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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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@,((Just in case he's still following Raiga?))


Going back inside, Raiga checks his map of the school briefly before making his way towards the gym.  It was getting late, but he had been traveling for the last two days.  He wanted to go through some exercises before bed tonight, as he'd not had an opportunity to do so recently.


Finding the gym, Raiga glances around for a moment before walking towards the training dummies lined up by the walls.  He grabs one and starts dragging it over to an open space.  Satisfied that it was far enough away from the others, Raiga sighs and clasps his hands together.  With a quick bow to the training dummy, Raiga darts forward using Quick Attack and slams his palm into the center of the training dummy.  A wave of sparks blast out of the impact site, and he quickly darts around behind it before delivering another similar strike.  


Raiga continues to move around the dummy like this, ducking and spinning occasionally, almost as though going through with a dance.  Each time he strikes the wooden training dummy another wave of sparks erupts from it.  After going through with this for a couple minutes the Raikou gijinka begins to change his movements, mixing in kicks and jumps along with the other movements.







Darius rubs at his chin, suppressing an urge to yawn as he listens to Samantha's idea.  It was an interesting prospect, he was just tired from looking for Castform all last night.  "It's a strange idea, but it has potential...  I have to take student's safety into account before anything, however.  And no offense to you Samantha, as I know you're capable, but you're a student under my responsibility as well."


He shrugs slightly, reaching up to adjust his glasses.  "Have someone from your parent's company get in contact with me, I'll not be agreeing to anything without knowing all of the details.  In the morning, mind you, it's far too late for me to plan something like this right now.  Now, is there anything else I can help you with?"  He steeples his fingertips together and smiles at the Porygon girl.  One of Darius' ears twitch slightly as he hears what sounds like impact sounds coming from the gym.  He would need to take a look before going back to sleep...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@,((Just in case he's still following Raiga?))


Going back inside, Raiga checks his map of the school briefly before making his way towards the gym.  It was getting late, but he had been traveling for the last two days.  He wanted to go through some exercises before bed tonight, as he'd not had an opportunity to do so recently.


Finding the gym, Raiga glances around for a moment before walking towards the training dummies lined up by the walls.  He grabs one and starts dragging it over to an open space.  Satisfied that it was far enough away from the others, Raiga sighs and clasps his hands together.  With a quick bow to the training dummy, Raiga darts forward using Quick Attack and slams his palm into the center of the training dummy.  A wave of sparks blast out of the impact site, and he quickly darts around behind it before delivering another similar strike.  


Raiga continues to move around the dummy like this, ducking and spinning occasionally, almost as though going through with a dance.  Each time he strikes the wooden training dummy another wave of sparks erupts from it.  After going through with this for a couple minutes the Raikou gijinka begins to change his movements, mixing in kicks and jumps along with the other movements.







Darius rubs at his chin, suppressing an urge to yawn as he listens to Samantha's idea.  It was an interesting prospect, he was just tired from looking for Castform all last night.  "It's a strange idea, but it has potential...  I have to take student's safety into account before anything, however.  And no offense to you Samantha, as I know you're capable, but you're a student under my responsibility as well."


He shrugs slightly, reaching up to adjust his glasses.  "Have someone from your parent's company get in contact with me, I'll not be agreeing to anything without knowing all of the details.  In the morning, mind you, it's far too late for me to plan something like this right now.  Now, is there anything else I can help you with?"  He steeples his fingertips together and smiles at the Porygon girl.  One of Darius' ears twitch slightly as he hears what sounds like impact sounds coming from the gym.  He would need to take a look before going back to sleep...


"No that's really it, however, I did see out a window on the way over here, someone's shooting off some fireworks, in case you were interested in watching those. I'll head over to watch those and then send an email to both of my parents saying that a representative from the companies need to get in touch with you." Samantha said. "Also, I don't know if I'm hearing things, but there might have been a crash somewhere around here."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nik scurried about on the roof like a lizard, claws keeping him anchored. Raiga liked being quick it seemed and was an honorable fighter. Honor, what a joke. Nik had plenty of ways to take advantage of that. Still, he had to figure out more weaknesses in that arrogant bastard's style

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Dusk laughed as he saw Melissa and Zoey frisk through his pages of notes though he was a little bashful from all the compliments on how impressed they were from his note taking.


"Haha it's no big deal I just like being thorough...and I'd rather have it that people take their own notes. You know...academic ethics and all that." Dusk said as he rubbed at his chin. Hearing Melissa calling to them about fireworks Dusk scooted himself towards the window to see the fantastic display happening outside.


"Wow...that's pretty awes- wait...who would be lighting off fireworks out here? Is this like a school thing to...welcome us or...I'm confused." Dusk said as he scratched his head as he pondered the occasion. 

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"I don't really know why there are fireworks but they're pretty." Melissa looked at the fireworks show for a few minutes and then turned around to survey Dusk's work. She went over to the bed and picked up a few pieces of paper. After studying his handwriting, she figured out that some of the notes were from the History class she missed. She quickky went back to get her notebook and the jotted some of the notes down.


"Hey Zoe? Why dont you watch the fireworks for a bit? They're pretty to look at." Melissa told Zoey quietly.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@Suitaloo, @ 

"Ooh pretty!" Lolita leaned onto Koh and watched the fireworks. "The fire is big enough now to make smores, right?" Lolita went to the very edge of the woods she and her new friend had walked around in and retrieved a stick perfect for smore-making. "Oki doki! Marshmellow roasting time!" She placed not one, but two marshmellows onto the end of the stick and held it over the flame. She couldn't completely abandon watching the fireworks to keep up with the marshmellow's progress, though and glanced toward the sky to see the pyrotechnics in action. Step one of her treat was finished when she took the stick with the two slightly burned marshemellows towards her little station on the ground with graham crackers and of course, chocolate. Lolita stacked her two marshmellows onto two sets of the crackers layered with chocolate and sealed them up with another cracker. "Done!" I made one for you too!" Lolita sat back down by Koh and handed him one of her smores. "It's not burned, don't worry!" 



Samantha had left the room so it was Razor and Dustin left alone on the couch. After a few seconds of silence Razor spoke up. "Hello Dustin!" 'Hello' was always a go to word to use when Razor didn't know what to say. "I thought she, Samantha, was talking about a tour of the company at first, and that would be cool but a tour of cyberspace? Thats.. amazing really. Are you suprised too?"

Edited by The Leafeon Pinkeh


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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@@Suitaloo, @ 

"Ooh pretty!" Lolita leaned onto Koh and watched the fireworks. "The fire is big enough now to make smores, right?" Lolita went to the very edge of the woods she and her new friend had walked around in and retrieved a stick perfect for smore-making. "Oki doki! Marshmellow roasting time!" She placed not one, but two marshmellows onto the end of the stick and held it over the flame. She couldn't completely abandon watching the fireworks to keep up with the marshmellow's progress, though and glanced toward the sky to see the pyrotechnics in action. Step one of her treat was finished when she took the stick with the two slightly burned marshemellows towards her little station on the ground with graham crackers and of course, chocolate. Lolita stacked her two marshmellows onto two sets of the crackers layered with chocolate and sealed them up with another cracker. "Done!" I made one for you too!" Lolita sat back down by Koh and handed him one of her smores. "It's not burned, don't worry!" 



Samantha had left the room so it was Razor and Dustin left alone on the couch. After a few seconds of silence Razor spoke up. "Hello Dustin!" 'Hello' was always a go to word to use when Razor didn't know what to say. "I thought she, Samantha, was talking about a tour of the company at first, and that would be cool but a tour of cyberspace? Thats.. amazing really. Are you suprised too?"


"Thanks, pau. I really appreciate it." He said, taking the smore and draping his arm over his girlfriend. "You know, Rune did a great job selecting the fireworks. I wonder if he actually knew what the one's he picked out were. I mean I wouldn't know the names or anything." Koh wondered. "Hey! I heard that!" Rune said, feigning offense and doing a pretty bad job at it. "Yeah I just grabbed a bunch of random fireworks." He explained, laughing. "I just figure the mortars ought to be saved until the end. Which is actually just about now." He ran back over to the fireworks display as the last roman candle petered out. He set up a string of mortars, their fuses tied together so the charge would travel along each fuse in succession. Firework stars launcher out of the mortars with a bang, and exploded in to showers of greens, blues, pinks, reds, yellows, and in different patterns as well. It was very beautiful.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Thanks, pau. I really appreciate it." He said, taking the smore and draping his arm over his girlfriend. "You know, Rune did a great job selecting the fireworks. I wonder if he actually knew what the one's he picked out were. I mean I wouldn't know the names or anything." Koh wondered. "Hey! I heard that!" Rune said, feigning offense and doing a pretty bad job at it. "Yeah I just grabbed a bunch of random fireworks." He explained, laughing. "I just figure the mortars ought to be saved until the end. Which is actually just about now." He ran back over to the fireworks display as the last roman candle petered out. He set up a string of mortars, their fuses tied together so the charge would travel along each fuse in succession. Firework stars launcher out of the mortars with a bang, and exploded in to showers of greens, blues, pinks, reds, yellows, and in different patterns as well. It was very beautiful.

Synthia came up behind Rune and hugged him, eyes to the sky. "Thanks, Rune. The show was fantastic." She kissed his cheek and continued watching the sky fall in bright, colorful explosions that lifted the heavens from their moorings. She whistled the rocket part of the Star-Spangled Banner under her breath.

Edited by Dawnpath - Dusktrail


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Synthia came up behind Rune and hugged him, eyes to the sky. "Thanks, Rune. The show was fantastic." She kissed his cheek and continued watching the sky fall in bright, colorful explosions that lifted the heavens from their mornings. She whistled the rocket part of the Star-Spangled Banner under her breath.


Rune blushed can covered his cheek with his hand. "Of course. It was my pleasure." He said relaxing in his chair. He picked up a stick from the edge of the woods and put a marshmallow on it. He began to brown it over the fire. "So, anyone got any stories?" He asked the group.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nodding at Samantha, Darius stands back up and steps out into the hallway.  His office was close to the gym, so it only took a moment for him to get close enough to glance through the open doors.  Inside he saw Raiga striking the training dummy, and Darius smiled slightly.  "Now, who is that?"  


After watching the glowing electric type for a short while Darius chuckles and heads back to his office.  There were no rules regarding the training dummies, they were there for students to use anytime they wanted.







With one final kick, Raiga knocks the training dummy back towards the wall near the others.  Panting slightly from the high-speed exercises, Raiga makes his way over towards one of the bleachers and sits down.  That felt good...  I couldn't do that on the train.  Hiding a yawn behind a hand Raiga twists his head to pop his neck, sighing quietly.  It was getting late - maybe he should get to bed.








Zoey waves a hand, making a sound that may have been an excuse as she tries to get the notes copied down.  "I'm from a big city, I've seen fireworks before...  Notes first!"  She was about done, thankfully.  Dusk's notes were pretty easy to follow, and so it wasn't taking as long as she'd feared when she first saw the massive stacks of notes. 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @@SleeplessSketch

"Okay then." Melissa rolled her shoulders to get some knots out of them. She had finished her note taking and looked out the window in time to see the final firework fizz out. Melissa stifled a yawn.

"It's getting pretty late and thanks for the notes Dusk. Night guys." Melissa said to them. She grabbed her book and went back to her dorm next door. Feeling comfortable the way she was, she put herself under the covers and successfully went back to sleep.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Nik smirked, his mottled coat and skin blending into the shadows rather well. He followed Raiga, hanging from a pipe on the roof. Raiga didn't have much stamina it seemed, that could be useful. Nik didn't have great stamina either, but he could compensate

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Dustin lifted a slightly as Samantha left the room and turned back to Razor. Samantha had left them alone, and it made him feel a little awkward, even though he didn't think he had any attraction towards Razor. He just simply wasn't good around the opposite sex. "Uh... Hi? I guess I'm pretty excited. I still don't know if Samantha can actually bring us safely into the cyberspace by herself, so I'll hold my hopes a little for now..."

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Dusk chuckled and whisked himself over to Zoey of whom was finishing up her own note-taking. He waved at Melissa as she headed out from his dorm and into hers. He felt their relationship was going rather swimmingly now despite her previous interactions with him as a Duskull, he was still a tad worry though that he was becoming less of a ghost than he was...or at least seemingly. Maybe because Zoey was around that he was much more tolerable as they seemed to click quite easily when they're together. He was thinking too much again...he shook his head and made his way towards the bed.


"All done? Awesome! Now let's go over what we'll do tomorrow, since you have the most experience out of all of us of the outside world, I'd like to go over some sort of schedule or at least some things I should know that'll be important when we stroll around tomorrow."


Dusk sat on the bed across from her as he began to take the excess notes and store it into his bag that he had brought with him on his first day here. Usually taking so many notes and copying the lecture word for word wasn't such a good idea, but thankfully his bag was sort of bottomless thanks to a special fabric crafted from Reaper Cloth his mother gave him. It seemed to possess the same capabilities as his bottomless scarf or his jacket back when he was a Duskull, so thankfully he never had to worry about clutter and room shortage. He was very curious of what Zoey had to say about the regular human society for he only knew so much about them from a voyeurism standpoint.  *cough*tv*cough* So he was quite eager in any case.


"I just don't want to be totally unprepared ya know...hahaha." Dusk said letting out a sheepish laugh. It was the world's unpredictability that made him distraught the most...his one weakness.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Zoey laughs lightly, leaning back a little and crossing her fingers behind her head.  "Oh, umm...  Well, I've never been to the town we're going to, so I honestly don't know what to expect.  It's quite a bit smaller than where I'm from...  Being so close to a school like this, my guess is they'll have some stuff to do though.  Stores, restaurants, maybe if it's big enough a club of some kind..."  


Shrugging slightly, Zoey grins as one of her ears flicks.  "To be honest, I think we'll be best off exploring and seeing what we find for our first visit!  Find a place to eat that we like, maybe a couple spots that we'd want to go back to just to hang out during some lazy weekends...  I'd be able to better figure things out once I see the town for myself, ya know?"  Zoe winks at Dusk as she sits back upright, resting her hands in her lap.  "If you really feel the need to put together a schedule, I'd say keep it vague for our first visit at least.  Like, 'find place to eat' or 'find shopping district' or something like that...  Definitely shopping, if we're going to pick out a jacket for you!"








Deciding that bed was likely a good idea, Raiga gets up from his seat on the bleachers and starts making his way back to the dorms.  After finding Dorm 3 again he quietly steps inside, trying not to wake Melissa as he does.  Shrugging out of his robe and laying it at the foot of his bed, Raiga climbs under the blankets of the bed he'd claimed and turns towards the wall as he shuts his eyes to try and make himself fall asleep.  The thought occurred to him that he hoped any static that built up around him in the night wouldn't bother Melissa, but there wasn't much he'd be able to do about it while he slept.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Nico stirred in his sleep. He could feel something wrong and it wasn't the chilly desert air. He crept out of bed and shimmered for a bit. Standing in front of him was an exact copy. He directed the copy Nico to go and figure out what is wrong.


After a few minutes the copy came back and pointed to the right of the hallway. He followed tge pointing finger to end up outside Dorm 3. The clone vanished and he was left standing there alone. Checking his blip-map, he saw two red dots and one grey dot. Mentally zooming in, he saw that the dots had names. The grey dot was Raiga, the one that looked like it was staying still and hardly moving must be either Nik or the Floarzel girl from earlier.


Nico quietly poked his head in and referenced the people wth his map. So the one in the bed was the Floatzel girl. Seeming that he was either standing directly under or above the other red one must mean he was still in the room. He doubted he was standing on top of Nik, so he looked up. After spotting Nik hanging directly above him he flashed a non-threatening smile in his direction and calmly walked back to his Dorm. He laid down on the bed and tried to think up a reason as to why Nik was hanging on the ceiling.

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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"A good story, huh? Well all I can usually make up are scary campfire stories, but I need my super special scary-story-telling flashlight for those." Lolita leaned way back and eventually stretched her arm towards her backpack and grabbed brought it near her. Still digging through it she asked, "Koh, do you have any story to tell? I still have to think of a good story anyways." 



"Yeah, I hope we'll be safe and can go though." Razor's interest in the conversation was being halted by the fireworks she heard from the outside. She'd noticed a small group of other gijinka crowding around the one window in the room, blocking space for anyone else to watch from there. "Hey," she almost interrupted, "there seems to be a firework display going on outside. It might not last a long time but if you want to go catch the end of it we could run outside or something." Was that too persistant? I hadn't intended to say anything seeming rude or demanding. 


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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The fireworks had concluded, and it was getting late. Samantha decided to retire to her dorm, hopefully her father would contact Darius and explain everything to him. She didn't notice anyone in the dorm, so she just picked up her sheets, got under them, and slept.




"A good story, huh? Well all I can usually make up are scary campfire stories, but I need my super special scary-story-telling flashlight for those." Lolita leaned way back and eventually stretched her arm towards her backpack and grabbed brought it near her. Still digging through it she asked, "Koh, do you have any story to tell? I still have to think of a good story anyways." 



"Yeah, I hope we'll be safe and can go though." Razor's interest in the conversation was being halted by the fireworks she heard from the outside. She'd noticed a small group of other gijinka crowding around the one window in the room, blocking space for anyone else to watch from there. "Hey," she almost interrupted, "there seems to be a firework display going on outside. It might not last a long time but if you want to go catch the end of it we could run outside or something." Was that too persistant? I hadn't intended to say anything seeming rude or demanding. 




"Can't say I know any. It's getting a bit late anyways. I think I might turn in." Koh said, yawning. "Well, if you guys want to save the stories for the trail tomorrow, that could work too, it'd also give Lolita some time to think about it." Rune said. "What do you think Synthia?"

  • Brohoof 1



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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The fireworks had concluded, and it was getting late. Samantha decided to retire to her dorm, hopefully her father would contact Darius and explain everything to him. She didn't notice anyone in the dorm, so she just picked up her sheets, got under them, and slept.






"Can't say I know any. It's getting a bit late anyways. I think I might turn in." Koh said, yawning. "Well, if you guys want to save the stories for the trail tomorrow, that could work too, it'd also give Lolita some time to think about it." Rune said. "What do you think Synthia?"

She was looking at her pokewatch, blushing and muttering, "Can't use that fic. Or that one. Oh god, DEFINITELY not that one." She jumped when Rune said her name, "Oh, uhh, sure! Yah, yah that'd be great! Scary stories and the hiking and, yep!" She was no longer distracted.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Nik snarled at the smile before slithering off to his own dorm. He really, really hated Batman. Nik hadn't bothered to learn his name, Nico was now officially Batman. Nik had had enough crap for one day, time to go to bed. He yawned and curled himself, covering his ears with his tail so he wouldn't wake up

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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"Alrighty, I'll see what I can...muster...u-uuuUUAAAH..." Dusk began to say but instead turn into a yawn of sorts. He covered his mouth and let it run it's course. Once finished he rubbed at his eyes and looked at the time when he pulled out his super old model of his PokeNav.


"Oh gods! Is it that late already? It looks like it's bed time for this ghost guy. It's a good thing that I have the room to myself tonight, now I can snore as loud as I want. HAHAHA" Dusk said bursting out laughing, but quickly lowered his volume for others might be sleeping as well. Dusk closed his notebooks and set them aside and stretched his arms. and closed the blinds to the window of the room.


"Let's meet in the cafeteria for Breakfast then head out. Make sure to tell Amaya and Zach what's the low down." Dusk said with a smile.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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She was looking at her pokewatch, blushing and muttering, "Can't use that fic. Or that one. Oh god, DEFINITELY not that one." She jumped when Rune said her name, "Oh, uhh, sure! Yah, yah that'd be great! Scary stories and the hiking and, yep!" She was no longer distracted.


@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


Rune yawned and stretched. "Well, I better get to bed. I'm tired after today's antics." He said, putting his bottle in a trashbag. "Koh, think you could use an attack and put out the fire? Just so we don't waste any drinking water?" He asked his friend. "Sure." Koh said, using a water spout to douse the campfire. "I think I'll turn in as well. I'd recommend you girls do as well." Koh suggested. Rune and Koh nodded to each other as they entered their respective tents and got ready for bed.


Rune noticed that Synthia didn't have a sleeping bag set out, so he just laid on the ground. It wasn't terribly cold out anyways, he could just sleep in his clothes, let his girlfriend keep warm.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Pokemon Gijinka Academy: 1st Weekend
As soon as the students were very much settled in, one by one the lights of the school began to shut off preparing for the night to make it's course. It was a cool quiet night as the day itself prior was very much exhausting, but this star filled lunar sky was all the refreshment the day needed to begin a new. Hours passed and eventually the bright moon began to set making way for the brand new dawn.
The cool night sky filled with soothing hues of purple and midnight blues began to swirl and retreat as the rising sun turned clouds magenta and deep pink. The sun's golden rays began to shine through the valley below revealing dew soaked blades of grass on the nicely kept lawn of the Academy campus. The building itself was brilliantly overcome with a vivid orange as the sun rose even higher as it settled itself nicely just above the mountain ranges in the distance. A wide arrange of common bird pokemon began to chirp as they greeted the morning with their energetic and beautiful songs. 
In the halls of the grand academy was a single figure that silently made his rounds prepping the school for another fine day of pursuitable knowledge...although today was much more debatable than others for it was a grand Saturday morning, and that meant Students were free to go about and spend their day in freedom but within reason of course. The solitary man hummed slightly to himself as he turned on more lights and other facilities within the school, but not far behind him was his faithful companion Shedinja. Together they opened the school and went about their business...now the day was fresh and ready as it beckoned adventure just waiting to happen.


                                                                 - "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

-Albert Einstein

  • Brohoof 2

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@ @@The Leafeon Pinkeh


Rune awoke to the sounds of birds chirping. He slowly opened his eyes and saw he had his arms wrapped around his sleeping bag, and more importantly, who was in it. He didn't feel like disturbing her, so he just tried to lay there and enjoy it.




Koh slept like a log. The previous day wasn't particularly tiring for him, but he slept soundly all the same. He didn't want to move in case his girlfriend would wake up, considering she nestled herself right next to him, whether intentionally or not. He didn't know, he was asleep by the time she came back in to the tent. He just decided to wait and hope she'd wake up soon.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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