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Embed videos into the "About Me" section

Go to solution Solved by King,

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I tried using the usual [MEDIA ] youtube link [ /MEDIA] (without spaces of course) trick but that doesn't seem to work. Is the site just bugged right now or is there a different way to do it?

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I have noticed this as well. I believe the sites downtime from a few days ago caused not only that but several other bugs that are wrong with the websites system. The staffs primary goal was to restore the site and get it working again. It's been mentioned by a Staff member that ever since the first site error occurred they have been working on resolving the issues it's caused. A few bugs I've experienced have been fixed. I trust then that the staff are working on the issues as mentioned. The bug should be fixed overtime.

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I'm fairly certain this is a site-wide issue since everything borked last week. All past embedded YouTube videos that I've seen have turned into URLs and trying to post videos now only causes the link to appear. Wouldn't be surprised if the tech people were aware of this, but I'll make a ticket just in case.

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Personally I use [ youtube ] tags, give those a shot.


Also, while it probably won't work, try stripping out all the useless GET arguments out of the URL, so in this URL...

htt p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdTM22O1iqw&list=TLSini71pgmBbSix0cmrKJuffXnhsbenDt

remove everything after that watch part except from ?v=blahblahstuff123, so you'd end up with...

htt p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdTM22O1iqw



(Spaces inserted in the http part so it doesn't automatically do stuffs)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just attempted to embed a youtube video into my about me section using the media tag, and I had no issues doing so. Are you still experiencing any issues doing so?

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  • 1 month later...

This issue has since been resolved by the Technical Administration so Im going to go ahead and lock this thread up now.
If anyone continues to experience a technical issue, please place in a Support Ticket.

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  • 6 years later...

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We have confirmed the issue and were able to resolve it quickly. We will be marking this as closed. 

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