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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee chuckles and shakes his head.  "Not really...  It's a nice thought, though."  He briefly wondered what the fresh air she was talking about must have smelled like - nearly everything to Lhee smelled like an odd combination of old bone, even older dirt, and sweat.  It hadn't been a problem back when he could still take the skull off to keep it clean, there were a few downsides to having it fused to his head though...


As they make their way to the gardens Lhee stops in his tracks when they pass one of the clocks hanging in the hallway, gesturing at it with his bone club.  "Uh, is that the right time?  If so, we have to get to class soon...  If we head to the garden we'll probably end up late..."  Lhee didn't have much of a problem with being late - it was still the first day of classes, and he hadn't been paying to most of the introductory material anyways, but he figured they shouldn't make a habit of it...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@, @@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Then it's settled. We'll head out tonight." Rune said. "Koh and Lolita, you two can get the food, I guess Synthia and I will work on drinks and fireworks. I can give you some money to help pitch in for the food." Rune said, sliding fifty dollars to Koh. "Thanks, hoapili." Koh said. "Since we're here at the cafeteria, we could get the food now, but I think we should just wait until after classes, so we don't have to carry the food around all the time." He said. "Well, since I'm a senior, I only have classes in the morning, since I fulfilled almost all the credits in previous years, so I can head in to town, see if I can get the fireworks." Rune said.

"Sounds good. I'll catch up with you after classes," She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, everyone else a peace sign, and walks out, barely containing her excitement. A weekend with Rune and fireworks. And a tent, with sleeping bags. With food. Oh, this'll be a wonderful weekend.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Dusk continued down the hallway heading towards his class as he read over his paper. Looking up he found two familiar figures walking then stopping in the hallway. It was one of those Deja Vu moments where your mind has that little moment of familiarity in the weirdest sense possible. The two figures became more apparent as it was none other than Lhee and Razor. The two seemed to be hanging out quite frequently as well, ever since the first day they were being pretty buddy buddy. Was everybody hooking up on this school? That was a whole other territory he never really knew what to think about. He had his own fair share of crushes but they never turned out well in his experience, mostly because he didn't know how to go about them.


"Heeeey guys! I'm walking towards your general direction, prepare yourselves." Dusk said aloud teasing them a little. He knew they were both still pretty uncomfortable around him and he wanted to let them know so he wouldn't sneak up on them. It was kind of unnerving to still see people wary of him just because he was a ghost-type, but he was certain most humans and regular pokemon had the same problems within their own respective societies.


Dusk walked closer to the pair as he pulled down his scarf and lifted his blindfold revealing his still hollowed eye sockets, didn't know if that would help...or make things worse..it's better than having one HUGE eye on a bandage staring at you with no blinking right? He paused in front of the two and gave a welcoming grin, showing off his missing front teeth...it was quite goofy.


"Hey there! We haven't been able to talk much since...you know, so how're you two doing?" Dusk said trying to make small talk to ease into their timid integrity.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Rune waved goodbye to Synthia. "Welp, I better make my way in to town, get the stuff before it gets too late." Rune said, waving goodbye to Koh and Lolita. "I'll catch up with you two later tonight." He said as he left the room.


He made his way to town. It wasn't a terribly long walk. About an hour or so. It was nice to get out and go for a walk sometimes. When he arrives in town, he saw a party store. 'They must have fireworks.' He thought to himself. He entered and saw that they had some on clearance from about a month ago. Nobody bought them, so they were on sale. He purchased them and took them back to the school with him. They weren't really allowed on school grounds, so he stashed them just off of the campus near where they'd be going to camp anyway. It was still class time for most students, but he also remembered that training with Fernmint. Luckily classes wouldn't be over for another hour or so, so he just went to his room, set his alarm, and took a nap.


@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Well, pau, it's getting close to class time. I think I'll head to my next class. I'll see you afterwards." He said, giving Lolita a hug.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee blinks and turns when he hears Dusk's voice, forcing a small smile onto his face.  He may not have been comfortable around ghosts, but he wanted to like this one...  After all, the goofy Dusclops had been clashing horns with Nik and sticking up for his friends...  Nothing like the ghosts back home in the tower.  "Oh, hey Dusk..."


This was awkward.  Lhee wanted to be polite, he wanted to be friendly...  But he had no idea what to say.  He'd been speaking more these past two days than he had in his life, at least it felt like it.  Well, Bonehead, say SOMETHING at least!  "Doing alright...  Just had to get out of the cafeteria...  Too many people for me."


Lifting his bone club up to rub the back of his neck with it, Lhee shrugs slightly.  "I, uh, heard you challenge Nik...  If there's anything I can do to help out...  Well, let me know.  I'd love to see you put Brush-Butt in his place."  Chuckling slightly Lhee gives a small smile again, thumping his bone club against his skull as he does.


Figuring he'd said more than enough for now, Lhee takes a moment to look over Dusk's new appearance...  It still screamed ghost type, but something about him actually seemed less intimidating to the Marowak...  He couldn't put his finger on it at first, but it finally occurred to him.  He isn't floating anymore.  Gastly, Haunter, all the ghosts back home floated...  A silly thing to base an opinion on maybe, but the fact that Dusk was walking now actually made it easier for Lhee to talk to him...  Yeah, I'm definitely a freak.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@,@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


 Dusk was more than relieved to see Lhee was speaking more than he did before...to HIM. This was fantastic, it made him feel...accomplished. Keeping in his excitement he replied back.


"Yeah well...it doesn't really seem to be about putting him in his place anymore. Lots of people seem to be supporting me, makes me feel a little bad about it, but as a gentleman I can't allow him to do as he pleases." He said thinking back to what Nik said about that situation in the Cafeteria.


"I'm gonna have to train a bit with Zach in order to get use to my new evolution. I read this book that was an encyclopedia on Ghost pokemon! It's super interesting if you even wanted to check it out, though my point being was I found out a lot of things about myself and why I don't float around anymore. I have this ability called Pressure that makes people who use moves on me get more tired since they use more PP. I also seem to be able to learn more physical attacks! It'd be amazing if I learned some fighting moves, that'd be something to raise your eyebrows at, me being a ghost pokemon and all." Dusk rambled on doing most of the talking between them as he was fascinated with the research he uncovered. Showing his true nerd-like self he was ecstatic to talk about statistics and facts about the pokemon world.


"Oh, am I talking too much? Sorry I get really excited when it comes to research." Dusk said as he laughed sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Now that Dusk got a better look at Lhee, he was quite the built character himself, and that skull on his head, was that really fused? He wanted to inquire more about Lhee, but he knew he had to ease in quite slowly in their friendship. More especially so with Razor since she was extremely timid around Ghosts...or scary things in general, he didn't really know.


"Sorry to ask this so abruptly and you don't have to answer if you feel uncomfortable about it, but....how was your evolution? From Cubone to Marowak? How did you deal with it? It just feels like to me that...who I was before and how I did things...is pretty much gone in a puff of smoke. Not saying it's a bad thing, but it's a lot to take in.." He said looking a little more worried than his usual optimistic expression.

  • Brohoof 1

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Nik for his part was doing something very odd. He used Sharpen, growing claws in his hand. Nik gritted his teeth as he slammed his own claws into his gut. He gagged as he yanked the claws out. Definitely hit something vital that time. Nik relaxed his mind and let his body glow green. A few seconds later, the wound had healed but Nik was still panting like a dog. 


"Damn it, need to use it without the stamina loss" Nik grumbled as he prepared to gut himself again. Nik had been trying to improve Slack Off so that he could use it without losing stamina. He'd replace Bone Club with it as Bone Club wasn't all that useful anyway. But learning a new move fully took time and so Nik tried to speed up the process via repeatedly gutting himself and then healing

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,



Lhee blinks at the unexpected question and shrugs again, thinking back to his evolution.  "I don't mind talking about it, not all that interesting though...  How did I deal with it?"  He rubs the back of his neck with his bone club, trying to think of how he should describe the change he went through.  "...Violently, I guess."


He would have left it at that, before the voice in his head told him that it was likely going to leave a bad impression if he did.  "Er, I mean...  When I was a Cubone, I...  Used to cry a lot.  One word and I'm hitting you with my bone club.  But, anyways, I...  Used to get picked on a lot.  The 'human' kids at school thought the freak wearing a skull with no friends was an easy target, and the ghost types that lived in the tower thought the same...  One day I kind of snapped and started lashing out."


Chuckling softly, Lhee flips his bone club in the air and catches it.  It would seem that he was very familiar with the tool...  "It worked well on the ghost pokemon...  Not so much on the kids at school.  I got expelled for fighting too much...  The outburst of violence made me evolve, though.  Later that night I looked into some of the old man's books, turns out Marowak are known for using violence to conquer grief, so I guess it was the trigger I needed..."  He was starting to think maybe he'd said too much - Lhee wasn't normally the type to talk about himself, and it felt strange to him to have someone seem interested in anything that may have happened to him before...  Not bad, necessarily, but very strange.


"But, uh, yeah...  Physically I didn't change as much as you did.  Got bigger and grew some muscles, and my moth- err, my skull became fused to my head...  I used to be able to take it off if I wanted to.  Evolution pretty much took away that chance of being 'normal' though."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Razor was scared to say anything much, she got past the worst part which is not running away. Actually, she was really proud of herself for not running. Yeah! Facing fears like a baws! Razor listened through a small bit of Lhee's backstory along with some stuff about the skull. "I wonder what a Cubone Lhee would look like.. much different probably." She soflty said, not really pulling herself in a conversation. Say something to Dusk.. think of something quick! "So.. you've evolved, Dusk. Do you miss floating?" Ohoho I said something. I'm like invincible right now. Even Nik can't take me! >:3



"I'm so excited for the camping trip!" Lolita exclaimed. The talk of the trip threw her off schedule of getting to class, not that she ever really followed one though. "Oki lets get to class! Where am I even going, I wonder... Oh yeah I have a shedule with me, I'm so silly, haha!" A history class, how fun! 

Edited by The Leafeon Pinkeh
  • Brohoof 1


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,@,


Dusk nodded as Lhee went on explaining...a lot about himself actually. He really wasn't expecting much more than a simple Just dealt with it. sort of answer. Dusk was astonished about how he was brought up, though upon mentioning something about an Old Man...he wanted to say something back as well. Though after Lhee's explanation Razor got up the courage to ACTUALLY communicate with him, this also astonished him. He felt pretty happy about himself and them.


"I don't know, I have mixed feelings about me not floating. For one thing I can't fly in the night sky anymore...bummer...but there's also the fact that I'm more fit than I use to be, so yey! It's going to be weird not being able to float about, but...I just have to accept it and move on I suppose." Dusk said answering sincerely while flashing a smile at Razor.


"And Lhee...I won't say that I understand, because we both know that's something people say just to make someone else feel better, lying is not really my forte. But I will say that normal isn't really an option for any of us anymore. Everybody at this school, has some sort of crazy origin that's pretty unique and to tell you the truth, I like it that way." Dusk said as he folded his arms at the back of his head, holding it. Looking away from the two he stared at the window outside, contemplating on how he was brought up.


"Back when I was a much younger Duskull...I didn't really have parents to begin with. I don't even know how I was brought about. All I knew was that I was alone...in a house that had been abandoned for quite some time. It would be years before someone knew that I was...well...haunting that house. So immediately a Shinto Monk and a Shrine Maiden were called to exorcise the house...from me. Sure they exorcised the house...but they didn't shoo me off or got rid of me. They took me in and they somehow became sort of my parent figures. They taught me about the world and bought me up to be a good little ghost, but eventually they would have to let me experience it myself. So I started school as well and...immediately it became more than clear to me that I was not accepted. People ran from me, they threw things at me just to see if it went right through me, and they even went as far as to try and get rid of me themselves. It was tough...but.." Dusk trailed off a bit collecting himself almost cracking his voice in the process.


"There are nice people...and you will always find some who accept you for who you are. But now that we're all here in this giant academy just for us? It definitely feels like that hostility is gone. That's why I'm always so open and willing to make a friend or two while I'm here. It feels good.." He said smiling a bit as he brought his hands down and started fidgeting with his scarf.


"I dunno haha, since you shared a lot about yourself I just thought it'd be okay to share some of what I went through as well. Didn't mean to talk both of your ears off, haha." He said with a sheepish grin again.


"I guess what I'm saying is...you won't find any of that here. Sure there are jerks here and there, but it feels a lot better to meet people like us who can relate, and other people who may not relate, but at least they're friendly enough." Dusk concluded with a final smile as he cleared his throat. He got a little cheesy there with the whole back story thing and final moral to his story, but...it felt nice.


"Aaanyway I think I've bothered you guys enough for now, I'll get going to History. Catch you guys later?" He said hoping they'd say yes further confirming they'd accept him as a decent person to hang around with.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee just nods quietly at Dusk.  The other boy's past didn't sound all that different than his own...  But, Lhee would have time to think on that later.  "Right...  We're going to be late to class."  The Marowak gijinka turns to look at Razor before nodding down the hall towards their next classroom, then walks past Dusk on down the hall.  Conversation really wasn't one of Lhee's strong points - he'd have to work on that...  As he walks away Lhee starts to twirl his bone club in his hand, content to get lost in whatever thoughts were bouncing around his skull. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@,@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


"Alright guys, take care!"  Dusk said as he waved at the two as they walked past him and down the hall. To counteract with Lhee's trouble with conversation, Dusk would have to work on NOT rambling on into a huge lecture. Ah well, at least he got that sort of off his chest. There was a lot more to the story but that was the generalized synopsis of it.


Dusk yawned after Lhee and Razor were out of sight. This day had been pretty exhausting from square one...but sure enough he had history to attend to. Dusk decided to make is way down the hall he was going, making glimpses out the window when he could. The sun was definitely beginning to do it's setting thing, though that wasn't surprising in the slightest. Classes and lunch seemed to drag on for quite a while here taking up most of the day, it was probably more efficient to do things like this because the students themselves lived at the school.


Smiling to himself he eventually came to the final class of the day, History. He was ecstatic and couldn't wait to get cracking. Old habits never change, even after evolution.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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    Amaya nodded dutifully, and for good measure took Zoe's hand, and squeezed it." Don't worry," She assured her, waving her free hand as if to dismiss the idea something could go terribly wrong.

    "Really bad things only ever happens in moves after all! Or you know, maybe *laughs* role plays!" (*Looks straight through your computer screen at you*) Amaya let her hands slip away from Zoe's and she hurried out of the cafeteria, waving behind her as she exited stage left. The glamour Zoe put over me is already starting to fade. Her mind was obviously busy with more important thoughts, like the faCT THEY LOST A POKEMON WHO CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER LIKE A LITTLE FREAKING GOD THAT'S IT THEY WERE GOING TO DIE THIS WAS IT THE END I BELIEVE THE WORLD IS FALLING TO THE GROUND OH WELL I GUESS WERE GONNA FIND OUT-


    Amaya smacked her cheeks (the face ones, perverts.)  No. No freaking out, Focus.


    But again, the glamour was fading. Looking down at herself, that was pretty obvious. Mmm...I can't just run all the way there, i'll look even more mad then I already do...Oh, i could fly! Very very fast fly. Our fluffy friend contemplated it for a few moments before reaching back to unbutton the wing slips in the back of her shirt. Almost each and every one of the fine shirts in her wardrobe where tailor made for Amaya, especially for her wings. It was one of the privileges of being rich. 


    Fine white wings bloomed from Amayas back, specifically between her shoulder blades. They folded and flapped as she carefully lifted herself from the floor, and small fluffy down feathers fell breezily to the floor in the wind made from her wings. Offhandedly, she notices that abit of preening was in order, but pushed this thought aside before she suddenly shot forward, and down the hall towards the dorm. Oh, if anyone saw her she would just die. 

"ssssssssoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!" She practically yelled as she flew full speed down the hallway.


Look'it her go.

  • Brohoof 2

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Zach nodded and took of towards the library. When he made it there, he found it to be unlocked and empty. Empty... Nothing unusual there... Except it doesn't help me find Castform... Is he hiding in here? Zach opened his mouth and hesitated. What if someone was in there? They'd think he was insane for calling to a random Pokemon from a completely different region than him. He shook his head, reminding him that finding Castform was more important than how stupid he looked. "Castform!? Are you in here buddy? I'm a friend of Zoey's! You saw me in the room with her remember?"

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((My turn for the time-skip!  Hope everyone's ready!))





Lhee sighs as he steps out of the door from his last class - it was a math class, and he'd slept through the second half of it.  There hadn't been anyone he knew in that one, so for the moment he was by himself again.  He glanced out the nearest window - it was fairly late in the afternoon now...  Wouldn't be too terribly long before the sun would be going down.  Well...  May as well find some way to kill the time.  He wouldn't be going outside to stare at the stars yet, but what to do until then...


Unable to come up with a better plan, Lhee decides to head to the library.  He was hoping he might be able to talk with the librarian he'd met yesterday, the one who'd practically pushed the LARP poster into his face.  There were a couple questions he wanted to ask her...  They'd come to him during class.  You know, when he was supposed to be paying attention.



Zoey Darius


This.  Was.  Terrible.  She'd missed her classes, AND she hadn't found Castform.  Zoey would have been to the point of tearing her hair out, if that wouldn't have affected her looks anyways.  She felt like there wasn't any other choice by this point - Castform may not have wanted to go to the teachers, but she needed help if they were going to find the little cutie.  Standing outside one of the faculty offices, Zoey knocks on the open door while peaking around the corner.  "Uhm...  Professor Corsac?"


Darius looks up from his paperwork, smiling his usual sly grin and motioning the Zorua girl inside.  "Yes, is there a problem lass?"  Zoey took a deep breath, and then quickly tried to explain what the situation was.  After repeating herself twice (with Darius encouraging her to breath between words), the message was finally across and Darius' smile slipped away.


"You've seen Castform!?  And you lost him?  Oh dear, now where are we going to look...  Yes, Castform does live here at the Academy, in fact he's in charge of controlling the weather here on campus.  You lost him near the cafeteria you say?  Very well, I'll go start to look there...  Lass, go find Miss Claudia and tell her everything you just told me.  No, you're not in trouble, but we need to find the little one.  Go on now, hustle a little."


Relieved to have more help, Zoey quickly took off down the hall to knock on the door to Claudia's office.












@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Melissa realised one thing she hated about Maths. It was torture! As for the introductory part of it, it was okay. Heading back to her Dorm, she wanted to inspect what that package was. 1quickly slipping it out of her bag, she finally realised what it was. Her father's old TM Machine. With a small smile on her face she placed on her bed and inspected the case of TMs that came with it. Flicking through them, one TM in particular caught her eye. Remembering what her dad said about using, she placed it in the palm of her hand and inserted the disc. Feeling a slight shift, Melissa realised that she had learnt a new move. Replacing Aqua Tail with it, she began to try and get familiar with the move.


Joshu came out of Art with a grin on his face. Art was one of his favourites, along with Music. He had finished that book on Unova Pokemon, he retrieved it from his room and headed to the library to return it. Maybe the librarian can help him pick out another one.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Dusk was already walking in the hallway away from his...interesting History class to say the least. Miss Claudia was one strange professor, but then again, the Professors of this school had just as much character as the students here, so it was refreshing from the usual robotic-like ones in a normal school. Dusk was ready to enjoy the rest of his day with a good ol' flying around in the night s-...oh yeah...he can't float anymore. A little disappointed about it he slouched and began to walk towards the courtyard. If he couldn't fly around, then at least he'd be able to enjoy a good walk. He DID say that he'd wanted to hang out with his pals in Dorm 1...and he DID promise snacks...maybe a trip through the nearby town would be sufficient to obtain these delectable munchies.


Yes! Dusk now had a mission! Obtain the goodies and then the pals. Dusk smiled and had new prep to his step as he made his way towards outside. Finding the appropriate doors he went on through feeling the freshness of the open air overwhelming him. It was a fantastic feeling as the Sun was getting mighty close to that time of twilight in the day. The skies were crystal clear as the cool breeze gently blew it's way across the swaying blades of grass on the nicely kept lawn of the campus. The distant chirping of Pidgeys nearby really made the mood all the more serene. Dusk took a deep breath then exhaled as he took further steps onto the grass.


Dusk had an idea and removed the bandages from his feet. Unfurling them he left himself barefooted as he felt the grass tingle the soles of his feet. Maybe walking won't be such a bad thing afterall, was the mindset he had on as he continued his way further onto the outside campus. Though...once he got to a place on the ground where rocks were more abundant, he quickly regretted this idea and fell on his rump.


"Dangit...walking hurts.." Dusk muttered to himself as he poutingly wrapped up his feet once again in bandages. He contemplated about going to the store to pick up said snackables, about how it probably wasn't a good idea to go alone...afterall, he didn't know where the place was. But who to ask was another thing entirely...this mission was going to be harder than he thought.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Melissa realised one thing she hated about Maths. It was torture! As for the introductory part of it, it was okay. Heading back to her Dorm, she wanted to inspect what that package was. 1quickly slipping it out of her bag, she finally realised what it was. Her father's old TM Machine. With a small smile on her face she placed on her bed and inspected the case of TMs that came with it. Flicking through them, one TM in particular caught her eye. Remembering what her dad said about using, she placed it in the palm of her hand and inserted the disc. Feeling a slight shift, Melissa realised that she had learnt a new move. Replacing Aqua Tail with it, she began to try and get familiar with the move.


Joshu came out of Art with a grin on his face. Art was one of his favourites, along with Music. He had finished that book on Unova Pokemon, he retrieved it from his room and headed to the library to return it. Maybe the librarian can help him pick out another one.


Delphina sat behind her desk, filled with melancholy and a hint of malcontent. Despite all her awesome, medieval-styled banners, nobody had come to apply for her LARPing group. She morosely flipped through the pages of her book, effectively dead to the world.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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The alarm clock went off. Rune awoke and stretched from his nap. It felt good to get some rest in. Now, however, he decided he should check in with Fernmint, see if he's up for fencing training. Rune walked to Fernmint's office and knocked. "Hello? Professor Fernmint? Are you in there?" Rune asked.




Koh left his last class. It would probably be a good idea to go and get some food for the camping trip. He went to the cafeteria and bought a bunch of pre-packed meals and a couple gallon jugs of water. He then carried them back to his room and put them in a cooler he had stashed away for picnics and whatnot. He then began work on some math work he had to do, waiting for Lolita to return.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Joshu walked in the library and immediately noticed the out of place decorations. They made the library look like it was set in the Medieval era. Proceeding to the main desk he saw a teacher that looked like she ws dead to the world. Could that be the librarian?

"Ma'am? I'm returning a book. Do you think you can show me any interesting ...." his voice grew quiet when he saw a poster on the desk. "LARPing. What's LARPing?" Joshu asked out loud.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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    Ms Claudia fell back into her chair, pressing her hands to her skirt so it would not flare up as she did as such. The school Bell had rung, the students had filed out like a coloney of ant's to a Queen Ant March, she had just finished setting every last textbook back into the bookshelf in the corner, and all the papers were in a neat stack on her desk. Which she back-handed with batting an eye, sending papers flying fluttering and 'swooshing' in the air until the hit the cold tile floor. She gave a content sigh,  Everything done now!~ Now i can just focus on finding Castform for the time be-

    Ah nope.

    Nope of course not. Because now a Zorua girl stood in her doorway, an anxious look worn like a mask over her face. Ms Claudia raised an eyebrow at the student, leaning back even further in her chair.


    " Oh-ho~? What do we have here?A lost little pup? What is it that you need, darling."


    Castform smiled as brilliantly as a Pokemon could. He did it! He was especially proud of himself today, since it had been such a long long long time since he had done this. But it had never failed to make Ms Claudia smile, so why wouldn't it help the fluffy girly do the same? Oh, oh!~ He wondered if everyone would enjoy it.



    Amaya lay face down on her mattress, with a deflated sigh. Her wings twitched and her legs swung back and forth over the edge of the bed. After she changed clothes, (Into white shorts and a flowy black spaghetti strap top whatever her hair is still up in the high pony tail Zoe put it in and her long side fringe is pinned back) she had searched the damn room for over an hour, hoping maybe he had fallen asleep in a strange place but this was sadly not the case. After that, she had spent another good two hours searching the entirety of the dorms, minus the actual dorm rooms. She was tired, frustrated, and a bit grumpy to be honest. 


    Suddenly she lifted her head from the pillow, and slammed her palm down on it's plushie body. " Ah-- I've had enough!!" She yelled suddenly. Her usual timid demeanor was faltering under  I've looked everywhere, and he is nowhere! If that little pokemon is playing a trick, it stopped being funny a long time ago, and-


    Just as Amaya was about to go off on a particularly steamed rant, something caught her eye from the window. No, not the window itself but from the outside, something in the sky...She pushed herself up, and scooted her way off of the bed, and to the window. Is...Is that Cast-...!!


She flicked the latch on the window and pushed open the window panels. As she did, a gust of wind rushed into the warmth of Dorm 1, as if the cold air was trying to greet her. No. Was she saw was not Castform, but the work of Castform.


"Snow..." She whispered, the word slipping almost silently from her tongue.


Soft, round flakes drifted down from gray clouds that encircled the school. On closer inspection, the snow only fell upon the school and it's grounds, almost in a uniform manner. It wasn't that Amaya had never experienced snow before, she most certainly had, but it was the last thing she would have thought would happen in the desert. The snow did not whip around in the wind in a flurry, but drifted softly and quietly, down and down.


( I tried to be dramatic, okay?)

Edited by lyridiandandan

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Zoey steps inside Claudia's office, her ears going back a little out of worry that she's going to get in trouble.  "Well, umm...  Professor Corsac told me that I should tell this to you, but...  I found Castform.  But...  I lost him...  See, I found him roaming the halls last night, and he took a liking to me but I tried to bring him to a teacher and he freaked outwhenItriedsoIjusttookhimbacktomyDormsohewouldn'tbeindangeratnight"  The more Zoey spoke the faster she seemed to get, until she makes herself stop and take a deep breath.


Looking back at Claudia, Zoe's ears go back a little more.  "But, umm, well...  He vanished on me around lunch time...  I got some of my friends to try and help me find him, but...  We looked all over the school, and we haven't found where he went, andIdidn'tknowwhatelsetodosoIcamehereforhelp!"  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Hearing Amaya scream from two doors away was never good for the lungs, let alone hearing. She cringed at the noise and covered her ears up. Then she thought it had died down but her ears were still ringing slightly. Walking out and heading over to where she thought she heard it, Melissa knocked on the door. "Amaya? You feeling okay?"

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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As Dusk continued to ponder on what he should do next...the strangest feeling began to arise from him...it felt cold. Dusk brought his arms and wrapped himself with them as he stood up. Dusk never really felt cold before due to...well obvious reasons, but when it did that usually meant greater outside forces messing with the climate. Dusk looked up and from his amazement...he saw something he had NEVER seen before in his life...snow.


Snowflakes began to drift gently from the sky as they landed and began to build up in patches around the campus. Dusk wasn't sure how to react to this, he didn't know whether to be concerned...or overcome with fascination. He lived in Hoenn for all of his life and that was a pure tropical region so it never snowed there. No amount of reading from books or internet searches could ever prepare him for the experience he was having now.


"It's snowing....It's SNOWIIING!" Dusk yelled in joy as he began to run around feeling the soft flakes melt against his skin. Even with what little warmth the ghost boy had in him, it was enough to melt snowflakes. Dusk ran about and made his way towards the outside area where the Dorm room's windows could see. He was hopping and skipping and jumping about as pure childhearted-filled fun was had.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Ms Claudia


..... *Pencil snaps* Oh look at that. I broke my pencil.


     For a moment, Claudia sat their with a broken pencil gripped tightly in her hand, and a eerily serene look on her face.Then..

She suddenly slammed both hands against her desk with nearly enough force to break it, and stood straight up from her seat. The momentum sent the chair rolling into the wall, where it hit and fell over with a loud CLANG.


     "YOU LOST MY CASTFORM???!?" She yelled calmly (It's a joke) as her cool demeanor slipped away.

Claudia held her head in her hands, in wide eyed disbelief. "Y-You had him and you lost him! He is double lost, oh my god.Oh my god! W-why didn't you tell an adult that you had-...Ash Ketchum! Nevermind, Nevermind! We just-" 

She snatched up her cloak and flourished it dramatically over her shoulder with a soft 'fwip' noise.


     "What's most important is that we just....find him, okay?" She pushed the girl gently by her shoulders out of her office and towards Darius room, and as she did, she got a good look out of the hall window "Oh, Are you kidding me?!"  


"DARIUS, IT'S SNOWING." She groaned, yelling down the hall so he would hopefully hear her.




She stared out at the sky, almost starstruck bye the scenery. Amaya reached out the window, touching her finger to a falling snowflake, and watched it melt against her fingertip. 




At the sound of his voice, Amaya snapped back into reality. But, the reality was Dusk dancing spazztically out in the snow. She felt like she should have reprimanded him for doing so half naked and without shoes. But...


She just laughed. And laughed. The silvery sound of her laughter echoed in the near empty courtyard before she finally caught her breathe enough to call out to him.

"Wait, hold on! I want to play too!" She said, holding out a hand as if to say 'just wait a moment' before she disappeared from the window.

She pulled a knit scarf out from the depth of her bag which lay sprawled out next to her mattress, before opening the door, and almost taking a crash course in Melissa, whom she just barely dodged hitting. she pointed towards the open window as she darted down the hall toward the nearest courtyard exit.


"It's snow!"


As soon as she pushed open that heavy metal door, and allowed herself to be engulfed in the cold gushes of wind that carried fluffy snowflakes. She took one step after another in her sodden black socks. Perfectly good socks, ruined.

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