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Why Is Luna Loved So Much?

Hive King

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Well I mean, seeing where she came from. Everypony adored her older sister, because she provided the sun. But they could not show appreciation to her night, withought night the land would overheat, ponies would not be able to sleep. Yes she only noticed ponies sleeping in her beautiful night but there is no canon proof that these ponies tried to show appreciation for Luna's night. I for one love the night the cold it brings the tranquility, and the smells. But I do not obsession with her. She is also a lot cuter.

Bu-but....Celestia....that plot. Lol

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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@@Dark Heart

Read the comics, the Nightmare buffs Rarity from being rather weak to being near Twilight in power. 


Sending Luna to the Moon was the only option, the Elements don't seem to exactly follow any orders, just do what is necessary to stop the threat. In Luna's case, that meant sending her to the Moon. And Nightmare moon wasn't Luna anyway.



The problem is that even before being infected, Luna was smashing balconies and raising the Moon without permission

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@ Evil Dragon Master 

For what i heard the comics is not really faithful to the show, but ill give it a tried if i find a website the host it nonetheless.


I still don't believe that the elements "Can't" be control, not only can they be manipulated but they haven't show any hints of having a personality or self awareness to come to the conclusion that they have a mind of their own, since When they needed to stop Discord it stop him, when they needed to Defeat nightmare moon it responded, again vs discord both defeat and "De-stoned" him.


And they can be manipulated to the point were a a spell that change the destiny's of the mane six actually affected the EOA, So rather i would like to think that the EOA respond to the desire of the holders rather than what the EOA itself wants so if thats the case sending luna to the moon seem like a harsh desire, but again i'm only base myself of the show, that's the feel i got but ill tried to read the comic to see whats up whit the Nightmare thing.


I wish it doesn't spoil anything for future episode tho  :okiedokielokie: 


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I'm not a huge fan of Luna, but she's my favorite Princess.


I like her because she isn't perfect. She had a dark past with jealousy, rage, and then had some serious confrontation/drama with her sister. I like how she apologized for her mistakes and replaced her feelings of hatred with love and acceptance.


I think a lot of bronies can connect with her because everyone is (at times) a pent up ball of angst. Sometimes people can feel neglected, ignored, or invisible, and eventually they'll get pissed off about it. These are emotions and experiences that they can extrapolate from Luna's/Nightmare Moon's story.


Plus most can agree that her out-of-place character in S2 was hilariously adorable.

  • Brohoof 1


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Why do people love Luna love so much? I don't mean her character, that's a matter of opinion and I actually like Luna's personality, I mean why the fans constantly paint her as the better of the royal sisters while Celestia is a tyrant. 


Let's look at their canon feats


Luna: Attempted Genocide

Was upset because ponies slept


Celestia: Refused to fight Nightmare Moon even when it was clear that Nightmare Moon wasn't her sister

Didn't bust out the Elements until she had no choice


Now, if you like Luna, that's fine, I like her too. My problem lies in those who justify her actions and glorify her as only misunderstood and that Celestia was evil. 


So yeah, discuss what you think of Luna's actions and her fanbase's reaction to them


I totally agree with you. There are people out there who look at Celestia being evil because of the NMM incident. They are wrong. You should really like Luna because I think, in reality, the difficulties that she had merging back into society can be related to pretty much anyone.

  • Brohoof 1
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Luna is my second favorite pony after Twilight, but I've never given her a pass, or tried to make light of what she did. I certainly never bothered with the Celestia conspiracy theories or new Luna republic stuff. I loved her in Luna Eclipsed and to be honest she's kick ass and beautiful. She's like the goth girl I never got the chance to date. ;) LOL


My favorite description of what happened to Luna is in the song Lullaby for a Princess and Luna's reply. Ep4 1&2 did little to explain what caused her fall. Which for Bronies can be considered a loss.

Edited by Nature's Spell
  • Brohoof 2

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Possibly because Luna has flaws and attempts to overcome them. Luna is also portrayed as sort of an "underdog". She's sort of re-building herself back to where she once was, but with so much change it makes it much more difficult than it seems. People want to see her prove herself, and achieve the praise respect of others. Honestly it's a goal commonly shared by many people. She has inner-conflict, needed development, and isn't perfect. People like flawed characters, it's what makes them interesting.


Celestia on the other hand is the picture of perfection. She has no flaw. Beauty, talent, brains, leadership, etc. People find characters like that boring, and some just straight up resent characters like that. However, being a Luna fan, I've never once disliked Celestia, or what she did to Luna. The question is, was it really Celestia's fault for the ponies loving her while Luna was only in her shadow? Perhaps it was the ponies not being appreciative of Luna's hard work. It's understandable in a way to see why Luna acted out. Celestia should've considered her sister's feelings, but Luna also could've just talked it out with Celestia as well.

Edited by takai
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I feel if Luna's personality were actually well defined she wouldn't be even a fourth as popular as she is now, its ridiculous but I feel she's popular pretty much because of Fanon and headcanons.


o and people who honestly think Celestia is a tyrant who banished her sister unjustly or doesn't care about her are idiots, especially after the S4 opener.

  • Brohoof 1


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Luna is popular because, when we saw her in Luna Eclipsed we felt sorry for her because she was trying to fit in for not being used to the modern time of Equestria. Then, we started to get to know her and having the personality that she has now makes you think on why she is popular.

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Main reason to like her: Princess of the Night

Additional reasons: Appearance, her misunderstanding of the situation on Nightmare Night oh and ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE. That being said, I will gladly serve under Princess Luna.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by: Kyoshi

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Main reason to like her: Princess of the Night


Additional reasons: Appearance, her misunderstanding of the situation on Nightmare Night oh and ROYAL CANTERLOT VOICE. That being said, I will gladly serve under Princess Luna.


that reminds me i wonder if theirs a way to get the royal canterlot we voice on audicity.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Also am I the only one who absolutely hates the concept of the Nightmare Forces? I think Luna is far more interesting if Nightmare Moon was HER and entirely her, not some force that possessed her. I like characters that make their own mistakes no matter how large they may be under their own will. It just feels more real and if you are doing a redemption story just makes makes it feel more meaningful.

  • Brohoof 2


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I like Luna because she's adorable. In the Nightmare Night episode, her ROYEL CANTARLOT VOICE!! was hilarious, and when she stopped using it, she became adorable Just listen to that line. When she first stops using her Royal Canterlot Voice. Listen to that line, she sounds just like an awkward and shy and confused and adorable teenaged girl that has no idea what she's doing, but still she just wants to fit in with society and be loved. 

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To everyone, I'M NOT ASKING WHY YOU LIKE LUNA! I'm asking why people excuse her actions as Nightmare Moon and portray her as good while Celestia was evil. 


Sorry for the Caps Lock, just felt the need to get my point across

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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To everyone, I'M NOT ASKING WHY YOU LIKE LUNA! I'm asking why people excuse her actions as Nightmare Moon and portray her as good while Celestia was evil.


Sorry for the Caps Lock, just felt the need to get my point across

Who is doing that? I've never heard anybody on here defend her, but I think the answer you're seeking would be similar to why people like her. They think Celestia was/is a tyrant and was at fault for what happened, etc. Edited by Nature's Spell

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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@@Nature's Spell

Just go to the "Children of the Night" and "Daylight's End" videos and you'll see fanatic Luna defenders in the comments

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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It's because Luna's a character with much more depth and thus potential than Celestia. I mean, Celestia's just kind of portrayed as the monarch and that's it. With Luna's backstory there's conflict, wrong decisions, redemption, the idea of trying to come back to society, and all in all people just like that more than just a character that we can only assume is just meant to be perfect. And no one likes that (otherwise we'd all have been watching the previous series am I right folks?)

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I liked G1 but anyway, that's not what I'm asking. 


I'm asking why people excuse Luna's actions and paint her as a misunderstood hero while Celestia is an evil tyrant. It should be the other way around. 


I like Luna's character, but I do not think that she was heroic or justified in anyway

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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@@Nature's Spell,

Just go to the "Children of the Night" and "Daylight's End" videos and you'll see fanatic Luna defenders in the comments

It was a retorical question. ;) If you've read those than I don't understand why you're still asking the question.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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@@Nature's Spell

No, I mean that I just run into people saying "Luna was justified, Celestia was an evil bitch, Luna was just misunderstood, Equestria would be better off with her as ruler, she's so much nicer than douchebag Celestia, etc" 


What I'm asking is why they excuse her actions and villainize Celestia

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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I liked G1 but anyway, that's not what I'm asking.


I'm asking why people excuse Luna's actions and paint her as a misunderstood hero while Celestia is an evil tyrant. It should be the other way around.


I like Luna's character, but I do not think that she was heroic or justified in anyway

People have answered you but you're not accepting the answers. Celestia is thought to be at fault simply because she acts too perfect and never admits when she's wrong and some may use the horrible expression Mary Sue. This fandom is almost allergic to characters like that even when they aren't really that at all. Edited by Nature's Spell
  • Brohoof 1

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


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I liked G1 but anyway, that's not what I'm asking. 


I'm asking why people excuse Luna's actions and paint her as a misunderstood hero while Celestia is an evil tyrant. It should be the other way around. 


I like Luna's character, but I do not think that she was heroic or justified in anyway


Oh I don't excuse her actions at all lol. She was a piece of shit who let her jealousy get the better of her and took that path.



What I don't like about the whole situation is that, basically, the show told us it was ok to effectively brainwash our enemeies to be good. I mean think about it, Twilight Sparkle even said "I saw the elements turn her back to good". That's actually kind of messed up. I know the comics paint her to be possessed but the kids watching the show don't know that. You can't just go ZAP! and make someone agree with you and come to your side.

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