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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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She gave the boy a strange look, before laughing outright.

"Ahaha!-Of course i know the way, pup! I'm going there now, it is my class after all." She turned, and started walking down the hallway in , the heels of her shoes clicking against the tile. When she tilted her head back and saw he wasn't following, she gesture for him to do so.

"Come come, We simply cannot be late after I teased Darius for his own tardiness." With that, Claudia continued on, walking in the flashy manor that she did most everything in.


( Okay, I'm already for a time skip.)

Edited by lyridiandandan

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"Right." He rubbed the back for his neck and followed her towards class.'why didn't I just walk there? Oh right! Dark's sense of direction rubbed off on me. Just hope the rest of the day goes just as well. Maybe after classes are over I'll talk to Dark about his sense of direction. He really needs to sort it out, unless it's innate'


((OOC: Now I'm ready for a time skip))



What else am I meant to put here?


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Rune had finished class. History was never his favorite class. He knew history repeated itself and studying was sort of like predicting the future, but once you've learned all the big, tragic events, why bother learning the small, insignificant ones? Oh well, that was a thought for another time. He made his way to the cafeteria. He was quite hungry since it had been a while since breakfast. Hopefully he would be able to get in line first.


When he arrived, he had in fact noticed that he was the first one there, aside from the staff of course. He grabbed a Tomato berry soup with a grilled cheese sandwich and a Soda Pop and paid the cashier. He made for the closest table to the end of the line, since he was the only one there. 'May as well catch up on that audiobook. Nobody's here right now.' He thought to himself. He put in his earbuds and started idly taking bites out of his sandwich.


@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


Koh's stomach started rumbling. Lunch time. One of his favorite times of the day. Hopefully they would have some nice seafood today. He gathered his books and decided to meet Lolita at the same table they did last year. The cafeteria was still fairly empty, just that Gallade guy who sparred with Professor Darius earlier. He seemed to be lost in whatever he was listening to, so he just left him be.


Koh got in the line and decided to get a tuna salad sandwich with a berry juice. He put his money on the cashier's table and headed over to the table.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Zach exited History rubbing his eyes. He had never really liked History class, and being about Pokemon didn't help much to him. He sighed and continued walking until he found the cafeteria. Once inside, he found the room nearly empty, save for some staff and three kids from Battle Class. Had he seen them in History too? Zach shrugged to himself and grabbed a random sandwich off the counter and a soda and looked around for a seat after paying. He noticed that Gallade gijinka from earlier and decided to make some new friends


"Uh... hey. You were the kid who fought Corsac in Battle Class right?"


Dustin left the room with a smile on his face. History was one of his favorite things to learn about, and Ms. Claudia had been an interesting character. He entered the cafeteria and saw noone familiar, so he simply grabbed some berries and a water and sat down at a random table. 

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Rune took out his earbuds and looked up at the Samurott Gijinka. "Yup, that was me. Might already know my name, since Darius called on me and everything, but I'm Rune Blade." He said, extending his hand for a handshake. "And you are?" He asked the Gijinka he had been curious about in Battle Class.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nik walked out, rubbing at his head. Normally, any knowledge was welcome, but the pounding head-ache that had plagued him ever since using Teleport had kept him from enjoying it fully. Still, the Smeargle gjinka did like that History told battle strategies and of wars, things Nik was interested in. Nik put his fingers to his forehead, checking this time if there were any flies about. After his scan, Nik Teleported to the nearest energy


"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Walking out of history class was a great relief. Joshu had no idea history could be so boring. Maybe it will get better later on in the year. His stomach growled at him and reasoned that he could use something to eat. Arriving at the cafeteria, he saw a few other gijinkas there. Grabbing a few random pokeblocks as well as a soda, he paid for them and looked for somewhere. Spotting a gijinka he hadn't seen before, Joshu walked up to him.


"Hi. What's your name? I don't think I've seen you before. Do you mind if I sit here?" (OOC:This question was aimed at Koh.)



Melissa felt her stomach rumble and realised she had fallen asleep while reading. In the dustiest corner of the library. Getting up, she headed off to the dorms to check on Zoe.


Knocking on the door of Dorm 1, Melissa asked,

"Zoey? Are you feeling any better?"

Edited by Piece Bot



What else am I meant to put here?


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Zach nodded, remembering the boy's name. "Oh yea that's right. I'm Zach Wa-" Nik once again appeared out of nowhere, causing Zach to recoil and reach for his handle for the second time. Zach led out an angry breath and shook his head. "Do you have to do this every time?" Giving Nik a disapproving glare, he turned to Rune to compliment him on his fighting, when another kid had came up and started talking to him. Zach shoved his sandwich in his mouth, since he had nothing else to do with the mouth he had already opened.

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Dusk was floating down the hall as he was just exiting Pokemon Biology. It was fun learning about the different anatomy and ecosystems each species had, but then again make Dusk learn about something and he'll be ecstatic regardless. Dusk broke out his student handbook and began writing notes in it, memos if you will about what to take important notes of.


Upon reaching the cafeteria he waited in line and began to scan the room. Just as he thought, familiar faces were here, including Zach and the sudden appearance if Nik. He thought it was weird that Nik continued to use teleport, even after having such a bad time with it earlier...well guess you can't doubt he's persistent.


Dusk decided to not join the crowd and went about obtaining his usual treats fitted especially for him. Paying for the pastry in his hand as well as another juice box he floated on over to an empty table by the entrance. He sat down and opened a notebook he kept in jacket and wrote scribblings of notes upon notes. He decided to write an outline to his paper on the Normal-type with him stating his thesis and what else he'll be researching about. Once he had set his mind on this project, it was difficult for him to perceive anything else outside of it due to his deep concentration habits. Though he would occasionally look up to eat his food and observe the group of familiar bodies from afar. He smiled and went on with his notes living up to his true nerd-like nature.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"It's quick and efficient. Besides, I need practice with it" Nik countered, using Sharpen to grow claws. Using his tail, the Smeargle gjinka plucked an egg out of his pack and poked a small hole in the shell with the new claws. The claws disappeared and Nik began sucking on the egg, draining the juices out of it. "Yum, raw Pidgey eggs" Nik grunted before continuing to lick at the yolk

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Zach made a face at Nik and recoiled slightly from the Smeargle. It was starting to get really hard to give this guy a chance. "Do you really need to announce every food you eat. I don't care what you eat, just let me think their chicken eggs or something, for Arceus sake!"

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Nik then grinned as he tongue caught something. 

"It wouldn't matter anyway, you'd know that it was a Pidgey when I did this" Nik smirked before tearing off the rest of the shell and revealing a half formed embryo, quite clearly a Pidgey and not a chicken. "Hmm, rather plump, lovely" Nik examined before putting the Pidgey embryo in his mouth and chewing it up.

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, @@Ampharos


"Aww jeez dude..." Rune felt sick. "Thank Arceus I already finished eating. I'm nowhere near hungry anymore." He got up and disposed of his trash. "I'm sorry Zach, but I need to visit the restroom for a bit, that... That was just abhorrent." He made a dash for the bathroom, ready to vomit.




"Oh hello there. My name's Kohola, but you can just call me Koh." the Wailord Gijinka said. "I don't mind if you sit there. I'm just waiting for my girlfriend to get here. I don't know if you've met her or not. Her name is Lolita, Skitty Gijinka, cute as a button." He said, blushing a bit at the last part. "Either way, nice to meet you. What's your name?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Huh, wonder what go him so upset" Nik shrugged, part of the embryo's leg sticking out of his mouth due to him opening it. It was quickly sucked back in. Nik finished up eating the embryo then picked out something else from his pack, a prime Miltank rib. Thank god for Trick Room giving him practically infinite hammerspace

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Zoey actually wasn't in her room anymore by this point - after sitting around for a little bit to help calm herself down, she had decided to do what she always did to make herself feel better.  She changed her look.  And now she was trying to figure out where her friends were so that she could apologize for bailing the way she had earlier...


I think it's about lunch period...  Maybe I should check the cafeteria...  She was feeling much better now that she'd changed her outfit to help herself relax.  A red tank top with a white skirt, with a black leather belt around her waist, her outfit was an obvious reference to a pokeball.  She'd also changed her hair from black to blonde thanks to a simple illusion, though the red highlights were still there.


Not to mention the small black backpack she'd slung over one shoulder, with the zipper open enough that Castform could look out of it if he wanted to...  She didn't want to risk leaving the little pokemon alone in their room much longer, he was liable to break something...  So, she'd decided to take the little guy with her this time.



As she stepped into the cafeteria, she noticed Zach and Nik together in a small crowd...  Plus the cute Gallade who had sparred with the teacher this morning running outside like he was going to be sick...  Deciding not to get involved in whatever was going on in that group, she instead grinned and started making her way towards Dusk when she saw him sitting alone.


"Heya, Duskie."  Zoe grins as she sits down across from the Duskull boy, setting the bag with Castform in it on the seat next to her.  "What're you writing?  Do you already have homework?  Oh no, I didn't miss something important did I?"





Lhee sighed quietly as he stepped into the cafeteria, wondering a little where Razor was.  Their schedules had differed for the last class, and he'd been stuck in a classroom of students he didn't know.  Oh well.  She probably wanted time away from you anyways, Bonehead.  Looking around the cafeteria he recognized Nik and Dusk, though he really didn't feel much desire to speak with either of them at the moment...  So instead he quietly makes his way over to the line, trying to decide on what he wanted to eat.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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    Ms Claudia lifted the decrepit textbook, heavy in hand, and practically threw it from her oak desk. The heavy mass skittered across the chipped tile flooring until in came into collision with one of the student desk. The sound of crumpled papers and ripped cardboard cover clang dully against the metal legs, and the sound echoed and died quickly as it had come. 

   "Stupid dumb book. Stupid dumb Curriculum. If i could just tell my own stories, teaching would be so much more fun." She huffed, standing up from her chair. Alright, alright. Yes, she knew she was being childish, But teaching the same scripted lesson every. Single. Year. Every. Single. Day. Intolerable. Unacceptable. But Grimoire had strictly ordered her to stick to it. Oh whatever.


    She stood, and made a move as if she were going to exit her little classroom, but in a POOF! she was like vapor once more, off she dispersed, off to who knows where.




    Amaya was humming to herself as she made her way down to the cafeteria. Some kind of rap or something like that. Something about living young, and wild, and free? During class the Weezing gijinka who sat across from Amaya had been singing it under his breath, completely disregarding the teacher and the lesson. She found the tune to be quite catchy. 


     She was just about to the heavy metal door that led to the cafeteria, when it had burst open, the swinging door almost nailing her right in the face if it weren't for the reflexes she had built up from her own chronic clumsiness. The gallade boy, Rune, shot out from the doorway,completely bypassing Amaya and then made off down the hallway. All the while his hands were clutched over his mouth with a panicked expression playing over his eyes.

What...just happened? 

 After a moment, her initial shock had passed, and she continued forward, and pushing open the clanky metal door she entered the cafeturiahhhhhhhh


Not immediately, but soon enough she spotted Zoe and Dusk. She sat down.


( okay ill make the end more better or something in a few minutes im in a really big rush

Edited by lyridiandandan

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Hearing nothing moving on the other side of the door, she left and headed over to the cafeteria. Melissa stood in line behind a Marowak boy but she didn't want to make much contact. After getting her food, she saw Dusk talking to a girl dressed like a pokeball. After noticing the red highlights, she realised it was actually Zoe.


@@SleeplessSketch, @

Melissa noticed Dusk writing something on a piece of paper. Sitting down she asked, "Please tell me that's not homework." She groaned.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@Ampharos,@, @,  


"Eh...?...OH WOW!" Dusk looked up and to his surprise, he was swarmed by other students! Well that's an exaggeration but it was a little surprising to see his friends join him, even Melissa was here and she use to avoid him.

"Uhhhh hey guys, it's been alright so far, I'm learning a ton so it's been fun, it isn't homework for anybody else but I have to write a full page paper on Normal-Types in general. Part of my punishment for getting in that tussle...but I'm actually looking forward to it! Oh, plus there's some notes here from my Pokemon Biology class." Dusk said smiling as he continued to take a bite out of his pastry and a sip from his juice.

"What about you guys? I haven't seen any of you since Battle Class, how's your other classes so far? I still need to find a battle partner..though I don't think anybody would be eager since I'm not much of a fighter." He said laughing a bit.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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((Phone died and i finally have enough battery for quick post!))


@Amphros @Lhee

Razor appeared in the cafeteria looking fairly lost. She slowly got a place in the food line and after building her plate looked for a seat. She saw Lhee had just been in line as well. "Hello again!" She called and slowly walked over to him. "Now to find a spot to sit.." She looked out for a good table and motioned for Lhee to follow her to the place she chose. It was a table with a ground-type gijinka sitting alone with lots of space between him and other students, where she had planned to sit.

As she was walking past the lone person, she tripped, landing some of her food on the stranger. Embarassed, she blushed and nervouslg apologized. "I..Im sorry!"



Lolita had taken awhile in the hall. She said "hello!" to what students she could and hugged her friends from the year before. Eventually she ran into the cafeteria to look for Koh who she found talking to somebody. After quickly getting her food she raced over and hugged her boyfriend and smiled at the gijinka. "Hi! Im Lolita!"


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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Dark looks up from his story when he hears clanging and talking, the history teacher is grumbling to herself, the book she was teaching from (not that Dark was paying much *cough* any *cough* paying attention),

"You know you should do that to books, it's a show of complete and utter disrespect to the author, or authors"

He stated as he packed up.

'Dammit mind! stop being so story active! I probably would've missed lunch if miss, umm, soandso history hater hasn't hated history books, then we would have been in trouble wouldn't we'

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Nik then snapped his fingers and remembered why Dusk had seemed to linger in his mind. He need to write a paper on Ghost Types, what better way to learn than by asking an actual ghost type? Wiping the bone marrow off his lip, Nik teleported to Dusk

"Hey, can I use Mind-Read on you?" Nik asked, fully willing to suffer a migraine if it meant getting some more knowledge

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@SleeplessSketch, @

"Other classes? Uuh I skipped out on it? But that was only because I had to take out some tension fromthis morning by reading. In the dustiest corner of the library. Can you believe how much dust accumulated there?" Melissa gave slight sneeze and covered her mouth. Wiping her hands on a tissue, she began to eat. After swallowing a bite, she looked over at Zoe. 'At least she looks better.'


"Why do we always meet like this?" Melissa asked Nik. She sounded a bit exasperated.


@@Suitaloo, @@The Leafeon Pinkeh

"Where did you come from? One minute you're not here and the next you are. I swear you've got some supernatural powers or something. Phew. My name is Joshu. Nice to ment you Lolita." He looks around and saw Melissa. He jabbed a finger in her direction. "Koh, that is Melissa."

Edited by Piece Bot



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Dust nearly jumped out of his jacket when he felt some food land on him. He wiped it off casually and looked up to see a girl flustering and apologizing. Dustin shrunk back into his hoodie and nodded.  "O-oh it's alright... No harm done..." He gave a slight smile before nibbling on one his berries.





"Ah it's been alright. The only class I'm really interested in is Battle Class. I'd be you partner if you want." Zach made a real smile towards Dusk that quickly faded when Nik joined in. Mind Read? What the hell is up with this kid?

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"Because it's easier than moving by walking" Nik said plainly. Why was his usage of Teleport so odd? At least he had almost perfected it


"Hello again" Nik nodded curtly as Zach glared at him. Nik had no clue what a glare meant and so simply smiled back. Nik could interpret a smile, but little else

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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