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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Dustin had been just about to turn a corner when he colliding into someone. He stepped back and shrunk into his jacket. "Oh s-sorry I didn't meant to do that. Are you okay? I'm really sorry, I should've been watching where I was going..."  Dustin looked down at his bare feet and shut up. He had started to ramble but stopped himself before he got told off by the girl he had bumped in to, even though he hoped she wouldn't do that.

Edited by Ampharos
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"What copy-cat?" Nik' said, hoping he could cover up his copying abilities. "In any case, my name is Nik', short for Beljovnik, fighter in Czech" Nik' said, giving another over the top bow in a kiss up attempt. "And there is nothing I can't talk about" the gjinka boasted, not caring that his vanity was a weakness. He knew his vanity was huge, but he didn't care

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She writes it down in the book, slowly informing, "Lhhheeeeeeee." She turns to the Smeagle, nodding at her older collegue, "And you, young copycat. You got a name, or have I found something you can't about?" She'd judged from the earlier screaming what the fiasco was about.

( Ms. Claudia speaks with purple text, like so vvvv , and Amaya speaks in blue text! To make it clearer)


A silvery laugh rings through the air, just before a ghostly hand creeps onto  Ms.Delphina's shoulder.

"At it so early, Delphy~? School hasn't so much as started yet.", the voice giggles.

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"What copy-cat?" Nik' said, hoping he could cover up his copying abilities. "In any case, my name is Nik', short for Beljovnik, fighter in Czech" Nik' said, giving another over the top bow in a kiss up attempt. "And there is nothing I can't talk about" the gjinka boasted, not caring that his vanity was a weakness. He knew his vanity was huge, but he didn't care

"Beljovnik," she thought about how one would spell that, and wrote it down. She then closed the book, causing a ringing echo. "Alright. Your sentences would normally be that I would judge a battle between the two of you. However, I have to continue re-organizing my library. " I have a book to finish. "As such, I'm reducing it down to manual labor: you are to clean the gym. Begin, now." She kicked open a closet of cleaning supplies.

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Nik' inwardly groaned. He had been hoping to battle the buly gjinka. On the outside, he nodded and picked up the cleaning equipment with his hands, tail, and feet. He sprouted the etheral wings to move and so moved around, using all 5 limbs to clean up faster. He wanted to see that stupid ground type beat that 

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Lhee sighs and rolls his eyes, muttering quietly "Yes ma'am."  He shoves his bone club through his belt and drops his bag to the floor, kicking it off to the side as he picks up a push broom.  


The Marowak gijinka watches as Nik seemingly attempts to one up him and just rolls his eyes again.  Good - if that idiot wants to do five times as much work, he's welcome to it.  Lhee starts to push the broom across the floor, glancing out the corner of his eye at the gijinkas he had taken to be staff here at the Academy.  They must be teachers...  I wonder what they're like?  




By trying to watch the staff as he worked, Lhee just now noticed the presence of Ms. Claudia.  He barely manages to stop himself from visibly shuddering, tearing his gaze to the floor in front of him to focus on his work.  Is...  Is she a ghost type?  What's a ghost type doing working here?  No, stop, relax Bonehead...  I'm sure she's nice...  She has to be good with people if she's a teacher, right?  Nothing like the tower back home...

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Fernmint made a quick, casual salute to Ms. Claudia and nodded. "Good morning Ms. Claudia. And yes, already. I sincerely hope that the my kids won't be like this. Aggression is a horrible thing to have in swordplay. Anywho, I think I'll be seeing the both of you some point later. Cheers." With one final look at the boys, Fernmint shook his head and began the walk to his office. 

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Dustin had been just about to turn a corner when he colliding into someone. He stepped back and shrunk into his jacket. "Oh s-sorry I didn't meant to do that. Are you okay? I'm really sorry, I should've been watching where I was going..."  Dustin looked down at his bare feet and shut up. He had started to ramble but stopped himself before he got told off by the girl he had bumped in to, even though he hoped she wouldn't do that.

Amaya took a fumbling step backwards, raising her hands apologetically in uniform swiftness ." N-no, no! It is my fault entirely,I a-apologize for not looking where... I.. was going..",the Swanna girl faltered. With every word that passed her lips, the feathers that crowned her head became more and more flustered and ruffled.She glanced to the tall boy addressing her, and nodded silently, that being the only appropriate thing she could do at the moment...was that a honest to goodness sword?  I don't know how much more i can take, and i only just arrived!

Edited by lyridiandandan
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Nik' snorted at the ghost type teacher. As a normal type, ghosts were laughable to him due to him being immune to their strongest techniques. There was one rather odd case in which a Giratina gjinka was defeated by a Raticate gjinka due to the failure of ghost type attacks

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Nik' snorted at the ghost type teacher. As a normal type, ghosts were laughable to him due to him being immune to their strongest techniques. There was one rather odd case in which a Giratina gjinka was defeated by a Raticate gjinka due to the failure of ghost type attacks

Delphina cleared her throat, "I would get back to work if I were you. I have a few moves of my own you could draw down, if you'd like to keep trying my patience." She had picked up most of that line from the book she was reading, and was rather proud of herself for being able to use it.

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Before Sora could catch up to her, Razor looked out of the glass windows of the berry garden at two gijinka, that she couldn't quite make out (was that... what- a 5 armed gijinka? Weird....) doing work. The fived-armed creepy gijinka turned her direction and she spiked up like a sort of cat. Razor ran out of the berry garden and gasped. Like he, or she? was going to even go after you, Razor you scardy cat


(Not really sure where to go to get in on the adventure Dx But felt like I should let you peoples know I'm still here and didn't leave o: )

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"Seriously? Okay, as soon as I'm done, I want to see them" Nik' said, completely misinterpreting the statement. His ego had led him to think that she was offering lessons in combat. Nik' was confident in his skills, but caution never hurt anyone, just saved. 

Before Sora could catch up to her, Razor looked out of the glass windows of the berry garden at two gijinka, that she couldn't quite make out (was that... what- a 5 armed gijinka? Weird....) doing work. The fived-armed creepy gijinka turned her direction and she spiked up like a sort of cat. Razor ran out of the berry garden and gasped. Like he, or she? was going to even go after you, Razor you scardy cat


(Not really sure where to go to get in on the adventure Dx But felt like I should let you peoples know I'm still here and didn't leave o: )

The Smeargle gjinka frowned as someone disappeared from view. What a shame, he had hoped to analyze her and hopefully understand her psychology. Psychology and cleverness were the true deciders in battle, one reason that Nik' hated Steel, Fighting, Rock, and Ground types. All of them had a reputation for being idiots with just brawn

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Dustin took off his head but continued to look at the floor. "N-no it's fine, it wasn't your fault... I'm Dustin by the way..." He was trying not to make any sort of expression towards the girl's feathers getting fluffed, not wanting to seem rude. He had glanced up at her when he said his name, then immediately reverted his gaze to his feet again.

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By trying to watch the staff as he worked, Lhee just now noticed the presence of Ms. Claudia.  He barely manages to stop himself from visibly shuddering, tearing his gaze to the floor in front of him to focus on his work.  Is...  Is she a ghost type?  What's a ghost type doing working here?  No, stop, relax Bonehead...  I'm sure she's nice...  She has to be good with people if she's a teacher, right?  Nothing like the tower back home...




Nik' snorted at the ghost type teacher. As a normal type, ghosts were laughable to him due to him being immune to their strongest techniques. There was one rather odd case in which a Giratina gjinka was defeated by a Raticate gjinka due to the failure of ghost type attacks

( By the way, i'll be using this picture for Ms.Claudia, quite simply! http://i334.photobucket.com/albums/m415/cele-chann/Pokemon%20Gijinka/429_Mismagius.jpg )


Ms, Claudia


Ms. Claudia stepped out from behind Ms, Delphina and towards the boys, making very desicive steps.She spared a glance at Lhee, before settling her sights on Nik. A little Marowak boy...How odd to find one so far from his home...

"Hmm~? Now, what would we be laughing at, Little Mister?" She quipped,hiding her smile behind a strategically placed hand.

Edited by lyridiandandan
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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh, He looked at the gijinka next to him silently, looking at her oddly. "...yes, I do like berries." He bit his tongue before he responded with a verbal jibe. She seemed to be a excitable, happy happy joy joy type- or, at least from the aura she was reading from her. He shook his head quietly- and then tripped over his rolling suitcase. As his books hit the groud, he was able to position himself to land on the grass, avoiding any scrapes or cuts. Dangit.

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"Seriously? Okay, as soon as I'm done, I want to see them" Nik' said, completely misinterpreting the statement. His ego had led him to think that she was offering lessons in combat. Nik' was confident in his skills, but caution never hurt anyone, just saved. 

The Smeargle gjinka frowned as someone disappeared from view. What a shame, he had hoped to analyze her and hopefully understand her psychology. Psychology and cleverness were the true deciders in battle, one reason that Nik' hated Steel, Fighting, Rock, and Ground types. All of them had a reputation for being idiots with just brawn


She brushes some hair out of her eyes, "Clarification; I wasn't going to feed your move pool, I was going to exercise my powers as a teacher and see you in community service after school." She leaned against the wall, keeping an eye on both of them. She felt for Lhee, if only because of what he knew to be his past. She'd read about many strong heroes had come from something similar, and knew it was always tough.

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"Oh, just that seeing you reminded of how ghost moves don't hurt normal types" Nik' quickly covered up, not missing a beat "Why don't they hurt normal types?" Nik' asked, curious to know more of the ghost type.


"You'll still be feeding my move pool. I'm part Smeargle, remember?" Nik's said, feeling rather cocky

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"Oh, just that seeing you reminded of how ghost moves don't hurt normal types" Nik' quickly covered up, not missing a beat "Why don't they hurt normal types?" Nik' asked, curious to know more of the ghost type.


"You'll still be feeding my move pool. I'm part Smeargle, remember?" Nik's said, feeling rather cocky

"Oh really?" She wrote something down on a note, and handed it to him. It gave him 3 days of community service detention for 'bullying, and mouthing off to a teacher. "Please, do copy that. I'm sure it will be super effective in your next battle. Lhee, I want to talk to you when you've finished." She waves to Ms. Claudia, assured that she would have things under control.

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"Bullying?!" Nik' said, fake shock flying through his voice. It didn't flap her at all but it was worth a try. "Alright, I'll go paint some walls or something" Nik' said, not really sure of how to do community service since he never had to do it before(Unless one counted him nearly causing a car crash by tinkering with a stop light)

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"Bullying?!" Nik' said, fake shock flying through his voice. It didn't flap her at all but it was worth a try. "Alright, I'll go paint some walls or something" Nik' said, not really sure of how to do community service since he never had to do it before(Unless one counted him nearly causing a car crash by tinkering with a stop light)


She completely ignores him and tells Lhee to meet her at the library, and leaves the Gym. Going back to the library herself, she lays back into a chair, staring at her various medieval-themed decorations. She drank some water she kept in a bottle under her desk and waited.

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Razor heard a bunch of books or something hit the ground. She peeked back into the berry room and saw the Mewtwo recovering from a fall. 
"Are-are you okay?" Razor walked in to help. She paused for a second in realization and quickly glanced out the window- 5 armed creepy gijinka? She didn't see him, which was fine with her, since he had scared her before. 


"Oh sorry about that," she said, "I ran away kind of fast then. Just got scared." 

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Rune awoke when he heard the bed on the other side of the room creak. "Why hello there Madame. Synthia is it? I didn't notice you when I came in, I was quite tired from the journey over, sorry." He sat up and looked at her. "That's a nice bow you have. It looks nice." He pulled out his Pokeblock case and opened it, extending it towards Synthia. "Want one?" He offered.

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Lhee sighs to himself, muttering quietly under his breath as he sweeps the floor.  He doesn't really seem to notice that he's talking to himself at this point, giving off the impression that it's an old habit.  "Such a drag...  You just had to fly off the handle, didn't you Bonehead?  Promised the old man you'd behave this time...  Easy to see how long that lasted.  You're just lucky that you're not getting sent home yet..."




Lhee blinks, Ms. Delphina's voice snapping him out of his lecture to himself.  He nods quietly to her as the instructor leaves back to the library, unsure of how he should respond.  Why does she want to see me..?  Probably to tell me to not bother looking for my dorm when I'm done here...  I knew it, I'm getting kicked out.  


The Marowak gijinka sighs loudly again, muttering under his breath.  "Such a drag..."  Glancing to the pile of dust in front of his broom he rolls his eyes and gets back to work.  May as well get it over with quickly...  

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Dustin took off his hood but continued to look at the floor. "N-no it's fine, it wasn't your fault... I'm Dustin by the way..." He was trying not to make any sort of expression towards the girl's feathers getting fluffed, not wanting to seem rude. He had glanced up at her when he said his name, then immediately reverted his gaze to his feet again.

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(sorry for the late response)


Damon and Kari walked in to the school dragging there bags "Well time for school, yay." Damon said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes "Hey, it's not that bad, at least we're all new to each other." Kari said smiling, they walked in and used Damon's map to find there room and walked in "Well at least we're all alone in the dorm room, as far as i know." he said smiling as he put the bags next to the beds.

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