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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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Dusk was caught speechless by sheer amount of notes and dedication she had put through. The tomes were indeed thick, but a gold mine of information. Upon hearing her reasoning for doing all this..and that look in her eyes. It was clear to see that she was more than determine to help his cause.


"Thank you...I'm glad to have your support." He said smiling at her, reassuring her seriousness.


"Koh and Loli are amazing people, they're my roommates." He said adding that comment in as she went on to show him her notebook on the normal typing. Though once she had asked if he had a PokeGear, he reached into his scarf and pulled out a gray-colored theme PokeGear that was probably one of the older models than by today's standards. It was a small Hand Me Down from his guardian, though he didn't find too much of a use for it.


"Normally this would be in my Jacket pocket but....as you can see that isn't the case anym- where DID my jacket go? Evolution is weird...even by Darwin's standards...I have no idea who Darwin is either.." Clearly talking out of pure thought ramble (and the eventual further breaking of walls) He opened the PokeGear to have it booted up to add Synthia as a contact. He looked up back towards her giving a warm smile.


"Thanks again Synthia..this is going to help me tons."



She grins and puts away her much, much newer prototype PokeGear and gives him a thumbs up, "Glad I can help. Now," she starts sounding more like her current normal, "Time to get back to Rune sempai! Don't forget to call if you need anything." She waves at Dusk as she leaves, "You might think about picking up a leather jacket. I hear their supposed to be cool, and they have pockets!" she adds on the way out.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"I'm, going to head off as well. See you back at the dorm." Leaving Dustin to think things through, he headed outside for a breath of fresh air. Seeing Melissa run around the track that goes through the valley, he decided to join her.


Hearing footsteps other than her own, Melissa looked back and stopped. "Hey Joshu. What's up?"


"Nothing much. Just thought I'd come out here for some fresh air and now that I see you here, I thought we could have a training battle somewhere in the valley. That'll be fun won't it?" Melissa thought about it for a moment then gestured for Joshu to follow. She reasoned that it would be good practice before she helped Nik train tomorrow.


Finding a rather large clearing, with plenty of room for the battle They both faced off.


“Ready?” Melissa asked her cousin.


“As I’ll ever be.”


“GO!” They shouted at the same time.


(OOC: This is going to be weird)


Melissa started off first with Water Gun coming out of her fingers. Joshu got hit in the face by it and coughed for a bit. Melissa saw the opening and use Aqua Jet to speed past him. She ran up the tree’s trunk and jumped off it to fly over Joshu’s head, using Water Gun yet again. Joshu saw it coming and rolled out of the way.


Using Psychic, he pulled Melissa from the air and slammed her into the ground. Luckily she wasn’t hurt. He used Relic Song and

changed to Fighting type. Melissa ran up to him and used Aqua Tail to lower his defences before blasting him with Water Gun. He was positively soaked. When Melissa got close he unleashed a flurry of punches with Close Combat.


She was winded and he didn’t let up. Pushing him out of the way, Melissa used Aqua Ring and began to get some Stamina back. Using Aqua Jet, she applied to her feet and when she was close enough she tackled him to the ground. Joshu kicked her off him and used Psychic to push her down to the ground.


“Okay that’s enough for now.” Joshu panted.


“Why? I was just getting started.” Melissa whined.


“That’s the point. I knew I shouldn’t have asked you to do this. Let’s get back to school and over to the Nurse.” Joshu said. Helping each other they walked back to school.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Dustin watches Joshu leave and looks around the cafeteria. Nobody else he really knew was there besides Dark, who was immersed in his computer, so the Sandshrew decided to go to his dorm to take a nap. He got up and quickly made his way back to his room. He plopped onto his bed and pulled the strings of his hoodie before quickly falling asleep.

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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Lhee blinks when Razor catches up to him, chuckling softly and giving a small shrug.  "I don't really know where I'm going...  Just kind of walking...  The cafeteria was getting too crowded for me.  I'm not used to...  Well, to having people nearby.  No one ever wanted to stay so close to the freak with the skull over his head at my old school."


When Razor mentions going outside, Lhee shrugs again.  "Sure, I guess we could go back to the gardens.  I was thinking maybe the gym too, but that was probably just going to result in me trying out one of those training dummies..."  He smiles slightly at the Leafeon, still somewhat surprised that she'd actually followed him.







At Zach's question, Zoey turns to look at him, showing him the inside of her backpack as well.  She doesn't actually answer, just slowly shakes her head...











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Dusk laughed nervously as she put away her much NEWER PokeGear feeling a little obsolete when it came to the tech world. (story of my life) 


"R-rune sempai..? Gods, this school is turning out to be like my father's japanese dramas.., I will!" He said muttering the first part and shouting the last part, but he quickly brought his hands over his mouth as he was in the library...which means no shouting...even if he was all alone in it.


"...Leather Jacket huh....that might not be so bad...Maybe I should consult Zoey about this...BUT WHAT IF SHE HITS ON ME AGAIN. I know she's playing around but FFFFFFFF!" Dusk said having himself a conversation all by himself as he skimmed through the notes and the books. They were very well done and brought amazing points and facts about the Normal types....wait a minute...maybe he could..yes this would be amazing. Dusk carried all the essentials that Synthia had lied out to him and brought it over to one of the...old fashioned typewrite- wow this library is old. He sprawled out the notes and books and began to draft his paper on the typewriter getting to work immediately. Maybe Synthia knew what she was doing, but she was doing alot more than helping Dusk write a simple paper, something he'd be able to learn and apply for his upcoming climactic battle.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Zach pinches his nose and looks around the room. "Damn it! What if someone else finds him? If it's a teacher it would be alright but what if-" Zach lowered to a whisper and got closer to Zoey. "What if Nik found him? You know how he is with Pokemon, the fuckin sicko. If he found the little guy..."  Zach trailed off and looked away, not wanting to finish the sentence.

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Nik, for his part, had Teleported to the library. Using Sharpen, Nik hung on the ceiling with claws. Perfect, he was out of sight. Nik's eyes flashed for a brief moment as he used Mind Read on Dusk. Nik felt a migraine as new memories surged through his skull. Nik teleported before the migraine could get any worse, appearing in his room. Nik snarled as he felt something on his back. It was a Castform. Nik's migraine and humiliation today had fouled his mood, this Castform interrupting him in a migraine was the last straw. Nik opened the window and lined himself up with it.


"Out of my room, pest" Nik snarled, pulling back his leg and kicking the Castform full force with a Mega-Kick. "Touchdown" Nik smirked as the Castform sailed out the window

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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... Phoompf.


Amaya's feathers bristled and puffed all at once, in a state of suprise.

Zoe liked boys and girls....




"I....I didn't know." She said simply, staring off like a war veteran . Our little duckling was just about to open her mouth to stumble headfirst into millions of questions, Zoe's face went blank. Completely expressionless as she lifted up her bag, and peeked inside.




" .....Quack."


They lost a live Pokemon. Congratulations kids, your all screwed. Like... up the butt style.




"What if Nik found him? You know how he is with Pokemon, the fuckin sicko. If he found the little guy..."  Zach trailed off and looked away, not wanting to finish the sentence.


Amaya gave Zach a questioning look. " What could he possibly do to the little-....N..Nevermind." 


"U-uhm... M-maybe he wen't back to our room?!" She mumbled, biting her thumbnail." ...Maybe?"

Edited by lyridiandandan
  • Brohoof 2

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Okay, now was a good time to panic.  At least as far as Zoey was concerned.  She quickly flings her backpack onto her back, her ears going back flat against her head.  "Okay, we need a plan..."


She turns to Amaya first.  "Amaya, go check our room, I won't be able to keep the illusion up if we split up, so that way you can also use it as an opportunity to change if you want to..."


She quickly turns towards Zach.  "Zach, you go check the library, maybe he followed Dusk...  I'll go and try to find any of the teachers, maybe we'll be lucky and one of them will have found him!"  Something told Zoey they weren't going to be lucky... 











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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"Joshu, I've got a question. Why did you hit me softly when I hit you hard."

"It was an unsupervised training match. I didn't want something bad to happen to you."

"That makes sense." Melissa shrugged. Heading over to the Nurse's they both got patched up and headed over to their seperate Dorms. Joshu noticed that Dustin was already there so he quietly sat on his bed and began to read up on Unova Pokemon. Melissa went inside and laid down on the bed.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Hello there Synthia, I'm Koh." Koh said, shaking her hand. "Pleasure to meet you." Rune smiled. "She can actually handle herself pretty well in a fight, which is great for someone like me, because now I have someone to team with for doubles." Rune said, ecstatic. "I had actually got in to a bit too heated of a battle with that Nik kid over there... He really tore me up, but I did a number on him as well. Well, it wasn't just me, Nik wanted a two-on-one for some reason, so I had Zach with me, but it was still a tough fight." He said, calmed down quite a bit. "So, Synthia and I made some poffins last night. We were at the berry garden and they came out swirled somehow, but it looks pretty good, want to try one?" Rune asked Koh and Lolita. "Sure, I'll give one a try." Koh said, grabbing a single poffin and biting in to it. "Very tangy, but tasty as well. I like what you did with them." Koh complimented. "Hey Lolita, could you come over here please?" He asked his girlfriend.




While Dustin was having an ongoing discussion with his most-likely-to-be partner Razor placed her head in her hand and wondered over whether or not to ask the only other one at the table. Still, waiting seemed like a good idea. "So I guess you two have pretty much decided to partner up, right?" 



"Oki doki!" Lolita bounced over towards her boyfriend, almost slipping on a piece of trash but managed not to. "Hello there, Koh!" Of course she hadn't walked far at all, so there wasn't any need at all really for a "hello" but thats just the way she is, saying pointless things to break silence and just to say something. "Yaay poffin!" She grabbed one and took a big bite of it, "Good!" 


Synthia comes back grinning widely, "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'm BACK!" She bombs Rune with her hip and tilts her head at Koh and Lolita. "A friend needed some help, so I decided to let him have some of my notes. Now that that's all done, we can get back to the fun~" She looks around, "But maybe we should sit first?"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Well, like I was saying, this is Koh, he's been a buddy of mine since he came here a couple years ago." Rune stated. "He's a Wailord Gijinka from the Orange Islands, very chill, nice guy. I think you'd get along great with him. And this little ball of energy is Lolita, she's Koh's girlfriend and a Skitty Gijinka." He mentioned. "Nice to meet you Synthia." Koh said.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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She curtsied to Koh, "A pleasure to meet a friend of Rune's! And his girlfriend!" She grins slyly and winks at Koh, "She's a cutey. Plenty fun~" She high-fives Lolita, then leans slightly into Rune. "So, what's it like being half of one of the largest Pokemon ever witnessed in recorded history?" she asks Koh, "If it's fine with you."



Edited by Dawnpath - Dusktrail


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Dusk was already making impeccable progress on his paper. He was already done with his first draft and went on to his second, one could never be too sure with one draft. When it came to doing actual assignments for a class, he was pretty on the ball with it, especially since the research materials were sprawled out in front of him making it easier to compose the paper. Though during this he decided to get up and get more books to do his other assignments, might as well do them while he was in the flow of things.


Dusk stretched his arms and popped the bones in his neck as he stood up from his seat. Dusk had been doing some furious typing and sought it fit to take a good break. He walked around the library careful not to trip on any of his bandages, he could set off a domino effect with the bookcases and that would be a no no. He wondered what moves he would be able to learn, his moveset wasn't the most efficient for him anymore, plus he was going to have an upcoming fight with a Normal type, all those ghost moves of his won't affect Nik. He began to look through the bookcases for any source materials on his particular pokemon species. Sure enough, there was a Ghost Type Encyclopedia. If Nik had half a mind to actually write his paper fairly, he would've found this book to be more than helpful. He opened the book and skimmed past the first generation of ghost pokemon towards his own. There he found the Duskull evolution tree and finally his own new evolution, Dusclops. Dusknoir looked like one intimidating pokemon, but he had noway of knowing how to obtain a Reaper's cloth, those things were sacred relics that many Shinto followers kept away from the public. Nevertheless he read on about his own species.


The knowledge he would gain just by reading through this book was more than helpful to tell him of what he was capable of. Now that he knew what he was and what people recorded about Dusclops, he was ready to go about his personal training and what moves to strive for. Even on his break from homework he was still researching things, not once giving himself a proper break once he kept going, though he did wonder if anyone other than himself and Synthia came to this library...it's a GHOST town on here.Dusk sighed and closed the book and brought it with him to the desk he was working on and continued with his paper, this time starting on the THIRD draft. What an over-achiever..

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Koh laughed at this. "I'm actually pretty happy about it. Wailord tend to be pretty peaceful creatures, and I'm not much of a fighter at all, unlike your boyfriend here." He said, gesturing to Rune. "I actually like to go Wailord-watching some times at back at home. It's pretty fun, they are magnificent creatures."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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She grins even wider than before, "Oh, you noticed our little fencer's got some killer moves? I can't WAIT until our first dance!" She giggles and hums to herself, "It'll be spectwonderful. I mean, spectacularly wonderful. I mean, all that training with footwork's' gotta pay off in the ballroom, right?" She does a little practice twirl, unconciously charming everyone nearby. She made a mental note to work on controlling her charms.



Edited by Dawnpath - Dusktrail


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Lolita smiled and snuggled up to Koh. "He's the best Wailord ever, though. Well Wailord gijinka or Wailord pokemon! Koh sweetie is really calm and then there's me and I'm super energetic, like most every Skitty!" She actually had just realized the resemblance between the personalities of gijinka and their pokemon sides. She hadn't ever met another Slyveon before, but she guessed all of them are super duper peppy like her. 



Razor was up for going outside or really mostly anywhere besides the gym. Going to the gym meant training, which meant... she'd end up training against Lhee! Maybe later, even! She was really longing for the outdoors, the sun, grass, just.. nature. "I love the gardens! I'm always surrounded in fresh air, a quality setting apart Leafeons, but the air around growing plants just feels different. More peaceful, I guess..." her voice trailed off and she stopped playing with one of her large and fuzzy ears. "Eh, you probably don't get what I'm saying I guess." 

Edited by The Leafeon Pinkeh


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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Dusk exhaled and whisked himself away from the desk with his roller chair of amazing as he finally finished the final version of his paper. Going over it and proof-reading it was another person's job, but he think it was pretty alright, decent at best though he was never really satisfied with his own work as most writers do. He let out a huge yawn and stretched his limbs once again as he rubbed his eyes from strain. He got up and properly put the books away onto the book racks at the end of their respected Bookcase aisle. He took all the papers he had written plus Synthia's more than helpful notebook and proceeded towards the exit way of the library.


He figured he needed to return her notebook and proceeded once again to the Cafeteria, that's what the PokeGear said anyway about her position. It had that sort of function where it recorded what Trainers you battled against, if they had PokeGears, and if they wanted a rematch as well as their location. Dusk used that function and knew where to go from there. 


@,@,  @@The Leafeon Pinkeh,


Upon entering the Cafeteria once more he spotted that it did in fact die down a bit. Sighing in relief that he didn't have to put on any more tough pokemon acts, he saw his roommates sitting with two of his newest friends as they talked. Maybe he'll just drop off the notebook and leave them be, it looked like couples night tonight, he just didn't want to feel like the third wheel again.


"Heeeey guys, Hey Synthia, thanks for lending me your Notebook, it helped a bunch. I think I'm ready to turn my report in to Professor Darius." Dusk said as he stepped closer to their table and arriving there, handing her the Notebook while taking out his many pages of drafts and re-writes as well as other homework assignments. Considering the short amount of time that had accumulated when he was in the library, that was an amazing amount of work done.

Edited by SleeplessSketch

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


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@@The Leafeon Pinkeh, @


Koh chuckled. "Well thank you, pau." He said, hugging her. "So, if you and Rune are together, I guess that means we could do a double date sometime maybe." Koh suggested. "I think that'd be a nice idea. Could be pretty fun." Rune agreed. "Go for a late night picnic some time, watch the stars or whatever. I've still got my tent from the journey here. We could go on a little camping trip. Well, if we go for a trip, it'd be more a friends thing." Rune noticed Dusk coming over to hand Synthia a book. "Hey there Dusk, Koh, Lolita, Synthia, and I were just discussing the possibility of a camping trip some time soon. Go camping in the wilderness just beyond the campus, have a fun time." He didn't want to have Dusk feel left out. He was a good kid. The camping trip would be pretty fun, the more the merrier.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"A camping trip huh? It sounds like fun...never been camping before..heard about it, though I don't think I'll be to efficient in the outdoors. Besides, I think studying is high on my to do list for now...plus battle training with Zach...so yeah haha." Dusk was such a workaholic, but he knew he wouldn't be too fun outside, and besides it sounded a lot like a couples retreat as much as nobody wanted to say it that way.


"Though it sounds like a blast! I hope you guys have fun." He said giving off a smile.


"I think I'm gonna head to my next class early, I'll see you guys in a little bit." Dusk said waving back to them as he took his leave out the cafeteria. There he began to make his way towards his next class. Beautiful beautiful Pokemon History, now THAT'S a class he can get behind. He did feel a little bad turning down their offer for him to join them. But he needed to get a few things taken care of before any fun times were to be had.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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"A camping trip sounds really AWESOME!" It was kind of dissapointing Dusk wouldn't be joining them, he would've made for some great ghost stories, too! "Too bad Dusk won't join but if me and Koh were gone he could have a super quiet place to do like double studying!" Look, she found a bright side to the situation already, one of her talents- being an optimist. "I'm up for going though! Tonight? This week? Ooh we could do planning! I already have a list, though!"


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

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@, @@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Wonderful, this will be a fun trip." Rune said. "Assuming you're ok with going as well Synthia." he said, quieting down a bit. "I'm pretty excited for it myself. Sure, it's not my usual climate, but I still like the outdoors nonetheless." Koh said, trying to keep from getting giddy.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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@, @@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Wonderful, this will be a fun trip." Rune said. "Assuming you're ok with going as well Synthia." he said, quieting down a bit. "I'm pretty excited for it myself. Sure, it's not my usual climate, but I still like the outdoors nonetheless." Koh said, trying to keep from getting giddy.

She watched Dusk go with a sigh, but figured she shouldn't push him. She turned back to Rune and flashed him a grin with a thumbs up. "Of COURSE I'll come! I've already seen your wild side; it'll be great to see it in the wild! But, we gotta get fireworks. " She winks at him again.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Seeing that lying down wasn't doing anything for her, she got up and checked her timetable. Realising that she hadn't unpacked yet she began to put her clothes away. Kicking her bag under her bed she stubbed against something inside it. Unzipping it and peeking in, she saw a package at the bottom with her name on it. She'll look at it later tonight. Melissa checked her timetable and headed over to the class she dreaded the most. Maths.


Joshu looked up at the time and saw he had a few minutes to go before lunch ended. Checking schedule, he saw that he had art. Maybe the day continue to get interesting. Leaving a note for Dustin, saying that he went class early, he walked out the door and headed over to arts room.



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@, @@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Then it's settled. We'll head out tonight." Rune said. "Koh and Lolita, you two can get the food, I guess Synthia and I will work on drinks and fireworks. I can give you some money to help pitch in for the food." Rune said, sliding fifty dollars to Koh. "Thanks, hoapili." Koh said. "Since we're here at the cafeteria, we could get the food now, but I think we should just wait until after classes, so we don't have to carry the food around all the time." He said. "Well, since I'm a senior, I only have classes in the morning, since I fulfilled almost all the credits in previous years, so I can head in to town, see if I can get the fireworks." Rune said.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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