his expression ans his tone returning to a (Much darkened by his frustration) tone filled with amusement, the other being addresses the new ponies. "Congratulations world killers you've just killed the guardian, feel proud in the fact that you have nearly destroyed your own world. Now taking your previous and completely thoughtless actions into account... Why in the world would we tell you anything? You have doomed your world with your actions already while it was screaming at you that it was a protector, common dam sense tells me not to tell you one bit and find someone who can actually do more good than damage. You've probably racked up a body count right now and almost every one would have been sitting peacefully in their homes talking about what to eat for supper. Give me a good dam reason to tell you more than that you should just go somewhere where you cant do even more damage. Something other than 'I didn't mean to Shadow, i was just trying to impress my mommy!' or 'I was just trying to help, please give me another chance, I was trying to be a good little pony and not slaughter countless innocents!'....... Also be more careful when addressing your betters leach, we didn't just destroy an entire world."








*'... Crap we have to get the contract to the hideout and begin evacuations till this crap blows over..... (sigh) I just had to be playing with nobleponies, paid lairs, and useless guards on the day this kinda thing goes down.'* Mere moments after the chaos started Bolt flies down from a perch positioned behind and above the other two ponies and skips all of the formalities in the face of this chaos, simply approaching Noble and speaking to him and his ponies. (Who had moved over to a more protective formation when the panic started and closed the distance between them and Noble.) "The faster we get to the evac point the faster we can get the regular ponies out of harms way, you can either delay us and complain like a foal while we try to get you and your sister to the evac point like a common noble or we can get to the evac point quickly and start doing something about this madness."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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Ronin glared at him for several more seconds, before closing his eyes with a sigh "well, at least your being honest. But regardless of this wench, never leave your comrades behind. It doesn't matter if you didn't have magic, you still have your body do you not? if they truly are your friends then don't rush away so conveniently when they are in danger." He said, walking past midnight to face the strange pony like female "if your going to cry to us then go somewhere else witch, your of no use to us if your just going to bitch and moan." He said icily, before drawing his sword and pointing it at the newcomer "same goes for you, I don't care what you accuse us of. Don't bitch about what's already been done." He finished

Edited by ~chaotic sole~


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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White Eclipse

White Eclipse had enough of this mare's backsass. Without hesitation, he stormed up to her and looked her in the eye.


"In case you haven't noticed, you're in this world with us, AS one of us. We share the same ground, at least for the time being. You're pretty much stuck with us until one of the following things happen; we stop these things, or die trying. So, are you going to cooperate, or not? Because I won't hesitate to take you down with us.

Eclipse meant every word.

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Tricksters Pride


Crimson growled again, even more smoke rising from his nostrils. He gave a fiery glare at, the other strange being. "Go screw yourself!! We heard what it said, but if you didn't notice, it tried to kill us!! You dumbass! I don't give a shit what that thing said, we aren't the villains here! Were trying to save the world! Damn! Are all of your race this annoying? If so, you really could wipe out Equestria...by annoying us to death!" he said, anger rising.

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Midnight Sky


Midnight was beginning to realize that things were getting worse with every word somepony said, and at this rate they won't even be able to save either world because they'll be too busy fighting each other. "Everypony just calm down! The way I see things, it's already too late to worry about us killing the Litany, what's done is done. And on the other hand, ponies haven't really shown we can handle more advanced arcane knowledge, so entities like Amethyst and the Litany are naturally going to be hesitant to tell us something that could just make things worse! That said, what we should all be focusing on is restoring balance between our worlds and saving as many lives as we can. We can argue about everything else when there isn't a crisis enveloping two worlds. So can we please just focus on the current problem." Midnight said in his "royal prince" voice. Right now Crimson, Ronin, and Eclipse were acting far too hostile towards Amethyst and this Shadow character for them to cooperate, and Amethyst and Shadow were not helping in the slightest so it was clear that Midnight would have to take charge of the situation. Midnight never did understand why other ponies always bicker among themselves right at the time when working together is most important, but he couldn't decide if it was gratifying or disappointing to know that superior magic entities seemed to have the exact same flaw. Whatever the case, ponies were dying all across the world with every word they spent arguing about who's at fault when they should be trying to stop this catastrophe from getting worse.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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@@@@Geek0zoid@@@Icy Void


As the swordspony points his weapon at the second being without considering that the other pony might know a bit about swords them-self, he rapidly smacks the sword out of the ponies grip with a precise and practiced movement from his tailblade. sending it to the ground a few meters away. "Next time i'll take aggression as a genuine challenge and not a misstep in communications." He then casually steps in front of Amethyst to deter any further aggression towards her. "Lets start this off with nice and simple facts.

One: We don't need to help you at all. I know that i would be quite content to watch the two worlds collide and have a front row seat to the carnage, its not even guaranteed that i would die in the collision. You ponies have absolutely no leverage and trying to make us tell you anything is counterproductive to your very lives.

Two: I was not bitching i was stating pure logical facts. You have destroyed your own world. You are leaches... well all of you but the sword loving one. And we have no reason to help in any way other than out of a sense of amusement... And none of you three are even slightly amusing or pleasant and i don't like the blue ones tone so hes not either.

Three: Come up with an actual good reason to have us help you. All your wining is doing is making me want to leave and play with somepony else.

Four: Fact of the matter is you did just destroy the world, that makes it your fault and also makes you the villain. The guardian was perfectly capable of killing you at any moment but its a guardian, its not actually supposed to kill you. So again congratulations, you just killed a being that was trying to make you see sense.

Five: ..... Ever looked in a mirror mister 'I'm not a Villain!', i bet it cant put up with the sheer amount of irony in you."

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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@@Tricksters Pride,


White Eclipse

"Okay, smart ass, let me take you to school for a quick lesson on how things could play out." Eclipse said, walking up to the pony and looking him in the eyes with a stare colder than a snake. "What if your world loses? It's obvious that our race won't stand by while these creatures make mincemeat out of Equestria's inhabitants. If your world loses... you'll have nowhere to go home to. And it's not like the guard will be the only one's fighting. With compromise, we could have our own beasts take yours on. We have dragons, griffons, and more. We have a fair enough match, and if you lose... what then?"


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Shadow looked like he wanted to burst out into laughter. "Yeah right, lets pretend that your world has even the slightest chance of winning. Not a single being would be left alive that could oppose me. I would literally be the single most powerful being, other than Amethyst of course, left alive! Ask me again what i'd do?"

Edited by Tricksters Pride
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@@Tricksters Pride,


White Eclipse

Eclipse grinned at the stallion. "I won't ask you. To be more accurate, I'll answer for you; nothing. If you lost, you'd be stuck here, forever. You'd never be able to return home. We have beings far more powerful than your oblivious mind can think of. If you lose, you better get used to calling this place your home. Now, if you helped us, we could make things right for everyone."


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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