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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Melissa covered her mouth. Something confused her, so she decided to ask Nik. "What did he mean by 'he's tracking me.'? That just seems rather odd for a Substitute to say let alone for a Substitute to actually speak at all. She gulped and looked at Nik with confusion.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"He was going delusional, it's likely he had no clue what he was seeing" Nik shrugged, retracting the claws he had used. Nik 5's body dissolved into smoke. Nik sighed as he looked at it. Oh well, he'd come up with another strategy to defeat Dusk. The clones hadn't been working well anyway 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Okay then. I'm just going to head back to the Dorm now." Melissa said slowly. She walked away and headed over to her Dorm. Once inside she sat on her bed and started hyperventilating. She laid down on the bed and eventually fell asleep.


Nico woke up and studied the map of blips inside his head. He had made himself a little mental legend to help him decipher between the different colours. Red were enemies, green were friends and black was neutral. A red blip walked up and down the hallways while another was in Dorm 3. The only green blip, which he figured was Samantha, was in the Cafeteria. He didn't feel hungry so he just studied his blip-map some more.


Joshu had finally finshed his second book. Getting up he stretched his legs and arms. Feeling his stomach rumble he headed over to the cafeteria and grabbed a couple of energy bars from the vending machines. He leaned against the wall and thought of a composition he'd been working on.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@Suitaloo, @,

"Well... no one has really seen it too well.. but it's said to be something like an aerodactyl. Luckily I haven't seen one... yet." Lolita dramatically acted out being attacked by the monster and dropped to the ground. "It..was a fossil pokemon...after..all..." She hopped up and gave out a little laugh, "Yep that's pretty much how it would go." Hmmm.. soo what now? Firewood, firewood... "LOOK AT THAT!" She pointed at a branch perfect for the fire and broke it off the small tree on their side, managing not to hurt herself in the process. "We're going to have one awesome fire and camping night!"

She grins, "And that fire is assured! I know how to create fire without matches, or lighter. And, also, we really should only collect dead wood. It burns better, doesn't smoke, and doesn't hurt the tree." She smiled at Lolita and continued her gathering. She straightened with an artful of useable kindling.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@Suitaloo,@, @@Lyridian, @, @,




Jon walked through the hallways with a much bigger bucket on wheels with a mop in hand. Shedinja was also flying overhead as silent as ever as it followed Jonathan. The two were really inseparable so nobody ever saw the Custodian without the little guy right behind him...well if anybody actually noticed him at all was in itself a mystery. Finally coming to the huge doors leading to the Cafeteria he opened the doors and stopped a ways in as he dragged the wheeling bucket behind him making sure not to let the solutioned water splash out.


He sighed and saw that there were still a bunch of students lounging around with trash on the tables. One he recognized from earlier of course, but the others were just familiar faces from them running around all the time. The Shedinja hovered down and sort of patted Jon on the head in order to get his attention.


"Eh? Oh...right..." Jon muttered as he looked to his side. He had a megaphone strapped to his belt especially used for making announcements or to tell kids to stop running in the halls...but he never used it and thought of it as a waste of energy, but it seemed like he had to in this situation considering how noisy the Cafeteria can be.


"Alright...h-how do I...how do I use this again...." He said fiddling with the weird contraption. He shook it, banged it, and tapped it to see if it was even on. Shedinja on the other hand hovered down towards the megaphone and used one of it's little legs to push the on button to the device.


"Oh....I knew that...." Jon said giving his partner a sheepish stare as he brought the device to his mouth...well at least where it should be if not covered by fabric all the time.


"Atte-At- ow this thing is loud...Attention students in the premises. The Cafeteria is closing in a few minutes....I suggest you throw away your trash now...and find somewhere else to mingle....you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here...okay how do I turn this off again..." Jon spoke the the device and quickly shut it off. He hung it around on his belt once more and brought over one of the trash cans close to him so the students can dump their trash. Jon gave a slight yawn and rubbed at his eyes, he was definitely tired...but his work was never done. The Shedinja hovered back up and rested itself on Jon's head making more buzzing sounds.


"Hey hey hey...since I still have to work, you have to work too......no breaks.." Jon scolded the little ghost-bug.




Dusk was doing his best keeping his business to himself when Nik arrived. He still bothered him, but he was much more calm about it. Upon hearing the doors open he saw the Custodian/Janitor walk through.


"Wh-...Hey...that, That's that guy I saw earlier!" He said to his friends referring to the incident where they were escorted to the office by the two teachers. 


"Yeah I'm sure of it...he is pretty crazy looking...and he has a..is that a Shedinja with him? That's part ghost and probably one of the weirdest yet. Man if people were going to be uncomfortable with any Ghost pokemon it ought to be that Shedinja. I'm no where near as creepy as that thing.." Dusk said feeling shivers down his spine. He read up on Shedinjas...they were supposedly the shells of shedding Nincadas brought to life and given it's own form, or at least that's what it's to be believed. Though...once Dusk saw that the man was clumsily working the Megaphone, he couldn't help but feel...like he was a lot more weird and funny looking than creepy. Also...it was kind of funny how the Shedinja had to turn it on for him.


"Creepy Janitor? Yeah...real creepy..." He said in a coy tone making fun of Nik a little passively. He seemed harmless enough...tired, but harmless.


"Well let's not dwindle any longer folks, I think it's a good time to head towards the dorms eh?" He said as he picked up his stray tray and turned to his pals waiting for a reply to his smile.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Lolita had brought along a "Camping 101" guide but hadn't read it all the way through. "Like.. over there?" She pointed to an arrangement of fairly large pieces of wood attached to a fallen tree. Looked pretty dead to her... and so did most of the wood around. "Woah.. what's with all the burned trees? I don't remember this.." The forest behind the fallen tree she was near was what seemed like a Charizard's playpen. Forest fires were a possibility too, though. Whatever the reason she collected some actually good pieces of firewood. "I hope we don't get burnt overnight by a fiery evil pokemon!" She kidded, this part of the woods had been long burnt down, and the monster story was only a.. story, as far as she believed.


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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@@Lyridian, @, @@Ampharos, @@SleeplessSketch, @


Samantha finished her energy bar and then threw away her trash. "Alright, I guess I'll meet you guys in the common room if you want to hang out still. I'll probably just be in there relaxing." She said, as she headed towards the common room. The fireplace was roaring, despite it being in the middle of the desert. Mostly because deserts got awfully cold at night, but it was still a comfort, even if she couldn't really feel the warmth anywhere but her chest and head.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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(Sorry to be a nitpick but I don't think you read the my latest post. Sorry if I sound like I"m griping.)



Joshu sighed and put his trash in the bin next to the janitor. It seemed kind of funny when the Shedinja helped him with his megaphone but Joshu wisely chose to not laugh. He went over to Dark, who was still miraculously typing away at his computer. If he kept this up then he'll get cobwebs all over him in that one spot. He closed the laptop and took it back to the room with him. He'll notice the missing laptop soon enough.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Zoey giggles and nods, wadding up her trash and standing up.  "Yeah...  After all the excitement today, we should get some rest.  I'd hate to be tired when we try to like, go into town or something."  As she walks over towards the trash can that Jonathan had gotten out, Zoey throws her trash away and smiles up at the janitor and the shedinja.


"Thank you for keeping the school clean!"  Zoey didn't care if the janitor was kinda scary - she tried to get along with everyone.  She smiles up at Jonathan and her ears twitch a little before she makes her way towards the hall to head to their dorms with her friends.  "Duskie, how can you call that little Shedinja creepy?  I think it's adorable."





It was late...  And he'd already missed the first two days...  But, at least he was finally here.  Raiga sighs quietly as he steps through the doors to the academy, glancing around the entrance hall.  I was lucky they didn't kick me off of the train...  I hope the faculty understands my story.  


The Raikou gijinka starts to walk down the halls towards the dorms, the air crackling slightly around him.  He wasn't causing it purposefully, it was just the build up of static around him.  I wonder what the other students are like?  I've not spent much time around kids my own age.  I'll be fine, though...  The monks trained me to expect different personalities, some of which are bound to clash.


He was late enough that the halls seemed to be mostly empty.  "I wonder where everyone is...  Surely not in bed yet?"  He sighs quietly and starts looking for his dorm again - he could at least drop off his bags before looking around for someone that may have known the school better than he did.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Razor shut her laptop after an hour or so, deciding she should take care of dinner. Once packing her laptop back in its bag and sliding it to its place under her bed she walked out the dorm, heading towards the cafeteria. Raikou gijinka? What's with the legendaries here? Razor thought it might not be a good desicion to talk to a.. legendary. She may not know a lot of them at all (like the Mewtwo she saw her first day) but she knew about the legendary dogs. Razor continued shuffling down the hall, focusing on her goal to just get some food. The large room greeted her with a lovely sight. "Ooh.. hi Dusk." She was trying not to shake, but behind him was.. what? What is that? I.. it can't be a dangerous gijinka.. looks like a worker. She shivered and chose to look at the floor instead, wait no.. it might be watching her. "So.. food.. I guess.." 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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@,@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,




Dusk walked with Zoey as well as his friends as they sort of kept to themselves, probably tired from the events of today. Walking towards the Janitor and dumping his tray he looked up and saw the sleepy, but almost intimidating stare he gave with those piercing red eyes.


"Y-yeah, thank you for your hard work!" Dusk said as he laughed nervously as he tried not to eye the Shedinja too much.


"Yeah well, you can't help but feel that stare it gives off pierce right through you...I mean yeah okay it was kind of adorable with the whole Megaphone thing but s-" Dusk's sentence was kind of interrupted when Razor had spoken up to talk to him. He was busy trying to scuttle by the Custodian he didn't notice her walk right up to him.


"O-Oh! Hi Razor! Fancy seeing you here. Haha it's kind of surreal to see you without Lhee around...and talking to me to be honest." Dusk said giving a sheepish laugh. He was quote surprised though to see her up and about talking to him of all people. He then noticed that she was a little...fear stricken by the sight of the Janitor behind him.


"Eh? Oh that's just the Janitor...if you came to grab a snack to eat then I'm afraid he's closing the Cafeteria down for the night to clean it up most likely...Well He seems like A decent guy, I'm sure if you asked him if you can grab something he'd let you." Dusk said trying to bring up her courage. He knew she was a timid little thing so she'd need all the moral support she can get.


"I'm actually heading back to the dorms now, I hope to see you soon. It's nice to see you up and about." Dusk said flashing her a smile as he continued on his way with Zoey. Once they were well a ways away he began to speak again.


"Zoey...that is the first time that girl has brought up the courage to talk to me...am I losing my ghostly edge?" Dusk asked a little worried, but it was a sort of joking around sort of worried.




"Hm..." He merely grunted as the students dumped their trash and went on their way back to the dorms. He looked back over his shoulder to see them leave and looked up at his partner. 


"You know....that's probably the first time...someone's thanked me for cleaning up..." He said in his usual dull tone of voice. The shedinja lifted itself from the top of his head and hovered right next to his face.


"Shediiiinja." It spoke as it remarked on the situation.


"Yeah well you don't count you lazy pokemon you..." Jon said chuckling a little to himself which was fairly uncommon. He took one last scan of the Cafeteria as he figured he might as well get started. Dipping the mop into the bucket he began to mop around the corners of the Cafeteria, picking up chairs and laying them upside down on the tables as he went. The Shedinja followed right behind him and began picking up little wrappers or left over pieces and placing them into the garbage bin they left at the door.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Lolita had brought along a "Camping 101" guide but hadn't read it all the way through. "Like.. over there?" She pointed to an arrangement of fairly large pieces of wood attached to a fallen tree. Looked pretty dead to her... and so did most of the wood around. "Woah.. what's with all the burned trees? I don't remember this.." The forest behind the fallen tree she was near was what seemed like a Charizard's playpen. Forest fires were a possibility too, though. Whatever the reason she collected some actually good pieces of firewood. "I hope we don't get burnt overnight by a fiery evil pokemon!" She kidded, this part of the woods had been long burnt down, and the monster story was only a.. story, as far as she believed.


Synthia sighed, "Oh, it would make life easier, if it didn't look like it was already burnt. You see, when something burns, it undergoes a combustion reaction. Long story short, it creates oxygen and carbon, whichh is what you see before you. Carbon doesn't burn to good. I think we have enough though."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Zoey giggles and drapes an arm around Dusk's shoulders, playfully flicking him in the chin.  "No way Duskie, you're still just as spooky as ever.  It probably has something to do with, you know, you only looking spooky and not acting it.  She's probably started figuring out what a cool guy you are."  She turns to look at Dusk and winks, leaning in a little closer with a playful smile, purposefully trying to see if she could make her friend uncomfortable...  Zoe enjoyed this game too much.







Raiga found dorm 3 and opened the door, standing in the doorway and blinking to see a girl already asleep in one of the beds.  They didn't tell me these were coed dorms.  Oh well...  Leaving the door propped open for light from the hallway, he starts unpacking his bags near an empty bed.


As he unpacked his belongings, Raiga would spare an occasional glance at Melissa as though trying to analyze her.  It looks like she may have been in a fight recently.  That, or she's a klutz and walked into a wall.  Is she tired, or just lazy?  How will she react to waking up and finding a room mate?  He was trying to figure out what her personality might be like - difficult to do when the person is asleep, however.

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Melissa woke up when she felt some stray sparks of electricity. 'Is there an actual mini-storm in here?' She thought to herself. She stretched and sat up in bed. She tilted her head and caught a glimpse of someone in the room. "Who are you? My new roommate?" She was still tired and not trying to wake up.



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Raiga glances back at her when he hears Melissa's voice, nodding his head slightly.  "My apologies.  I did not intend to wake you.  My name is Raiga, from the Jotho region.  And yes, it would appear that I'm to be your room mate."  As he speaks the Raikou gijinka's voice is a low rumble, the words sounding almost as though he had been rehearsing them before arriving.  











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Melissa waved a hand at Raiga's words. "That's fine. No harm done. I'll talk to you in the morning, good night." Melissa turned around in bed and tried to get back to sleep.





Nico studied his mental map and Samantha's dot moved from the cafeteria to the Common Room. He doesn't want to talk to anyone right now. A grey blip popped up on the map and moved towards Dorm 3. 'Why is a Legendary at the school?' He'll most likely find out tomorrow. He laid down in bed and closed his eyes.





Joshu arrived at Dorm 8 and dropped the laptop on top of Dark's bed. Dustin still hadn't come in to the Dorm. He shrugged, thinking nothing of it and changed into pyjamas and headed off to bed.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Well if we have enough now we should head back to the campsite, right you expert fire builder?" She laughed and smiled again before pivoting around to face the way they came from. "A split in fhe path, sweet caterpie this is like.. adventurous!" Lolita's eyes brightened and she insisfed they take what seemed like a loop-around path through the burned woods. "Shouldnt take too long.. but if you dont want to risk it.." she faked wiping a tear "thats okay too." Lolita lives for adventure!

  • Brohoof 1


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Amaya looked back one last time at the custodian as the Cafeteria door shut behind them, idly running a hand through her ponytail. Dusk was right, he did seem to have a scary sort of air around him. But the way he bickered with that little pokemon of his sort of ruined it and made him look a little silly. All the better, though! She smiled, catching Razor's eye for just moment before turning back to her friends. Was that the Eevee girl from earlier, I wonder? But Dusk had called her Razor... I'm sure the girl from before was Sally...Er, no thats not right... Um, maybe Soupy? Oh god, that was even MORE wronger. Well, she'll figure it out eventually, right?




She watched Zoe draped her arms over Dusk, hiding a smile behind a well placed hand over her hand, almost laughing. 

"Don't worry, maybe you'll grow into your spookyness..... Like..uhm, spooky-berty?." She had started out so confidently and just could follow through.

"Like...like puberty for ghost..."  She added, trying to salvage what she had said.


Amaya, god your so dumb.

Edited by Lyridian
  • Brohoof 2

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As soon as Zoey held onto his shoulder he began to flush red once more, it didn't help when Amaya went off saying something about spooky-berty. Spooky-berty was no laughing matter! This could be serious!....He had no idea what Spooky-berty was though.


"A-AH WELL! GEE I DON'T THINK I'M THAT COOL, JUST A DORK, YEP JUST A DORK, AHAHAHA" Dusk said out loud as he gently slipped away from her grasp. As he continued to laugh and unwittingly walk forward, a loose bandage got caught under his foot and he tripped over it. THUD! His face planted straight into the floor with his rump raised up as he lied there on the floor.


"Ouch..." He muttered as he sat up and lifted himself from the floor and onto his feet.


"These bandages will be the death of me I swear....hmmm, Maybe I should lose a few." He said examining his limbs. He turned to look at his friends and gave a sheepish laugh.


"See? Just a clumsy dork, ahahaha" He said teasing himself, further proving his point.

  • Brohoof 3

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"Well if we have enough now we should head back to the campsite, right you expert fire builder?" She laughed and smiled again before pivoting around to face the way they came from. "A split in fhe path, sweet caterpie this is like.. adventurous!" Lolita's eyes brightened and she insisfed they take what seemed like a loop-around path through the burned woods. "Shouldnt take too long.. but if you dont want to risk it.." she faked wiping a tear "thats okay too." Lolita lives for adventure!

Synthia grins, "Okay! But lets get a move on. If we're gone too long our lovely companions will get worried. And we don't want that." She set her bundle down next to a tree and stretched the entirety of her body towards the sky. "These evolution adjustments are weird. I'll have to go into town; my regular clothes are just to tight any more." She adjusted a bra strap and waited for Lolita to ready up.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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After Dark had emptied the contents of his stomachs several times, refilled it and emptied it again, he decided that a nice cold slice of revenge was in order...


... After a nice warm hot chocolate that is.


He heads back to his dorm to grab his special blend and finds Joshu getting into bed,

"AHH! Jishu! perfect! I have a mission for you should you choose to accept it"

He opens his bag while waiting for an answer.

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Dusk had walked away to a group of friends and Razor was left near a creepy janitor she was NOT going to talk to. Instead of going in the lunch line to get food, her original goal, she dropped by the vendig machines and bought herself a pack of crackers. Razor didnt really know where to go, so she just headed to the berry garden to relax. On her way there she heard a couple of gijinka mentioning a communion room to hang out in. She managed to get behind them in the hall and silently stalk them both into the room. Of course she didnt want to communixate with those two, though. Razor found herself a place in the room next to a girl gijinka. Instead of introductions she pulled out her ipod from a bag shed brought along and put in some headphones. Before starting to play any music she nervously spoke to the stranger. "Hi! Are you having fun?" ... or something like that. She wasnt sure what she should of said, maybe an actual introduction first? Oh well she cant change it now.



Lolita hopped down the path a little ways in before switching to cautiously looking to the sides for something. "D-do you hear that? Its like a strange growl...and I feel like Im-like WE're being watched." Lolita cowered and moved closer to the Slyveon. "But wrle cant back out!" Sudden inspiration to keep going appeared and Lolita dramatically added, "We can fight you, monster! Haha! You arent even scary!" Maybe that would make it go away, but still tje growls continued and got even louder. A bit scary for being on some lonely trail in later times of day.


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Nik sat, lazing about. He couldn't find much to do, especially since he was afraid of the psycho janitor and Batman/Nico. There was a new energy near by, but Nik was worried about investigating it. The Smeargle gjinka sighed as he mentally did eenie meenie moe

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"If the mission involves going to the Cafeteria then I can't do it because it's closed for the night. If it's something else, I'm willing to listen." Joshu sat on the side of his bed while he watched Dark root around in his bag. "By the way, where have you been all day?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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Dusk had walked away to a group of friends and Razor was left near a creepy janitor she was NOT going to talk to. Instead of going in the lunch line to get food, her original goal, she dropped by the vendig machines and bought herself a pack of crackers. Razor didnt really know where to go, so she just headed to the berry garden to relax. On her way there she heard a couple of gijinka mentioning a communion room to hang out in. She managed to get behind them in the hall and silently stalk them both into the room. Of course she didnt want to communixate with those two, though. Razor found herself a place in the room next to a girl gijinka. Instead of introductions she pulled out her ipod from a bag shed brought along and put in some headphones. Before starting to play any music she nervously spoke to the stranger. "Hi! Are you having fun?" ... or something like that. She wasnt sure what she should of said, maybe an actual introduction first? Oh well she cant change it now.


Samantha awoke from her little impromptu nap on the couch. She noticed a leafeon gijinka in the room with her. "Having fun?" She whispered to herself. "I'm just hanging around. Not really doing anything fun per se, but I'm enjoying the relaxation. Especially after the long trip here. I'm Samantha by the way."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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