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open A Darker Fate: Beyond these Walls Chapter Two.

The Elusive Cinder

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Icarus turned to look at clockwork, trying hard not to vomit himself. He ran over to the pony and tugged on him a little.


"Come on Clockwork, puke as you run if you have to, but we can not stay exposed out here. The food was rotten, your body is rejecting it as is mine. MOVE" Icarus said to Clockwork as his stomach churned even more.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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After watching the ponies attack the Litany and snickering at the pointless display (ignoring the other ponies as well) the second being turned its amused gaze on its companion, its voice ringing with amusement. "Honestly... Nah. I'd just leave the other three behind as a distraction while i get away if i where you, you only promised to help the one pony. But hey you got us here so i'll hold up my end of the deal and help out for a bit so whatever you want really... Though i think a distraction would do us good at this point, it looks kinda pissed."

ronin narrowed his eyes at the strange being, before scoffing and turning away in annoyance. If there's one thing he hated it's being ignored. But as he saw the others fighting the monster, he couldn't help but feel useless. He was just an earth pony, swordspony or not. There was nothing he could do to harm this much less slow it down. "Dammit..." He mumbled, gripping his blade tighter.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@, @Everypony fighting the Litany


White Eclipse

Eclipse couldn't believe it. He actually made an impact on the Litany, a seemingly immortal being, and it actually seemed like he had a chance against it.

It made him smirk.

But the smirk went away when he saw the other monsters. Thousands of them, and they all wanted a piece of them. It didn't lower the unicorn's spirit, though.

"It doesn't matter how many of you there are. I won't let you have our lives!" Eclipse began firing rapid shots of his magic at the monsters. He wondered if the magic would have similar effects on them as it did on the Litany...


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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The Litany of Magic.


The Wyvern screeched as the flames erupted around it - more out of shock than pain: was it even possible to feel pain often so long? It didn't recall. Even as it did though, the monologue continued in the same commanding tone - detached from the action, as if watching from afar instead of covered in fire.


"We are endless in number - the greatest of guardians from lands near and far united by an oath, a sacred Litany to prevent the end - what hope does a villain such as yourself have? You will not burn our world, daemon!"




Amethyst Void.


@@Tricksters Pride,


"You'd think they'd have figured it out by now, wouldn't you?"


Amethyst practised twisting this new face into an expression of distaste - it was pleasantly flexible actually.


"I wonder why that one keeps shouting things before he does anything?" She remarked, turning towards the other not-pony. "You know... I.. am.. going.. to.. attack.. you..!"


She paused for effect to sink in before triggering a small detonation beneath her companion with a smirk.




"Oh, try not to get hit by that thing..." She added towards the creature clutching a piece of pointy metal nearby. "I'm giving sound, tactical advice, see? While your standing around like you just got dispelled!"




The Wyvern stopped its shriek and instead roared furiously - dispelling the distortion spell and rushing the group with its outline now clearly defined and solid. Claws tore up chunks of the ground beneath it as its claw tore through the air in a terribly wide arc - trailing light as they went. Combined with the scar if red light, it was a sight to behold.




The aspects of the Litany - unflinching - watched as the bolts of magic rained down on them. Some flinched away, but most simply looked on in mild interest. A few even looked as if they were considering the implications of the magic.


The bulk of their existence was sealed within the deadly form of the Wyvern - even as they were dispelled, they reformed after only a few short seconds.

Never quite forgotten.

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The Litany of Magic.

The Wyvern screeched as the flames erupted around it - more out of shock than pain: was it even possible to feel pain often so long? It didn't recall. Even as it did though, the monologue continued in the same commanding tone - detached from the action, as if watching from afar instead of covered in fire."We are endless in number - the greatest of guardians from lands near and far united by an oath, a sacred Litany to prevent the end - what hope does a villain such as yourself have? You will not burn our world, daemon!"

---------------Amethyst Void.@@Tricksters Pride,"You'd think they'd have figured it out by now, wouldn't you?"

Amethyst practised twisting this new face into an expression of distaste - it was pleasantly flexible actually."I wonder why that one keeps shouting things before he does anything?" She remarked, turning towards the other not-pony. "You know... I.. am.. going.. to.. attack.. you..!"

She paused for effect to sink in before triggering a small detonation beneath her companion with a smirk.@,"Oh, try not to get hit by that thing..." She added towards the creature clutching a piece of pointy metal nearby. "I'm giving sound, tactical advice, see? While your standing around like you just got dispelled!"


The Wyvern stopped its shriek and instead roared furiously - dispelling the distortion spell and rushing the group with its outline now clearly defined and solid. Claws tore up chunks of the ground beneath it as its claw tore through the air in a terribly wide arc - trailing light as they went. Combined with the scar if red light, it was a sight to behold.


The aspects of the Litany - unflinching - watched as the bolts of magic rained down on them. Some flinched away, but most simply looked on in mild interest. A few even looked as if they were considering the implications of the magic.

The bulk of their existence was sealed within the deadly form of the Wyvern - even as they were dispelled, they reformed after only a few short seconds.

ronin was about to reply to the strange female as the litany attacked, he grinned as it seemingly solidified and swung at them. "Finally, something to hit!" He said, before slashing at one of the claws as it swung with all his might. He actually took the girls advice, and made sure to not let the creature touch him.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson retreated back a few feet, keeping Helios at the ready, preparing to block a strike from the Litany, growling under his breath as he heard Amethyst's comment. "Ha, Ha, very funny! I do that out of habit! My master kinda made me develop it by accident while training me..." he said, blushing slightly out of embarrassment of his past mistake.

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The other being just deforms shortly before the explosion and laughs, coiling his shadowy shape around the other being before reforming on the other side. "Now, now, you can do so much better Ammy. But yes there are quite a few quirks that this race has that are just dumb and some of them are quite slow... Might we get this idiocy over with though? Watching such an ironic and pointless fight play out is kind of boring."

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As she makes it into the pass Pavisa grunts quietly, leaning against one of the walls and sparing a glance back in the direction they'd come.Those idiots had better make it out alright...  Groaning slightly she pushes off the wall.  The look on her face would suggest she wasn't feeling well, but she'd managed to keep herself from throwing up so far.


"Ugh...  Everypony still in one piece?"  She glances around at everyone still with them, grimacing slightly to see so many of them throwing up.  Great...  "I guess nopony DOESN'T feel like their insides are coming apart?"







As they pass into the dark entrance, Zintiik hesitates for a moment before following Orion.  It was dark, and he wasn't gifted with magical sight...  Considering that he was also walking for Willow, the black passage had him just a little on edge.  "We're...  We're almost there, right?"  He wasn't about to back out - he trusted Orion, after all!  One wrong step in the dark and both he and Willow could tumble over though...  Shaking that thought out of his head, Zintiik lifts up his wings to help hold Willow in place before moving forward again.





@,@@Tricksters Pride,@@Windbreaker


Stahl nods slightly in understanding when Emerald speaks, stepping forward a short ways himself.  "That's correct.  Anypony can choose to arm themselves and call it a militia, but somepony has to be able to teach them how to not cut themselves with a blade they've never held before."  He spares a brief glance at Sol, as though to say 'no offense meant', but quickly turns his gaze back to Artorias.  


"I'm charged with the task of keeping Canterlot and her citizens safe.  The methods may have been forced to change, but that goal hasn't."  The stallion flashes a smile at the new group, still trying to appear at ease.  The last thing he wanted was for the other group to decide to take him out of the picture, after all.  With that said, he was content to let Emerald do most of the talking...  But, if he was supposed to be in the role of this group's leader, he was expected to say something.  Leader?  Where the hay did that come from?  She seems like she knows what she's doing...  I just really hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the flank.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



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Midnight Sky


Midnight had been slightly disappointed when Amethyst went to chat with that other non-pony entity instead of helping however she could, but he at this point he knew that that was just how she is, she just doesn't really care what happens so long as it entertains her. Of course at this point Midnight wasn't much better, he had spent most of his magic energy in his enhanced chaos burst and what it would be wasteful to use it trying to harm the Litany. Now Midnight could do nothing but watch as Eclipse and Crimson fight the Litany, but he did try and watch for any possible weaknesses either in the Litany or the barrier the Litany had trapped them in. Of course, if there was a weakness, it was too well protected for Midnight to detect it with what little power he had in all this madness, the Litany was just too overwhelmingly powerful for their level of power. "You can discuss how idiotic and pathetic us ponies are later, but for now I agree with your friend, Amethyst. This fight is too one sided to be very entertaining, so just end it please." Midnight said to Amethyst, though it felt strange addressing her in the physical world. Even though he wasn't looking forward to having to defend his actions to Crimson later, Midnight figured surviving took priority over what he wanted in this case. And with all this going on, Midnight hoped the others who had gotten away were doing all right.


Sunshine Rays


Sunshine was distraught to see so many of the others getting sick like they were. "Miss Pavisa? I'm not having any stomach problems. But I think that's because I didn't eat anything in the cabin, I haven't eaten since the night in the cave. Is there anything I can do to help everypony?" Sunshine asked. She may be worried about her brother making it back safely, but for now she could focus on helping the ponies who were with her now.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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The Litany of Magic.

@@Icy Void,

The creature was injured - though how much so was impossible to say. It's frustration was clear in its actions as it drew back - eyes flicking left and right at the traitors before once again falling on the pair of interlopers. Of everything, it hadn't anticipated the effect of steel: the creatures of the arcane realm had never used such - relying on magic instead.

"This threat must be extinguished at any cost. So says the Litany. So says the oath."
Rising to its full hight, it stalled as the darkness fell again as the sound of thunder echoed overhead. Purple Electricity crackled overhead as the enchanted lightning began to fill the sky...

Amethyst Void.

It seemed that the creatures weren't going to give up on the false Etherial, and as entertaining as it had been, the energy overhead seemed formidable - enough so that Amethyst sprung into action under the guise of doing as she was asked by Midnight Sky.

"Fine! Just don't say I never do anything for you..." She said in that same voice of mixed emotion. Casting her eyes to her side, she outlined her masterfully crafted plan in a brief enough fashion that even he should understand it.
@@Tricksters Pride,
"You distract it."
@@Icy Void,
It was the perfect plan: let him deal with the danger while she took care of the tremendously important and dangerous duty of escorting the little ponies to safety... and with a bit of luck the creature might just get in a lucky hit, finish off her companion and forget about her... perfect!
Flitting through the air, she appeared behind Midnight Sky first... "This might hurt." ...snatching at him with a hoof before vanishing - dragging him through the arcane realm for less than a second before appearing some distance away, outside of the fog.
"There, saved." She announced proudly to the lone unicorn - disregarding the other three that had been left behind. "You can thank me now if you like."

Never quite forgotten.

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The Litany of Magic.@,@@Geek0zoid,@@Icy Void,@,

The creature was injured - though how much so was impossible to say. It's frustration was clear in its actions as it drew back - eyes flicking left and right at the traitors before once again falling on the pair of interlopers. Of everything, it hadn't anticipated the effect of steel: the creatures of the arcane realm had never used such - relying on magic instead.

"This threat must be extinguished at any cost. So says the Litany. So says the oath."


Rising to its full hight, it stalled as the darkness fell again as the sound of thunder echoed overhead. Purple Electricity crackled overhead as the enchanted lightning began to fill the sky...


---------------Amethyst Void.

It seemed that the creatures weren't going to give up on the false Etherial, and as entertaining as it had been, the energy overhead seemed formidable - enough so that Amethyst sprung into action under the guise of doing as she was asked by Midnight Sky."Fine! Just don't say I never do anything for you..." She said in that same voice of mixed emotion. Casting her eyes to her side, she outlined her masterfully crafted plan in a brief enough fashion that even he should understand it.

 @@Tricksters Pride,

 "You distract it."

 @@Icy Void,


It was the perfect plan: let him deal with the danger while she took care of the tremendously important and dangerous duty of escorting the little ponies to safety... and with a bit of luck the creature might just get in a lucky hit, finish off her companion and forget about her... perfect!


Flitting through the air, she appeared behind Midnight Sky first... "This might hurt." ...snatching at him with a hoof before vanishing - dragging him through the arcane realm for less than a second before appearing some distance away, outside of the fog.

 "There, saved." She announced proudly to the lone unicorn - disregarding the other three that had been left behind. "You can thank me now if you like."

ronin jumped back after his attack and grinned "so, looks like I CAN hurt you." He mumbled, before scoffing as darkness and lightning began to fill the sky "interesting light show. But it won't keep me from chopping ya to pieces." He said, as he jumped forward and slashed at its stomach quickly. He knew he likely couldn't kill this creature on his own, but he'd sure as he'll try.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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@ @@Icy Void


Crimson looked over at Midnight, just in time to see the strange mare that emerged from the gem, grab him and disappear. "MIDNIGHT!! Where the hell did they go!? Dammit!!" He glared at the Litany as it prepared an electrical attack. "Looks like if we want to get out of here and find Midnight, we'll have to kick your ass! It doesn't matter how much you want to kill us, we're not giving up! Hell, I could go all day!!" he yelled, bluffing. He knew full well that his time limit for Ragestar was almost up, but the monster didn't know that. It also didn't know about his immunity to Lightning, all he needed to do, was find a way everyone to escape...but how?

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The other being looks at the litany's dramatic display and then down at the ponies before laughing. "Pfft yeah get right on that, not." So after setting off a series of well positioned detonations in order to scramble the litany's attack without using much power, he then used Amethyst's previous opening to follow her and her passenger to their new location... At a fraction of the cost as the path was already half open for him.


@@@Icy Void,


Appearing nearby Amethyst with laugh he looks at his companion and grins cruelly. "I've got a better idea, lets just let it chase the ponies. Cause i don't feel like wasting my time on a fight that i'm not guaranteed to win... Thanks for leaving the door open though, it made it so easy to follow you."

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@@,@@Icy Void,  @,


White Eclipse

Eclipse only squinted at the Litany's effect. But, it seemed more powerful than before, as if just a few simple shots of his new magic won't do anymore. Perhaps the Litany was too powerful to defeat at the moment. It was a god, if not, almost immortal. There was no permanent way of defeating it. At this point, all Eclipse could do was slow it down.

"We're wasting our time here. We need to leave, now!" With that, Eclipse began making his way out of the area, dodging lighting as fast as he possibly could.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@@Commander Tangent,


She had eaten things that she shouldn't have in the past - even resorted to eating fish at one stage when the food ran low - but there was a reason that she always carried the hard-tack with her... it was hardly fit to be called food - let alone rot. Of course, the time that she had eaten something else it had turned out to be a trap - typical.


What was more - the last of the hard-tack was gone. She had nothing, and felt visibly green.


"Doc, please tell me you've got something that can keep us going..." She muttered as she slowed down to a stop under the soft lights of the crystals. "We cant afford to all be like this... Midnight's sister cant play nursemaid to us all..."


On the bright side, it was dry enough here - there was light, and they were sheltered. That, and no illusion worth it's name would create a place that looked so uninviting from the outside - despite its surprisingly roomy interior. It was clear that they were close to something of great power and that they needed to move onwards - but that could wait a moment while they caught their breath and gave the others a chance to catch up... hopefully.


Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Midnight Sky


Midnight had been totally unprepared for what Amethyst called leaving, but the experience did interest him quite a bit. Midnight could tell that it had not been the kind of teleportation used by unicorns and alicorns, rather they seemed to have actually slipped into another plain of existence for a very brief moment and then they appeared here, outside the Litany's barrier and safe from it's attacks for the time being. "Well then, thank you Amethyst. I would have never gotten out of there without you with my level of magic ability, especially with so much of it depleted thanks to that chaos burst I made, though I do wonder what even happened to all that chaos energy I released. I guess this means we're even now, I released you from that gem and thus allowed you to interact with this world and you in turn saved me from being completely and utterly destroyed, so thanks again. Anyway, since I get the feeling I wouldn't be able to convince you to go and grab the others and I can't do it myself, I guess we should get moving. But may I ask, what are your plans now that you're free from that gem and from the lock box it was in?" Midnight asked. Now that his life wasn't about to be stamped from existence, Midnight was beginning to wonder what ramifications releasing Amethyst could have. After all, the Litany had essentially related her being released to him causing the end of Equestria, though the accuracy of what the Litany said remained untested. And then there was the matter of Amethyst's companion, who from what little interaction Midnight has seen from him, is a completely self centered entity, definitely worse than Amethyst as far as Midnight was concerned. Hopefully neither one of the magic entities would become a problem in the future though, Midnight could think of enough problems that he already had to deal with without adding 'superior magical entities' to the list.


Sig by DarkestStar, Avatar by Midnight Gaze

My OCs Midnight Sky, Sunshine Rays and Blizzard Blitz

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Amethyst Void.


@@Icy Void,

@@Tricksters Pride,


"Trapped...?" The creature asked before seemingly changing its mind and avoiding the question completly. "Huh, well It could be that you were trying to use magic against it. Failing miserably too: is that really all you can do?"


She shook her head in a comically over the top way - it was going to take a while to get used to manuvering a body like this again.


"Was it just me that could hear it? That thing was designed to hunt higher beings like me... and flinging that poor excuse for magic around was just going to make it more powerful. It's probably absorbed the life of the other three by now - hope you weren't too attached to them."


She shrugged - smile still dancing on her mouth.


"Then it will probably go on a rampage and just devour everything. If your luck that is."


Watching the ponies sing and dance when they had hurt it... the few drops of admiration for their tenacity was easily drowned of by the sea of humor at such a thought. If the creature was distracted by the three ponies for long enough, maybe it would just forget she existed? She could always just throw more ponies at it if the worst came to pass...




The Litany of Magic.






The first bolt didn't have a hope of hitting - crashing harmlessly off in the distance... but then the storm started.


Lightning thundered downwards - bolt after bolt, each producing an impact with the ground that it shouldn't have. Craters began to dot the obscured landscape as the shards of ice began to fall once again.


One of the unicorns was retreating: it would have been an acceptable solution were it not afflicted by the corruption... but none of them could survive. If any trace of the outsiders was allowed to survive, they would tear Equestria apart for their own selfish needs.


"Why do you protect the outsiders? Those that would see this world burn? Why do you strike against your own? Against the memories of your ancestors, who even now stand vigil?" It boomed as the sword drew close - aware of the danger this time, the memories of those without magic coming forward as a claw whipped through the air to parry the blade.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Amethyst Void.@@Icy Void,@@Tricksters Pride,"Trapped...?" The creature asked before seemingly changing its mind and avoiding the question completly. "Huh, well It could be that you were trying to use magic against it. Failing miserably too: is that really all you can do?"

She shook her head in a comically over the top way - it was going to take a while to get used to manuvering a body like this again."Was it just me that could hear it? That thing was designed to hunt higher beings like me... and flinging that poor excuse for magic around was just going to make it more powerful. It's probably absorbed the life of the other three by now - hope you weren't too attached to them."

She shrugged - smile still dancing on her mouth. "Then it will probably go on a rampage and just devour everything. If your luck that is."

Watching the ponies sing and dance when they had hurt it... the few drops of admiration for their tenacity was easily drowned of by the sea of humor at such a thought. If the creature was distracted by the three ponies for long enough, maybe it would just forget she existed? She could always just throw more ponies at it if the worst came to pass...

---------------The Litany of Magic.@,@,@@Geek0zoid,

The first bolt didn't have a hope of hitting - crashing harmlessly off in the distance... but then the storm started.

Lightning thundered downwards - bolt after bolt, each producing an impact with the ground that it shouldn't have. Craters began to dot the obscured landscape as the shards of ice began to fall once again.

One of the unicorns was retreating: it would have been an acceptable solution were it not afflicted by the corruption... but none of them could survive. If any trace of the outsiders was allowed to survive, they would tear Equestria apart for their own selfish needs."Why do you protect the outsiders? Those that would see this world burn? Why do you strike against your own? Against the memories of your ancestors, who even now stand vigil?" It boomed as the sword drew close - aware of the danger this time, the memories of those without magic coming forward as a claw whipped through the air to parry the blade.

ronin jumped back as the draconian creature parried his strike with it's claws, before lunging forward again, this time he slashed at its wrist in an attempt to cut off it's claw. "I've had enough of your self righteous rant. It gives you no right to kill innocent ponies out of your own diluted versions of justice." He said in anoyance as he attacked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Amethyst Void.


@@Icy Void,

@@Tricksters Pride,


"Trapped...?" The creature asked before seemingly changing its mind and avoiding the question completly. "Huh, well It could be that you were trying to use magic against it. Failing miserably too: is that really all you can do?"


She shook her head in a comically over the top way - it was going to take a while to get used to manuvering a body like this again.


"Was it just me that could hear it? That thing was designed to hunt higher beings like me... and flinging that poor excuse for magic around was just going to make it more powerful. It's probably absorbed the life of the other three by now - hope you weren't too attached to them."


She shrugged - smile still dancing on her mouth.


"Then it will probably go on a rampage and just devour everything. If your luck that is."


Watching the ponies sing and dance when they had hurt it... the few drops of admiration for their tenacity was easily drowned of by the sea of humor at such a thought. If the creature was distracted by the three ponies for long enough, maybe it would just forget she existed? She could always just throw more ponies at it if the worst came to pass...




The Litany of Magic.






The first bolt didn't have a hope of hitting - crashing harmlessly off in the distance... but then the storm started.


Lightning thundered downwards - bolt after bolt, each producing an impact with the ground that it shouldn't have. Craters began to dot the obscured landscape as the shards of ice began to fall once again.


One of the unicorns was retreating: it would have been an acceptable solution were it not afflicted by the corruption... but none of them could survive. If any trace of the outsiders was allowed to survive, they would tear Equestria apart for their own selfish needs.


"Why do you protect the outsiders? Those that would see this world burn? Why do you strike against your own? Against the memories of your ancestors, who even now stand vigil?" It boomed as the sword drew close - aware of the danger this time, the memories of those without magic coming forward as a claw whipped through the air to parry the blade.


White Eclipse

At the sound of those three questions, White Eclipse stopped in his tracks. He turned back to the Litany, without a single inch of fear in his eyes.

"Because... we've been through hell in the past days. We've been brave and strong through every situation, and we never quit. I'm not invincible, but I won't flee and watch while you destroy my companions!" Eclipse got into a stance of battle and charged up his magic. As he charged it more, the magic grew bright, possibly as bright as the sun even. At it's fully charged state, Eclipse's eyes began to water at the sight. "Have at you!"

And he fired.


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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@ @@Geek0zoid


Crimson looked around and knew that, if this fight went on any longer, then they would all eventually get worn down, and most likely die. So he decided to try something to end this battle AND help them escape. "Hey...guys...we can't win against this freak...we have no other choice besides retreating...so, I'm gonna use my strongest attack, it should at least hurt the creature enough to distract it from our escape...when I use the attack, one of you are going to have to carry me...because after using this, I will lose all of my remaining energy..." he said, as he began gathering magic into both of his hooves. After a few moments, his right hoof became engulfed in golden fire, and his left hoof became engulfed in a black, fire-like substance, similar to shadow. "Super..." he jumped up to the Litany's face and slammed both of the flames together with all of his might. "NOVA!!" he yelled, as a massive white explosion went off, point blank in the monsters face. This resulted in the complete exhaustion of Crimson's power, and he fell onto the cold, snowy ground, a few feet from Ronin and Eclipse, conscious, but unable to move.

Edited by ragestar
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@@Icy Void,@@Commander Tangent,


Pavisa smiles a little at Sunshine as she slumps against one of the walls of the pass, lowering herself to a sitting position while holding a hoof over her churning stomach.  "At least...  ugh At least you're feeling okay..."  She didn't eat in the cabin...  Is that what's causing all of this?  She gestures with a hoof over towards Icarus.


"Ask the Doc if there's anything you can do...  Because I honestly don't know at this point."  The ex-guard tries to smile again, though it was getting difficult with the pain in her stomach.  Waving the younger filly back a little ways, Pavisa turns her head to the side.  "If this is a reaction to bad food...  Then...  Getting the food out of the system should help, right?"  Opening her mouth as wide as she can, Pavisa brings a hoof to her mouth and touches it to the back of her throat.  After a couple seconds the mare pulls her hoof away and vomits, her stomach trying to empty itself of the rotten food.  A feeling of light-headedness accompanies the action, causing her to start to waver as she heaves up the rotted peppers.  Maybe...  This was...  A bad idea...











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@@Windbreaker,@@@Icy Void@Commander Tangent,

@Team Brandy


Blasted Nova

Blast couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't continue on. He was sick, wounded, and bleeding. Icarus said that he shouldn't be moving at all, but all of this forced him to. He just couldn't continue. He dropped Aegis off of his back and fell to the ground with a thud.

"Oh my... thanks Celestia that we've found a place to stop for at least a bit..." Blast muttered, murphing from his illness. "Doc, remember those wounds you patched up for me earlier? I need you to check them again, see if they've gotten worse from what we just went through."

Edited by Geek0zoid


Signature made by: Rainbow Skywalker

My little YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GeekySteven (Game (Mostly) and Pony Reviews) (Yes, I'm actually active)

My Johari Window thingymabob :http://kevan.org/johari?name=StevenEarthPony

ASK ME A QUESTION OR TWO!:http://mlpforums.com/topic/85648-ask-steven-anything-you-want-he-loves-answering-your-questions/#entry2228380

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Devoveo - The Litany of Magic.





The Wyvern flinched backwards - bracing itself against the combined assault of the three ponies: all might have been well had the outsiders not appeared, if the unicorn hadn't already been afflicted with the corruption or if the collective mind had once suspected that a pony with not magic but a blade would try to end it's own worlds guardian...
So many things together though, was too much.
The sentient consciousness - the beautiful collective of guardians whom had sealed away the darkness that had plagued Equestria before recorded history - Ponies, Dragons and Griffons without number, every great Hippogriff, Alicorn, Draconequus and Minotaur that had given themselves willingly to preserve Equestria for all eternity within the Litany of Magic, began to wane. Fire burning away these omniscient guardians - the aspects of the Litany were dying. Their knowledge would remain, within the book - wherever it might be - but their protection would last no longer.
Staggering backwards as it clutched impossibly to a life that had been lost an eternity ago, the Wyvern stared back at the three - sandy colored scales outlined in a faint shade of aqua. When it spoke, it's voice was natural - no longer a disconnected thundering sound but that of a young, dying warrior.
"You fools..." It gasped in agony - realizing pain again for the first time since writing the ancient seal. "You... killed us all... Ten thousand lives for nothing... and ten thousand more when both worlds fall..."
He seemed to be struggling to breath - it had been so long since he last needed to.
"I hope that you... suffer... before the end... My conscience is pure... traitors... can you say the same?"

Never quite forgotten.

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Devoveo - The Litany of Magic.@,@@Geek0zoid,@, The Wyvern flinched backwards - bracing itself against the combined assault of the three ponies: all might have been well had the outsiders not appeared, if the unicorn hadn't already been afflicted with the corruption or if the collective mind had once suspected that a pony with not magic but a blade would try to end it's own worlds guardian... So many things together though, was too much. The sentient consciousness - the beautiful collective of guardians whom had sealed away the darkness that had plagued Equestria before recorded history - Ponies, Dragons and Griffons without number, every great Hippogriff, Alicorn, Draconequus and Minotaur that had given themselves willingly to preserve Equestria for all eternity within the Litany of Magic, began to wane. Fire burning away these omniscient guardians - the aspects of the Litany were dying. Their knowledge would remain, within the book - wherever it might be - but their protection would last no longer. Staggering backwards as it clutched impossibly to a life that had been lost an eternity ago, the Wyvern stared back at the three - sandy colored scales outlined in a faint shade of aqua. When it spoke, it's voice was natural - no longer a disconnected thundering sound but that of a young, dying warrior. "You fools..." It gasped in agony - realizing pain again for the first time since writing the ancient seal. "You... killed us all... Ten thousand lives for nothing... and ten thousand more when both worlds fall..." He seemed to be struggling to breath - it had been so long since he last needed to. "I hope that you... suffer... before the end... My conscience is pure... traitors... can you say the same?"

ronin kept a stony expression as it looked upon they dying creature "yes. I may not speak for the others, but I can say that you were a worthy foe. you should be proud that you spent your last moments defending what you believe in rather then whining about losing. It's your own fault for underestimating your opponents." He said calmly, before sheathing his blade.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Crimson coughed a bit, struggling to stay conscious as he responded to the dying guardians words. "Whatever the cost...whatever the enemy...whatever the sacrifice...it doesn't matter...I will face it, and take it head on...just as long as it means the safety of the innocents of this world, then yes...whatever sin you believe we've committed, my conscious is clean...we aren't your enemies, we are the good guys..." he said weakly.

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