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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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"O-oh! that's a nice name, Dustin..M-my names-.. I'm A-..Ayama..-" Realizing her mistake almost immediately, she pratically chokes on the air and her words. Oh my god. I did it. I messed up my own name,I said it backwards.Now i can never get married.I'll die right here on this very spot. The poor duck girl hid her face behind pale hands, murmuring," N-no, i meant....i meant Lakes-no..uh-uhm.. Amaya Lakes.." The award for smoothest ever goes to Amaya.


Ms. Claudia


Claudia waved back comprehensively, before giving a small hop in the air, and mimicking sitting with her legs folded underneath her.

"Kukuku~ Already on her bad side, How unlucky!" She cooed, addressing both boys."It was quite a show between you two, if I may say. Starting a fight with someone would would obviously win, Mr. Trouble-Maker. Oh, and that swing Mister Lhee!" She mimics the swing of a baseball bat.

" A-plus job." Okay so maybe she isn't the most responsible teacher.....

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"Grr, yes, it was not a tactically sound plan" Nik' growled, losing his mask of kindness for a slit second. He put it back on quickly however. "Anyway, why do ghost moves not affect normal types?" Nik' asked, thinking he could at least modify his behavior somewhat. He'd have to prove his worth on the battle field since words just led to sneak attacks

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Lhee stops his cleaning to lean against the broom, turning his head enough to look at Ms. Claudia.  He figured he could afford a short pause to catch his breath, and it gave him an excuse to get a better look at the ghost teacher.  One advantage of having a skull for a head meant he didn't have to worry too much about having his facial expressions betraying what he was thinking, so he figured it was harmless to just have a look at her.


When she makes the comment about his attack, Lhee rolls his eyes and glances back down at the broom.  Great...  I'm about to get kicked out, and I'm pretty sure she's making fun of me.  About what I expected, I guess...  He sighs and starts to get back to work, pushing the broom a little more forcefully than it called for.  He figured he'd get the gym cleaned quickly so that he could go see what the librarian had to say...  "They would use cleaning as a punishment around here.  I don't even clean my own room...  Some of us actually like dirt..."

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Dark arrived at the school and looked around,
'Desert, how homely'
"Now you be nice to the other students Dark, some of them won't be as human as you"
"Yes dad, I know, and since when wasn't I nice to people?"
"Just making sure, well we'll see you come holidays"
"Sure thing dad, love you, bye"
As his dad was driving off he starts heading in,
"Right, time to find my dorm"
He pulls out the crinkled piece of paper that was once a letter.
"Dorm 8. Coolious"
He walks off...

... In the wrong direction...

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( i switched to my phone, so i cant add color right now or use italics to my text, please bare with me! Also being spooky is very hard when your tired ill fix this up in the morning)


Ms Claudia


Catching the slip in Niks' demeanor, Ms. Claudia let a silvery giggle slip from her lips.

" Well, you could say that ghost types...are quite unique. Our bodies can be solid, you may touch us like any other person. But we can also change our pyshical forms, we can become like vapors."

" For example..." The ghost teacher suddenly arched backwards, rolling like a wave. As she does, her body seemed to dissapate like steam, or mist into the air.The harsh neon lights above flicker.

Her voice echoes inside both boys heads for just a moment. "Kuku..And something plain and solid like a 'Normal' simply cannot grasp vapor." When Ms. Claudia reappears, a few moments have past.She has snuck up behind Lhee, and she leans in ever so slighty, and whispers into his ear.

" Boo."

( She is kind of reversing his question, saying its the normal types who aren't effective towards ghost.)

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Lhee tenses up when he hears the teacher's voice in his head, concentrating on keeping himself from trembling.  He was doing a fairly good job at it...  Until she appeared right behind him, anyways.




Lhee practically dives forward, turning around as he hits the ground and clutching the broom as though it were his bone club.  His face would be mostly unreadable thanks to the skull, but his eyes were wide through the sockets of the mask.  "Don't do that!"


Taking a slow breath Lhee grits his teeth, pushing himself up by using the broom as leverage.  "Uh...  I mean...  Sorry."  The Marowak gijinka lowers his gaze, rubbing at the back of his neck.  "I've uh...  Had bad run ins with ghost types back home.  Could...  Could you point me towards the nearest restroom by any chance?"

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Razor Grass had been wanting to go exploring around the school, and though the berry garden was great, she felt like the scary monster sighting and the random light flickering coming out of the hall ahead of her was a sign she should head on. (Headon! Apply directly to the forehead! xD Anyways..)


Razor couldn't do that yet though, not before learning more about this person she had been walking with who just dropped all his books!

She quickly rushed to pick up his stuff and almost dropped it all for him again but managed not to. "I got it!" Razor saw he had gotten himself off the floor before she could reach him a hand to help. 

"Umm.. so-" she pointed towards the hall where they were headed before, "continue our walk?" 

(All this because I remembered I hadn't actually helped pick up his books XD Silly me.)

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Joshu headed off to the giant academy that was addressed to in his letter. He had flown a long way to get to this academy. In the valley the academy was situated in, he noticed a lot of other people like him milling about in the front of the giant central building. He clutched his collapsible backpack and walked straight into a sableared person.


"Ouch. Will you watch were you're going mate?" Joshu bumped into an extremely solid thing and landed on the ground. The big thing turned around and looked down at him.


"Why are you on the ground?" He asked Joshu. He looked a bit confused, almost as if he didn't know where he was going. "also, do you know where we are? Oooh MAP! Yoink." This weird (heh, weird) sabeleared creature took Joshu's map and ran away laughing gleefully.

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Joshu headed off to the giant academy that was addressed to in his letter. He had flown a long way to get to this academy. In the valley the academy was situated in, he noticed a lot of other people like him milling about in the front of the giant central building. He clutched his collapsible backpack and walked straight into a sableared person.


"Ouch. Will you watch were you're going mate?" Joshu bumped into an extremely solid thing and landed on the ground. The big thing turned around and looked down at him.


"Why are you on the ground?" He asked Joshu. He looked a bit confused, almost as if he didn't know where he was going. "also, do you know where we are? Oooh MAP! Yoink." This weird (heh, weird) sabeleared creature took Joshu's map and ran away laughing gleefully.



Running away from the tech-head for a bit, Dark stopped and looked down at his claimed map,

"... what is this tiny writing? Where are my glasses?"

He pats down his short's two pockets with his sablehand, breathing in deeply before sighing,

"They're in my top hat, which is in the dorm already..."


Dark turns and walks back to the tech-head, who was still dusting himself off.

"G'Day mate, umm, sorry for pinching your map, do you think you could help me find me doom room? I don't exactly have the best eyesight, and my glasses are currently there"

He holds out the stolen goods and puts on his best I'm sheepishly lost so please help me face.

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Running away from the tech-head for a bit, Dark stopped and looked down at his claimed map,

"... what is this tiny writing? Where are my glasses?"

He pats down his short's two pockets with his sablehand, breathing in deeply before sighing,

"They're in my top hat, which is in the dorm already..."


Dark turns and walks back to the tech-head, who was still dusting himself off.

"G'Day mate, umm, sorry for pinching your map, do you think you could help me find me doom room? I don't exactly have the best eyesight, and my glasses are currently there"

He holds out the stolen goods and puts on his best I'm sheepishly lost so please help me face.



Joshu looked at this sableman and just stood there.

"Let me get this straight. You have bad eyesight and you purposely left your glasses back in your dorm which you're having trouble finding?"

"No I didn't leave them PURPOSELY behind, I just put them where they couldn't be stolen." He replied with a sarcastic tone.

"So you don't know where your glasses are?"

"I know exactly where they are! They're in my top hat." He replied with a big smile on his face.

"Your top hat ..." Joshu said.

"Which is in my dorm room." He continued on as if Joshu hadn't said anything.

"Which dorm room are you exactly?" Joshu asked him.

"I'm in dorm room 8. Why?" Joshu just pointed to the letter and then remembered that he couldn't read.

"Right. You can't read. I'm also in dorm room 8." His mouth just hung open.

"You're kidding right? By the way mate my name is Dark." Dark held out his hand and Joshu shook it. They both headed off towards the dorm ...

                     ..... in the right direction this time ....

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Following the tech-head, Dark was lead to the right place, the good news was that the number on the door was large and shiny so even he could read it, unfortunately, the words underneath were not.

"Hey, tech-head, what does the these things say" he asks pointing.

"Their our name, looks like we're bunking with someone named Dustin, sounds nice"

There is a moment of silence as tech-head goes to open the door,

"Wait, did you just call me Tech-Head?" tech-head asks incredulously.

"Well you never did introduce yourself, not even after I did"

"Well my name Joshu, so please keep to that"

"Deal, now let's get inside, I need to get my clothes on"

Joshu opens the door and once inside turns to Dark and asks,

"Say, why didn't you get a map?"

"I did" Dark replies innocently "I just lost on the boat"


"Yeah, those big metal dishes that somehow floats on the water. Ooo, Window bed! Mine!"

Joshu just sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

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Following the tech-head, Dark was lead to the right place, the good news was that the number on the door was large and shiny so even he could read it, unfortunately, the words underneath were not.

"Hey, tech-head, what does the these things say" he asks pointing.

"Their our name, looks like we're bunking with someone named Dustin, sounds nice"

There is a moment of silence as tech-head goes to open the door,

"Wait, did you just call me Tech-Head?" tech-head asks incredulously.

"Well you never did introduce yourself, not even after I did"

"Well my name Joshu, so please keep to that"

"Deal, now let's get inside, I need to get my clothes on"

Joshu opens the door and once inside turns to Dark and asks,

"Say, why didn't you get a map?"

"I did" Dark replies innocently "I just lost on the boat"


"Yeah, those big metal dishes that somehow floats on the water. Ooo, Window bed! Mine!"

Joshu just sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Take the window bed. See if I care." Joshu just sighed and sat down on the only vacant bed left. The one that was closest to the bathroom. He thought for a bit and then pulled out a deck of cards. Lately he's been collecting decks of cards, just to shuffle and play with. "I know what a boat is I just meant, you got here by boat?"


"Yes I did get here by boat. Hey Tech-Head, what do you to say to us meeting the other students around here?" Dark asked.


"Why do you keep saying TECH-HEAD!?" Joshu positively yelled.


"Because of YOUR EAR-PIECE!" Dark yelled back.

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Nik' snickered somewhat at Lhee's misfortune before frowning. "If that's the case, then that means that ghost types are too much like vapor to understand solids, yes?" Nik' questioned, not really having met any ghost types. "Also, why is that dark and ghost attacks are useful against ghost types?" Nik' asked, hoping to get some more knowledge on the relatively elusive types

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((@@The Leafeon Pinkeh, why is it that whenever I'm awake, you all are asleep, and whenever I'm asleep, you are awake? It ain't fair...))


Sora sighed, remaining silent for a while. Interesting. Usually the tail drove people away from him. Or the legs. Or the small horns. Or whatever was obvious that he was a Mewtwo. How interesting. Either this girl doesn't care or she is quite the brave one... I'll have to find out more. He shook himself out of it and turned to the girl.


"...sure. Why not? Where are you headed, anyways?"



@, @@,



((Enter Vice Principal Steel Grimore!))


"Getting some work done, now, are we?"


As a heavily armored gijinka with what appeared to be two metal wings attached to his hands, he looked at the two of them with a piercing glare before closing his eyes and sighing. "Claudia, it's too early to start scaring the students. Especially one of them who by species alone is already frightened by your type." He shook his head and opened his eyes taking in the scene. "I'm Vice Principal Grimore... Physical labor on the first day? Well, I see I've got some troublemakers on my hands... what happened here?"

Edited by Sly Cooper
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Rune awoke when he heard the bed on the other side of the room creak. "Why hello there Madame. Synthia is it? I didn't notice you when I came in, I was quite tired from the journey over, sorry." He sat up and looked at her. "That's a nice bow you have. It looks nice." He pulled out his Pokeblock case and opened it, extending it towards Synthia. "Want one?" He offered.

She kind of retreated into herself, cringing into herself. After a moment of what seemed like preparation, she mumbled, "Umm, d-do you have a pink one, M-Mr?" She clutched her bow close, like a shield against evil. From the knew angle, he could tell it was among her most prized possessions.

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"I may have insulted Lhee" Nik' said, knowing there was no point in lying anymore. "I am also not scared" Nik' mumbled under his breath before cracking his tail in annoyance. "Anyway, I am Nik'" the Smeargle gjinka proclaimed, giving a small bow to indicate respect

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He gave Nik a withering glare. "Was I referring to you when I was saying that, or was I referring to the Marowak gijinka who's standing right there with his legs visibly shaking?" Upon looking at him closer, he whistled. "That must have been quite the insult to have him unleash an almost perfectly executed Bonerang on you." He shook his head slowly before turning to Lhee, his legs still shaking. "You alright, son?"

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"It could have been better" Nik' admitted. "I tossed down a Reflect before it hit me, he did worse than he should have" Nik' said, not afraid to compliment. Arrogant and snide as he was, a challenge was something he appreciated and so he would not understate a foe. "If it weren't for that Reflect, I'd be conked out" Nik' chuckled, the challenge of a powerful foe making him giddy. 

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Ms. Claudia took a step back, taken by suprise the level with which the boy reacted, and pointed to the general vacinity of the nearest restroom.'Oh my,I might have gone tad bit too far...' she thought. At once, her person seemed to become whole, losing all sense of vaporensy.


"Oh, I didn't mean to scare the pup so badly, Steely~."She says, place her hand tactifully infront of the coy smile that lit up her face.

" I haven't had the pleasure of a Marowaks, nor a Cubones company, for quite some time. I miscalulated him is all." She leaned back on her heels, lost in thought for amoment before continuing .

"And to answer your question, ghost types do understand solids. In fact we primarily control our mass, changing from our vapor-like state,to that of a normal person.In the case of a battle, it's exetremely difficult to manifest that 'solid form' while also exerting ample amounts of energy used to produce moves...Im not quite sure about your other question.. perhaps something along the lines of,' fighting fire with fire.'?"

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"I understand that for ghost types, but why do dark moves hurt ghost types so badly?" Nik' asked, his face interested. "It seems rather odd that something as simple as a bite is painful to a ghost type" Nik' said, genuine humor in his voice. The ghost type teacher just rubbed him the right way

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"I'm fine!"  Lhee snapped his teeth together with the force that he shuts his mouth with - he hadn't meant to lash out, especially not at the staff when they were seemingly showing concern for him.  He lowers his gaze to the floor again before dropping the broom and crossing his arms.  The gym seemed clean to him, anyways.  Granted that in Lhee's case clean wasn't exactly saying a lot, but still.


"...Sorry.  Can I be excused?  The librarian wanted to see me in private."  He grinds his teeth as he speaks, forcing himself to speak calmly.  "...And I need to use the restroom first."  Good going, Bonehead.  It's your first day, and they already think you're a psycho.  How much more can I possibly mess up today?

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Nik' frowned, wondering why he had snapped. He didn't think Lhee was that big a rager to be infuriated by pity. Ghost types were nothing to be afraid of and in Nik's opinion, were one of the nicer types. Then it flashed through his head. There was some "Ghost Tower" in Kanto, perhaps that was the case of why he had been frightened

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@, @@,


Grimore shook his head. "Temper, son." He pulled a brown package with a sealed envelope on it, handing it over to Lhee. "Might you give this to the librarian while you are over there? She's been looking forward to it, and I have to make sure the rest of the school is looking sharp. That, and, assuming she's going to scold you, it might lighten the punishment a little bit and get you on her good side." He sighed. "And that tactical hand does not prevent me from seeing the corners of a smile, Claudia." Shaking his head, he walked outside, where he spread his wings and took off.


((Dun dun dun! WHO'S THAT POKEMON?!?! Dun dun dun! :P ))



@@The Leafeon Pinkeh@@@Suitaloo,


As the duo entered the building, Sora sighed and shook his head. "Well... here's my dorm. Number 15." He sighed. "Well... I'll see you around." Sora nodded before opening the door and closing it.


When he turned around, he saw an extremely fluffy gijinka who was trying to hide herself in her fur, and another one who was holding a Pokeblock Case. Without saying a word, he picked a bed, laid his stuff down, and started unpacking, firstly taking out a folding table and then piecing out his 'traveling laboratory' as he liked to call it, watching the others silently.

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"But of course. I have Pokeblocks of all colors." He pulled out a pink block and offered it to her. "My name is Rune Blade. I don't think I've ever met you here, Miss Synthia is it? I just know your name since it was on the dormitory assignments." Rune began to unpack and put his spare clothes in an empty drawer, placing his fencing gear in the closet in the corner of the room. "So, tell me about yourself." Rune said as he pulled out a red block and popped it in his mouth, chewing on it idly. There was a clack as a folding table popped open and Rune looked over. It was a Mewtwo Gijinka. "Ah, so you must be Sora. My name is Rune Blade." Rune said, offering the case to Sora.

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Taking the package as permission to go, Lhee forces himself to breath through his nose and try and calm himself.  He tucks the package under one arm, walking over to pick up his bag again before glancing back at the others in the gym.  Without a word he turns and walks off in the direction of the restroom, his hand going to his belt out of reflex to rest on his bone club.


Thankfully the restroom was on his way to the library.  After quickly finishing his business, the Marowak gijinka continues his way on towards the library.  He'd never spent much time in the libraries at his old school, so with a shrug he pushes open the door and walks on in.  After a quick glance around he makes his way straight to the desk, hoping to get the lecture over with quickly.




Lhee very lightly raps his bone club against the desk as a way of announcing his presence, placing the package the vice principal had given him up on top of it.  "You...  Wanted to see me privately?"  Before he could let himself forget about it, Lhee pushes the package across the desk to Ms. Delphina.  "Oh, uhm...  A Skarmory gijinka asked me to give this to you...  I think he was a Skarmory, anyways..."  It was the only thing that Lhee knew of that fit how he would have described Mr. Grimore.  Granted if it wasn't native to Kanto or Johto Lhee didn't even know about it...  But, it seemed to be a decent enough guess that she'd know who he was talking about.


Darius Corsac


Darius had spent the time until now in his office, filling out last minute paperwork.  As usual he'd left it until the last possible day to fill it out, and now he was frantically scrawling his signature across the files where it was required.  There were a number of different papers on his desk at the moment, and he seemed to be trying to fill them all out at the same time.


With a sigh he uses the palm of one hand to adjust his glasses on the tip of his nose, taking a moment to pause and flex his fingers.  "I should be out there walking around, making sure the new students are finding their way around alright...  Oh well, just a few more forms to finalize I suppose."  


Smiling with relief as the stack of papers gradually gets smaller, the Delphox gijinka stands up to stretch.  His back gives a satisfying pop! and he flicks his wrist to cause a long stick to fall out of his sleeve.  Catching the wand in his hand he waves it at the disorganized papers, and like magic his desk began cleaning itself up.  The stack of completed forms make their way into his outbox and he laughs quietly as he slides his wand back up into his sleeve.


Stepping out of his office and into the halls, Darius glances around before shrugging and picking a direction to start walking.  Walking randomly like this will be the best way to run into any students that may be lost, anyways.  Though I should at least swing by the dorms and make sure everyone's getting along alright as they meet their new roommates.

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