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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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"Yes...calm...makes revenge....EVEN BETTER!" Nik 3 laughed. The smile had worked....to an extent. He now remembered more words and had more access to his brain. He was still obsessed.


"He's dead" Nik 2 said quietly, his lips drooping downward. Nik 3, the bubbly, fun loving one, was gone, replaced by a drone that Nik would have loved 


"You know what's even better than revenge? Poffins! Have you ever had a poffin, little guy?" She grinned at him and took out one of the special poffins she'd made with Rune earlier. They had special value to her. "These are some of the best poffins ever! They just make me wanna laugh and smile and have fun!"


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"Hehehehehe...HAHAHAH!" Nik 3 laughed, both laughing and sobbing at the same time. Nik 2 used Sharpen, growing claws. 


"I'm sorry" Nik 2 said quietly before slicing the new claws across Nik 3's throat, killing him almost instantly. "It was mercy, no one could live like that" Nik 2 sobbed, retracting the claws

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Synthia frowned at Nik 2, as Nik 3 was disappearing in his Substitution way. "That's why we rehabilitate. You just killed your brother dude. You killed him, and there was a chance, however slim, that we could've helpped him." She put a hand to her head, to clear it before she worked herself up. "Killing is wrong. Let's try not to do more of it, okay?"




In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"To leave him alive would have been torture. It's why you kill criminals, so they don't escape again" Nik 2 said bitterly. He was still kind and in better condition than Nik 3, but he had been changed. "I don't kill without reason" Nik 2 affirmed.


(OOC: Nik 2 evolved into the 90's anti-hero)

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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She frowned, looking Nik 2 over, "I'm worried about you. Your brother hadn't committed any crimes yet. And what if the criminal was innocent? You can't bring back the dead. I don't even think the ghost types ever existed as anything other than what they were."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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"My brother was a rabid dog, he was in pain and needed to die" Nik 2 justified bluntly. "As for criminals, it would be a small price to pay for a cleaner world" Nik 2 said, flicking his hair out of his eyes. He held a bit more pride in them and held himself higher, but he looked harder as well, less soft 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@, @


"Dude..." Rune said, stunned. "I think we should get going, Synthia. Don't you need to pack for the trip still?" Rune said, trying to make an excuse to let the poor substitute be alone. He thought it would probably be best to let the clone be alone to mourn his dead brother. It saddened him, but he felt that it was necessary.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Nik 2 suddenly blinked.

"I must go" he muttered, teleporting away.


He appeared next to Nik.


"Where's your brother?" Nik asked, glaring at the clone.


"He'd dead, by my hand. He was insane and unfit to continue on" Nik 2 reported. Nik nodded in thought before patting Nik 2 on the head.


"Good call, you'll train all my clones from now on" Nik said, promoting the loyal Substitute. Nik 2 saluted 

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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" I-I thought....you were trying to put me in a Russian Surplex.." Amaya mumbled, moving her hands so she could rest her chin in them.(Amaya i'm going to punt you) Even though he hadn't been, it was still really embarrassing! She watched as Nik seemed to multiply across the courtyard. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. Nope. do not get involved. Zoe. Focus on Zoe and the Strange Teacher Lady. She started to raise her hand to say something, but -


Ms Claudia turned to face Zoe, with Castform still tucked against her BOSOM. She gave Darius a grateful smile before he raise an eyebrow to Zoe.

" Your quite eager for your punishment, hmm?~ You know dear, Masochism is very lude for someone your age! Oh well then, follow me."  She walked pass the girl before stopping and looking back at her. "Oh, and i wouldn't think your roomates wouldn't notice you bringing a pokemon into the room, Ms. Zoe." She gave Zach and Amaya a look. " You two come along as well."

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Zoey gasps quietly when Miss Claudia tells Zach and Amaya to join them, the Zorua girl's ears going back even further.  "No!  I mean, I made them go along with it, it wasn't their fault!"  She was trying to ignore the masochism comment - Zoey wouldn't normally have a problem with that kind of talk, but given the circumstances it wasn't exactly on her mind at the moment.


Following meekly after their instructor, Zoey glances at Castform before lowering her gaze again.  "Just...  Please don't punish Amaya and Zach.  They just tried to help me find out where Castform was supposed to be, I'm the one who took him back to the dorm."





Darius sighs quietly, glad to have the situation with Castform resolved...  For the most part, at least.  He adjusts his glasses while looking at the last signs of melting snow, before raising a hand to the students still gathered outside.  "A nice fun way to begin the new school year, hmm?  Don't stay out too late, now.  Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean you shouldn't study."


He grins slyly at the students before turning to follow after Claudia and the ones she'd called for.  I should at least make sure she doesn't frighten them too badly...  He grins to himself, slipping her Soothe Bell back up his sleeve.  There was the possibility he would need it again...  And if not, he could always use returning it as an excuse for why he was tagging along.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Zach immediately followed the teacher and Zoey. "Yea but we kept quite about it. A shame. Maybe we would have found him faster if I had told someone." Zach winced slightly to himself at his statement. He had wanted to just make sure Claudia didn't change her mind about punishing him, but it came off sounding sort of mean and he wasn't sure how she would take it. Hopefully she didn't take it hard. (coughcough)

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Lyridian,@, @@Ampharos,


Not hearing nor paying attention what was going on with the Nik situation...again, he continued to stare at the unfolding situation as Ms. Claudia decided to issue punishment. Dusk felt just as guilty with what Zach had told her, if only they had told someone earlier then this would have been resolved and thanks to his whole White Knight situation, he didn't even KNOW Castform was a missing campus pokemon. Upon hearing Ms. Claudia call upon the rest of the Dorm 1 residents he couldn't keep himself quiet any longer, he was involved just as well as they were for knowing they had a Pokemon on campus. It was staggering on just how many times he could get in trouble on the first day of classes, but he was willing to risk it regardless...they were his pals after all.


"Ma'am...I am also guilty of knowing about Castform...ever since this morning before Classes even began. I'm just as susceptible to punishment as my fellow classmates." Dusk said stepping forward and began to follow after Ms. Claudia. He then turned to Zoey and gave her a reassuring smile followed by a whisper. 


"There's no way I'd let you face this alone." Dusk said this time returning a wink towards her as she had always done countless of times. He kept close to his friends and refused to stagger otherwise...though he would be lying if you asked him if he was worried...he was extremely worried. This was turning out to be a loooong day indeed. (*ahem*)

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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Ms Claudia gave Zach a sharp look before using Pyschic to open the door for herself.

"Your certainly right, little pup." She said carefully as she stepped into the school. "If only, you had."


Amaya stood carefully before trailing after her freinds and teachers. She walked alongside Prof. Darius, just behind Zoe and the others.

"I told you we would eventually get in trouble, didn't I?" Amaya doted, sighing gently. "Oh well, we simply can't just leave you alone Zoe."


Ms Claudia almost chuckled, but she pushed the urge back.

"My, my! Ms. Zoe, you certainly have quite the Knights in Shining Armour, don't you?" She teased, casting a glance over shoulder.

"I doubt they would let me get away with only punishing you, darling. What will be will be~." Ms Claudia turned her head so she was facing forwards once again and made a sort of jumping motion, pushing off from the floor so that she was floating. She led the group down the hall until they finally reached her office, where she opened the door and took a step, er... took a float back.

"Now in you go, to meet your fate~·"

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Zoe shoots her friends a glance as she steps into Miss Claudia's office, whispering quietly "I was prepared to take the fall for this, you guys should have stayed quiet...  There was no need for all of you to get in trouble too, it was my fault."  As she steps inside the office the Zorua girl's ears are flat against her head, her tail tucked down as though trying to go between her legs.  I didn't know he was Miss Claudia's Castform...  Arceus, what's the punishment for hiding a teacher's pokemon?  We were just trying to look out for the little guy, he didn't WANT to find a teacher...





As the students start making their way into Claudia's office, Darius steps off to the side and looks at the Mismagius gijinka.  He raises an eyebrow slightly, his characteristic smile creeping onto his face, though he doesn't say a word.  He gestures with one finger to point towards his large, Delphox-esque ears, as though to say 'I'm going to hear what happens even if I stay out here'.


((Honestly I picture Darius as more of a Delphox w/ human characteristics than I do a human w/ Delphox characteristics...  XD))

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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@@Lyridian,@, @@Ampharos,


As the group came closer to their inevitable doom, Dusk looked around as they stepped into one of the school's many hallways. Trying to take his mind of what awaited them he contemplated on the events that happened prior that would pretty much sum up their day. From waking early as a Duskull, to getting in trouble with Nik in Battle Class, to evolving into a Dusclops after a fearsome battle with Synthia and Rune with Zach at his side. He then thought about his formal challenge against Nik and then finishing up his work for the day, and finally playing in the snow was a great way to end day...though...he then came full circle and thought about the punishment they were going to receive...even contemplating on old events didn't help his mood at all.


Dusk peered into one of the corridors they passed along the way to Ms. Claudia's office, there was something about it that caught his eye. Upon looking down that way he swear he though he saw the figure of a man at the end of the corridor. It was only for a few seconds but he swore he saw a man. 


"H-hey...does anybody work the halls this late in the day? I'd assume most faculty would be gone by now except the teachers..." He asked one of the Teachers escorting them a little...eager to see if his eyes were making a fool out of him.

Hey there stranger! Come join our Mystery Dungeon Pokemon Roleplay over here! http://mlpforums.com/topic/120870-the-village-we-love-ooc-discussion/


You won't be soooorryyyy!

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@, @@Ampharos, @@SleeplessSketch


(Im going to put a description of ms Claudias office thats more descript later but all you need to know is that their is a big oak desk and one single window behind said desk and it is very dim and filled with cabinets and bookshelves all filled with different kinds of books and trinkets and pamplets and Pkmn items. Its cluttered in a sort of 'my dad is a author and this is his study' kind of way.)

Claudia rolled her eyes as though to say,'As if I would stop you.' Before placing a hand on Dusk's back and gently ushering him into the office with a knowing smile and a wink.
"Oh, one or two somebodies, I'm sure. Bieleve me when I say, I don't think it is in your best interest to meet that someone. But whose knows~..Oh! Darius, be a dear and closed the door behind yourself͵ won't you?"

 As Ms Claudia entered the room, she flicked the light switch and the a yellow light filled the room. She gestured for the students to take a seat on the couch bench before she fell back in her own chair. By now Castform had calm down, and was staring with wide eyes at his new friends from his place in Ms Claudias arms. Especially at Zoe. The Migmagius gijinka lifted a hand to her braid and pulled the tie from it and shook out her hair before looking up at the students with those sharp red eyes of hers.

"So, shall we begin?"



She leaned forward in her chair, resting her folded hands on the desk in a formal manner.

  "What you did was extremely reckless, young lady. Not only did you come across

a wild and possibly dangerous pokemon and did not  consult an adult, but you brought the pokemon to your living quarters and put your roommates into possible danger. What if the pokemon had not been as a sweet pokemon like Castform? Your belongings could have been destroyed, or one of you could have been attacked in your sleep. And not only that, you lost Castform on your own accord. What would have happened if certain....unsavory... characters had found him? Hmm?"  Ms Claudia paused for a moment to let what she said sink in a bit before she smiled, closing her eyes. "But by you taking Castform in you protected him from possible harm in many ways. And knowing Castform, I'm sure he was being an honory little stinker at the thought of going back." She sighed, opening her eyes and pinching Castforms cheek lightly.  He gave a small squeak of resistance, and started to wiggle around in her arms. " But again, that's- Oh, fine!" She let go of the little pokemon and he shot out towards the kids, and immediately pressed his cheek against Zoe's for a nice long member before floating around all the kids in figure eight's,


Ms Claudia rolled her eyes. " Anyways.... Like i said. Even though i feel you did the right thing, due to personal circumstances, you still broke school policy which means a staff member must decide a punishment. And No, I'm not going to assign bookmark like a certain boring professor we know..." She rose her hand, pointing at them.


"Each of you will be in charge of cleaning Castforms playroom every Tuesday and Friday after school for three weeks.  Not only that, but  since I'm not aloud to leave students up in the bell tower anymore.... Miss Zoe, could you lend me your hand for a moment?" She extended her own hand over the desk for Zoe to place hers in.

Edited by Lyridian

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Razor was a bit dissapointed the snow was clearing, and the ice was melting. She relectantly walked off the rink and sat down on the grass. There was a lot going on with others, but for her it was a nice break from everyone. All the gijinka were in their groups and they had a bit of time so she decided since the snow was up she may as well go to the dorm room. She placed her bookbag and books she picked up from their spot near the outside doors and retrieved her laptop out of its bag. "Anime no jikan! (Anime time!)" At least I find time for some break to watch episodes.. I was kind of dissapointed that I might not get to. A few episodes of a shounen would help pass time before an exciting event or something.



"I'M SO EXCITED FOR CAMPING!" Lolita yelled, and quieted down so others wouldn't be bothered. "Are we all ready to go? Oh and we need to get food for the trip!" What was she going to buy, again?


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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Nico was walking through the desert when he checked his watch. He realised it was almost sundown on the second day of school. He shrugged his shoulders and kept walking to the Academy. Soon enough, he began thinking on the sole reason for why he was running late.


Yesterday, Nico had found a Squirtle lying face down in the sand. Turning the Squirtle around, he realised he wasn't breathing. He administered CPR and when the gijinka finally started to breathe again, Nico sat back and breathed a sigh of relief. Helping the gijinka towards the nearest town, Nico had asked why he was practically a corpse in the desert. The gijinka only said one word. Nik. After that, he also said to tell Nik his name.


Coming out of his thoughts, Nico realised that he had arrived at school. Clutching his rucksack tighter with one hand, and his khopesh with the other, he headed inside to find his dorm. Checking the list to see that it was, indeed, Dorm 5 he then headed in and claimed one of the unoccupied beds. He leaned his back against the wall and slid down it to rest.




What else am I meant to put here?


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Nik felt a new energy.

"Come on, Nik 2" Nik ordered to his Substitute. Nik 2 may have been reluctant, but he was obedient. The two teleported to the position of the new energy.



"Hello, I'm Nik, this is my son, Nik 2" Nik introduced, giving a  deep bow. His clone grunted and have its own bow

Edited by Evil Dragon Master

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico opened an eye and looked the intruder up and down. Seeing the person before him gave him a dangerous vibe.

"Hi. Nico." Nico nodded at Nik. Nik. "Did you say your name was Nik? I've got a message for you. Someone named Mick told me to just say that. Mick. That wouldn't mean anything to you would it?" He raised an eyebrow and clutched the khopesh just a bit tighter than usual.



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Mick....Of course!" Nik laughed, snapping his fingers. "Yeah, we were buddies for a while, robbing people on the high-way, challenging random people to battle, and poaching Pokemon" Nik remembered, Nik 2 giving him a stoic look. 


"Was this before I was born?" Nik 2 asked, emotionless. 


"Yes, Mick was a really great partner, merciless in battle and a great fighter. How is he? Last I saw of him, he was getting sent flying" Nik asked, not really caring all that much that he had sent his partner flying. Granted, it had been an accident, and the Sceptile gjinka had beaten the ever loving crap out of Nik as well, but still

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico opened the other eye and stood up to sit on the bed.

"Was he now? The way I heard it, Mick said it was done on purpose. Though I could be wrong in that respect. As for how he is, he's fine. I found him dying on my way here. I took him to the nearest town where he told me about you. All he said was Nik. Figured you had wronged him somehow."

Edited by Roxas XIII



What else am I meant to put here?


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"Well, here's what happened. Me, Mick, and a Staraptor gjinka by the name of Aquil, were watching the highway" Nik explained, drawing pictures with his tail to emphasize his point. "We saw a Sceptile gjinka, though he looked tough, decided to challenge him to a match" Nik chuckled bitterly, remembering how that went. "I fired Hyper Beam, Mick fired Water Gun, and Aquil used Gust. We assumed we had taken him out" Nik said, smiling bitterly. "The Sceptile gjinka then mocked me and I fired in the direction I heard his voice. BAM! I saw Mick getting sent flying my my Thunderbolt while the Sceptile was on my right" Nik growled, how foolish it had been to fire instantly. 


"Then, Aquil grabbed the Sceptile in a Full-Nelson from behind. I went up, trying to kick the Sceptile in unison with Aquil. Somehow, the Sceptile flipped himself and Aquil and I hit each other instead" Nik grumbled, sounding embarassed. "The Sceptile used Stealth Rock, taking down Aquil. I tried to fight the Sceptile alone....I got destroyed" Nik finished

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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Nico raised an eyebrow at Nik's tale. "Is that what happened? I don't believe you but I'll take your word for it. Although know this. I will still defeat you in battle, even if it's only for Mick's sake. Got it?" Nico moved his face close to Nik's and smiled menacingly.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Samantha was just coming down the ridge, sliding down the hill on top of her bags. She had the bottom of them coated in wax for specifically that reason after trying it last year and tearing them up. Despite such an unorthodox method of entering the school grounds, she remained absolutely focused. Hitting a bump incorrectly could result in her being thrown off of the bags and an injury, which would be bad. Unfortunately for her, there was nobody around when she arrived at the bottom safely. 'Oh well' she thought. 'While it was fun to go down that hill, I'm sure it would have been better if people saw how cool I would have looked coming down.' She giggled to herself. She pulled out her PDA and looked at the date. "Oh bollocks." She said, crestfallen. "I can't believe I got here a day late." She gathered her waxy, dirt-covered bags and went to the dorms. Checking her PDA again, she pulled up her emails and saw that she was assigned to Dorm 5. She raced in to the dorms and immediately began setting up. 'Clothes, check. Toiletries, check. Snacks, check.' She mentally checked off. 'Computer, check. PDA...' "Hold on... Where's the bloomin' PDA?!?" She screamed to nobody in particular. She started searching all over the room. It took her a whole ten minutes to realize that she just placed it on the bed. She breathed a sigh of relief. Without that PDA, she would be pretty much at a loss for what to do and where to go until she devised some sort of method to sort herself out. She them realized her stomach was rumbling. 'Time for food.' She thought to herself, as she made her way to the cafeteria.


She bought a grilled cheese and a bag of crisps with a lemonade, and went to a table to eat.





@@The Leafeon Pinkeh


"Heheh, calm down, pau." Koh chuckled. "I got us some food already, some stuff that's pretty much just add water. It's really light too, perfect for camping trips." He said, getting up from his desk and hugging his girlfriend. "I heard Rune got a hold of some fireworks too, so we'll have a nice show tonight."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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