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@@Commander Tangent,


Violet sat down next to him and smiled at him, "Icarus, I only just met you, but.. I have..well I believe I have developed feelings for you, very strong feelings for you, stronger than what I have...had for Night Song. I still love him, but.. not like I thought. I thought I loved him like a lover and he the same with me, but.." she swallows hard, "I've thought about it, after crying myself. I love him more like a very close friend, almost like a...a brother. I shouldn't have said yes to him, but I was lonely and desperate, and I think he was the same. I just....don't have the heart to break off the engagement. Not just yet, not until I've.. gotten to know you better and more..." She leans in and kisses him on the cheek, "Icarus, I think...I think I am in love with you. My heart is torn in two. Is there something wrong with me? What should I do?"


She stays sitting next to him, now holding his hoof in hers, stroking it reassuringly. She sighs and looks deep into his eyes.. "I want to be with you, more than anything, I do not know why, but I feel a strong attraction to you, like maybe you and I were meant to be"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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"No, there is nothing wrong with you. But it sadly sounds like you are morally, physically, and mentally unable to tell him no.If you are  unable to tell him no, then no matter how much you love me, then we will never be together. And it is much to late to say no to him. It simply seems the only two choices you have are to tell him you love me and call off the wedding and your relationship, wich you seem unwilling to do, or you can stay with him, and leave me dark and alone to rot away." Icarus said, back to his more philosophical self. 


He found  himself staring at Violet. He stared right into his eyes. And for a second, he lost himself in them. They were infinite, like the allspark. They contained not only the physical organs needed to see, but they were like a window into her soul. her very self. It was like staring into space, at a galaxy or planet. All one object, but yet so divided, diverse, and beautiful in it's own way. A small tear ran down his eye, as his head flooded with all the outcomes her future decisions would effect, not only her future, but his as well.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent,


Violet thought for a moment or two, then came to a decision, "You are right Icarus, I have to tell Night Song, and I should tell him now for two reasons, firstly, the longer I leave it, the harder it will be, and secondly, if i leave it any longer it may really be too late." She hugs him and gives him a light peck on the muzzle, "I love you Icarus" she says before getting up and saying, "I will be back, I'm going to tell him now, I just hope that he takes it well, if he is the mature pony that I know, then he will but you never know." She kisses him again and leaves the room, her tail slightly swishing in the way she walks.


She walks around the TARDIS for a while, then decides to go get the necklace and give it back to Night Song. After she gets it out from the hiding spot, she finds him in the practice room, playing his favorite song. She sighs and walks up to him.


"N...Night Song, t..there's something I need to tell you, something important."

Night Song sighs and puts his travel violin away, he looks at her, "I think I know what this is about, this is about Icarus isn't it?"

Violet nods sadly, "Night Song, I really am sorry, but.. I've thought about it, I really do believe that we both fell in 'love' with each other out of desperation and loneliness, I shouldn't have said yes to you, I really am sorry. I still love you, but like a very close friend and a brother. The other thing, I really feel that..."


Night Song holds her hoof in hers and looks in her eyes, then puts a hoof to her mouth to silence her, "Shh Violet, I know what you were about to say, and well, I thought about it myself. You are right, getting married to each other could very well break our friendship, and in all truthful honesty, I value our friendship far too much to lose it, and you are right, my love for you during school was a crush, a big one though, and well I was actually surprised when you found me, Aixi and Critic at the bar." He lightly kisses her on the cheek, "I do not understand how you could love a pony you just met, but maybe that is true love. I cannot say, but I can say this, if you want to be with Icarus. then you can be, I want you to be happy, and if being with him will make you happy, then I will be happy for you two."


Violet nearly breaks down in tears, she was so relieved that Night Song agreed and took it as well as he did, she takes out the necklace and holds it out to him, "H..here, you take it back, I don't deserve it"


Night Song smiles and pushes it back her way, "No Violet, you keep it, you do deserve it, and think of it as a gift between close friends and 'brother' and 'sister'."


Violet hugs him, thanking him before running swiftly back to Icarus's room, she burst in with a smile but tears in her eyes and throws her forelegs around him in a tight hug.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Icarus was taken totally by surprise. His eyes were wide and unknowing, his face neutral and confused. And the it hit him. It hit him like a cannon ball. He broke out into an extremely happy laugh and hugged Violet tight and with a huge amount of love and compassion. He wrapped his rems around her and happily nuzzled her.


"So I guess you told Night, and considering that he didn't come in here with murderous intent, he took it slightly well, at the least. " He said as he broke the hug and held his hooves on her shoulders, looking happily into her eyes.


"I guess it is completely appropriate to say it now....but.... I love you, Violet, I love you with ever atom of my mind, being , brain and soul. You are my beloved, my partner in life, and my joy" Icarus said echoing the words of Bloom. This is what she would have wanted, and Icarus felt that were ever Bloom was, she was happy for Icarus, happy for  Violet, and just happy overall. 


Icarus happily moved his head up to her and lovingly nuzzled Violet again, rubbing his cheek against her's.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent,


Violet smiled, "He felt the same way I did about everything, actually. I knew he was mature, but I didn't know he had matured that much"  She says, nuzzling him back, "I am going to have to tell Aixi though, she has every right to know, But Icarus, I do not want to rush things like Night Song and I did, as much as I do love you, I need time to get over everything that has happened, so I am sorry but that means separate rooms for now, no love making, and I think, for a while, keep the lovey dovey stuff to a minimum for a while, or when we do that sort of thing, we do it in private. This is not just for our sake, but for everypony else's sake as well" She gets up and lightly kisses him, before leaving to talk to Aixi.




She wonders around the TARDIS for a while, trying to find Aixi. She then finds her and asks, "Aixi, there's something I need to tell you, something important" pulling Aixi aside she continues, "The engagement between Night Song and I is off, as is our relationship. We have both discussed it, and we both agree that our 'love' for each other was rushed as was our engagement. We also both feel that we are more like close friends and 'brother' and 'sister' to each other than lovers, and we both don't want to ruin that kind of friendship that we have had since we were both foals. Night also says he is ok with me and Icarus being together, but I have asked Icarus not to rush things, I want to take this a little slower, I just thought I should tell you, as I felt you had the right to know."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Icarus frowned a little, "Awwww... then not much has changed other than we say we love eachother......" Icarus said saddly.. He felt Like not that much had changed then.  basically all they were doing was just saying they loved eachother, and not much else had changed. But he tried his best to smile a little for his beloved. He gave her a peck on the muzzle.


"OK love, we can take it slow if you want. We will have plenty of time on the relaxation planet to be together. We can get all lovey dovey there I guess. We will have plenty of time and stuff to do while we are there" Icarus said to her before she left the room.


Once she left, he went and layed down with a half smile. 


Well I guess I haven't completely won her over then.... If  she doesn't even want to share a room. Hell I would be fine with separate beds in the same room, but seriously. 


Icarus frowned, but he was far from crying, and far from being depressed. But none the less he couldn't help bu feel a bit sad, like they werent full together yet. But  overall he was quite happy he had a loved one. 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Night song trudged off to be alone. "I only wanted her to be happy. I just want her to be happy." A tear rolled down his face.

He stomped his hoof in anger. "I am too emotional!" 

Collapsing to the ground in a heap of sobs his life seemed to be falling apart it seemed as if nothing would go right, like nothing ever could."

He just didn't know what to do any longer. "Why am I fighting? What do I have to fight for now? Everything is worthless." He covered his eyes with his hooves as he continued to sob, no longer caring that he was in the middle of the hall.


Night jumped a little, he felt a hoof on his shoulder. Turning his head he saw Aixi, "Well I suppose everyone know by now don't they? Aren't they off flaunting this 'love' of theirs yet?" 


Aixi sat down next to him. and wrapped her hooves around him. "You know what honey? I refuse to feel sad for you. You deserve the utmost loyalty. You deserve a pony who won't just throw you away when something better comes along, truth be told he isn't better, just new. I wish she could see it."

Night was confused, "See what?"

Aixi chuckled softly, "What I see, You are such a strong charismatic individual. You will find your special somepony. I remeber when you and Vi first hooked up, I thought it was a little rushed but this was ridiculous... I think she chases tale. Don't worry about it. If you love her, fight for her. Show her that you are better show her that she made a terrible mistake."


Her words added salt to his wounds, his eyes stung and were puffy and red. "Aixi, thank you. You know what? You are right, I should fight. But for a pony that is worth my time, some pony will gladly accept me one day I hope."


Aixi rose back onto her hooves, playfully tapping his shoulder she retorted, "I know you will, chin up." With that Aixi walked off.


Night rose to his hooves as well, he still felt like as if his heart was hit by a cart however he felt optimistic. "Who needs her anyways? I do deserve better." He said mainly to himself.

Walking off he decided to make relationships with his friends, his comrades. Those would be the relationships he cherished.

As he walked off he intended on finding Nightstrike, he wanted to chat with him now that his mind had calmed down slightly.

@Raiden NightSong,

Troubled Aixi stomped off to Violets room. Aixi was feeling disgruntled and a little miffed. "This is exactly why I travel alone... Like seriously I never wanted the drama I just want this world to be safe! She felt as if her team was falling apart. It is clear I have never been fit to lead over any pony, I can't even keep this thing straight." She ranted straightening her small crown.


Walking up to Violets room she gathered her thoughts, 'I will not medal but I do have to make a couple things clear. I know it is not my place but as we are all here because of me I have to make it my business now.'


She knocked on Violets room, hoping she was alone, or at least decent.

"Hello." Aixi knocked.

"It's just me. Do you think we could have a word Violet? You seem to be going through a heck of a lot right now." She called out trying to sound pleasant.

"I really think we should talk, you know gal to gal. We gotta stick together after all am I right? "

She hoped that Vi would answer. If she could not solve the groups problems she would have to take matters into her own hooves.

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Aixi had completely flogged her off, feeling disheartened and a bit upset, she thinks "well that was a waste of time" then makes her way to the room she was sharing with Night Song. On her way there, she hears Night Song sobbing, and just as she is about to see what is happening, she sees Aixi talking with him, and hears what they say, "Obviously they don't know what true love is, how could they?" she says even more upset than before, a tear starts rolling down her cheek, as she continues her way, she then hears what Night Sing says to himself, "If that's how he feels, then..this is not the Night Song I've known since school" he reaches the room and gathers her things. Then leaves it, tears nearly blinding her vision, she looks around for another vacant room, but there weren't any, so she just goes right to Icarus's room.


@@Commander Tangent,


When she gets there, she doesn't even bother to knock, instead she just walks right in, unceremoniously dumping her things on the floor and then slumping to the floor, her vision now totally blurred from her tears. Heaving a heavy sigh, she jays lays there, hiding her face in her hooves. 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Icarus was taken by surprise. Last he had seen of Violet, she had been happy and cheerful, glad that the two of them could be together. Now she was in tears, nearly as bad as he had been before. He trotted over too her and gave her a light hug. He levitated his cloak over to her and wiped her tears away with it, before carefully wrapping it around her. He scooted even Closer to her.


"Violet, dear..... What's wrong, what is it...? " He asked her with a very concerned voice, wondering what had her so upset.


It was then her heard the pony from earlier Aixi, calling for her. Icarus hugged  Violet and opened the door.




"She is in here Aixi, what happned, she is crying like a waterfall. I do not understand what has her so depressed. Did something happen while she was gone or something, just....what happened?" Icarus asked, a serious look of concern on his face as he waited for the pony to respond.


What could have happened while she was out.... Oh Primus I hope someone isn't hurt, or worse, I hope Night Song didnt hurt himself. I just need to know what the hell happened.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent


Violet looks up from her crying and through her tears she says, "Th..they hate me. Both Aixi and Night Song! I heard what they said. Aixi just thinks I'm chasing tail and Night Song thinks I'm worthless." She wails as she snuggles into Icarus's warm cloak and fur. She was depressed, because she thought her two closest friends hated her, and she couldn't bear the thought of it. Was everything that Night Song had said to her when she broke up with him all a lie, was it all a front for his true feelings? She didn't know, she didn't even know if she ever actually knew the real Night Song at all, or if she had, he had changed, and she didn't like the new Night Song. 


Then she hears Aixi knocking on the door and shivered with fear. She snuggled in even further into Icarus's hug. What if Aixi had come to yell at her for leaving Night Song for Icarus. What if... Icarus was there, so she felt a little bit safer, but she was still scared. She didn't want to be yelled at, especially by Aixi, She had grown to love Aixi like a sister, and if she was going to yell at her, she wouldn't be able to take it.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Aixi stood outside of Violets door for a long while with out any answer. Rolling her eyes she figured she must be with the new pony. Wanting no part of the drama she trotted off to find Critic. She had her own drama to take care of. She had gotten involved with everypony else, she almost forgot what she was carrying. A smile was brought forth if but only for a second. The door down the hall opened and The Doctor had poked his head out, 'Great just the pony I wanted to see.' She tried to keep the look of disgust off of her face, although she didn't try too hard.

"May I come in?" Aixi asked pushing past not waiting for a response, "I need to talk to the pair of you."


Without hesitating Aixi stood in the center of the room and took a deep breath, "I really wanted to talk to you alone Vi, but I suppose Icarus should hear this too. Now I don't care about you or your love life, that is not what is important here. I think you should think about why all of you are here. What is going on is so much bigger than just one pony. If my group falls apart because of this I will have no choice but to abort and take care of matters by myself. Like I said this is so much bigger than one pony, please just realize the sacrifices everypony is making here. Every move made is detrimental to the best possible out come. I want this world to continue on with or with out me. So now you both must make a choice, Night is moving on with his life. He is alright now. What are you to do? Continue on and fight or are you going to live in this beautiful fantasy world you seem to have created?"

Edited by PurplePony
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"I have no fantasies about anything we are going to do. I love  Violet, and we are together. I will not allow this to distract me from my duties, or my responsibilities.  You are in a relationship as well, Aixi, you understand just as well as I there will always be danger, here will always be things to do. I'm not going to make your team fall apart or anything" Icarus said, somewhat annoyed at Aixi's random and ungrounded assumption.


"Please do not assume we are losing ourselves in a "Fantasy world", we are quite grounded in reality. Trust me Madam, I understand". " Icarus said in an informative manner. 




Icarus leaned down next to Violet and hugged her. 


"See, she isn't mad at you, don't worry about it darling, your friendship with her is fine." Icarus sad given her a tight and loving hug before standing up and looking to Aixi.


"Now is that all? Or is there anything you wanted to say to Violet. Like maybe why you said she was chasing tail  ?" He asked Aixi,  hoping he had gotten the point across they had the same view on relationships and  what they were doing as she did. Icarus had no illusions. While his love for this mare would bloom into something great, he knew  he would have a duty and a purpose here.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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Violet looked up at Aixi, she didn't yell at her, which was good but her words still stung a little. "Y...yes Aixi, I know what we're here to do. I know what we're fighting for, I know there's dangers in what we are doing, I haven't forgotten that. My head and heart is still in the fight. Please don't worry about me and I'm not going to make the team fall apart either, I was crying because I heard what you said to Night Song and then what he said afterwards..." Violet then swallows hard, "I guess he was right though, nopony needs me"


@@Commander Tangent,


She then burrows herself into Icarus's fur and sighs,  "I know she isn't mad at me, but.. if she had yelled at me, I wouldn't have been able to take it, not from her, or anypony here actually. I'm sorry Icarus, maybe you're better off without me."  Violet says quietly then notices the bottle of vodka, she reaches for it, sure alcohol had destroyed her life once, but she was depressed and upset, she just wanted to drown herself in it and forget everything. She takes a large swig from the bottle, and then another and another, until she blacked out.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Icarus was shocked, but unable to stop her from doing that.


"WHOA WHOA WHAO, what are you doing Violet!" He yelled at her, but was unable to stop her from blacking out. 


When she did, he sighed and hid the bottle in his bag. After that, he hefted Violet onto his back. She was quite heavy, considering Icarus had never had to carry someone like this, due to the fact he usually had a stretcher. He slowly made his way across the room, all the way to the bed and layed her down on it. His bed had no sheets, so he draped his cloak over her and tucked her under it.



"Not to sound rude, Aixi, but I would appreciate it if you were to give us a bit of privacy, if you want I can send her your way when she wakes up" He says, as he turns around hoping Aixi would exit the room. 


He turned around and layed down on the bed with Violet and gave her a big hug, hoping she would wake up soon.


Wow the people here seem kind of cruel at times. I hope on a normal day they aren't all like this, Violet and I still need to talk to Aixi about what she said about Violet "Chasing Tail" 

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent,


Violet remained blacked out for several hours, how-ever her sleep was troubled. She couldn't stop thinking about what both Aixi and Night Song had said about her. Those words seeped into her dreams, causing her to have nightmares, Icarus could see she was having troubled sleep, with her ears twitching erratically and her mumbling things like "Just leave, go! You're all better off without me, I'm nothing but a useless, worthless, tail chaser."


Her last nightmare was so bad that she sat bolt upright in her bed and shouted "NO!" then as she looked around her, she saw Icarus next to her and latched onto him, hugging him tight then crying into his fur.She just sat there, hugging him and sobbing loudly, 


After a few minutes, she finally calms down enough to tell Icarus about her nightmares, when she gets to her last one, she hesitates and then finally says "Oh Icarus, it was horrible, worse than all the others put together... In it... everypony bullied me, they made me feel worthless and pathetic...what was worse was...well.. you stood up for me, but then they turned on you, and they kicked us out in the middle of no-where...."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Icarus hugged her in her sleep, and as she mumbled them, he moved his mouth and muzzle close to her ears and mumbled things like "You are worth everything to me" and " Your no tail chaser, love" into her ear. And he nuzzled her lovingly every once and awhile. 


Eventually, she bolted awake, and began to cry on Icarus. He sat there, holding her tight and patting her back as she sobbed. And once she finished and told about her nightmare, he smiled.


"They would never do that. As mean and as bad of an impression as they have made of themselves, I doubt they would ever do that. They aren't a bunch of Decepticons. They all seem like a small family to you. They are your close friends, and they always will be, no matter what. But sadly they are all going to hate my guts. " Icarus said, a sad look overcoming his face as he said that, "I doubt any of them are going to trust or like me now that I stole you away from Night Song. Hell, Night probably hates me the most" Icarus said with a sad face, still hugging her tight. He hopped they would all eventually forgive him, and become at the least, allies to him.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@@Commander Tangent,


Violet snuggled into Icarus's hug, "I..They are, that's why the nightmares were so terrible, To have ponies who you considered to be family turn on you like that.." She looks at him puzzled when he said the word decepticons, "W-what's a decepticon? I-I've never heard that word before."


She then rubs her head, feeling a headache coming on, "Ugh, why do I feel like I have a hang over... Last thing I remember is being scolded by Aixi, then blacking out and then this... What happened?"  She asks, then suddenly jumps up running to the bathroom and throwing up in the sink she tastes the vodka in her throat, "No! No! NO! Please tell me I didn't get drunk... Or that I didn't do something... stupid while being drunk!" She pleads to Icarus, in between throwing up. A few minutes later she finishes throwing up and reaches for the mouthwash to wash the taste out. She then goes back to Icarus and sighs, 


Kissing him lightly on the muzzle she asks him, "Icarus, may I ask you something, and please be honest with me. What do you love about me? Is it just my body that you love?"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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ICarus scoffed at the question.


"Vile mechanical beings from the world of Cybertron. They were led by one robot, whom called himself Megatron. They took over their home planet of Cybertron by crushing the good guys, known as the Autobots. They ruthlessly murdered billions. It's.... a story for another day. And no, you simply blacked out, I would never take advantage of you while you were drunk for anything, love. As for your second question, that is part of it yes, you are extremely beautiful, and have a massive sexual appeal to you. But more than that, you just seemed so nice and caring. So at first, it was your body, but in the end, what really attracted me and reeled me in was your personality. Your soul, who you are. You are an amazing person, Violet. That's what sealed the deal and made me madly in love with you, your personality." He said nuzzling her, and coming in for a tight hug. And after a few seconds, Icarus moved his muzzle in and kissed Violet on the lips, just for a second. Though he wished he could have kissed her a bit longer.



"Anyways Love, Aixi wants to see you, and she is not mad at us, she is actually very happy for us that we found love, so do not worry" He said licking her cheek.

Edited by Commander Tangent

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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@Commander Tangent,


Aixi took a good look at the pair and scoffed to herself the intentions were pure none the less but love after not even a day seemed to be a little much. Before she left she said, "I do not mean to be rude, that is not my intention, saving my world is. You both have some personal things to discuss, if she wishes to speak to me she may come and find me. I can explain chasing tale then." Aixi laughed at the whole ordeal.

Turning to leave she added, "I am not angry in the slightest, more or less, I am disappointed. Not that my opinion matters, it rarely does. I just wish you two could have had a little more tact. I am very happy for you both." She turned around and winked.

"You have to remember I need to hold this together it's my job to make sure every pony is alright. I am happy for you both, just as Night is. Remember it can't be easy for him either, and he has handled it exceptionally well. You know why? He loved her so much he was willing to let go so she could be happy.. Just remember that. It is really all I ask, just be sensitive towards his feelings, and do send her my way when she wakes up." Aixi finished looking at her friend with pitty.

"I suppose she will need a hug." Aixi finished with a smile exiting the room.


As she closed the door behind her she sighed, "Goodness me, was that ever tiring."


Mr. Critical

With that alas taken care of she trotted off to find Critic. It didn't matter that the others had not a clue as to where they were headed. They didn't seem to care in the slightest bit, but she knew she should inform Critic, he was the one commanding the ship so to speak.


Happily she trotted off in search of her pony, the whole love thing was starting to really get to her, heck she was having Critic's foal and she wasn't even sure if she loved him. 'I mean I love him, but I have been hurt by love in the past so badly. I just don't know if I have the capability of doing it again...' Her thoughts trailed of in a disgruntled tangled web.


Finally she came across him at last he was in the control room staring at the large screen, he didn't seem to notice her come in.

Aixi giggled to herself deciding to take advantage of this opportune moment. Creeping up behind him she playfully place her hooves over his eyes, "Guess who." She said her best dark and mysterious voice.

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Critical was setting up the coordinates to go and find a place to relax. He could feel the sadness in the tardis. Something had happened. He could feel the sadness course through him. Shaking that thought from his head, he went back to calibrating the tardis so they won't fly into a warzone. Releasing the static anchor he activated the dematerialization process. They were in the time vortex and he began to look for someplace to relax. But he felt hooves grasp his face. He heard the semi familiar voice. He gave a smile.


"Ummmm... is it, Arch Mage Skallo."
He took the hooves off his face to find his lover.

"No, even better. The sexiest mare in existence."
He gave her a kiss and went back to the controls. He needed some time to relax and he was sure the others could as well.

"So beautiful, where shall we go. Any where you wish to go. I know of a lovely spa resort with the building made from fire rubies. The residence there use tentacle based massage. Which are way better than hooves."

He began to look for other locations to visit.

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@@Commander Tangent,


Violet smiled and kissed Icarus back, "Good, because if you had said solely my body, then it wouldn't work out between us." She thinks for a while, "I'll talk with her before we reach our destination, and are you sure she's happy? She and Night both sounded really upset and angry about it all." She snuggles under the cloak, it was warm and soft, but not as warm and soft as Icarus's fur. She smiles up at him, "I'll wait a little while longer, make sure the alcohol has completely left my system, I don't want to accidentally throw up on her, now do I?" she lets out a light giggle, and saw the necklace box on the floor and thinks of Night Song, she looks at Icarus and smiles, "Love, I think we should go find Night Song, and talk with him, though I think that Nightstrike pony may be with him, and I don't know how he would react to see us two together. But better they find out now than later."


Without waiting for a reply, she grabs his hoof and leads him to the door. They then begin their search for Night Song.




They soon find him and Violet does her best to smile for him, "N...Night Song?" she asks a little timidly, "T..there's something, I..We want to say to you." She says looking at Icarus for support 


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Mr. Critical

Aixi smiled, "I was opposed to going off and relaxing. It just doesn't seem as if we deserve it.. But you know what I sure in heck could use it." 

Aixi giggled thinking about all the places they could go. "Tenticles sound nice. But I would prefer to see the wonders of a planet. Critic I just want to be alone with you for a little bit so we can talk and figure a couple things out. Could you send us to a resort so the other can have fun but we could go off and be alone for a bit? I would really appreciate that." Aixi smiled.


She wrapped her hooves around him and smiled, "I am going to be a mommy." She blushed softly both fearful and excited.


@Commander Tangent@Raiden NightSong

Night stared at the two they had come to him, "What is it that you both want? I thought we were done. I am moving on, I am real happy for you to Vi. Really I am." He stammered not quite sure what else to say.

'Really she had to go and break my heart, what else is there to say? I honestly thought we were done. I would like to be done and move on.' His thoughts were angered and a little annoyed.

'This whole thing just seems quite immature.' He looked down at the two awaiting for whatever it was they had to say. 

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Icarus was taken be surprise when he was pulled out of the door suddenly by Violet. In the spare seconds he had, he grabbed his cloak and threw it around himself. 


After a bit of searching, the eventually ran into Night Song. He looked like he had been hit by a Decepticon brute. 


"Night, I just wanted to say thank you. Oh god thank you so much for allowing me a chance with Violet. I'll take really good care of her romantically. I will treat her with all the love that she deserves and more. " Icarus said happily to Night, hoping he would not take what he was saying harshly. If Night acted aggressively and out of sorrow, it would only sadden both Icarus and Violet to see him like that.


Eventually Icarus hoped that he and Night could be friends, but until things were more stable between them, he would wait on that. He was hopeful that if Night took this well, the others would begin to accept him, rather than scoff and shun him for taking someone elses mare. In any case, he was glad he got to be with Violet.

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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"Then you shall have what you wish."

Critical flipped a few switches and they flew off into the time vortex. Within a few minutes, they will arrive at their destination. Giving Aixi and Critical a chance to talk for a while.

"Okay Aixi. We should be at the Blue Ruby resort in a few minutes. Until then, I have a few rules to go over. One": don't tell any thing you are a time traveler. Trust me, they get really Pleadie. Rule two: Don't take anything. I don't want to mix the technologies. IT can have some major consequences. Rule Three: Don't freak out at their appearances. Some have complexion issues and can get... emotional."

He looked into her pretty eyes.


"While we wait. Do you want to talk now. We have a bit before we land. We can continue our conversation in the resort."
He gave her a soft kiss.

"You're going to be a mommy, and I'll be his daddy. By your side the whole way. So, what shall we discuss. You have my full attention."


(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sssssssssssssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yyy)

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@Raiden NightSong@Commander Tangent,


Night looked at the pair, so that was it. He wanted to thank him for "handing" her off. This angered Night. "Now you look here I want Vi to be happy. She will forever be my love." He looked down sadly as he said this for he knew she did not feel the same.

"But I do want the best for her and if you make her happy, well then that is good enough for me, but you watch your tounge! She is not a possesion, she is a beautiful strong pony who makes her own choices. She is not something you posess or even I. Treat her well." He said this resisting the urge to smack the new pony.

'Why was I so blind? I could have stopped this, prevented this if only I was better to her.'  He thought sadly looking into Violets eyes.

He wrapped his hooves around her and whispered. "I am sorry."

Letting goes he held her gaze, "Vi, I will always love you. I just want you to be happy, I know this is erm, rather inapropraite but.." He paused unsure if he should or not.

'What the hay.' He thought

He bent low and kissed her cheek, "Fare well, I pray that you are happy."

Looking back at the pair he finished, "I am happy for the both of you. Really I am." He said this extending a hoof to the doctor.



Mr. Critical


Aixi stood, almost worried with what she would say, ultimatly his response would depict her next actions. 


She took a deep breath before starting. "Critic I am going to give birth to a beautiful foal, I am filled with such joy. I always wanted to be a mom. I fear though my time with it will not be long. I fear that you will have to raise it yourself. You are going to have to teach it things, everything including my history. it may have my powers and if it does you will need to guid it."

Shee looked down at her belly and smiled, "I think it will be a little girl. I don't know why. Just a feeling." 


"If you do not wish to raise her, her god father Horus can. He is knowledgable and will be able to teach her everything. She would be in excellent care, never go a day without comforts. I just want you to know that you don't have to take responsibility for my mistakes." She finished feeling sad.


Aixi wanted to be there to raise her baby, she knew that she couldn't it wasn't her purpose, but the child gave her hope that dieing wasn't the only things she would be good for. I want you to think about it, we can talk more at the resort.. I am going to go let every pony know where we are headed I will be back before we land alright?" With that all said Aixi rushed away from the room the topic left a sour taste in her mouth and she didn't want to hear his answer right now. It was just too much to think about. 


She left feeling overwhelmed and paniced.

As she wandered the halls she came across her old room. As she oppened the door she relaxed the familiar setting from her mind began rearanging the room to resemble home. Walking up to the tree in the center of the room she collapsed and began to sob. Holding her belly she cried out, "My dear, I am so sorry please, please forgive me."

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