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private Pokemon Gijinka Academy! (REBOOT)

That One Techpriest You Used To Know

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"A nickname?"  Lhee looked down at the Amaura that he was still holding, the little pokemon tilting her head back to look at him.  "Uh...  Not yet.  I don't know her personality yet."  "Amau!"


Lhee turns his gaze to Althaia, tilting his head slightly as he looks at the older woman.  He hadn't seen her around the school yet, and had absolutely no idea what kind of gijinka she could have been.  He notices when she pats Amaura on the head the little pokemon chimes up again, seeming to like the attention.  Lhee may have been the quiet type, but Amaura certainly wasn't.


When Jon turns to look at him, Lhee rubs the back of his neck and leans down to set Amaura on the floor.  "I found her fossil...  I had to help.  Er, wanted to, I mean."  The little fossil pokemon, now that she was down on the floor, looked up at the floating Shedinja curiously while staying close to Lhee's legs.  It would seem the young pokemon had imprinted on the Marowak boy, and she wasn't wandering too far from him.


"Well, you've done well. Both of you. I'm Althaia by the way. The archaeology teacher." The Cradily Gijinka said, introducing herself to the marowak boy. "Amaura are generally very passive. Better choice than a Tyrunt, I can tell you that. If you can chosen a Tyrunt, it probably would have undone all the work you had done to fix FRED right there." She went over to the desk and pulled out a bag of pokemon food. She handed it to Lhee and said "There you go. Don't overfeed her, and make sure you clean up after her. I don't think Jon there will want to always have to pick up after your pet, even if his shell wants to play with her." She said sternly.

"It's strange and mysterious to me!" she grins,"In Labratoria, we don't have unhealthy food items." She hoped by giving her lab upbring a country name, he'd realize that it was a joke about their culture differences. "And I'm fine up her. I actually wish it were a little higher." Then we'd have some privacy.


Rune chuckled. "Labratoria... That's an interesting name for the lab. Though I guess I understand why they don't want unhealthy food items. They wanted you to be the best there ever was I'm guessing or something like that, and unhealthy food items wouldn't help. I think I know what we'll do though, tonight we'll just get a pizza, stay in the dorm, and share it and watch a few movies or something. How does that sound?" Rune said. It felt like it would be a really nice time for them. Have a few sodas, get a pizza or two to share, it'd be a great time. "What do you think you'd want on a pizza? I mean, they've got cheese and tomato sauce like normal, but you can get pepperoni, olives, peppers, anchovies, bacon, whatever on them. Heck, I've been to a pizza place before that has cheeseburger pizzas. I didn't have it myself, but it sounded pretty good."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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She watched the small doppelganger crumble away to dust in front of her eyes. Her clutch on the note tightened for a moment before quietly slipping it between the first pages of the storybook. Now, was not the time to read, she was a mess! Amaya rose to her knees, picking up the books while trying to stay composed... Or, at least look the part. But her cheeks quickly turned bright pink, her embarrassment obvious. After all, she could feel the staring of curious eyes from between the books on the shelves.

Trying to shake off the embarrassment, she examined the books. A few bent pages here and there, but that was fine. What really mattered was the story within the book. So what if the book itself had a few bumps and bruises. She stood, carefully balancing the books once more in her arms and carried them off to the counter. The girl who chewed on her gum rang up the books for Amaya, stacking them neatly into a plastic bag. Hefting them back onto the counter for her to take, she told her the price. Amaya took out her Scalchop coin purse and slid out a platinum card with a picture of a Lugia printed onto it. She held it tightly in her hands, staring at it with an intense, curious look. Papa said I could use this to buy things, but...


Lets make something clear here, everyone. Yes, Amaya is the daughter of two, successful business persons. Whom have paid for her to have home lessons in economics. But she has never, ever had to deal with the purchasing of ANYTHING but candy with quarters. Credit cards never really came up...ever. Since she's never needed them when things are bought for her. Thus we are lefts with our akward little duckling, staring at this peculiar piece of plastic.

The gum girl behind the counter giggled at Amaya and plucked the card from her hands. After a moment she pushed the card back into her small hands, dropped the receipt into the bag and into Amayas arms, waving her off.

She found Zach near the front of the shop Amaya peeked out around Zach, offering an apologetic smile.  " Sorry... I took so long...-" She nodded towards all those books cradled in her arms. "I didn't mean to get so carried away like that... Oh! But now I'm done, so it's your turn now! We can go where ever you want, okay?


Ms Claudia

Claudia clapped her hands together, practically bouncing on her heels. "Happy Birthday!" The spectral beauty chirped."Oh, pup! Look at her, she's absolutely precious! Well done, well done ♫ " She patted her students shoulder, fairly impressed that he could not only fix the machine with only verbal guidance, but also 'give birth' to such a cutie patootie!

But she quickly retracted her mitts from Lhees shoulder. She remembered his reaction to ghostie's from the first day, and decided maybe such friendly contact might not be the best thing... So she settled on wrapping her arms around Jonathans shoulders, practically nuzzling the poor man. It was better to make someone she knew better uncomfortable than a ghost-a-phobic papa pee his pants. Her ears where graced by a familiar voice, to which she tilted her head to say hello.
"Good~ Morning~ Althy~~  Oh! I hadn't thought about a nickname at all! Isn't that a Pokemon Trainer-esk sort of thing? I didn't nickname Castform... Come to think of it neither did Jonny! Although-" She held a hand up to her lips, as if she were sharing a secret. "I happen to know for a fact that Jonathan calls him Shedzie when no-ones around!"
A blatant lie, Ms Claudia. You haven't a clue.

Edited by Lyridian

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Synthia tapped her chin for a bit, thinking. "How 'bout... canadian bacon and pineapple? Does that sound good to you?" She smiled at him, waiting for his answer. She had heard that it was a very nice, glamorous pizza, the Hawaiian pizza. If she was to have any pizza, she wanted it to be the best.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@Lyridian, @, @@SleeplessSketch


Althaia sighed. She was already annoyed by her colleague's antics. "You realize that the Amaura was dead and that it had already been born properly, right?" She deadpanned. "Either way, we can save the celebrations for the actual anniversary of her revival. Now, I need to do some paperwork, so make sure you turn off FRED and the lights before you leave. Jon, if you could lock the door on the way out, that would be nice, thank you." She said, as she headed for her office to finish the paperwork that was due.





Synthia tapped her chin for a bit, thinking. "How 'bout... canadian bacon and pineapple? Does that sound good to you?" She smiled at him, waiting for his answer. She had heard that it was a very nice, glamorous pizza, the Hawaiian pizza. If she was to have any pizza, she wanted it to be the best.


"Sounds good to me." Rune said. "Pineapples are really good on pizza, sweet and tangy mixed with the cheesy and somewhat spicy of the pizza is a great combo. You have any particular movie ideas? I was thinking just looking up some on the internet and then hooking up the computer to the TV in the dorm and watching them in there."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Raising the napkin to her mouth, Amber looked to the people sat in the booth. It was nice meeting them and all, but judging by the time that her PokeWatch viewed, she couldn't 'hang' with them for any longer. Amber placed her hands on the table, pulling herself out of the seat, and pulled her satchel over her left shoulder. Breathing in, she looked down at them and began to talk, shifting her lips from pursed position.


"It looks like I might have to meet my colleagues now, although it might be a little early. Then again, they are probably on the other side of the mall by now. Or if I am mistaken, probably still looking at the same shop window, wandering whether they should purchase the same top."


Slowly, she would pull on her gloves and slide around the corner of the booth. She would neaten her skirt, patting it, and would wave her head carefully. One hand would be placed over the side of her bag, and the girl would begin walking carefully out of the restaurant, removing the false smile off her face at once like a tacky sticker.


When she exited, she noticed Dusk waiting outside of the restaurant - of course, she knew him. As mentioned, she knew practically everyone, but mostly the people to watch out for or avoid. Not that he was a threat, or anything. Playfully, she slid a wink in his direction, and continued walking towards the end off the mall. That jacket definitely suited him - she wondered where he must of bought it.


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@@Lyridian, @, @@SleeplessSketch


Althaia sighed. She was already annoyed by her colleague's antics. "You realize that the Amaura was dead and that it had already been born properly, right?" She deadpanned. "Either way, we can save the celebrations for the actual anniversary of her revival. Now, I need to do some paperwork, so make sure you turn off FRED and the lights before you leave. Jon, if you could lock the door on the way out, that would be nice, thank you." She said, as she headed for her office to finish the paperwork that was due.




"Sounds good to me." Rune said. "Pineapples are really good on pizza, sweet and tangy mixed with the cheesy and somewhat spicy of the pizza is a great combo. You have any particular movie ideas? I was thinking just looking up some on the internet and then hooking up the computer to the TV in the dorm and watching them in there."

Frankenstein, she joked in her head. "Hey, isn't there that... oh- the new one about that one guy who gets trapped alone off world. He has to, like, find a something to fix his ship but then doesn't wanna leave for some reason. It's like, The Lotus Planet or something..."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Frankenstein, she joked in her head. "Hey, isn't there that... oh- the new one about that one guy who gets trapped alone off world. He has to, like, find a something to fix his ship but then doesn't wanna leave for some reason. It's like, The Lotus Planet or something..."


"I think you're thinking of Lost Planet, and that's not a movie, that's a video game. I mean, if you want to play video games, that's fine too, but a movie would be something like Gravity or the Shining. We could also watch some TV shows if you want. I know Breaking Bad is a really good show." Rune said. "Really, I'd just like to spend time with you. I don't care really what we do." He looked at Synthia and put an arm around her.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"I think you're thinking of Lost Planet, and that's not a movie, that's a video game. I mean, if you want to play video games, that's fine too, but a movie would be something like Gravity or the Shining. We could also watch some TV shows if you want. I know Breaking Bad is a really good show." Rune said. "Really, I'd just like to spend time with you. I don't care really what we do." He looked at Synthia and put an arm around her.

She blinked and thought, Oh. So that's why the commercial didn't look movie esque. She shrugs, "Well, do you think you could handle playing video games? I'm a level 80 Hunter Wargen on WoW." She grins and leans back. A part of her wanted to wait until sunset, and then share a romantic kiss.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She blinked and thought, Oh. So that's why the commercial didn't look movie esque. She shrugs, "Well, do you think you could handle playing video games? I'm a level 80 Hunter Wargen on WoW." She grins and leans back. A part of her wanted to wait until sunset, and then share a romantic kiss.


"Yeah I could. I'm more in to games like Zelda or Mario. I'm not really in to WoW. I could give it a shot if you want though." Rune suggested. "Maybe something like Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Those are really good games. One and two are nice as well, but they're a bit too slow, mostly because Fallout one was designed for really old computers and fallout 2 wasn't much of an improvement.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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She laughs and leans into him a little, "All of those are single player. Hmmm, do you have Blazing Angels? Or Halo? Maybe... Blaze Blue or Soul Caliber V?" She wasn't crossing her fingers on the fighting games, she knew most people didn't know about these games.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She laughs and leans into him a little, "All of those are single player. Hmmm, do you have Blazing Angels? Or Halo? Maybe... Blaze Blue or Soul Caliber V?" She wasn't crossing her fingers on the fighting games, she knew most people didn't know about these games.


"I've heard of Halo and Soul Caliber. Not Blazing Angels or Blaze Blue. I know Skullgirls is a pretty good fighter. I'd be up for Soul Caliber if you want." Rune agreed. "I mostly know of Soul Caliber due to all the swords in it. I actually like playing as Link, no real strong offense or defense, but is very adaptable to any situation."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Zach put his hand up and shook his head. "Nah it's fine. I wasn't really looking to get anything here anyway. We should probably head over to the restaurant now. Everyone's probably dying waiting for us." Zach flashed a smile as he turned around and began walking towards the restaurant. 


Matthew and Dustin sat quietly at their respective tables. Matthew had ordered a mound of sushi at his little booth and was slowly chewing as he started solving fairly complex algorithms sent to him on his tablet. Dustin was just munching on an eggroll quietly as he waited for Zach and Amaya to get back, paying little attention to the newcomer or any conversations taking place at the table.

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Awkwardly trying to hold the bag of pokemon food, his bone club, and the wrench that Jon had lent him, Lhee shuffles a little bit to try and reorganize himself.  This was made even harder thanks to the young fossil pokemon sticking close to the inside of his feet, but eventually he manages to set the wrench down and shove his bone club through his belt.  Holding the bag of food under one arm, he leans down to pat the Amaura's head before looking up at the faculty members still in the room.


"Th-thank you...  For helping me.  For helping us."  Rubbing the back of his neck, Lhee smiles slightly before gesturing towards the door.  "I'm going to take her for a walk...  She's been asleep for a long time.  I think she could use it."  "Amauuuuraaaa!"  Chuckling quietly at the little pokemon's cry, Lhee pats her head again before opening the door.  The little pokemon followed right on the Marowak boy's heels - it would seem she had absolutely no plans of letting him get out of her sight.





Zoey reaches into her pocket to pull out her C-Gear, checking the time.  "Sheesh, what's taking those slowpokes?  Did the bookstore fall on them or something?"  Laughing a little, Zoey waves goodbye to Amber as she leaves before grabbing another egg roll.  It was the weekend and she was out with her friends - she could abuse her diet.  For a little bit.











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@, @@Ampharos


"Well, I don't know about you two, but I think I'll order some sushi and a bowl of fried rice. I'm just going to go up to the sushi bar and grab a couple plates." Samantha said, getting up and stretching. "Maybe see if I can get a bottle of sake." She said, chuckling mischievously.


She approached the sushi bar and grabbed a couple of small blue plates with various types of nigirizushi of them, and managed to convince the server to bring a bottle of sake to the table for a few extra credits, in addition to her rice bowl.


She returned to the table and set down her sushi plates. "So, what do you guys plan on getting?" She said, sliding a piece of salmon on rice in to her mouth.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin shrugged and looked at the sushi bar. "I guess I'll go up now. Never tried the stuff before might as well do it now." He got up and got a plate full of various kinds of hosomaki and eyeballed the wasabi. He took a small taste of the stuff, gave the "not bad" face, and through a huge wad of the stuff on the plate as well. That action got him a few looks from the staff. He walked back and started eating the sushi covered in the wasabi.  "Man this green stuff is really good. Uh... what is it?"

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Dustin shrugged and looked at the sushi bar. "I guess I'll go up now. Never tried the stuff before might as well do it now." He got up and got a plate full of various kinds of hosomaki and eyeballed the wasabi. He took a small taste of the stuff, gave the "not bad" face, and through a huge wad of the stuff on the plate as well. That action got him a few looks from the staff. He walked back and started eating the sushi covered in the wasabi.  "Man this green stuff is really good. Uh... what is it?"


"Wasabi. I don't think I've ever seen someone get that much before. That stuff is really spicy. I'm not a fan of it myself, but if you like it, go ahead." Samantha said, laughing lightly. "I'm thinking about getting chirashizushi for my main course. It's basically build-your-own-sushi with the ingrediants in a tin on top of sushi rice. I might get a couple spider rolls as well, they're pretty good."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Wasabi. I don't think I've ever seen someone get that much before. That stuff is really spicy. I'm not a fan of it myself, but if you like it, go ahead." Samantha said, laughing lightly. "I'm thinking about getting chirashizushi for my main course. It's basically build-your-own-sushi with the ingrediants in a tin on top of sushi rice. I might get a couple spider rolls as well, they're pretty good."


Dustin nodded slowly as he swallowed the huge mouthful he had. "That... would explain why I got some weird looks. Spicy doesn't really bother me. Like at all. I uh... I got dared to snort a Ghost Chili once and the only thing I got was pepper stuck in my nose. I think it has something to do with me resisting fire types and the human half of me trying to incorporate it into my biology. It's uh... quite a... thing. But yea this Spider crab stuff is amazing! Can't believe I've never had this stuff before!" Dustin began shoving more sushi and wasabi into his mouth while thinking of what his main meal was going to be. 


(Spider rolls are actually my favorite kind of sushi))

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Dustin nodded slowly as he swallowed the huge mouthful he had. "That... would explain why I got some weird looks. Spicy doesn't really bother me. Like at all. I uh... I got dared to snort a Ghost Chili once and the only thing I got was pepper stuck in my nose. I think it has something to do with me resisting fire types and the human half of me trying to incorporate it into my biology. It's uh... quite a... thing. But yea this Spider crab stuff is amazing! Can't believe I've never had this stuff before!" Dustin began shoving more sushi and wasabi into his mouth while thinking of what his main meal was going to be. 


(Spider rolls are actually my favorite kind of sushi))


"You know what? That actually makes sense. I didn't think of it that way." Samantha chuckled. "That's pretty funny about the pepper though, I bet that was a fun time." She said, pouring herself a cup of sake. "It is really good. Spider rolls are really nice, I'm a fan of crabs myself. I know when I was on vacation one time, my family got these crabs that you basically broke open yourself and you picked out the meat with your fingers and ate them. They were covered with spices that would stick to your hands, so that when you picked out the meat, the spices would get on the meat and it would taste amazing. The problem was, if you had any cuts on your fingers, it would burn like crazy when you got the spices on them. It was kind of weird too, you get a picnic table covered with brown paper, a mallet, and a knife, then they come with the big bucket of cooked crabs and they just scatter them on the table, you grab one you like, then you jam the knife under a little spot under their bodies and crack them open. Then you have to clean out the middle and top and then eat the meat. It's really fun in the summer on the beach." Samantha said, reminiscing about her childhood. She took a sip from her cup of sake and asked "So, you have any interesting stories about anything?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin chuckled a bit and gulped down his mouthful. "No it uh... definitely wasn't great. I think I had a couple seeds in my nose for almost a month. Eesh. I've never really had crab before. Or like, any sort of even remotely exotic food. Well... not exotic but you know what I mean. I hope. But I like this stuff. It's some of the best stuff I've ever tasted!"  He ate another mouthful as Samantha asked another question and swallowed hard before answering. "Um... Not really. Honestly, I barely knew those guys that dared me to do the pepper thing. I wasn't exactly... a social butterfly if you will. Didn't really have a lot of friends. Or any really. Sort of lived my life by myself." Dustin sort of stared off into the corner for a moment before turning his head back towards Samantha. ​"Isn't sake alcohol?: 

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Dustin chuckled a bit and gulped down his mouthful. "No it uh... definitely wasn't great. I think I had a couple seeds in my nose for almost a month. Eesh. I've never really had crab before. Or like, any sort of even remotely exotic food. Well... not exotic but you know what I mean. I hope. But I like this stuff. It's some of the best stuff I've ever tasted!"  He ate another mouthful as Samantha asked another question and swallowed hard before answering. "Um... Not really. Honestly, I barely knew those guys that dared me to do the pepper thing. I wasn't exactly... a social butterfly if you will. Didn't really have a lot of friends. Or any really. Sort of lived my life by myself." Dustin sort of stared off into the corner for a moment before turning his head back towards Samantha. ​"Isn't sake alcohol?: 


"Ah, I see. Yeah it's rice wine. The alcohol doesn't really affect me though, since it's not extremely strong and my body cycles out the alcohol more efficiently than someone with a normal liver, so I couldn't get actually drunk or have it affect me unless I drank something like rubbing alcohol." Samantha shrugged. "I just like the taste. This one is fairly dry, but it's not terrible." she added. "If you want to try a little bit, it won't kill you, I just wouldn't advise drinking more than a few sips."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Dustin nodded slowly, starting to stare off into the corner again. "Uh-huh... That's actually pretty cool. I've never had alcohol myself, and I'm not entirely planning on ever having it, so I'll pass. Still pretty cool though, considering I wouldn't imagine you'd drink rubbing alcohol on a daily basis. Hehe."  

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Dustin nodded slowly, starting to stare off into the corner again. "Uh-huh... That's actually pretty cool. I've never had alcohol myself, and I'm not entirely planning on ever having it, so I'll pass. Still pretty cool though, considering I wouldn't imagine you'd drink rubbing alcohol on a daily basis. Hehe." 


Samantha laughed. "Yeah I suppose it is one of the perks of being mostly artificial. But suit yourself. If you don't want sake, I won't make you drink it." Samantha began thinking about wine and the history of it. "Something I find kind of interesting about wine in general is that back in the days before there were ice cubes, people would take snow and just pack it in to their goblets and chalices or whatever and have the wine in there, and have the snow chill the wine."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Getting up from the table, Melissa went over to the buffet area and got a couple of sushi rolls. Pittine them on her plate, she headed back over to the table and listened in on what everyone was saying.


She chewed on a piece of sushi and asked, "You drink sake? What's it taste like?"



What else am I meant to put here?


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Getting up from the table, Melissa went over to the buffet area and got a couple of sushi rolls. Pittine them on her plate, she headed back over to the table and listened in on what everyone was saying.


She chewed on a piece of sushi and asked, "You drink sake? What's it taste like?"


"Well, different sakes have different tastes. It's basically like wine, just made with a different base. You can have dry wines, fruity wines, et cetera, and you can have dry sakes and fruity sakes et cetera." Samantha explained. "I mean, if you're interested in giving it a shot, go ahead. Like I said to Dustin though, I wouldn't recommend you drink more than a few sips. Just because I can handle my alcohol doesn't mean you can. And the only reason I can is because of the fact that I've got a bionic liver."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Melissa a hand dismissively. "Not really interested in drinking it. You said you had a bionic liver. What parts of you are actually still human? I mean, which organs are still, you know, not bionic." Melissa didn't really now how to say it without it sounding like an insult.



What else am I meant to put here?


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